  * 列出指定網頁的標註列表
  * @param type $wepage_id
  * @param type $page
 public function webpage_id($webpage_id, $page = 0)
     //$topic_id = NULL
     $data = array();
     $webpage = new Webpage($webpage_id);
     $data["webpage"] = $webpage;
     // 取得文章標題
     $title = $webpage->get_title();
     $data['webpage_title'] = $title;
     // rss->user_id
     /*$session_user = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); 
       if (isset($session_user)) {
           $user_id = get_context_user()->get_id();
       else {
           $user_id = 0;       
     $user = get_context_user();
     //echo 'get_context_user ='******'//';
     //echo $this->session->userdata('logged_in').'//';
     //echo 'session_user_id ='.$this->session->userdata('user_id');
     // 取得網頁中所有的標註並設定collection的排序方式
     $written_annotations = $this->_get_written_annotations_from_webpage($webpage);
     // 查詢未讀過的annotation
     $unread_topics = $this->_get_unread_topcis($webpage);
     $data['written_annotations'] = $this->_filter_written_annotations($written_annotations, $unread_topics);
     $data["webpage_url"] = $webpage->get_url();
     // log區 -使用mobile裝置瀏覽topic list- action = 40
     return $this->_display_view($data);
文件: rss.php 项目: 119155012/kals
  * 讀取RSS
  * 範例:http://localhost/kals/web_apps/rss/webpage/1573
 public function webpage($webpage_id = NULL)
     if (is_null($webpage_id)) {
         $webpage = get_context_webpage();
         $webpage_id = $webpage->get_id();
         redirect("/web_apps/rss/webpage/" . $webpage_id);
     //echo $webpage_id;
     $webpage = new Webpage($webpage_id);
     //$search = $webpage->get_search_annotation();
     $search = new Search_annotation_collection();
     $order_type_id = 6;
     $desc = TRUE;
     $search->add_order($order_type_id, $desc);
     // ------------------------------
     // 以下開始建立RSS清單
     // 請使用php-rss-writer來建立
     // 專案首頁:https://github.com/suin/php-rss-writer
     // 程式碼位置:https://github.com/suin/php-rss-writer/tree/master/Source/Suin/RSSWriter
     // ------------------------------
     $feed = new Feed();
     $webpage_title = $webpage->get_title();
     //$webpage_topics_path = '/mobile_apps/annotation_topics/webpade_id/'.$webpage_id;
     //$webpage_topics_url = get_kals_base_url($webpage_topics_path);
     //$webpage_topics_url = site_url('/mobile_apps/annotation_topics/webpade_id/'.$webpage_id);
     //$webpage_topics_url = $webpage->get_url() . "#mobile=true";
     $webpage_topics_url = get_kals_base_url("mobile_apps/redirect/load/" . $webpage_id);
     $channel = new Channel();
     $channel->title($webpage_title)->description("Channel Description")->url($webpage_topics_url)->appendTo($feed);
     foreach ($search as $annotation) {
         $item = new Item();
         $type = $annotation->get_type();
         $type_name = $type->get_name();
         if ($type_name != 'annotation.type.custom') {
             $type_show = $this->lang->line("web_apps." . $type_name);
         } else {
             $type_show = $type->get_custom_name();
         // anchor text
         // user name
         // date
         // annotation type
         // note
         $annotation_id = $annotation->get_id();
         if (isset($annotation_id)) {
             //$topic_array = $this->db->query("SELECT topic_id
             //                                 FROM annotation
             //                                 WHERE annotation_id ='".$annotation_id."'");
             $topic_array = $this->db->select("topic_id")->from("annotation")->where("annotation_id", $annotation_id)->where("deleted", "false")->get();
         foreach ($topic_array->result_array() as $row) {
             $topic_id = $row['topic_id'];
          * @author Pulipuli Chen 20140429
          * 要記得沒有topic的標註啊……
         $topic_id = trim($topic_id);
         if ($topic_id == "") {
             $topic_id = $annotation_id;
         //$item_url = ''.$topic_id.'#annotation_'.$annotation_id;
         //$annotation_thread_path = "mobile_apps/annotation_thread/topic_id/".$topic_id."#annotation_".$annotation_id;
         //$item_url = site_url($annotation_thread_path);
         //$item_url = get_kals_base_url($annotation_thread_path);
         //$item_url = $webpage->get_url() . "#mobile=true&topic_id=" . $topic_id . "&annotation_id=" . $annotation_id;
         $item_url = get_kals_base_url("mobile_apps/redirect/load/" . $webpage_id . "/" . $topic_id . "/" . $annotation_id);
         //$item_url = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]
         $item->title("[" . $type_show . "] " . '"' . $annotation->get_anchor_text() . '"')->description("<div> " . $this->lang->line("web_apps.window.content.search.field.author") . ": " . $annotation->get_user()->get_name() . " </div>" . "<div> " . $this->lang->line("web_apps.window.content.search.field.author") . ": " . $annotation->get_user()->get_name() . " </div>" . "<div>" . $annotation->get_note() . " </div>                     \n                              ")->url($item_url)->appendTo($channel);
     echo $feed;
文件: mobile.php 项目: 119155012/kals
  * annotation_topics
  * @param Int $webpage_id 不可以是空值
 public function annotation_topics($webpage_id)
     //$topic_id = NULL
     $data = array();
     $webpage = new Webpage($webpage_id);
     // 取得文章標題
     $title = $webpage->get_title();
     $data['title'] = $title;
     // 取得網頁中所有的標註並設定collection的排序方式
     $annotation_order = 10;
     $annotation_desc = TRUE;
     $written_annotations = $webpage->get_written_annotations($annotation_order, $annotation_desc);
