public function execute()
     global $wgExternalSharedDB;
     $this->output("md5 calculation started ... \n");
     $this->time = time();
     $migrated = 0;
     $limit = $this->getOption('limit', -1);
     $debug = $this->hasOption('debug');
     $wikis = $this->getOption('wiki', '');
     $this->db = $this->getDB(DB_SLAVE, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB);
     $where = array();
     if (!empty($wikis)) {
         $where['city_id'] = explode(',', $wikis);
     $order = $this->hasOption('reverse') ? " DESC" : "";
     $res = $this->db->select(array('city_list'), array('city_id', 'city_dbname'), $where, __CLASS__, array_merge(array('ORDER BY' => "city_last_timestamp{$order}, city_id{$order}"), $limit > 0 ? array('LIMIT' => $limit) : array()));
     $this->output("Building list of wiki IDs...\n");
     $queue = array();
     while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
         $id = intval($row->city_id);
         $dbname = $row->city_dbname;
         $queue[$id] = $dbname;
     $this->output(sprintf("Scheduling %d wikis for migration...\n", count($queue)));
     $this->output("\nRun migrateImagesToSwift script \n");
     $this->output("Building list of processes to run...\n");
     $processes = array();
     foreach ($queue as $id => $dbname) {
         $processes[] = $this->getProcess($id);
     $threads = $this->getOption('threads', self::THREADS_DEFAULT);
     $this->output("Using {$threads} threads...\n");
     $runner = new \Wikia\Swift\Process\Runner($processes, $threads);
     $this->output(sprintf("\nMigrated %d Wikis in %s\n", $migrated, Wikia::timeDuration(time() - $this->time)));
 * run backup for range of wikis
function runBackups($from, $to, $full, $options)
    global $IP, $wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath, $wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath, $wgMaxShellTime, $wgMaxShellFileSize, $wgDumpsDisabledWikis;
    $range = array();
     * shortcut for full & current together
    $both = isset($options["both"]) ? true : false;
     * store backup in another folder, not available for users
    $hide = isset($options["hide"]) ? true : false;
     * silly trick, if we have id defined we are defining $from & $to from it
     * if we have db param defined we first resolve which id is connected to this
     * database
    if (isset($options["db"]) && is_string($options["db"])) {
        $city_id = WikiFactory::DBtoID($options["db"]);
        if ($city_id) {
            $from = $to = $city_id;
    } elseif (isset($options["id"]) && is_numeric($options["id"])) {
        $from = $to = $options["id"];
    } elseif (isset($options["even"])) {
        $range[] = "city_id % 2 = 0";
        $range[] = "city_public = 1";
    } elseif (isset($options["odd"])) {
        $range[] = "city_id % 2 <> 0";
        $range[] = "city_public = 1";
    } else {
         * if all only for active
        $range[] = "city_public = 1";
     * exclude wikis with dumps disabled
    if (!empty($wgDumpsDisabledWikis) && is_array($wgDumpsDisabledWikis)) {
        $range[] = 'city_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $wgDumpsDisabledWikis) . ')';
     * switch off limits for dumps
    $wgMaxShellTime = 0;
    $wgMaxShellFileSize = 0;
    if ($from !== false && $to !== false) {
        $range[] = sprintf("city_id >= %d AND city_id < %d", $from, $to);
        Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "Running from {$from} to {$to}", true, true);
    } else {
        Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "Running for all wikis", true, true);
    $dbw = Wikifactory::db(DB_MASTER);
    $sth = $dbw->select(array("city_list"), array("city_id", "city_dbname"), $range, __METHOD__, array("ORDER BY" => "city_id"));
    while ($row = $dbw->fetchObject($sth)) {
         * get cluster for this wiki
        $cluster = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName("wgDBcluster", $row->city_id);
        $server = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE, 'dumps', $row->city_dbname)->getProperty("mServer");
         * build command
        $status = false;
        $basedir = getDirectory($row->city_dbname, $hide);
        if ($full || $both) {
            $path = sprintf("%s/pages_full.xml.gz", $basedir);
            $time = wfTime();
            Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname} {$path}", true, true);
            $cmd = array("SERVER_ID={$row->city_id}", "php", "{$IP}/maintenance/dumpBackup.php", "--conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath}", "--aconf {$wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath}", "--full", "--xml", "--quiet", "--server={$server}", "--output=gzip:{$path}");
            wfShellExec(implode(" ", $cmd), $status);
            $time = Wikia::timeDuration(wfTime() - $time);
            Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname} status: {$status}, time: {$time}", true, true);
        if (!$full || $both) {
            $path = sprintf("%s/pages_current.xml.gz", $basedir);
            $time = wfTime();
            Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname} {$path}", true, true);
            $cmd = array("SERVER_ID={$row->city_id}", "php", "{$IP}/maintenance/dumpBackup.php", "--conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath}", "--aconf {$wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath}", "--current", "--xml", "--quiet", "--server={$server}", "--output=gzip:{$path}");
            wfShellExec(implode(" ", $cmd), $status);
            $time = Wikia::timeDuration(wfTime() - $time);
            Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname} status: {$status}, time: {$time}", true, true);
         * generate index.json
        $jsonfile = sprintf("%s/index.json", $basedir);
        $json = array();
         * open dir and read info about files
        if (is_dir($basedir)) {
            $dh = opendir($basedir);
            while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                $fullpath = $basedir . "/" . $file;
                if (is_file($fullpath)) {
                    $json[$file] = array("name" => $file, "timestamp" => filectime($fullpath), "mwtimestamp" => wfTimestamp(TS_MW, filectime($fullpath)));
        if (count($json)) {
            file_put_contents($jsonfile, json_encode($json));
 public function execute()
     global $wgExternalSharedDB, $wgWikiaDatacenter;
     $this->output("Wikis migration started ... \n");
     $this->time = time();
     $migrated = 0;
