public function maintenance($server) { global $wgCityId, $IP; $cmd = sprintf("SERVER_ID={$wgCityId} php {$IP}/maintenance/update.php --server={$server} --quick --nopurge"); $output = wfShellExec($cmd, $exitStatus); $this->info('run update.php', ['exitStatus' => $exitStatus, 'output' => $output]); $cmd = sprintf("SERVER_ID={$wgCityId} php {$IP}/maintenance/initStats.php --server={$server}"); $output = wfShellExec($cmd, $exitStatus); $this->info('run initStats.php', ['exitStatus' => $exitStatus, 'output' => $output]); $cmd = sprintf("SERVER_ID={$wgCityId} php {$IP}/maintenance/refreshLinks.php --server={$server} --new-only"); $output = wfShellExec($cmd, $exitStatus); $this->info('run refreshLinks.php', ['exitStatus' => $exitStatus, 'output' => $output]); $this->info("Remove edit lock"); $variable = \WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgReadOnly', $wgCityId); if (isset($variable->cv_variable_id)) { \WikiFactory::removeVarById($variable->cv_variable_id, $wgCityId); \WikiFactory::clearCache($wgCityId); } $dbname = \WikiFactory::IDtoDB($wgCityId); $founder = $this->founder->getId(); $cmd = sprintf("perl /usr/wikia/backend/bin/scribe/ --usedb={$dbname} --user={$founder} "); $output = wfShellExec($cmd, $exitStatus); $this->info('run', ['exitStatus' => $exitStatus, 'output' => $output]); $wgMemc = wfGetMainCache(); $wgMemc->delete(\WikiFactory::getVarsKey($wgCityId)); return true; }
public function getWikisList($limit = null, $batch = 1) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $cacheKey = $this->generateCacheKey(__METHOD__); $games = $this->loadFromCache($cacheKey); if (empty($games)) { $games = array(); $wikiFactoryRecommendVar = WikiFactory::getVarByName(self::WF_WIKI_RECOMMEND_VAR, null); if (!empty($wikiFactoryRecommendVar)) { $recommendedIds = WikiFactory::getCityIDsFromVarValue($wikiFactoryRecommendVar->cv_variable_id, true, '='); foreach ($recommendedIds as $wikiId) { $wikiName = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgSitename', $wikiId); $wikiGames = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgWikiTopics', $wikiId); $wikiDomain = str_replace('http://', '', WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgServer', $wikiId)); $wikiThemeSettings = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgOasisThemeSettings', $wikiId); $wordmarkUrl = $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-image-url']; $wordmarkType = $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-type']; //$wikiLogo = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName( "wgLogo", $wikiId ); $games[] = array('name' => !empty($wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-text']) ? $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-text'] : $wikiName, 'games' => !empty($wikiGames) ? $wikiGames : '', 'color' => !empty($wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-color']) ? $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-color'] : '#0049C6', 'backgroundColor' => !empty($wikiThemeSettings['color-page']) ? $wikiThemeSettings['color-page'] : '#FFFFFF', 'domain' => $wikiDomain, 'wordmarkUrl' => $wordmarkType == 'graphic' && !empty($wordmarkUrl) ? $wordmarkUrl : ''); } } else { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); throw new WikiaException('WikiFactory variable \'' . self::WF_WIKI_RECOMMEND_VAR . '\' not found'); } $this->storeInCache($cacheKey, $games); } $ret = wfPaginateArray($games, $limit, $batch); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $ret; }
/** * Look for videos that are blacklisted in the wgVideosModuleBlackList variable on community central */ protected function initializeBlacklist() { $communityBlacklist = \WikiFactory::getVarByName("wgVideosModuleBlackList", \WikiFactory::COMMUNITY_CENTRAL); if (is_object($communityBlacklist) && !empty($communityBlacklist->cv_value)) { $this->blacklist = unserialize($communityBlacklist->cv_value); } }