     $data['written_annotations'] = array();
     $array = array();
     // rss->user_id
     /*$session_user = $this->session->userdata('user_id'); 
       if (isset($session_user)) {
           $user_id = get_context_user()->get_id();
       else {
           $user_id = 0;       
     $user = get_context_user();
     //echo 'get_context_user ='******'//';
     //echo $this->session->userdata('logged_in').'//';
     //echo 'session_user_id ='.$this->session->userdata('user_id');
     // 查詢未讀過的annotation
     //if ( $user_id !== 0 ){
     if (isset($user)) {
         $user_id = $user->get_id();
         $unread_annotation = $this->db->query("SELECT topic_annotation.webpage_id, topic_annotation.is_topic_id, annotation_timestamp, max(log_timestamp) as log_timestamp\n                                                FROM \n                                                    (SELECT webpage2annotation.webpage_id, annotation_id AS is_topic_id,\n                                                            MAX(CASE WHEN res.update_timestamp IS NULL THEN annotation.update_timestamp\n                                                                     ELSE res.update_timestamp\n                                                                     END)AS annotation_timestamp \n                                                      FROM annotation JOIN webpage2annotation using (annotation_id) \n                                                                      LEFT JOIN ( \n                                                                                 SELECT webpage_id, annotation_id AS res_id, annotation.topic_id AS res_topic_id, annotation.update_timestamp\n                                                                                 FROM annotation JOIN webpage2annotation using (annotation_id) \n                                                                                 WHERE topic_id IS NOT NULL AND webpage_id = '" . $webpage_id . "') AS res ON (annotation.annotation_id = res.res_topic_id)\n                                                      WHERE annotation.topic_id IS NULL AND webpage2annotation.webpage_id = '" . $webpage_id . "'  \n                                                      GROUP BY webpage2annotation.webpage_id, is_topic_id) AS topic_annotation\n                                                LEFT JOIN\n                                                      (SELECT user_id, webpage_id, note, max(log_timestamp) AS log_timestamp\n                                                       FROM log\n                                                       WHERE user_id = '" . $user_id . "' AND webpage_id = '" . $webpage_id . "' AND (action = '16' OR action = '41') \n                                                       GROUP BY user_id, webpage_id, note) AS log_view_thread\n                                                             ON log_view_thread.note like concat('%\"topic_id\":' , topic_annotation.is_topic_id , '%')\n                                                GROUP BY topic_annotation.webpage_id, is_topic_id, annotation_timestamp\n                                                HAVING max(log_timestamp) < annotation_timestamp OR max(log_timestamp) IS NULL");
         $unread_array = array();
         // 存放unread topic id(topic and res)
         foreach ($unread_annotation->result_array() as $row) {
             $unread_id = $row['is_topic_id'];
             $unread_array[$unread_id] = $row['is_topic_id'];
     //if (isset($user)) {
     foreach ($written_annotations as $annotation) {
         $anchor_text = $annotation->get_anchor_text();
         //$array['note'] = $annotation->get_note(); //note
         // get annotation id
         $annotation_id = $annotation->get_id();
         $array['annotation_id'] = $annotation_id;
         // 控制anchor text顯示長度
         $anchor_length = $annotation->get_scope_length();
         if ($anchor_length > 10) {
             $array['anchor_text'] = mb_substr($anchor_text, 0, 8, "utf-8");
         } else {
             $array['anchor_text'] = $anchor_text;
         $respond_collection = $annotation->get_topic_respond_length();
         $array['respond_count'] = $respond_collection;
         //取得長度(only res)
         // get last response timestamp
         if ($array['respond_count'] != 0) {
             $last_respond = $annotation->get_last_respond();
             $last_respond_id = $last_respond->get_id();
             $last_item = new $annotation($last_respond_id);
             $last_timestamp = $last_item->get_create_timestamp();
         } else {
             $last_timestamp = $annotation->get_create_timestamp();
         $last_short_timestamp = substr($last_timestamp, 0, 10);
         $array['timestamp'] = $last_short_timestamp;
         //if ( $user_id !== 0 ){
         if (isset($user)) {
             $user_id = $user->get_id();
             // 判斷有無unread annotation
             if (isset($unread_array[$annotation_id])) {
                 $array['is_unread'] = 'inline';
                 //echo $annotation_id;
                 //echo 'Y <br>';
             } else {
                 $array['is_unread'] = 'none';
                 //echo $annotation_id;
                 //echo 'N <br>';
         } else {
             $array['is_unread'] = 'none';
         //else {
         $data['written_annotations'][] = $array;
     // log區 -使用mobile裝置瀏覽topic list- action = 40
     // 把語系檔存入變數中,傳入view
     $data['lang'] = $this->lang;
     $this->load->view('mobile/annotation_topic_view', $data);