     $limit = $this->getOption('limit', -1);
     $debug = $this->hasOption('debug');
     $force = $this->hasOption('force');
     $wikis = $this->getOption('wiki', null);
     $forceAll = $this->hasOption('all');
     $this->dryRun = $this->hasOption('dry-run');
     $this->noDeletes = $this->hasOption('no-deletes');
     $this->calculateMd5 = $this->hasOption('md5');
     $this->syncSecondary = $this->hasOption('sync');
     if ($this->syncSecondary) {
         $force = true;
         $forceAll = true;
     $this->dc = $this->getOption('dc', 'sjc,res');
     # don't migrate top 200 Wikis
     $top200Wikis = array();
     if (!$forceAll) {
         $top200Wikis = DataMartService::getWAM200Wikis();
         if (count($top200Wikis) != 200) {
             $this->output("Number of Top 200 Wikis is different than 200 !\n");
         if ($debug) {
             $this->output("Top 200 Wikis: " . implode(", ", $top200Wikis) . "\n");
     # don't migrate &
     $this->disabled_wikis = array_merge($top200Wikis, $this->disabled_wikis);
     foreach ($this->disabled_wikis as $k => $v) {
         $this->disabled_wikis[$k] = intval($v);
     if ($this->syncSecondary) {
         $this->disabled_wikis = array();
     $wikiIds = null;
     if ($wikis !== null) {
         $wikiIds = array();
         foreach (explode(',', $wikis) as $id) {
             if (is_numeric($id) && $id >= 0) {
                 $wikiIds[] = $id;
         if (count($wikiIds) == 0) {
             $wikiIds = null;
     $this->db = $this->getDB(DB_SLAVE, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB);
     $order = $this->hasOption('reverse') ? " DESC" : "";
     $res = $this->db->select(array('city_list', 'city_variables'), array('city_id', 'city_dbname'), array_merge(array('city_public' => 1), !$force ? array('cv_value is null or cv_value != "b:1;"') : array(), is_array($wikiIds) ? array('city_id' => $wikiIds) : array()), __CLASS__, array_merge(array('ORDER BY' => "city_last_timestamp{$order}, city_id{$order}"), $limit > 0 ? array('LIMIT' => $limit) : array()), array('city_variables' => array('LEFT JOIN', 'city_list.city_id = city_variables.cv_city_id and cv_variable_id = 1334')));
     $this->output(sprintf("Found %d wikis in database...\n", $res->numRows()));
     $this->output("Building list of wiki IDs...\n");
     $removedCount = 0;
     $queue = array();
     while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
         $id = intval($row->city_id);
         $dbname = $row->city_dbname;
         if (!in_array($id, $this->disabled_wikis)) {
             $queue[$id] = $dbname;
         } else {
     $this->output(sprintf("Skipped %d wikis that are on blacklist...\n", $removedCount));
     $this->output(sprintf("Scheduling %d wikis for migration...\n", count($queue)));
     if ($this->hasOption('stats-only')) {
     $this->output("\nRun migrateImagesToSwift script \n");
     $this->output("Building list of processes to run...\n");
     $processes = array();
     foreach ($queue as $id => $dbname) {
         if ($this->calculateMd5) {
             $process = $this->getMd5Process($id, $dbname);
         } elseif ($this->syncSecondary) {
             $process = $this->getSyncProcess($id, $dbname);
         } else {
             $process = $this->getMigrationProcess($id, $dbname);
         $processes[] = $process;
     $threads = $this->getOption('threads', self::THREADS_DEFAULT);
     $threads = intval($threads);
     $threadDelay = $this->getOption('delay', self::DELAY_DEFAULT);
     $threadDelay = intval($threadDelay);
     $this->output("Using {$threads} threads...\n");
     $runner = new \Wikia\Swift\Process\Runner($processes, $threads, $threadDelay);
     $this->output(sprintf("\nMigrated %d Wikis in %s\n", $migrated, Wikia::timeDuration(time() - $this->time)));
  * Puts the specified file to Amazon S3 storage
  * if $bPublic, the file will be available for all users
  * if $sMimeType is set then the specified mime tipe is set, otherwise
  *      let AmazonS3 decide on mime type.
 public static function putToAmazonS3($sPath, $bPublic = true, $sMimeType = null)
     $time = wfTime();
     $sDestination = wfEscapeShellArg('s3://wikia_xml_dumps/' . DumpsOnDemand::getPath(basename($sPath)));
     $sPath = wfEscapeShellArg($sPath);
     $sCmd = 'sudo /usr/bin/s3cmd -c /root/.s3cfg --add-header=Content-Disposition:attachment';
     if (!is_null($sMimeType)) {
         $sMimeType = wfEscapeShellArg($sMimeType);
         $sCmd .= " --mime-type={$sMimeType}";
     $sCmd .= $bPublic ? ' --acl-public' : '';
     $sCmd .= " put {$sPath} {$sDestination}";
     wfShellExec($sCmd, $iStatus);
     $time = Wikia::timeDuration(wfTime() - $time);
     Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "Put {$sPath} to Amazon S3 storage: status: {$iStatus}, time: {$time}", true, true);
     return $iStatus;
 public function execute()
     global $wgCityId, $wgExternalSharedDB;
     // force migration of wikis with read-only mode
     if (wfReadOnly()) {
         global $wgReadOnly;
         $wgReadOnly = false;
     $dbr = $this->getDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $isForced = $this->hasOption('force');
     $isDryRun = $this->hasOption('dry-run');
     // one migration is enough
     global $wgEnableSwiftFileBackend, $wgEnableUploads, $wgDBname;
     if (!empty($wgEnableSwiftFileBackend) && !$isForced) {
         $this->error("\$wgEnableSwiftFileBackend = true - new files storage already enabled on {$wgDBname} wiki!", 1);
     if (empty($wgEnableUploads) && !$isForced) {
         $this->error("\$wgEnableUploads = false - migration is already running on {$wgDBname} wiki!", 1);
     // get images count
     $tables = ['filearchive' => 'fa_size', 'image' => 'img_size', 'oldimage' => 'oi_size'];
     foreach ($tables as $table => $sizeField) {
         $row = $dbr->selectRow($table, ['count(*) AS cnt', "SUM({$sizeField}) AS size"], [], __METHOD__);
         $this->output(sprintf("* %s:\t%d images (%d MB)\n", $table, $row->cnt, round($row->size / 1024 / 1024)));
         $this->imagesCnt += $row->cnt;
         $this->imagesSize += $row->size;
     $this->output(sprintf("\n%d image(s) (%d MB) will be migrated (should take ~ %s with %d kB/s / ~ %s with %d files/sec)...\n", $this->imagesCnt, round($this->imagesSize / 1024 / 1024), Wikia::timeDuration($this->imagesSize / 1024 / self::KB_PER_SEC), self::KB_PER_SEC, Wikia::timeDuration($this->imagesCnt / self::FILES_PER_SEC), self::FILES_PER_SEC));
     if ($this->hasOption('stats-only')) {
     // ok, so let's start...