/** * axWFactoryGetVariable * * Method for getting variable form via AJAX request. * * @author Krzysztof Krzyżaniak <*****@*****.**> * @access public * * @return HTML code with variable data */ function axWFactoryGetVariable() { global $wgRequest, $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgPreWikiFactoryValues; if (!$wgUser->isAllowed('wikifactory')) { $wgOut->readOnlyPage(); #--- FIXME: later change to something reasonable return; } $cv_id = $wgRequest->getVal("varid"); $city_id = $wgRequest->getVal("wiki"); $variable = WikiFactory::getVarById($cv_id, $city_id); // BugId:3054 if (empty($variable)) { return json_encode(array('error' => true, 'message' => 'No such variable.')); } $related = array(); $r_pages = array(); if (preg_match("/Related variables:(.*)\$/", $variable->cv_description, $matches)) { $names = preg_split("/[\\s,;.()]+/", $matches[1], null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($names as $name) { $rel_var = WikiFactory::getVarByName($name, $city_id); if (!empty($rel_var)) { $related[] = $rel_var; } else { if (preg_match("/^MediaWiki:.*\$/", $name, $matches2)) { $r_pages[] = array("url" => GlobalTitle::newFromText($name, 0, $city_id)->getFullURL()); } } } } $oTmpl = new EasyTemplate(dirname(__FILE__) . "/templates/"); $oTmpl->set_vars(array("cityid" => $city_id, "variable" => $variable, "groups" => WikiFactory::getGroups(), "accesslevels" => WikiFactory::$levels, "related" => $related, "related_pages" => $r_pages, "preWFValues" => $wgPreWikiFactoryValues, 'wikiFactoryUrl' => Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, 'WikiFactory')->getFullUrl())); return json_encode(array("div-body" => $oTmpl->render("variable"), "div-name" => "wk-variable-form")); }
public function getWikisList() { $this->wf->profileIn(__METHOD__); $cacheKey = $this->getGlobalCacheKey(self::MEMCACHE_GLOBAL_KEY_TOKEN); $ret = $this->loadFromCache($cacheKey); if (empty($ret)) { $ret = array(); $wikiFactoryRecommendVar = WikiFactory::getVarByName(self::WF_SWITCH_NAME, null); if (!empty($wikiFactoryRecommendVar)) { $gamesIds = WikiFactory::getCityIDsFromVarValue($wikiFactoryRecommendVar->cv_variable_id, true, '='); foreach ($gamesIds as $wikiId) { $game = $this->getSettings($wikiId); if (!empty($game)) { $wikiName = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgSitename', $wikiId); $wikiThemeSettings = WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgOasisThemeSettings', $wikiId); $game->name = !empty($wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-text']) ? $wikiThemeSettings['wordmark-text'] : $wikiName; $game->id = WikiFactory::IDtoDB($wikiId); $game->domain = str_replace('http://', '', WikiFactory::getVarValueByName('wgServer', $wikiId)); $ret[$game->id] = $game; } } } else { $this->wf->profileOut(__METHOD__); throw new WikiaException('WikiFactory variable \'' . self::WF_SWITCH_NAME . '\' not found'); } $this->storeInCache($cacheKey, $ret); } $this->app->wf->profileOut(__METHOD__); return $ret; }
protected function getWfWikiTopics($wikiId) { $topics = unserialize(WikiFactory::getVarByName(self::WF_VARIABLE_NAME, $wikiId)->cv_value); if (!is_array($topics) || $topics == false || empty($topics)) { $topics = array(); } return $topics; }
function isVESet($id) { $out = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgEnableVisualEditorExt', $id); if (!is_object($out) || empty($out->cv_value)) { return false; } else { return true; } }
function getBrokenThemeSettings($id) { $themeSettings = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgOasisThemeSettings', $id); if (!is_object($themeSettings) || empty($themeSettings->cv_value)) { return null; } $themeSettingsArray = unserialize($themeSettings->cv_value); $backgroundImage = $themeSettingsArray['background-image']; return getType($backgroundImage) !== 'string' || $backgroundImage === 'false' ? $themeSettingsArray : null; }
public static function loadData($forceRefresh = false, $forceLanguage = null) { global $wgMemc, $wgStatsDB, $wgContLang, $wgExternalSharedDB, $wgStatsDBEnabled; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); self::$mLanguage = !empty($forceLanguage) ? $forceLanguage : $wgContLang->getCode(); $cacheKey = self::CACHE_KEY_TOKEN . ':' . strtoupper(self::$mLanguage); self::$mData = $wgMemc->get($cacheKey); if (empty(self::$mData) || $forceRefresh) { self::$mData = array(); $wikisIDs = array(); // get all the active wikis selected by the sales team $wikiFactoryRecommended = WikiFactory::getVarByName(self::WF_VAR_NAME, null); self::$mData['recommended'] = array(); if (!empty($wikiFactoryRecommended) && !empty($wikiFactoryRecommended->cv_variable_id)) { $dbr = WikiFactory::db(DB_SLAVE); $res = $dbr->select(array('city_list', 'city_variables'), 'city_id', array('city_id = cv_city_id', 'city_public' => 1, 