 public function provideTestToString()
     $mockToStringObj = $this->getMock('stdClass', ['__toString']);
     $requestId = 'requestId=' . WebRequest::getRequestId();
     return [[$this->getMockJob(false), 'someCommand  ' . $requestId], [$this->getMockJob(['key' => 'val']), 'someCommand  key=val ' . $requestId], [$this->getMockJob(['key' => ['inkey' => 'inval']]), 'someCommand  key={"inkey":"inval"} ' . $requestId], [$this->getMockJob(['val1']), 'someCommand  0=val1 ' . $requestId], [$this->getMockJob(['val1', 'val2']), 'someCommand  0=val1 1=val2 ' . $requestId], [$this->getMockJob([new stdClass()]), 'someCommand  0=object(stdClass) ' . $requestId], [$this->getMockJob([$mockToStringObj]), 'someCommand  0={STRING_OBJ_VAL} ' . $requestId], [$this->getMockJob(["pages" => ["932737" => [0, "Robert_James_Waller"]], "rootJobSignature" => "45868e99bba89064e4483743ebb9b682ef95c1a7", "rootJobTimestamp" => "20160309110158", "masterPos" => ["file" => "db1023-bin.001288", "pos" => "308257743", "asOfTime" => 1457521464.3814], "triggeredRecursive" => true]), 'someCommand  pages={"932737":[0,"Robert_James_Waller"]} ' . 'rootJobSignature=45868e99bba89064e4483743ebb9b682ef95c1a7 ' . 'rootJobTimestamp=20160309110158 masterPos=' . '{"file":"db1023-bin.001288","pos":"308257743","asOfTime":1457521464.3814} ' . 'triggeredRecursive=1 ' . $requestId]];
文件: Job.php 项目: paladox/mediawiki
  * @param string $command
  * @param Title $title
  * @param array|bool $params Can not be === true
 public function __construct($command, $title, $params = false)
     $this->command = $command;
     $this->title = $title;
     $this->params = is_array($params) ? $params : [];
     // sanity
     // expensive jobs may set this to true
     $this->removeDuplicates = false;
     if (!isset($this->params['requestId'])) {
         $this->params['requestId'] = WebRequest::getRequestId();
  * Get a structured representation of an Exception.
  * Returns an array of structured data (class, message, code, file,
  * backtrace) derived from the given exception. The backtrace information
  * will be redacted as per getRedactedTraceAsArray().
  * @param Exception|Throwable $e
  * @return array
  * @since 1.26
 public static function getStructuredExceptionData($e)
     global $wgLogExceptionBacktrace;
     $data = ['id' => WebRequest::getRequestId(), 'type' => get_class($e), 'file' => $e->getFile(), 'line' => $e->getLine(), 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'code' => $e->getCode(), 'url' => self::getURL() ?: null];
     if ($e instanceof ErrorException && (error_reporting() & $e->getSeverity()) === 0) {
         // Flag surpressed errors
         $data['suppressed'] = true;
     if ($wgLogExceptionBacktrace) {
         $data['backtrace'] = self::getRedactedTrace($e);
     $previous = $e->getPrevious();
     if ($previous !== null) {
         $data['previous'] = self::getStructuredExceptionData($previous);
     return $data;
  * Create an error message for the given exception.
  * If the exception is a UsageException then
  * UsageException::getMessageArray() will be called to create the message.
  * @param Exception $e
  * @return array ['code' => 'some string', 'info' => 'some other string']
  * @since 1.27
 protected function errorMessageFromException($e)
     if ($e instanceof UsageException) {
         // User entered incorrect parameters - generate error response
         $errMessage = $e->getMessageArray();
     } else {
         $config = $this->getConfig();
         // Something is seriously wrong
         if ($e instanceof DBQueryError && !$config->get('ShowSQLErrors')) {
             $info = 'Database query error';
         } else {
             $info = "Exception Caught: {$e->getMessage()}";
         $errMessage = ['code' => 'internal_api_error_' . get_class($e), 'info' => '[' . WebRequest::getRequestId() . '] ' . $info];
     return $errMessage;
  * Get an array containing the variables to be set in mw.config in JavaScript.
  * Do not add things here which can be evaluated in ResourceLoaderStartUpModule
  * - in other words, page-independent/site-wide variables (without state).
  * You will only be adding bloat to the html page and causing page caches to
  * have to be purged on configuration changes.
  * @return array
 public function getJSVars()
     global $wgContLang;
     $curRevisionId = 0;
     $articleId = 0;
     $canonicalSpecialPageName = false;
     # bug 21115
     $title = $this->getTitle();
     $ns = $title->getNamespace();
     $canonicalNamespace = MWNamespace::exists($ns) ? MWNamespace::getCanonicalName($ns) : $title->getNsText();
     $sk = $this->getSkin();
     // Get the relevant title so that AJAX features can use the correct page name
     // when making API requests from certain special pages (bug 34972).