     $this->time = time();
     self::log(__CLASS__, 'migration started', self::LOG_MIGRATION_PROGRESS);
     // wait a bit to prevent deadlocks (from 0 to 2 sec)
     usleep(mt_rand(0, 2000) * 1000);
     // lock the wiki
     $dbw = $this->getDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB);
     if (!$isDryRun) {
         $dbw->replace('city_image_migrate', ['city_id'], ['city_id' => $wgCityId, 'locked' => 1], __CLASS__);
     // block uploads via WikiFactory
     if (!$isDryRun) {
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgEnableUploads', $wgCityId, false, self::REASON);
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgUploadMaintenance', $wgCityId, true, self::REASON);
         $this->output("Uploads and image operations disabled\n\n");
     } else {
         $this->output("Performing dry run...\n\n");
     // prepare the list of files to migrate to new storage
     // (a) current revisions of images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nA) Current revisions of images - /images\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('image', ['img_name AS name', 'img_size AS size', 'img_sha1 AS hash', 'img_major_mime AS major_mime', 'img_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getImagePath($row);
         $this->copyFile($path, $row);
     // (b) old revisions of images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nB) Old revisions of images - /archive\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('oldimage', ['oi_name AS name', 'oi_archive_name AS archived_name', 'oi_size AS size', 'oi_sha1 AS hash', 'oi_major_mime AS major_mime', 'oi_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getOldImagePath($row);
         $this->copyFile($path, $row);
     // (c) deleted images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nC) Deleted images - /deleted\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('filearchive', ['fa_name AS name', 'fa_storage_key AS storage_key', 'fa_size AS size', 'fa_major_mime AS major_mime', 'fa_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getRemovedImagePath($row);
         $this->copyFile($path, $row);
     // stats per DC
     $statsPerDC = [];
     foreach ($this->timePerDC as $dc => $time) {
         $statsPerDC[] = sprintf("%s took %s", $dc, Wikia::timeDuration(round($time)));
     // summary
     $totalTime = time() - $this->time;
     $report = sprintf('Migrated %d files (%d MB) with %d fails in %s (%.2f files/sec, %.2f kB/s) - DCs: %s', $this->migratedImagesCnt, round($this->migratedImagesSize / 1024 / 1024), $this->migratedImagesFailedCnt, Wikia::timeDuration($totalTime), floor($this->imagesCnt) / (time() - $this->time), $this->migratedImagesSize / 1024 / (time() - $this->time), join(', ', $statsPerDC));
     self::log(__CLASS__, 'migration completed - ' . $report, self::LOG_MIGRATION_PROGRESS);
     // if running in --dry-run, leave now
     if ($isDryRun) {
         $this->output("\nDry run completed!\n");
     // unlock the wiki
     $dbw->replace('city_image_migrate', ['city_id'], ['city_id' => $wgCityId, 'locked' => 0], __CLASS__);
     // update wiki configuration
     // enable Swift storage via WikiFactory
     WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgEnableSwiftFileBackend', $wgCityId, true, sprintf('%s - migration took %s', self::REASON, Wikia::timeDuration($totalTime)));
     $this->output("\nNew storage enabled\n");
     // too short bucket name fix
     if ($this->shortBucketNameFixed) {
         global $wgUploadPath, $wgUploadDirectory, $wgUploadDirectoryNFS;
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgUploadPath', $wgCityId, $wgUploadPath, self::REASON);
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgUploadDirectory', $wgCityId, $wgUploadDirectory, self::REASON);
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgUploadDirectoryNFS', $wgCityId, $wgUploadDirectoryNFS, self::REASON);
         $this->output("\nNew upload directory set up\n");
     // enable uploads via WikiFactory
     // wgEnableUploads = true / wgUploadMaintenance = false (remove values from WF to give them the default value)
     WikiFactory::removeVarByName('wgEnableUploads', $wgCityId, self::REASON);
     WikiFactory::removeVarByName('wgUploadMaintenance', $wgCityId, self::REASON);
     $this->output("\nUploads and image operations enabled\n");
 public function execute()
     global $wgDBname, $wgCityId, $wgExternalSharedDB, $wgUploadDirectory, $wgUploadDirectoryNFS;
     $this->debug = $this->hasOption('debug');
     $this->logger = new \Wikia\Swift\Logger\Logger($this->debug ? 10 : 10, -1, 10);
     $this->logger->setFile('/var/log/migration/' . $wgDBname . '.log');
     $this->logger = $this->logger->prefix($wgDBname);
     // force migration of wikis with read-only mode
     if (wfReadOnly()) {
         global $wgReadOnly;
         $wgReadOnly = false;
     $dbr = $this->getDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $isForced = $this->hasOption('force');
     $isDryRun = $this->hasOption('dry-run');
     $this->useDiff = $this->getOption('diff', false);
     $this->useLocalFiles = $this->getOption('local', false);
     $this->useDeletes = !$this->hasOption('no-deletes');
     $this->threads = intval($this->getOption('threads', self::THREADS_DEFAULT));
     $this->threads = min(self::THREADS_MAX, max(1, $this->threads));
     $this->hammer = $this->getOption('hammer', null);
     $uploadDir = !empty($wgUploadDirectoryNFS) ? $wgUploadDirectoryNFS : $wgUploadDirectory;
     $uploadDir = $this->rewriteLocalPath($uploadDir);
     if (!is_dir($uploadDir)) {
         $this->fatal(__CLASS__, "Could not read the source directory: {$uploadDir}", self::LOG_MIGRATION_ERRORS);
     // just don't f**k everything!