'city_lang' => self::$mLanguage, 'cv_variable_id' => $wikiFactoryRecommended->cv_variable_id, 'cv_value' => serialize(true))); while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { self::$mData['recommended'][] = $row->city_id; } $dbr->freeResult($res); } $counter = 0; self::$mData['hubs'] = array(); if (!empty($wgStatsDBEnabled)) { $langs = array(self::$mLanguage); $wikis = DataMartService::getTopWikisByPageviews(DataMartService::PERIOD_ID_MONTHLY, 200, $langs, null, 1); $minPageViews = isset(self::$pageviewsLimits[self::$mLanguage]) ? self::$pageviewsLimits[self::$mLanguage] : self::$pageviewsLimits['default']; foreach ($wikis as $wikiID => $pvCount) { if ($pvCount >= $minPageViews) { $hub = WikiFactoryHub::getInstance(); $cat_id = $hub->getCategoryId($wikiID); if (!$cat_id) { continue; } if (!isset(self::$mData['hubs'][$cat_id])) { self::$mData['hubs'][$cat_id] = array(); } self::$mData['hubs'][$cat_id][] = $wikiID; $counter++; } } } // removing entries from hubs that have a match in recommended if (!empty(self::$mData['recommended']) && !empty(self::$mData['hubs'])) { $counter = 0; foreach (self::$mData['hubs'] as $hubID => &$item) { $item = array_diff($item, self::$mData['recommended']); $counter += count($item); } } self::$mData['total'] = $counter; $wgMemc->set($cacheKey, self::$mData, 3600 * self::CACHE_EXPIRY); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
/** * enable Special Video Ext * @param integer $wikiId */ function enableSpecialVideosExt( $wikiId ) { echo "Enable Special Videos Ext:\n"; $feature = 'wgEnableSpecialVideosExt'; $wgValue = WikiFactory::getVarByName( $feature, $wikiId ); if ( empty($wgValue) ) { echo "\tError invalid params. \n"; } else { WikiFactory::setVarByName( $feature, $wikiId, true, "enable Special Videos Ext for wikis that enable Related Videos" ); WikiFactory::clearCache( $wikiId ); echo "\tUpdate $feature from ".var_export( unserialize($wgValue->cv_value), true )." to true. \n"; } }
public function getWamPageUrl() { try { $wikiId = (new WikiaCorporateModel())->getCorporateWikiIdByLang($this->langCode); } catch (Exception $e) { $wikiId = WikiService::WIKIAGLOBAL_CITY_ID; } $wamPageConfig = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgWAMPageConfig', $wikiId)->cv_value; $pageName = !empty($wamPageConfig['pageName']) ? $wamPageConfig['pageName'] : 'WAM'; $url = GlobalTitle::newFromText($pageName, NS_MAIN, $wikiId)->getFullURL(); return $url; }
/** * execute * * entry point for TaskExecutor * * @access public * @author eloy@wikia * * @param mixed $params default null - task data from wikia_tasks table * * @return boolean - status of operation */ public function execute($params = null) { global $IP, $wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath, $wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath, $wgExtensionMessagesFiles; $this->mTaskID = $params->task_id; $this->mParams = unserialize($params->task_arguments); $city_id = $this->mParams["city_id"]; $command = $this->mParams["command"]; $type = $this->mParams["type"]; $server = $this->mParams["server"]; $this->addLog("wgServer for this site is: {$server}"); if ($city_id && $command) { $this->mWikiId = $city_id; /** * execute maintenance script */ $cmd = sprintf("SERVER_ID={$city_id} php {$IP}/{$command} --server={$server} --conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath} --aconf {$wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath}"); $this->addLog("Running {$cmd}"); $retval = wfShellExec($cmd, $status); $this->addLog($retval); if ($type == "ACWLocal" || $type == "CWLocal") { $cmd = sprintf("SERVER_ID={$city_id} php {$IP}/maintenance/update.php --server={$server} --quick --nopurge --conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath} --aconf {$wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath}"); $this->addLog("Running {$cmd}"); $retval = wfShellExec($cmd, $status); $this->addLog($retval); $cmd = sprintf("SERVER_ID={$city_id} php {$IP}/maintenance/initStats.php --server={$server} --conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath} --aconf {$wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath}"); $this->addLog("Running {$cmd}"); $retval = wfShellExec($cmd, $status); $this->addLog($retval); $cmd = sprintf("SERVER_ID={$city_id} php {$IP}/maintenance/refreshLinks.php --server={$server} --new-only --conf {$wgWikiaLocalSettingsPath} --aconf {$wgWikiaAdminSettingsPath}"); $this->addLog("Running {$cmd}"); $retval = wfShellExec($cmd, $status); $this->addLog($retval); $this->addLog("Remove edit lock"); $oVariable = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgReadOnly', $city_id); if (isset($oVariable->cv_variable_id)) { WikiFactory::removeVarById($oVariable->cv_variable_id, $city_id); WikiFactory::clearCache($city_id); } } $dbname = WikiFactory::IDtoDB($city_id); $cmd = sprintf("perl /usr/wikia/backend/bin/scribe/ --usedb={$dbname} "); $this->addLog("Running {$cmd}"); $retval = wfShellExec($cmd, $status); $this->addLog($retval); /** * once again clear cache at the very end */ $wgMemc = wfGetMainCache(); $wgMemc->delete(WikiFactory::getVarsKey($city_id)); } return true; }
/** * @access public * @static */ public static function customSpecialStatistics(&$specialpage, &$text) { global $wgOut, $wgDBname, $wgLang, $wgRequest, $wgTitle, $wgUser, $wgCityId, $wgHTTPProxy; $tmpl = new EasyTemplate(dirname(__FILE__) . "/templates/"); /** * get last dump request timestamp */ $wiki = WikiFactory::getWikiByID($wgCityId); if (strtotime(wfTimestampNow()) - strtotime($wiki->city_lastdump_timestamp) > 7 * 24 * 60 * 60) { $tmpl->set("available", true); } else { $tmpl->set("available", false); } $tmpl->set("title", $wgTitle); $tmpl->set("isAnon", $wgUser->isAnon()); $dumpInfo = self::getLatestDumpInfo($wgCityId); $sTimestamp = $dumpInfo ? $dumpInfo['timestamp'] : false; $sDumpExtension = self::getExtensionFromCompression($dumpInfo ? $dumpInfo['compression'] : false); $tmpl->set('nolink', false); if (empty($sTimestamp)) { $sTimestamp = wfMessage('dump-database-last-unknown')->escaped(); $tmpl->set('nolink', true); } $tmpl->set("curr", array("url" => '' . self::getPath("{$wgDBname}_pages_current.xml{$sDumpExtension}"), "timestamp" => $sTimestamp)); $tmpl->set("full", array("url" => '' . self::getPath("{$wgDBname}_pages_full.xml{$sDumpExtension}"), "timestamp" => $sTimestamp)); // The Community Central's value of the wgDumpRequestBlacklist variable contains an array of users who are not allowed to request dumps with this special page. $aDumpRequestBlacklist = (array) unserialize(WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgDumpRequestBlacklist', WikiFactory::COMMUNITY_CENTRAL)->cv_value); $bIsAllowed = $wgUser->isAllowed('dumpsondemand') && !in_array($wgUser->getName(), $aDumpRequestBlacklist); $tmpl->set('bIsAllowed', $bIsAllowed); $text .= $tmpl->render("dod"); if ($wgRequest->wasPosted() && $bIsAllowed) { self::queueDump($wgCityId); wfDebug(__METHOD__, ": request for database dump was posted\n"); $text = Wikia::successbox(wfMsg("dump-database-request-requested")) . $text; } return true; }
/** * @desc enable/disable feature * @requestParam string enabled [true/false] * @requestParam string feature (extension variable) * @responseParam string result [OK/error] * @responseParam string error (error message) */ public function toggleFeature() { $enabled = $this->getVal('enabled', null); $feature = $this->getVal('feature', null); // check user permission if (!$this->wg->User->isAllowed('wikifeatures')) { $this->setVal('result', 'error'); $this->setVal('error', $this->wf->Msg('wikifeatures-error-permission')); return; } // check if feature given is actually something we allow setting if (!in_array($feature, $this->wg->WikiFeatures['normal']) && !in_array($feature, $this->wg->WikiFeatures['labs'])) { $this->setVal('result', 'error'); $this->setVal('error', $this->wf->Msg('wikifeatures-error-invalid-parameter')); return; } // validate feature: valid value ($enabled and $feature), check if Feature exists ($wg_value) $wg_value = WikiFactory::getVarByName($feature, $this->wg->CityId); if ($enabled != 'true' && $enabled != 'false' || empty($feature) || empty($wg_value)) { $this->setVal('result', 'error'); $this->setVal('error', $this->wf->Msg('wikifeatures-error-invalid-parameter')); return; } $enabled = $enabled == 'true'; $logMsg = "set extension option: {$feature} = " . var_export($enabled, TRUE); $log = WF::build('LogPage', array('wikifeatures')); $log->addEntry('wikifeatures', SpecialPage::getTitleFor('WikiFeatures'), $logMsg, array()); WikiFactory::setVarByName($feature, $this->wg->CityId, $enabled, "WikiFeatures"); if ($feature == 'wgShowTopListsInCreatePage') { WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgEnableTopListsExt', $this->wg->CityId, $enabled, "WikiFeatures"); } // clear cache for active wikis WikiFactory::clearCache($this->wg->CityId); $this->wg->Memc->delete(WikiFeaturesHelper::getInstance()->getMemcKeyNumActiveWikis($feature)); $this->setVal('result', 'ok'); }
