 function _printPlugin($pi)
     include_once "lib/WikiPlugin.php";
     static $loader;
     if (empty($loader)) {
         $loader = new WikiPluginLoader();
     $this->_print($loader->expandPI($pi, $this->_request, $this, $this->_basepage));
function displayPage(&$request, $template = false)
    global $WikiTheme, $pv;
    $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename');
    $version = $request->getArg('version');
    $page = $request->getPage();
    if ($version) {
        $revision = $page->getRevision($version);
        if (!$revision) {
            NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $version);
    } else {
        $revision = $page->getCurrentRevision();
    if (isSubPage($pagename)) {
        $pages = explode(SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, $pagename);
        $last_page = array_pop($pages);
        // deletes last element from array as side-effect
        $pageheader = HTML::span(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pages[0]), 'class' => 'pagetitle'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($pages[0] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)));
        $first_pages = $pages[0] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR;
        foreach ($pages as $p) {
            if ($pv != 2) {
                //Add the Backlink in page title
                $pageheader->pushContent(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($first_pages . $p), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($p . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)));
            } else {
                // Remove Backlinks
            $first_pages .= $p . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR;
        if ($pv != 2) {
            $backlink = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => _("BackLinks"))), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($last_page));
            $backlink->addTooltip(sprintf(_("BackLinks for %s"), $pagename));
        } else {
            $backlink = HTML::h1($pagename);
    } else {
        if ($pv != 2) {
            $pageheader = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => _("BackLinks"))), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($pagename));
            $pageheader->addTooltip(sprintf(_("BackLinks for %s"), $pagename));
        } else {
            $pageheader = HTML::h1($pagename);
            //Remove Backlinks
        if ($request->getArg('frame')) {
            $pageheader->setAttr('target', '_top');
    // {{{ Codendi hook to insert stuff between navbar and header
    $eM =& EventManager::instance();
    $ref_html = '';
    $crossref_fact = new CrossReferenceFactory($pagename, ReferenceManager::REFERENCE_NATURE_WIKIPAGE, GROUP_ID);
    if ($crossref_fact->getNbReferences() > 0) {
        $ref_html .= '<h3>' . $GLOBALS['Language']->getText('cross_ref_fact_include', 'references') . '</h3>';
        $ref_html .= $crossref_fact->getHTMLDisplayCrossRefs();
    $additional_html = false;
    $eM->processEvent('wiki_before_content', array('html' => &$additional_html, 'group_id' => GROUP_ID, 'wiki_page' => $pagename));
    if ($additional_html) {
        $beforeHeader = HTML();
        $toks['BEFORE_HEADER'] = $beforeHeader;
    } else {
        $beforeHeader = HTML();
        $toks['BEFORE_HEADER'] = $beforeHeader;
    // }}} /Codendi hook
    $pagetitle = SplitPagename($pagename);
    if ($redirect_from = $request->getArg('redirectfrom')) {
        $redirect_message = HTML::span(array('class' => 'redirectfrom'), fmt("(Redirected from %s)", RedirectorLink($redirect_from)));
        // abuse the $redirected template var for some status update notice
    } elseif ($request->getArg('errormsg')) {
        $redirect_message = $request->getArg('errormsg');
        $request->setArg('errormsg', false);
    $request->appendValidators(array('pagerev' => $revision->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $revision->get('mtime')));
        // FIXME: This is also in the template...
        if ($request->getArg('action') != 'pdf' and !headers_sent()) {
          // FIXME: enable MathML/SVG/... support
          if (ENABLE_XHTML_XML
                 and (!isBrowserIE()
                      and strstr($request->get('HTTP_ACCEPT'),'application/xhtml+xml')))
                header("Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']);
                header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']);
    $page_content = $revision->getTransformedContent();
    // if external searchengine (google) referrer, highlight the searchterm
    // FIXME: move that to the transformer?
    // OR: add the searchhightplugin line to the content?
    if ($result = isExternalReferrer($request)) {
        if (DEBUG and !empty($result['query'])) {
            //$GLOBALS['SearchHighlightQuery'] = $result['query'];
            /* simply add the SearchHighlight plugin to the top of the page. 
               This just parses the wikitext, and doesn't highlight the markup */
            include_once 'lib/WikiPlugin.php';
            $loader = new WikiPluginLoader();
            $xml = $loader->expandPI('<' . '?plugin SearchHighlight s="' . $result['query'] . '"?' . '>', $request, $markup);
            if ($xml and is_array($xml)) {
                foreach (array_reverse($xml) as $line) {
                    array_unshift($page_content->_content, $line);
                array_unshift($page_content->_content, HTML::div(_("You searched for: "), HTML::strong($result['query'])));
            if (0) {
                /* Parse the transformed (mixed HTML links + strings) lines?