     if ($this->useLocalFiles && !$isDryRun) {
         if (gethostname() !== 'file-s4') {
             $this->fatal(__CLASS__, "Incremental upload requires access to master file system (don't use --local)", self::LOG_MIGRATION_ERRORS);
     if (!empty($this->hammer) && !$isDryRun) {
         $this->fatal(__CLASS__, "Hammer option not supported when not using --dry-run", self::LOG_MIGRATION_ERRORS);
     // one migration is enough
     global $wgEnableSwiftFileBackend, $wgEnableUploads, $wgDBname;
     if (!empty($wgEnableSwiftFileBackend) && !$isForced) {
         $this->error("\$wgEnableSwiftFileBackend = true - new files storage already enabled on {$wgDBname} wiki!", 1);
     if (empty($wgEnableUploads) && !$isForced) {
         $this->error("\$wgEnableUploads = false - migration is already running on {$wgDBname} wiki!", 1);
     // get images count
     $tables = ['filearchive' => 'fa_size', 'image' => 'img_size', 'oldimage' => 'oi_size'];
     foreach ($tables as $table => $sizeField) {
         $row = $dbr->selectRow($table, ['count(*) AS cnt', "SUM({$sizeField}) AS size"], [], __METHOD__);
         $this->output(sprintf("* %s:\t%d images (%d MB)\n", $table, $row->cnt, round($row->size / 1024 / 1024)));
         $this->imagesCnt += $row->cnt;
         $this->imagesSize += $row->size;
     $this->output(sprintf("\n%d image(s) (%d MB) will be migrated (should take ~ %s with %d kB/s / ~ %s with %d files/sec)...\n", $this->imagesCnt, round($this->imagesSize / 1024 / 1024), Wikia::timeDuration($this->imagesSize / 1024 / self::KB_PER_SEC), self::KB_PER_SEC, Wikia::timeDuration($this->imagesCnt / self::FILES_PER_SEC), self::FILES_PER_SEC));
     if ($this->hasOption('stats-only')) {
     // ok, so let's start...
     $this->time = time();
     self::logWikia(__CLASS__, 'migration started', self::LOG_MIGRATION_PROGRESS);
     // wait a bit to prevent deadlocks (from 0 to 2 sec)
     usleep(mt_rand(0, 2000) * 1000);
     // lock the wiki
     $dbw = $this->getDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB);
     if (!$isDryRun) {
         $dbw->replace('city_image_migrate', ['city_id'], ['city_id' => $wgCityId, 'locked' => 1], __CLASS__);
     // block uploads via WikiFactory
     if (!$isDryRun) {
         register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'unlockWiki'));
         $this->areUploadsDisabled = true;
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgEnableUploads', $wgCityId, false, self::REASON);
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgUploadMaintenance', $wgCityId, true, self::REASON);
         $this->output("Uploads and image operations disabled\n\n");
         if ($this->hasOption('wait')) {
             $this->output("Sleeping for 180 seconds to let Apache finish uploads...\n");
     } else {
         $this->output("Performing dry run...\n\n");
     // prepare the list of files to migrate to new storage
     // (a) current revisions of images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nA) Current revisions of images - /images\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('image', ['img_name AS name', 'img_size AS size', 'img_sha1 AS hash', 'img_major_mime AS major_mime', 'img_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getImagePath($row);
         $this->queueFile($path, $row);
     // (b) old revisions of images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nB) Old revisions of images - /archive\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('oldimage', ['oi_name AS name', 'oi_archive_name AS archived_name', 'oi_size AS size', 'oi_sha1 AS hash', 'oi_major_mime AS major_mime', 'oi_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getOldImagePath($row);
         $this->queueFile($path, $row);
     // (c) deleted images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nC) Deleted images - /deleted\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('filearchive', ['fa_name AS name', 'fa_storage_key AS storage_key', 'fa_size AS size', 'fa_major_mime AS major_mime', 'fa_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getRemovedImagePath($row);
         $this->queueFile($path, $row);
     echo count($this->allFiles) . PHP_EOL;
     // stats per DC
     $statsPerDC = [];
     foreach ($this->timePerDC as $dc => $time) {
         $statsPerDC[] = sprintf("%s took %s", $dc, Wikia::timeDuration(round($time)));
     // summary
     $totalTime = time() - $this->time;
     $report = sprintf('Migrated %d files with %d fails in %s', $this->migratedImagesCnt, $this->migratedImagesFailedCnt, Wikia::timeDuration($totalTime));
     self::logWikia(__CLASS__, 'migration completed - ' . $report, self::LOG_MIGRATION_PROGRESS);
     // if running in --dry-run, leave now
     if ($isDryRun) {
         $this->output("\nDry run completed!\n");
     // unlock the wiki
     $dbw->replace('city_image_migrate', ['city_id'], ['city_id' => $wgCityId, 'locked' => 0], __CLASS__);
     $dbr = $this->getDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB);
     // update wiki configuration
     // enable Swift storage via WikiFactory
     WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgEnableSwiftFileBackend', $wgCityId, true, sprintf('%s - migration took %s', self::REASON, Wikia::timeDuration($totalTime)));
     $this->output("\nNew storage enabled\n");
     // too short bucket name fix
     if ($this->shortBucketNameFixed) {
         global $wgUploadPath, $wgUploadDirectory, $wgUploadDirectoryNFS;
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgUploadPath', $wgCityId, $wgUploadPath, self::REASON);
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgUploadDirectory', $wgCityId, $wgUploadDirectory, self::REASON);
         WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgUploadDirectoryNFS', $wgCityId, $wgUploadDirectoryNFS, self::REASON);
         $this->output("\nNew upload directory set up\n");
     // enable uploads via WikiFactory
     // wgEnableUploads = true / wgUploadMaintenance = false (remove values from WF to give them the default value)
     WikiFactory::removeVarByName('wgEnableUploads', $wgCityId, self::REASON);
     WikiFactory::removeVarByName('wgUploadMaintenance', $wgCityId, self::REASON);
     $this->areUploadsDisabled = false;
     $this->output("\nUploads and image operations enabled\n");
  * pack all images, use PEAR Archive_Tar for archive.