protected function getWhitelistedWikisFromWF() { $this->wf->ProfileIn(__METHOD__); $key = wfMemcKey(__CLASS__, __METHOD__); $data = $this->wg->memc->get($key, null); if (!empty($data)) { $this->wf->ProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $data; } $oVariable = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgImageReviewWhitelisted', 177); $fromWf = WikiFactory::getListOfWikisWithVar($oVariable->cv_variable_id, 'bool', '=', true); $this->wg->memc->set($key, $fromWf, 60 * 10); $this->wf->ProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $fromWf; }
public function execute() { $this->test = $this->hasOption('test'); $this->verbose = $this->hasOption('verbose'); $this->file = $this->getOption('file', ''); $this->dbname = $this->getOption('dbname', ''); $this->set = $this->hasOption('set'); $this->get = $this->hasOption('get'); if ($this->hasOption('enable')) { $this->enabled = true; } if ($this->hasOption('disable')) { $this->enabled = false; } if ($this->test) { echo "\n=== TEST MODE ===\n"; } // Shouldn't happen ... paranoid programming if (!$this->set && !$this->get) { $this->get = true; } if ($this->file) { echo "Reading from " . $this->file . " ...\n"; $dbnames = file($this->file); } else { if ($this->dbname) { $dbnames = [$this->dbname]; } else { echo "ERROR: List file empty or not readable. Please provide a line-by-line list of wikis.\n"; echo "USAGE: php EnableVideosModule.php /path/to/file\n"; exit; } } foreach ($dbnames as $db) { $db = trim($db); echo "Running on {$db} ...\n"; // get wiki ID $id = WikiFactory::DBtoID($db); if (empty($id)) { echo "\t{$db}: ERROR (not found in WikiFactory)\n"; continue; } else { $this->debug("\tWiki ID ({$db}): {$id}"); } if ($id == 177) { echo "\tDefaulted to community, not likely a valid wiki, skipping...\n"; continue; } if ($this->set) { if (!$this->test) { $this->debug("\tSetting ... wgEnableVideosModuleExt"); WikiFactory::setVarByName('wgEnableVideosModuleExt', $id, $this->enabled); WikiFactory::clearCache($id); $this->debug("\tdone"); } } else { if ($this->get) { $enabled = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgEnableVideosModuleExt', $id); $enabled = $enabled->cv_value; $enabled = $enabled ? unserialize($enabled) : false; if ($enabled) { echo "\tEnabled\n"; } else { echo "\tDisabled\n"; } } } } }
function isVEenabled($id) { $out = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgEnableVisualEditorExt', $id); return $out ? unserialize($out->cv_value) : false; }
} return null; } foreach ($list as $wiki) { echo "\n"; $wiki = sanitizeUrl($wiki); // get wiki ID $id = WikiFactory::DomainToID($wiki); if (empty($id)) { echo "{$wiki}: ERROR (not found in WikiFactory)\n"; continue; } // get URL, in case the one given is not the main one $oUrl = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgServer', $id); $oLang = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgLanguageCode', $id); $oSkin = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgDefaultSkin', $id); if (empty($oUrl) || empty($oLang)) { // should never happen, but... echo "{$wiki}: ERROR (failed to get URL for ID {$id} or language; something's wrong)\n"; continue; } $domain = sanitizeUrl(unserialize($oUrl->cv_value)); $lang = unserialize($oLang->cv_value); $currentSkin = $oSkin ? unserialize($oLang->cv_value) : null; // handle exceptions if (in_array($currentSkin, array('monobook', 'uncyclopedia', 'oasis'))) { echo "{$wiki}: SKIPPING! Current skin is {$currentSkin}! Will NOT process.\n"; continue; } if (in_array($domain, $exceptions)) { echo "{$wiki}: SKIPPING! This wiki is listed as an exception in the Rallout Plan!\n";
echo( "Check migration for $wgCityId\n" ); $dbr = wfGetDB( DB_SLAVE ); $dbw_dataware = wfGetDB( DB_MASTER, array(), $wgExternalDatawareDB ); $rows = $dbr->select('image', array( 'img_name' ), array( "img_name LIKE ':%'" ), __METHOD__ ); $rowCount = $rows->numRows(); $dbr->freeResult($rows); $v = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgVideoHandlersVideosMigrated', $wgCityId); $ve = $v->cv_value; echo(": {$rowCount} old videos found ($ve)\n"); if($rowCount > 0 && $ve != True) { //if(true) { $dbw_dataware->insert( 'video_notmigrated2', array( 'wiki_id' => $wgCityId, 'wiki_name' => WikiFactory::getWikiByID($wgCityId)->city_url, 'video_count' => $rowCount ) ); echo("$wgCityId has videos but was not migrated!\n"); }