                     This looks like overkill.
                require_once "lib/TextSearchQuery.php";
                $query = new TextSearchQuery($result['query']);
                $hilight_re = $query->getHighlightRegexp();
                //$matches = preg_grep("/$hilight_re/i", $revision->getContent());
                // FIXME!
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($page_content->_content); $i++) {
                    $found = false;
                    $line = $page_content->_content[$i];
                    if (is_string($line)) {
                        while (preg_match("/^(.*?)({$hilight_re})/i", $line, $m)) {
                            $found = true;
                            $line = substr($line, strlen($m[0]));
                            $html[] = $m[1];
                            // prematch
                            $html[] = HTML::strong(array('class' => 'search-term'), $m[2]);
                            // match
                    if ($found) {
                        $html[] = $line;
                        // postmatch
                        $page_content->_content[$i] = HTML::span(array('class' => 'search-context'), $html);
    $toks['CONTENT'] = new Template('browse', $request, $page_content);
    $toks['TITLE'] = $pagetitle;
    // <title> tag
    $toks['HEADER'] = $pageheader;
    // h1 with backlink
    $toks['revision'] = $revision;
    if (!empty($redirect_message)) {
        $toks['redirected'] = $redirect_message;
    $toks['ROBOTS_META'] = 'index,follow';
    $toks['PAGE_DESCRIPTION'] = $page_content->getDescription();
    $toks['PAGE_KEYWORDS'] = GleanKeywords($page);
    if (!$template) {
        $template = new Template('html', $request);
    if ($request->getArg('action') != 'pdf') {
 function handle_plugin_args_cruft($argstr, $args)
     $allowed = array("editbox", "hidden", "checkbox", "radiobutton", "radio", "pulldown", "submit", "reset", "combobox");
     // no editbox[] = array(...) allowed (space)
     $arg_array = preg_split("/\n/", $argstr);
     // for security we should check this better
     $arg = '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($arg_array); $i++) {
         //TODO: we require an name=value pair here, but submit may go without also.
         if (preg_match("/^\\s*(" . join("|", $allowed) . ")\\[\\](.*)\$/", $arg_array[$i], $m)) {
             $name = $m[1];
             // one of the allowed input types
             $this->inputbox[][$name] = array();
             $j = count($this->inputbox) - 1;
             $curargs = trim($m[2]);
             // must match name=NAME and also value=<!plugin-list name !>
             while (preg_match("/^(\\w+)=((?:\".*\")|(?:\\w+)|(?:\"?<!plugin-list.+!>\"?))\\s*/", $curargs, $m)) {
                 $attr = $m[1];
                 $value = $m[2];
                 $curargs = substr($curargs, strlen($m[0]));
                 if (preg_match("/^\"(.*)\"\$/", $value, $m)) {
                     $value = $m[1];
                 if (in_array($name, array("pulldown", "checkbox", "radio", "radiobutton", "combobox")) and preg_match('/^<!plugin-list.+!>$/', $value, $m)) {
                     $loader = new WikiPluginLoader();
                     $markup = null;
                     $basepage = null;
                     $plugin_str = preg_replace(array("/^<!/", "/!>\$/"), array("<?", "?>"), $value);
                     // will return a pagelist object! pulldown,checkbox,radiobutton
                     $value = $loader->expandPI($plugin_str, $GLOBALS['request'], $markup, $basepage);
                     if (isa($value, 'PageList')) {
                         $value = $value->_pages;
                     } elseif (!is_array($value)) {
                         trigger_error(sprintf("Invalid argument %s ignored", htmlentities($arg_array[$i])), E_USER_WARNING);
                 } elseif (defined($value)) {
                     $value = constant($value);
                 $this->inputbox[$j][$name][$attr] = $value;
             //trigger_error("not yet finished");
         } else {
             trigger_error(sprintf("Invalid argument %s ignored", htmlentities($arg_array[$i])), E_USER_WARNING);
 function getHtml($dbi, $argarray, $request, $basepage)
     $loader = new WikiPluginLoader();
     return $loader->expandPI('<?plugin RecentChanges ' . WikiPluginCached::glueArgs($argarray) . ' ?>', $request, $this, $basepage);
 function parseArgStr($argstr)
     $args = array();
     $defaults = array();
     if (empty($argstr)) {
         return array($args, $defaults);
     $arg_p = '\\w+';
     $op_p = '(?:\\|\\|)?=';
     $word_p = '\\S+';
     $opt_ws = '\\s*';
     $qq_p = '" ( (?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)* ) "';
     //"<--kludge for brain-dead syntax coloring
     $q_p = "' ( (?:[^'\\\\]|\\\\.)* ) '";
     $gt_p = "_\\( {$opt_ws} {$qq_p} {$opt_ws} \\)";
     $argspec_p = "({$arg_p}) {$opt_ws} ({$op_p}) {$opt_ws} (?: {$qq_p}|{$q_p}|{$gt_p}|({$word_p}))";
     // handle plugin-list arguments seperately
     $plugin_p = '<!plugin-list\\s+\\w+.*?!>';
     while (preg_match("/^({$arg_p}) {$opt_ws} ({$op_p}) {$opt_ws} ({$plugin_p}) {$opt_ws}/x", $argstr, $m)) {
         @(list(, $arg, $op, $plugin_val) = $m);
         $argstr = substr($argstr, strlen($m[0]));
         $loader = new WikiPluginLoader();
         $markup = null;
         $basepage = null;
         $plugin_val = preg_replace(array("/^<!/", "/!>\$/"), array("<?", "?>"), $plugin_val);
         $val = $loader->expandPI($plugin_val, $GLOBALS['request'], $markup, $basepage);
         if ($op == '=') {
             $args[$arg] = $val;
             // comma delimited pagenames or array()?