  * @access public
  * @param string $uploadDirectory path to images
  * @param string $dbname database name
  * @param int $cityid city ID
  * @return string path to created archive or false if not created
 public function tarFiles($directory, $dbname, $cityid)
     $swiftEnabled = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgEnableSwiftFileBackend', $cityid);
     $wgUploadPath = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgUploadPath', $cityid);
     if ($swiftEnabled) {
         // sync Swift container to the local directory
         $directory = sprintf("/tmp/images/{$dbname}/");
         $path = trim(parse_url($wgUploadPath, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
         $container = substr($path, 0, -7);
         // eg. poznan/pl
         $this->log(sprintf('Rsyncing images from "%s" Swift storage to "%s"...', $container, $directory));
         $time = wfTime();
         // s3cmd sync --dry-run s3://dilbert ~/images/dilbert/ --exclude "/thumb/*" --exclude "/temp/*"
         $cmd = sprintf('sudo /usr/bin/s3cmd -c %s sync s3://%s/images "%s" --exclude "/thumb/*" --exclude "/temp/*"', '/etc/s3cmd/sjc_prod.cfg', $container, $directory);
         wfShellExec($cmd, $iStatus);
         $time = Wikia::timeDuration(wfTime() - $time);
         Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "Rsync to {$directory} from {$container} Swift storage: status: {$iStatus}, time: {$time}", true, true);
      * @name dumpfile
     $tarfile = sprintf("/tmp/{$dbname}_images.tar");
     if (file_exists($tarfile)) {
     $tar = new Archive_Tar($tarfile);
     if (!$tar) {
         $this->log("Cannot open {$tarfile}");
         echo "Cannot open {$tarfile}";
     $files = $this->getDirTree($directory);
     if (is_array($files) && count($files)) {
         $this->log(sprintf("Packing %d files from {$directory} to {$tarfile}", count($files)));
         $result = $tarfile;
     } else {
         $this->log("List of files in {$directory} is empty");
         $result = false;
     return $result;
  * connect to statsdb and processing events table
 public function receiveFromEvents()
     global $wgStatsDB, $wgCityId, $wgMemc, $wgStatsDBEnabled, $wgSharedDB, $wgIP;
     if (empty($wgStatsDBEnabled)) {
         return false;
     try {
         while (1) {
             $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE, array(), $wgStatsDB);
             $where = array(" rev_timestamp >= '" . $this->mDate . "' ", " (event_type = 2 or event_type = 1 ) ");
             if (!empty($wgStatsIgnoreWikis)) {
                 $where[] = 'wiki_id not in (' . $dbr->makeList($wgStatsIgnoreWikis) . ')';
             $oRes = $dbr->select(array('events'), array('wiki_id, page_id, page_ns, user_id, rev_timestamp, user_is_bot'), $where, __METHOD__);
             $result = array();
             $loop = 0;
             while ($oRow = $dbr->fetchObject($oRes)) {
                 if ($oRow->rev_timestamp > $this->mDate) {
                     $this->mDate = $oRow->rev_timestamp;
                 $result[$oRow->wiki_id][$oRow->page_id] = $oRow;
             Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Read ' . $loop . ' events (for ' . count($result) . ' Wikis) successfully. Next timestamp: ' . $this->mDate);
             $records = count($result);
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 $producerDB = new WikiaStatsAutoHubsConsumerDB(DB_MASTER);
                 $data = array('blogs' => array(), 'articles' => array(), 'user' => array(), 'tags' => array());
                 $loop = 0;
                 foreach ($result as $city_id => $rows) {
                     $start = time();
                     Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Wikia ' . $city_id . ' (' . $loop . '/' . $records . ') processing: ' . count($rows) . ' rows');
                     $memkey = sprintf("%s:wikia:%d", __METHOD__, $city_id);
                     $info = $wgMemc->get($memkey);
                     if (empty($info)) {
                         # wikia
                         $oWikia = WikiFactory::getWikiByID($city_id);
                         if (!is_object($oWikia)) {
                             Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "Wikia not found: " . $city_id);
                         # server
                         $server = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName("wgServer", $city_id);
                         $info = array('lang' => $oWikia->city_lang, 'db' => $oWikia->city_dbname, 'sitename' => $oWikia->city_title, 'server' => $server);
                         $wgMemc->set($memkey, $info, 60 * 60 * 2);
                     if (!isset($info['db']) && !isset($info['sitename']) && !isset($info['lang']) && !isset($info['server'])) {
                         Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "Wikia not found: " . $city_id);
                     # initial table
                     $lang = $info['lang'];
                     if (!isset($data['blogs'][$lang])) {
                         $data['blogs'][$lang] = array();
                     if (!isset($data['articles'][$lang])) {
                         $data['articles'][$lang] = array();
                     if (!isset($data['user'][$lang])) {
                         $data['user'][$lang] = array();
                     # tags
                     $oWFTags = new WikiFactoryTags($city_id);
                     $tags = $oWFTags->getTags();
                     foreach ($rows as $oRow) {
                         if (is_object($oRow)) {
                             $oUser = User::newFromId($oRow->user_id);
                             if (!is_object($oUser)) {
                             if (NS_BLOG_ARTICLE == $oRow->page_ns) {
                                 if (!empty($tags)) {
                                     foreach ($tags as $id => $val) {
                                         if (!isset($data['blogs'][$lang][$id])) {
                                             $data['blogs'][$lang][$id] = array();
                                         # prepare insert data
                                         $data['blogs'][$lang][$id][] = array('tb_city_id' => $city_id, 'tb_page_id' => $oRow->page_id, 'tb_tag_id' => $id, 'tb_date' => date("Y-m-d"), 'tb_city_lang' => $lang, 'tb_count' => 1);
                             } else {