public function execute() { $this->dryRun = $this->hasOption('dry-run'); $this->verbose = $this->hasOption('verbose'); $this->varName = $this->getOption('varName', ''); $set = $this->hasOption('set'); $varValue = $this->getOption('set', ''); $remove = $this->hasOption('remove'); $wikiId = $this->getOption('wikiId', ''); $file = $this->getOption('file', ''); if (empty($this->varName)) { die("Error: Empty variable name.\n"); } if ($set && $remove) { die("Error: Cannot set and remove the variable at the same time\n"); } if ($set && $varValue == '') { die("Error: Empty variable value.\n"); } $varData = (array) WikiFactory::getVarByName($this->varName, false, true); if (empty($varData['cv_id'])) { die("Error: {$this->varName} not found.\n"); } echo "Variable: {$this->varName} (Id: {$varData['cv_id']})\n"; $this->debug("Variable data: " . json_encode($varData) . "\n"); if (!empty($wikiId)) { $wikiIds = [$wikiId]; } else { if (!empty($file)) { $wikiIds = file($file); } else { die("Error: wiki id is empty or the file is invalid.\n"); } } // get valid value if ($set) { if ($varValue == 'true') { $varValue = true; } else { if ($varValue == 'false') { $varValue = false; } else { if (is_numeric($varValue)) { $varValue = intval($varValue); } } } } $wg = F::app()->wg; $wg->User = User::newFromName('WikiaBot'); $wg->User->load(); $cnt = 0; $total = count($wikiIds); foreach ($wikiIds as $id) { $cnt++; $id = trim($id); echo "Wiki {$id} [{$cnt} of {$total}]: "; $status = true; if ($set) { echo "Set {$this->varName} to " . var_export($varValue, true); $status = $this->setVariable($id, $varValue); } else { if ($remove) { echo "Remove {$this->varName}"; $status = $this->removeVariableFromWiki($id, $varData); } else { echo $this->varName . " = " . var_export(WikiFactory::getVarValueByName($this->varName, $id), true); } } if ($this->dryRun || $status) { echo " ... DONE.\n"; $this->success++; } else { echo " ... FAILED.\n"; } } echo "\nTotal wikis: {$total}, Success: {$this->success}, Failed: " . ($total - $this->success) . "\n\n"; }
private static function allowResultsForEditedArticles($row, $from_db = false) { global $wgTTCache; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $result = array(); $memkey = wfMemcKey(__METHOD__, 'oWikia', intval($row['wikia'])); $oWikia = $wgTTCache->get($memkey); if (!isset($oWikia)) { $allowed = true; /* * check city list */ $oWikia = WikiFactory::getWikiByID($row['wikia']); if (!$oWikia) { $allowed = false; } /* * check city lang */ if ($allowed && !in_array($oWikia->city_lang, self::$allowedLanguages)) { $allowed = false; } /* * check sitename */ if ($allowed) { $siteName = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgSitename', $row['wikia']); if (!$siteName) { $allowed = false; } } /* * check wikiname */ $oWikia->city_sitename = ""; if ($allowed) { $oWikia->city_sitename = unserialize($siteName->cv_value); if (!$oWikia->city_sitename) { $allowed = false; } else { foreach (self::$excludeNames as $search) { $pos = stripos($oWikia->city_sitename, $search); if ($pos !== false) { $allowed = false; } } } } if (!$allowed) { $oWikia = 'ERROR'; } # set in memc if ($oWikia != 'ERROR') { $wgTTCache->set($memkey, $oWikia, 60 * 60); } } if ($oWikia == 'ERROR') { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return false; } /* check article */ $memkey = wfMemcKey(__METHOD__, 'article', intval($row['wikia']), intval($row['page']), $oWikia->city_dbname); $result = $from_db === true ? null : $wgTTCache->get($memkey); if (!isset($result)) { $allowedPage = true; /* * check Title && Wiki domain */ $oGTitle = GlobalTitle::newFromId($row['page'], $row['wikia'], $oWikia->city_dbname); if (!is_object($oGTitle)) { $allowedPage = false; } if ($allowedPage) { $wikiaUrl = $oGTitle->getServer(); $pageUrl = $oGTitle->getFullURL(); $articleName = $oGTitle->getArticleName(); $oRegexCore = new TextRegexCore(self::$excludeWikiDomainsKey, 0); if (is_object($oRegexCore)) { $allowed = $oRegexCore->isAllowedText($wikiaUrl, "", false); if (!