         } else {
             assert($op == '||=');
             $defaults[$arg] = $val;
     while (preg_match("/^{$opt_ws} {$argspec_p} {$opt_ws}/x", $argstr, $m)) {
         @(list(, $arg, $op, $qq_val, $q_val, $gt_val, $word_val) = $m);
         $argstr = substr($argstr, strlen($m[0]));
         // Remove quotes from string values.
         if ($qq_val) {
             $val = stripslashes($qq_val);
         } elseif ($q_val) {
             $val = stripslashes($q_val);
         } elseif ($gt_val) {
             $val = _(stripslashes($gt_val));
         } else {
             $val = $word_val;
         if ($op == '=') {
             $args[$arg] = $val;
         } else {
             // NOTE: This does work for multiple args. Use the
             // separator character defined in your webserver
             // configuration, usually & or &amp; (See
             // http://www.htmlhelp.com/faq/cgifaq.4.html)
             // e.g. <plugin RecentChanges days||=1 show_all||=0 show_minor||=0>
             // url: RecentChanges?days=1&show_all=1&show_minor=0
             assert($op == '||=');
             $defaults[$arg] = $val;
     if ($argstr) {
         $this->handle_plugin_args_cruft($argstr, $args);
     return array($args, $defaults);
文件: display.php 项目: hugcoday/wiki
function actionPage(&$request, $action)
    global $WikiTheme;
    global $robots;
    $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename');
    $version = $request->getArg('version');
    $page = $request->getPage();
    $revision = $page->getCurrentRevision();
    $dbi = $request->getDbh();
    $actionpage = $dbi->getPage($action);
    $actionrev = $actionpage->getCurrentRevision();
    $pagetitle = HTML(fmt("%s: %s", $actionpage->getName(), $WikiTheme->linkExistingWikiWord($pagename, false, $version)));
    $request->setValidators(array('pageversion' => $revision->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $revision->get('mtime')));
    $request->appendValidators(array('pagerev' => $revision->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $revision->get('mtime')));
    $request->appendValidators(array('actionpagerev' => $actionrev->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $actionrev->get('mtime')));
    $transformedContent = $actionrev->getTransformedContent();
    /* Optionally tell google (and others) not to take notice of action pages.
          RecentChanges or AllPages might be an exception.
    $args = array();
        $robots = "noindex,nofollow";
        $args = array('ROBOTS_META' => $robots);
    /* Handle other formats: So far we had html only.
          xml is requested by loaddump, rss is handled by recentchanges,
          pdf is a special action, but should be a format to dump multiple pages
          if the actionpage plugin returns a pagelist.
          rdf and owl are handled by SemanticWeb.