                                 $memkey = sprintf("%s:%s:user:%d", __METHOD__, $wgSharedDB, $oRow->user_id);
                                 $user = $wgMemc->get($memkey);
                                 if (empty($user)) {
                                     $groups = $oUser->getGroups();
                                     $user_groups = implode(";", $groups);
                                     $user = array('name' => $oUser->getName(), 'groups' => $user_groups);
                                     $wgMemc->set($memkey, $user, 60 * 60 * 2);
                                 if (!isset($user['name'])) {
                                 if ($user['name'] == $wgIP || User::isIP($user['name'])) {
                                 if (!empty($tags)) {
                                     foreach ($tags as $id => $val) {
                                         $date = date("Y-m-d");
                                         $mcKey = wfSharedMemcKey("auto_hubs", "unique_control", $city_id, $oRow->page_id, $oRow->user_id, $id, $date);
                                         $out = $wgMemc->get($mcKey, null);
                                         if ($out == 1) {
                                         $wgMemc->set($mcKey, 1, 24 * 60 * 60);
                                         $allowed = $oRow->user_is_bot != 'Y' && !in_array($oUser->getName(), $producerDB->getBanedUsers());
                                         if (!isset($data['user'][$lang][$id]) && $allowed) {
                                             $data['user'][$lang][$id] = array();
                                         if (!isset($data['articles'][$lang][$id])) {
                                             $data['articles'][$lang][$id] = array();
                                         # prepare insert data
                                         $data['articles'][$lang][$id][] = array('ta_city_id' => $city_id, 'ta_page_id' => $oRow->page_id, 'ta_tag_id' => $id, 'ta_date' => $date, 'ta_city_lang' => $lang, 'ta_count' => 1);
                                         if ($allowed) {
                                             $data['user'][$lang][$id][] = array('tu_user_id' => $oRow->user_id, 'tu_tag_id' => $id, 'tu_date' => $date, 'tu_groups' => $user['groups'], 'tu_username' => addslashes($user['name']), 'tu_city_lang' => $lang, 'tu_count' => 1);
                     $end = time();
                     $time = Wikia::timeDuration($end - $start);
                     Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Wikia ' . $city_id . ' processed in: ' . $time);
                 // insert data to database
                 # blogs
                 $start = time();
                 Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Insert ' . count($data['blogs']) . ' blogs');
                 $end = time();
                 $time = Wikia::timeDuration($end - $start);
                 Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Inserts done in: ' . $time);
                 # articles
                 $start = time();
                 Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Insert ' . count($data['articles']) . ' articles');
                 $end = time();
                 $time = Wikia::timeDuration($end - $start);
                 Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Inserts done in: ' . $time);
                 $start = time();
                 Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Insert ' . count($data['user']) . ' users');
                 $end = time();
                 $time = Wikia::timeDuration($end - $start);
                 Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', 'Inserts done in: ' . $time);
                 // unset data
             } else {
                 Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "No data found in events table. Last timestamp: " . $this->mDate);
             Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "Wait " . self::sleepTime . " sec. ");
     } catch (MWException $e) {
         $mesg = $e->getMessage();
         $class = get_class($e);
         Wikia::log(__METHOD__, 'events', $mesg);
         die('Cannot proceed events data. Message was: ' . $mesg . '. Class was:' . $class);
 public function execute()
     global $wgExternalSharedDB;
     $this->output("Wikis migration started ... \n");
     $this->time = time();
     $migrated = 0;
     $limit = $this->getOption('limit', self::DEFAULT_LIMIT);
     $debug = $this->hasOption('debug');
     $procs = $this->getOption('procs', self::MIGRATE_PROCS);
     $force = $this->hasOption('force');
     $wikis = $this->getOption('wiki', '');
     # don't migrate top 200 Wikis
     $top200Wikis = DataMartService::getWAM200Wikis();
     if (count($top200Wikis) != 200) {
         $this->output("Number of Top 200 Wikis is different than 200 !\n");
     # don't migrate &
     $this->disabled_wikis = array_merge($top200Wikis, $this->disabled_wikis);
     if ($debug) {
         $this->output("Top 200 Wikis: " . implode(", ", $top200Wikis) . "\n");
     $this->db = $this->getDB(DB_SLAVE, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB);
     $where = ['city_public' => 1, 'city_image_migrate.city_id is null'];
     if (!empty($wikis)) {
         $where['city_list.city_id'] = explode(",", $wikis);
     $join = ['city_image_migrate.city_id = city_list.city_id', 'city_image_migrate.locked is not null'];
     $res = $this->db->select(['city_list', 'city_image_migrate'], ['city_list.city_id', 'city_list.city_dbname'], $where, 'MigrateImagesToSwift', ['ORDER BY' => 'city_last_timestamp, city_id', 'LIMIT' => $limit], ['city_image_migrate' => ['LEFT JOIN', $join]]);
     $to_migrate = [];
     $i = 0;
     $x = 0;
     while ($row = $res->fetchObject()) {
         $this->output("\tAdd {$row->city_dbname} to migration package ... ");
         if (in_array($row->city_id, $this->disabled_wikis)) {
             $this->output("don't migrate it now \n");
         $to_migrate[$row->city_id] = $row->city_dbname;
         $this->output("done \n ");
     $this->output("\n\nRun migrateImagesToSwift script \n");
     foreach ($to_migrate as $id => $dbname) {
         # check how many Wikis is locked and sleep if needed
         # run main migration script written by Macbre
         $this->output("\tMigrate Wiki {$id}: {$dbname} ... ");