$allowed) { $allowedPage = false; } } } /* * check hub name */ if ($allowedPage) { $hubName = WikiFactoryHub::getInstance()->getCategoryName($row['wikia']); if (in_array($hubName, self::$excludeWikiHubs)) { $allowedPage = false; } } /* * check article name */ if ($allowedPage) { $oRegexArticles = new TextRegexCore(self::$excludeWikiArticles, 0); if (is_object($oRegexArticles)) { $filterText = sprintf("%s:%s", $oWikia->city_dbname, $articleName); $allowed = $oRegexArticles->isAllowedText($filterText, "", false); if (!$allowed) { $allowedPage = false; } } } if (!$allowedPage) { $result = 'ERROR'; } else { /* * ok */ $result = array('wikia' => $oWikia->city_sitename, 'db' => $oWikia->city_dbname, 'hub' => $hubName, 'page_name' => $articleName, 'wikia_url' => $wikiaUrl, 'page_url' => $pageUrl, 'count' => $row['count']); # set in memc $wgTTCache->set($memkey, $result, 60 * 30); } } if ($result == 'ERROR') { $result = false; } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $result; }
/** * Finds wikis which name, domain or topic match a string optionally filtering by vertical (hub) and/or language * * @param string $string search term * @param mixed $hub [OPTIONAL] The name of the vertical as a string(e.g. Gaming, Entertainment, * Lifestyle, etc.) or it's related numeric ID to use as a filter * @param string $lang [OPTIONAL] The language code (e.g. en, de, fr, es, it, etc.) to use as a filter * @param bool [OPTIONAL] Include the domain name in the search, defaults to false * * @return array A collection of results with id, name, hub, language, topic, domain */ public function getByString($string, array $langs = null, $hub = null, $includeDomain = false) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $wikis = []; if (!empty($string)) { $hubId = null; if (!empty($hub)) { if (is_string($hub)) { //this has it's own memcache layer (24h) $hubData = WikiFactoryHub::getInstance()->getCategoryByName($hub); if (is_array($hubData)) { $hubId = $hubData['id']; } } elseif (is_integer($hub)) { $hubId = $hub; } } if (empty($hub) || !empty($hub) && is_integer($hubId)) { $cacheKey = wfSharedMemcKey(__METHOD__, self::CACHE_VERSION, md5(strtolower($string)), $hubId, implode(',', $langs), !empty($includeDomain) ? 'includeDomain' : null); $wikis = $this->app->wg->Memc->get($cacheKey); if (!is_array($wikis)) { $wikis = []; $db = $this->getSharedDB(); $string = $db->addQuotes("%{$string}%"); $varId = (int) WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgWikiTopics', null)->cv_variable_id; $tables = array('city_list', 'city_variables'); $clause = array("city_list.city_title LIKE {$string}"); if (!empty($includeDomain)) { $clause[] = "city_list.city_url LIKE {$string}"; } $clause[] = "city_variables.cv_value LIKE {$string}"; $where = array('city_list.city_public' => 1, '(' . implode(' OR ', $clause) . ')'); $join = array('city_variables' => array('LEFT JOIN', "city_list.city_id = city_variables.cv_city_id AND city_variables.cv_variable_id = {$varId}")); if (!empty($langs)) { $langs = $db->makeList($langs); $where[] = 'city_list.city_lang IN (' . $langs . ')'; } if (is_integer($hubId)) { $tables[] = 'city_cat_mapping'; $where['city_cat_mapping.cat_id'] = $hubId; $join['city_cat_mapping'] = array('LEFT JOIN', 'city_list.city_id = city_cat_mapping.city_id'); } $rows = $db->select($tables, array('city_list.city_id', 'city_list.city_lang', 'city_list.city_title', 'city_variables.cv_value'), $where, __METHOD__, array('LIMIT' => self::MAX_WIKI_RESULTS), $join); while ($row = $db->fetchObject($rows)) { $wikis[] = array('id' => $row->city_id, 'name' => $row->city_title, 'hub' => !empty($hub) && is_string($hub) ? $hub : $this->getVerticalByWikiId($row->city_id), 'language' => $row->city_lang, 'topic' => !empty($row->cv_value) ? unserialize($row->cv_value) : null, 'domain' => $this->getDomainByWikiId($row->city_id)); } $this->wg->Memc->set($cacheKey, $wikis, 43200); } } } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $wikis; }
function getVEForcedValue($wikiId) { $wikiFactoryVar = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgForceVisualEditor', $wikiId); return is_object($wikiFactoryVar) && $wikiFactoryVar->cv_value ? unserialize($wikiFactoryVar->cv_value) : false; }