     $relevantTitle = $sk->getRelevantTitle();
     $relevantUser = $sk->getRelevantUser();
     if ($ns == NS_SPECIAL) {
         list($canonicalSpecialPageName, ) = SpecialPageFactory::resolveAlias($title->getDBkey());
     } elseif ($this->canUseWikiPage()) {
         $wikiPage = $this->getWikiPage();
         $curRevisionId = $wikiPage->getLatest();
         $articleId = $wikiPage->getId();
     $lang = $title->getPageViewLanguage();
     // Pre-process information
     $separatorTransTable = $lang->separatorTransformTable();
     $separatorTransTable = $separatorTransTable ? $separatorTransTable : [];
     $compactSeparatorTransTable = [implode("\t", array_keys($separatorTransTable)), implode("\t", $separatorTransTable)];
     $digitTransTable = $lang->digitTransformTable();
     $digitTransTable = $digitTransTable ? $digitTransTable : [];
     $compactDigitTransTable = [implode("\t", array_keys($digitTransTable)), implode("\t", $digitTransTable)];
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $vars = ['wgCanonicalNamespace' => $canonicalNamespace, 'wgCanonicalSpecialPageName' => $canonicalSpecialPageName, 'wgNamespaceNumber' => $title->getNamespace(), 'wgPageName' => $title->getPrefixedDBkey(), 'wgTitle' => $title->getText(), 'wgCurRevisionId' => $curRevisionId, 'wgRevisionId' => (int) $this->getRevisionId(), 'wgArticleId' => $articleId, 'wgIsArticle' => $this->isArticle(), 'wgIsRedirect' => $title->isRedirect(), 'wgAction' => Action::getActionName($this->getContext()), 'wgUserName' => $user->isAnon() ? null : $user->getName(), 'wgUserGroups' => $user->getEffectiveGroups(), 'wgCategories' => $this->getCategories(), 'wgBreakFrames' => $this->getFrameOptions() == 'DENY', 'wgPageContentLanguage' => $lang->getCode(), 'wgPageContentModel' => $title->getContentModel(), 'wgSeparatorTransformTable' => $compactSeparatorTransTable, 'wgDigitTransformTable' => $compactDigitTransTable, 'wgDefaultDateFormat' => $lang->getDefaultDateFormat(), 'wgMonthNames' => $lang->getMonthNamesArray(), 'wgMonthNamesShort' => $lang->getMonthAbbreviationsArray(), 'wgRelevantPageName' => $relevantTitle->getPrefixedDBkey(), 'wgRelevantArticleId' => $relevantTitle->getArticleID(), 'wgRequestId' => WebRequest::getRequestId()];
     if ($user->isLoggedIn()) {
         $vars['wgUserId'] = $user->getId();
         $vars['wgUserEditCount'] = $user->getEditCount();
         $userReg = $user->getRegistration();
         $vars['wgUserRegistration'] = $userReg ? wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $userReg) * 1000 : null;
         // Get the revision ID of the oldest new message on the user's talk
         // page. This can be used for constructing new message alerts on
         // the client side.
         $vars['wgUserNewMsgRevisionId'] = $user->getNewMessageRevisionId();
     if ($wgContLang->hasVariants()) {
         $vars['wgUserVariant'] = $wgContLang->getPreferredVariant();
     // Same test as SkinTemplate
     $vars['wgIsProbablyEditable'] = $title->quickUserCan('edit', $user) && ($title->exists() || $title->quickUserCan('create', $user));
     foreach ($title->getRestrictionTypes() as $type) {
         $vars['wgRestriction' . ucfirst($type)] = $title->getRestrictions($type);
     if ($title->isMainPage()) {
         $vars['wgIsMainPage'] = true;
     if ($this->mRedirectedFrom) {
         $vars['wgRedirectedFrom'] = $this->mRedirectedFrom->getPrefixedDBkey();
     if ($relevantUser) {
         $vars['wgRelevantUserName'] = $relevantUser->getName();
     // Allow extensions to add their custom variables to the mw.config map.
     // Use the 'ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars' hook if the variable is not
     // page-dependant but site-wide (without state).
     // Alternatively, you may want to use OutputPage->addJsConfigVars() instead.
     Hooks::run('MakeGlobalVariablesScript', [&$vars, $this]);
     // Merge in variables from addJsConfigVars last
     return array_merge($vars, $this->getJsConfigVars());
  * If $wgShowExceptionDetails is true, return a HTML message with a
  * backtrace to the error, otherwise show a message to ask to set it to true
  * to show that information.
  * @return string Html to output
 public function getHTML()
     global $wgShowExceptionDetails;
     if ($wgShowExceptionDetails) {
         return '<p>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(MWExceptionHandler::getLogMessage($this))) . '</p><p>Backtrace:</p><p>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(MWExceptionHandler::getRedactedTraceAsString($this))) . "</p>\n";
     } else {
         $logId = WebRequest::getRequestId();
         $type = get_class($this);
         return "<div class=\"errorbox\">" . '[' . $logId . '] ' . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ": " . $this->msg("internalerror-fatal-exception", "Fatal exception of type \$1", $type, $logId, MWExceptionHandler::getURL($this)) . "</div>\n" . "<!-- Set \$wgShowExceptionDetails = true; " . "at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed " . "debugging information. -->";
  * @param array $record
  * @return array
 public function __invoke(array $record)
     global $wgVersion;
     $record['extra'] = array_merge($record['extra'], ['host' => wfHostname(), 'wiki' => wfWikiID(), 'mwversion' => $wgVersion, 'reqId' => \WebRequest::getRequestId()]);
     return $record;
  * If $wgShowExceptionDetails is true, return a HTML message with a
  * backtrace to the error, otherwise show a message to ask to set it to true
  * to show that information.
  * @param Exception|Throwable $e
  * @return string Html to output
 public static function getHTML($e)
     if (self::showBackTrace($e)) {
         $html = "<div class=\"errorbox\"><p>" . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(MWExceptionHandler::getLogMessage($e))) . '</p><p>Backtrace:</p><p>' . nl2br(htmlspecialchars(MWExceptionHandler::getRedactedTraceAsString($e))) . "</p></div>\n";
     } else {
         $logId = WebRequest::getRequestId();
         $html = "<div class=\"errorbox\">" . '[' . $logId . '] ' . gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ": " . self::msg("internalerror-fatal-exception", "Fatal exception of type \$1", get_class($e), $logId, MWExceptionHandler::getURL()) . "</div>\n" . "<!-- Set \$wgShowExceptionDetails = true; " . "at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed " . "debugging information. -->";
     return $html;