         $cmd = sprintf(self::CMD, $this->getOption('conf'), $id, $force ? ' --force' : '', self::SCRIPT_PROCS, $this->makePath($dbname));
         if ($debug) {
             $this->output("\n\tRun cmd: {$cmd} \n");
         global $wgMaxShellTime;
         $wgMaxShellTime = 0;
         $result = wfShellExec($cmd, $retval);
         if ($retval) {
             $this->output("Error code {$retval}: {$result} \n");
         } else {
             $this->output("Done in " . Wikia::timeDuration(time() - $this->time) . "\n");
     $this->output(sprintf("\nMigrated %d Wikis in %s\n", $migrated, Wikia::timeDuration(time() - $this->time)));
 * run backup for range of wikis
function runBackups($from, $to, $full, $options)
    global $IP, $wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath, $wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath, $wgMaxShellTime, $wgMaxShellFileSize, $wgDumpsDisabledWikis;
    $range = array();
     * shortcut for full & current together
    $both = isset($options["both"]);
     * store backup in another folder, not available for users
    $hide = isset($options["hide"]);
     * store backup in the system tmp dir
    $use_temp = isset($options['tmp']);
     * send backup to Amazon S3 and delete the local copy
    $s3 = isset($options['s3']);
     * silly trick, if we have id defined we are defining $from & $to from it
     * if we have db param defined we first resolve which id is connected to this
     * database
    if (isset($options["db"]) && is_string($options["db"])) {
        $city_id = WikiFactory::DBtoID($options["db"]);
        if ($city_id) {
            $from = $to = $city_id;
    } elseif (isset($options["id"]) && is_numeric($options["id"])) {
        $from = $to = $options["id"];
    } elseif (isset($options["even"])) {
        $range[] = "city_id % 2 = 0";
        $range[] = "city_public = 1";
    } elseif (isset($options["odd"])) {
        $range[] = "city_id % 2 <> 0";
        $range[] = "city_public = 1";
    } else {
         * if all only for active
        $range[] = "city_public = 1";
     * exclude wikis with dumps disabled
    if (!empty($wgDumpsDisabledWikis) && is_array($wgDumpsDisabledWikis)) {
        $range[] = 'city_id NOT IN (' . implode(',', $wgDumpsDisabledWikis) . ')';
     * switch off limits for dumps
    $wgMaxShellTime = 0;
    $wgMaxShellFileSize = 0;
    if ($from !== false && $to !== false) {
        $range[] = sprintf("city_id >= %d AND city_id < %d", $from, $to);
        Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "Running from {$from} to {$to}", true, true);
    } else {
        Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "Running for all wikis", true, true);
    $dbw = Wikifactory::db(DB_MASTER);
    $sth = $dbw->select(array("city_list"), array("city_id", "city_dbname"), $range, __METHOD__, array("ORDER BY" => "city_id"));
    while ($row = $dbw->fetchObject($sth)) {
         * get cluster for this wiki
        $cluster = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName("wgDBcluster", $row->city_id);
        $server = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE, 'dumps', $row->city_dbname)->getProperty("mServer");
         * build command
        $status = false;
        $basedir = getDirectory($row->city_dbname, $hide, $use_temp);
        if ($full || $both) {
            $path = sprintf("%s/%s_pages_full.xml.7z", $basedir, $row->city_dbname);
            $time = wfTime();
            Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname} {$path}", true, true);
            $cmd = array("SERVER_ID={$row->city_id}", "php", "{$IP}/maintenance/dumpBackup.php", "--conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath}", "--aconf {$wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath}", "--full", "--xml", "--quiet", "--server={$server}", "--output=" . DumpsOnDemand::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_FORMAT . ":{$path}");
            wfShellExec(implode(" ", $cmd), $status);
            $time = Wikia::timeDuration(wfTime() - $time);
            Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname} status: {$status}, time: {$time}", true, true);
            if ($s3 && 0 == DumpsOnDemand::putToAmazonS3($path, !$hide, MimeMagic::singleton()->guessMimeType($path))) {
        if (!$full || $both) {
            $path = sprintf("%s/%s_pages_current.xml.7z", $basedir, $row->city_dbname);
            $time = wfTime();
            Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname} {$path}", true, true);
            $cmd = array("SERVER_ID={$row->city_id}", "php", "{$IP}/maintenance/dumpBackup.php", "--conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath}", "--aconf {$wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath}", "--current", "--xml", "--quiet", "--server={$server}", "--output=" . DumpsOnDemand::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_FORMAT . ":{$path}");
            wfShellExec(implode(" ", $cmd), $status);
            $time = Wikia::timeDuration(wfTime() - $time);
            Wikia::log(__METHOD__, "info", "{$row->city_id} {$row->city_dbname} status: {$status}, time: {$time}", true, true);
            if ($s3 && 0 == DumpsOnDemand::putToAmazonS3($path, !$hide, MimeMagic::singleton()->guessMimeType($path))) {
 public function execute()
     global $wgDBname, $wgCityId, $wgExternalSharedDB, $wgAvatarsMaintenance;
     $this->debug = $this->hasOption('debug');
     $this->logger = new \Wikia\Swift\Logger\Logger($this->debug ? 10 : 10, -1, 10);
     $this->logger->setFile('/var/log/migration/' . $wgDBname . '.log');
     $this->logger = $this->logger->prefix($wgDBname);
     $isForced = $this->hasOption('force');
     $isDryRun = $this->hasOption('dry-run');
     $this->useDiff = $this->getOption('diff', false);
     $this->useLocalFiles = $this->getOption('local', false);
     $this->useDeletes = !$this->hasOption('no-deletes');
     $this->threads = intval($this->getOption('threads', self::THREADS_DEFAULT));
     $this->threads = min(self::THREADS_MAX, max(1, $this->threads));
     $this->hammer = $this->getOption('hammer', null);
     $uploadDir = "/images/c/common/avatars" . $this->section;
     $uploadDir = $this->rewriteLocalPath($uploadDir);
     $this->uploadDir = $uploadDir;
     if (!is_dir($uploadDir)) {
         $this->fatal(__CLASS__, "Could not read the source directory: {$uploadDir}", self::LOG_MIGRATION_ERRORS);
     // just don't f**k everything!