    $format = $request->getArg('format');
    /* At first the single page formats: html, xml */
    if ($pagename == _("LinkDatabase")) {
        $template = Template('browse', array('CONTENT' => $transformedContent));
        GeneratePage($template, $pagetitle, $revision, $args);
    } elseif (!$format or $format == 'html' or $format == 'sidebar' or $format == 'contribs') {
        $template = Template('browse', array('CONTENT' => $transformedContent));
        GeneratePage($template, $pagetitle, $revision, $args);
    } elseif ($format == 'xml') {
        $request->setArg('format', '');
        $template = new Template('browse', $request, array('revision' => $revision, 'CONTENT' => $transformedContent));
        $html = GeneratePageAsXML($template, $pagename, $revision);
        header("Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']);
        echo $html;
    } else {
        $pagelist = null;
        require_once 'lib/WikiPlugin.php';
        // Then the multi-page formats
        // rss (if not already handled by RecentChanges)
        // Need the pagelist from the first plugin
        foreach ($transformedContent->_content as $cached_element) {
            if (is_a($cached_element, "Cached_PluginInvocation")) {
                $loader = new WikiPluginLoader();
                $markup = null;
                // return the first found pagelist
                $pagelist = $loader->expandPI($cached_element->_pi, $request, $markup, $pagename);
                if (is_a($pagelist, 'PageList')) {
        if (!$pagelist or !is_a($pagelist, 'PageList')) {
            if (!in_array($format, array("rss91", "rss2", "rss", "atom", "rdf"))) {
                trigger_error(sprintf("Format %s requires an actionpage returning a pagelist.", $format) . "\n" . "Fall back to single page mode", E_USER_WARNING);
            require_once 'lib/PageList.php';
            $pagelist = new PageList();
            if ($format == 'pdf') {
        } else {
            foreach ($pagelist->_pages as $page) {
                $name = $page->getName();
                if ($name != $pagename and $page->exists()) {
                    $args['VALID_LINKS'][] = $name;
        if ($format == 'pdf') {
            require_once "lib/pdf.php";
            array_unshift($args['VALID_LINKS'], $pagename);
            ConvertAndDisplayPdfPageList($request, $pagelist, $args);
        } elseif ($format == 'ziphtml') {
            // need to fix links
            require_once 'lib/loadsave.php';
            array_unshift($args['VALID_LINKS'], $pagename);
            $request->setArg('zipname', FilenameForPage($pagename) . ".zip");
            $request->setArg('pages', $args['VALID_LINKS']);
            $request->setArg('format', '');
        } elseif (in_array($format, array("rss91", "rss2", "rss", "atom"))) {
            $args = $request->getArgs();
            if ($pagename == _("RecentChanges")) {
            } else {
                require_once "lib/plugin/RecentChanges.php";
                $plugin = new WikiPlugin_RecentChanges();
                return $plugin->format($plugin->getChanges($request->_dbi, $args), $args);
        } elseif ($format == 'json') {
            // for faster autocompletion on searches
            $req_args =& $request->args;
            $json = array('count' => count($pagelist->_pages), 'list' => $args['VALID_LINKS'], 'args' => $req_args, 'phpwiki-version' => PHPWIKI_VERSION);
            if (loadPhpExtension('json')) {
                $json_enc = json_encode($json);
            } else {
                require_once "lib/pear/JSON.php";
                $j = new Services_JSON();
                $json_enc = $j->encode($json);
            header("Content-Type: application/json");
        } elseif ($format == 'rdf') {
            // all semantic relations and attributes
            require_once "lib/SemanticWeb.php";
            $rdf = new RdfWriter($request, $pagelist);
        } elseif ($format == 'rdfs') {
            require_once "lib/SemanticWeb.php";
            $rdf = new RdfsWriter($request, $pagelist);
        } elseif ($format == 'owl') {
            // or daml?
            require_once "lib/SemanticWeb.php";
            $rdf = new OwlWriter($request, $pagelist);
        } else {
            if (!in_array($pagename, array(_("LinkDatabase")))) {
                trigger_error(sprintf(_("Unsupported argument: %s=%s"), "format", $format), E_USER_WARNING);
            $template = Template('browse', array('CONTENT' => $transformedContent));
            GeneratePage($template, $pagetitle, $revision, $args);
    return '';
function displayPage(&$request, $template = false)
    global $WikiTheme;
    $pagename = $request->getArg('pagename');
    $version = $request->getArg('version');
    $page = $request->getPage();
    if ($version) {
        $revision = $page->getRevision($version);
        if (!$revision) {
            NoSuchRevision($request, $page, $version);
        /* Tell Google (and others) to ignore old versions of pages */
        $toks['ROBOTS_META'] = "noindex,nofollow";
    } else {
        $revision = $page->getCurrentRevision();
    if (isSubPage($pagename)) {
        $pages = explode(SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR, $pagename);
        $last_page = array_pop($pages);
        // deletes last element from array as side-effect
        $pageheader = HTML::span(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pages[0]), 'class' => 'pagetitle'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($pages[0] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)));
        $first_pages = $pages[0] . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR;
        foreach ($pages as $p) {
            $pageheader->pushContent(HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($first_pages . $p), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($p . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR)));
            $first_pages .= $p . SUBPAGE_SEPARATOR;
        $backlink = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => _("BackLinks"))), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($last_page));
        $backlink->addTooltip(sprintf(_("BackLinks for %s"), $pagename));
    } else {
        $pageheader = HTML::a(array('href' => WikiURL($pagename, array('action' => _("BackLinks"))), 'class' => 'backlinks'), $WikiTheme->maybeSplitWikiWord($pagename));
        $pageheader->addTooltip(sprintf(_("BackLinks for %s"), $pagename));
        if ($request->getArg('frame')) {
            $pageheader->setAttr('target', '_top');
    $pagetitle = SplitPagename($pagename);
    if ($redirect_from = $request->getArg('redirectfrom')) {
        $redirect_message = HTML::span(array('class' => 'redirectfrom'), fmt("(Redirected from %s)", RedirectorLink($redirect_from)));
        // abuse the $redirected template var for some status update notice
    } elseif ($request->getArg('errormsg')) {
        $redirect_message = $request->getArg('errormsg');
        $request->setArg('errormsg', false);
    $request->appendValidators(array('pagerev' => $revision->getVersion(), '%mtime' => $revision->get('mtime')));
        // FIXME: This is also in the template...