ini_set('include_path', dirname(__FILE__) . "/../"); ini_set('display_errors', 1); require_once ""; if (isset($options['help'])) { die("Usage: php updateWikiFactoryVariable.php [--help] [--name=wgXyz] [--dry-run] [--remove] [--removeFromWF] [--wikiId=123] [--limit=10]\n\t--name WikiFactory variable name\n\t--remove remove the variable from the Wiki\n\t--removeFromWF remove the variable from WikiFactory (delete from city_variables_pool table)\n\t--wikiId Wiki Id\n\t--limit limit\n\t--dry-run dry run\n\t--help you are reading it right now\n\n"); } $dryRun = isset($options['dry-run']); $varName = isset($options['name']) ? $options['name'] : ''; $wikiId = isset($options['wikiId']) ? $options['wikiId'] : ''; $remove = isset($options['remove']); $removeFromWF = isset($options['removeFromWF']); $limit = empty($options['limit']) ? 1000 : $options['limit']; if (empty($varName)) { die("Error: Empty variable name.\n"); } $varData = (array) WikiFactory::getVarByName($varName, false, true); if (empty($varData['cv_id'])) { die("Error: {$varName} not found.\n"); } echo "Variable: {$varName} (Id: {$varData['cv_id']})\n"; // for debugging //echo "Variable data: ".json_encode( $varData )."\n"; $wgUser = User::newFromName('WikiaBot'); $wgUser->load(); if ($removeFromWF) { $wikiIds = getWikiIds($varData['cv_id'], 1); if (empty($wikiIds)) { echo "\tRemove {$varName} from WikiFactory"; if ($dryRun) { $status = Status::newGood(); } else {
public static function isAnswersWiki($wikiId = null) { // If the current wiki, just return the global where its already loaded if (empty($wikiId) || $wikiId == F::app()->wg->CityId) { return !empty(F::app()->wg->EnableAnswers); } // Otherwise, pull the value from the DB for the wiki given $var = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgEnableAnswers', $wikiId); if (empty($var)) { return false; } return unserialize($var->cv_value); }
/** * Figure out what articles include this file from any wiki */ public function getGlobalUsage() { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); if (empty($this->wg->EnableGlobalUsageExt)) { $this->summary = array(); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return; } $fileTitle = $this->getVal('fileTitle', ''); $titleObj = empty($fileTitle) ? $this->wg->Title : Title::newFromText($fileTitle); $memcKey = $this->getMemcKeyGlobalUsage($titleObj->getDBkey()); $globalUsage = $this->wg->Memc->get($memcKey); if (!is_array($globalUsage)) { // Query the global usage table to see where the current File title is used $db = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE, array(), $this->wg->GlobalUsageDatabase); $gilTo = $db->addQuotes($titleObj->getDBkey()); $wiki = $db->addQuotes($this->wg->DBname); // The 'limit' parameter is used by both usage methods we forward to as a way to limit // the number of rows returned. This is a safeguard against extreme cases $limit = self::LIMIT_GLOBAL_USAGE; $sql = <<<SQL \t\t\t\tSELECT * \t\t\t\tFROM ( \t\t\t\t\tSELECT * \t\t\t\t\tFROM `globalimagelinks` \t\t\t\t\tWHERE gil_to = {$gilTo} AND gil_wiki != {$wiki} \t\t\t\t\tORDER BY gil_wiki, gil_page_namespace_id \t\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1000 \t\t\t\t) s \t\t\t\tGROUP BY gil_wiki \t\t\t\tLIMIT {$limit} SQL; $result = $db->query(trim($sql), __METHOD__); // We need to make sure $globalUsage is an array. If the query below returns no rows, $globalUsage // ends up being null due to it's initial assignment of $globalUsage = $this->wg->Memc->get( $memcKey ); $globalUsage = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchObject($result)) { // Don't show private wikis in the list of global usage for a video $wikiId = WikiFactory::DBtoID($row->gil_wiki); $isPrivate = WikiFactory::getVarByName('wgIsPrivateWiki', $wikiId)->cv_value; // getVarByName returns a serialized value, eg 'b:1' $isPrivate = unserialize($isPrivate); if ($isPrivate) { continue; } $globalUsage[$row->gil_wiki][] = ['image' => $row->gil_page_title, 'id' => $row->gil_page, 'namespace_id' => $row->gil_page_namespace_id, 'title' => $row->gil_to, 'wiki' => $row->gil_wiki]; } $this->wg->Memc->set($memcKey, $globalUsage, 60 * 60); } $this->summary = $globalUsage; wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
/** * @param int $id WikiId * @return string */ protected function getWikiWordmarkImage($id) { $settings = WikiFactory::getVarByName(ThemeSettings::WikiFactorySettings, $id); $values = unserialize($settings->cv_value); return isset($values[self::WORDMARK_URL_SETTING]) ? $values[self::WORDMARK_URL_SETTING] : ''; }