     if ($this->useLocalFiles && !$isDryRun) {
         if (gethostname() !== 'file-s4') {
             $this->fatal(__CLASS__, "Incremental upload requires access to master file system (don't use --local)", self::LOG_MIGRATION_ERRORS);
     if (!empty($this->hammer) && !$isDryRun) {
         $this->fatal(__CLASS__, "Hammer option not supported when not using --dry-run", self::LOG_MIGRATION_ERRORS);
     // one migration is enough
     if (empty($wgAvatarsMaintenance) && !$isDryRun) {
         $this->error("\$wgAvatarsMaintenance = false - avatars maintenance is not switched on, cannot proceed!", 1);
     // ok, so let's start...
     $this->time = time();
     $this->output("Collecting files to upload...\n\n");
     foreach (str_split('0123456789abcdef') as $p) {
         $this->processPath($uploadDir, 'avatars' . $this->section, $p);
     $this->output(sprintf("Found %d files...\n\n", count($this->allFiles)));
     if ($this->hasOption('stats-only')) {
     self::logWikia(__CLASS__, 'migration started', self::LOG_MIGRATION_PROGRESS);
     // block uploads via WikiFactory
     if (!$isDryRun) {
         $this->output("Uploads and avatars operations disabled\n\n");
     } else {
         $this->output("Performing dry run...\n\n");
     // stats per DC
     $statsPerDC = [];
     foreach ($this->timePerDC as $dc => $time) {
         $statsPerDC[] = sprintf("%s took %s", $dc, Wikia::timeDuration(round($time)));
     // summary
     $totalTime = time() - $this->time;
     $report = sprintf('Migrated %d files with %d fails in %s', $this->migratedImagesCnt, $this->migratedImagesFailedCnt, Wikia::timeDuration($totalTime));
     self::logWikia(__CLASS__, 'migration completed - ' . $report, self::LOG_MIGRATION_PROGRESS);
     // if running in --dry-run, leave now
     if ($isDryRun) {
         $this->output("\nDry run completed!\n");
 public function execute()
     global $wgExternalSharedDB;
     // force migration of wikis with read-only mode
     if (wfReadOnly()) {
         global $wgReadOnly;
         $wgReadOnly = false;
     $this->debug = $this->hasOption('debug');
     $this->dryRun = $this->hasOption('dry-run');
     $this->sourceDC = $this->getOption('source-dc', self::SOURCE_DC_DEFAULT);
     $this->destDCs = explode(',', $this->getOption('dc', self::DESTINATION_DC_DEFAULT));
     $dbr = $this->getDB(DB_SLAVE);
     // get images count
     $tables = ['filearchive' => 'fa_size', 'image' => 'img_size', 'oldimage' => 'oi_size'];
     foreach ($tables as $table => $sizeField) {
         $row = $dbr->selectRow($table, ['count(*) AS cnt', "SUM({$sizeField}) AS size"], [], __METHOD__);
         $this->output(sprintf("* %s:\t%d images (%d MB)\n", $table, $row->cnt, round($row->size / 1024 / 1024)));
         $this->imagesCnt += $row->cnt;
         $this->imagesSize += $row->size;
     $this->output(sprintf("\n%d image(s) (%d MB) will be checked...\n", $this->imagesCnt, round($this->imagesSize / 1024 / 1024)));
     if ($this->hasOption('stats-only')) {
     // ok, so let's start...
     $this->time = time();
     // block uploads via WikiFactory
     $this->output("Starting sync...\n\n");
     // prepare the list of files to migrate to new storage
     // (a) current revisions of images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nA) Current revisions of images - /images\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('image', ['img_name AS name', 'img_size AS size', 'img_sha1 AS hash', 'img_major_mime AS major_mime', 'img_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getImagePath($row);
         $this->copyFile($path, $row);
     // (b) old revisions of images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nB) Old revisions of images - /archive\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('oldimage', ['oi_name AS name', 'oi_archive_name AS archived_name', 'oi_size AS size', 'oi_sha1 AS hash', 'oi_major_mime AS major_mime', 'oi_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getOldImagePath($row);
         $this->copyFile($path, $row);
     // (c) deleted images
     // @see
     $this->output("\nC) Deleted images - /deleted\n");
     $res = $dbr->select('filearchive', ['fa_name AS name', 'fa_storage_key AS storage_key', 'fa_size AS size', 'fa_major_mime AS major_mime', 'fa_minor_mime AS minor_mime']);
     while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
         $path = $this->getRemovedImagePath($row);
         $this->copyFile($path, $row);
     // stats per DC
     $statsPerDC = [];
     foreach ($this->timePerDC as $dc => $time) {
         $statsPerDC[] = sprintf("%s took %s", $dc, Wikia::timeDuration(round($time)));
     // summary
     $totalTime = time() - $this->time;
     $report = sprintf('Checked %d files and copied %d files (%d MB) with %d fails in %s', $this->checkedImagesCnt, $this->migratedImagesCnt, round($this->migratedImagesSize / 1024 / 1024), $this->migratedImagesFailedCnt, Wikia::timeDuration($totalTime));