        if ($request->getArg('action') != 'pdf' and !headers_sent()) {
          // FIXME: enable MathML/SVG/... support
          if (ENABLE_XHTML_XML
                 and (!isBrowserIE()
                      and strstr($request->get('HTTP_ACCEPT'),'application/xhtml+xml')))
                header("Content-Type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']);
                header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=" . $GLOBALS['charset']);
    $page_content = $revision->getTransformedContent();
    // if external searchengine (google) referrer, highlight the searchterm
    // FIXME: move that to the transformer?
    // OR: add the searchhightplugin line to the content?
    if ($result = isExternalReferrer($request)) {
        if (DEBUG and !empty($result['query'])) {
            //$GLOBALS['SearchHighlightQuery'] = $result['query'];
            /* simply add the SearchHighlight plugin to the top of the page. 
               This just parses the wikitext, and doesn't highlight the markup */
            include_once 'lib/WikiPlugin.php';
            $loader = new WikiPluginLoader();
            $xml = $loader->expandPI('<' . '?plugin SearchHighlight s="' . $result['query'] . '"?' . '>', $request, $markup);
            if ($xml and is_array($xml)) {
                foreach (array_reverse($xml) as $line) {
                    array_unshift($page_content->_content, $line);
                array_unshift($page_content->_content, HTML::div(_("You searched for: "), HTML::strong($result['query'])));
            if (0) {
                /* Parse the transformed (mixed HTML links + strings) lines?
                     This looks like overkill.
                require_once "lib/TextSearchQuery.php";
                $query = new TextSearchQuery($result['query']);
                $hilight_re = $query->getHighlightRegexp();
                //$matches = preg_grep("/$hilight_re/i", $revision->getContent());
                // FIXME!
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($page_content->_content); $i++) {
                    $found = false;
                    $line = $page_content->_content[$i];
                    if (is_string($line)) {
                        while (preg_match("/^(.*?)({$hilight_re})/i", $line, $m)) {
                            $found = true;
                            $line = substr($line, strlen($m[0]));
                            $html[] = $m[1];
                            // prematch
                            $html[] = HTML::strong(array('class' => 'search-term'), $m[2]);
                            // match
                    if ($found) {
                        $html[] = $line;
                        // postmatch
                        $page_content->_content[$i] = HTML::span(array('class' => 'search-context'), $html);
    /* Check for special pagenames */
    if ( $pagename == _("RecentChanges") 
         || $pagename == _("RecentEdits")
         || $pagename == _("RecentVisitors")) {
    } else
    if ($pagename == _("SandBox")) {
        $toks['ROBOTS_META'] = "noindex,nofollow";
    } else {
        if (!isset($toks['ROBOTS_META'])) {
            $toks['ROBOTS_META'] = "index,follow";
    $toks['CONTENT'] = new Template('browse', $request, $page_content);
    $toks['TITLE'] = $pagetitle;
    // <title> tag
    $toks['HEADER'] = $pageheader;
    // h1 with backlink
    $toks['revision'] = $revision;
    if (!empty($redirect_message)) {
        $toks['redirected'] = $redirect_message;
    $toks['PAGE_DESCRIPTION'] = $page_content->getDescription();
    $toks['PAGE_KEYWORDS'] = GleanKeywords($page);
    if (!$template) {
        $template = new Template('html', $request);
    if ($request->getArg('action') != 'pdf') {