/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = WaterSupply::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
public function calculateWaterDemand($geom = null) { $zone = $this->zone_name; while ($zone != null) { $formula = WaterRequestFormulas::model()->find('zone=:zone', array(':zone' => $zone)); if ($formula) { break; } $zone = Zones::parentZone($zone); } //Yii::log('ctype_digit='.print_r(ctype_digit($geom_id),true).' geom_id='.$geom_id , CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'calculateWaterDemand'); // DEBUG if ($geom == null) { $comuni = Geometry::Get_City_State($this->wr_geometry_id); } else { $comuni = Geometry::Get_City_State_ByWKT($geom); } /* if(!ctype_digit($geom_id)){ $comuni = Geometry::Get_City_State_ByWKT($geom_id); }else{ $comuni = Geometry::Get_City_State($this->wr_geometry_id); }*/ if (count($comuni)) { $city_state = $comuni[0]['nome']; } else { Yii::log('non trovo il comune. geom_id=' . $geom, CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'calculateWaterDemand'); // DEBUG $city_state = 'Pisa'; } $water_supply = WaterSupply::model()->find('lower(city_state)=:city_state', array(':city_state' => strtolower($city_state))); if (!$water_supply) { Yii::log('Manca la WaterSupply. $city_state=' . $city_state, CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'calculateWaterDemand'); // DEBUG return -1; } $dg = $water_supply->daily_maximum_water_supply; $da = $water_supply->yearly_average_water_supply; $fformula = str_ireplace(array('ae', 'dg', 'da'), array($this->pe, $dg, $da), $formula->formula); //TODO: mettere nel config il valore delle stringe ae, dg e da $ret = Math::safe_eval($fformula); if (is_numeric($ret)) { return $ret; } return -1; }
/** * Popup form to insert a new Geometry with Zone or add a Zone to an existing Geometry * @param string $wr_id * @param string $type * @param string $geom_or_id * @param string $zone_id * @throws CHttpException */ public function actionPopup($wr_id, $type, $geom_or_id, $zone_id = null) { $wr_model = WaterRequests::model()->findByPk($wr_id); if ($wr_model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } if (!Yii::app()->user->checkAccess('updateWaterRequest', array('waterRequest' => $wr_model))) { echo Yii::t('waterrequest', 'You are not authorized to edit'); Yii::app()->end(); } //Yii::log('wr_id='.$wr_id.' type='.$type.' geom_or_id='.$geom_or_id.' $zone_id='.$zone_id, CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'popup'); if ($type == 'update_geom') { $geom_id = $_POST['geom_id']; $geom_model = WaterRequestGeometries::model()->findByPk($geom_id); if (!$geom_model) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } //Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap=array('jquery.yiiactiveform.js'=>false,'jquery.uniform.js'=>false,'jquery.js'=>false,); $this->renderPartial('/waterRequestGeometries/_popupeditgeom', array('model' => $geom_model), false, true); Yii::app()->end(); return; } $geom_already_exist = false; if ($type == 'zone') { $geom_id = $geom_or_id; $geom_model = WaterRequestGeometries::model()->findByPk($geom_id); if ($geom_model) { $geom_already_exist = true; } } if (!$geom_already_exist) { // If geometry is outside working area, fail the popup. $city_state = Geometry::Get_City_State($geom_or_id); if ($city_state == null) { Yii::log('Comune non trovato. $g=' . $geom_or_id, CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'actionPopup'); // DEBUG $this->renderPartial('_popup_fail'); Yii::app()->end(); } $water_supply = WaterSupply::model()->find('lower(city_state)=:city_state', array(':city_state' => strtolower($city_state))); if (!$water_supply) { Yii::log('Disegnato fuori. $city_state=' . $city_state, CLogger::LEVEL_INFO, 'actionPopup'); // DEBUG $this->renderPartial('_popup_fail'); Yii::app()->end(); } $geom_model = new WaterRequestGeometries(); $geom_model->wr_id = $wr_id; } $zone_model = null; if ($zone_id) { $zone_model = WaterRequestGeometryZones::model()->findByPk($zone_id); } if (!$zone_model) { $zone_model = new WaterRequestGeometryZones(); } //Yii::app()->clientScript->scriptMap=array('jquery.yiiactiveform.js'=>false,'jquery.uniform.js'=>false,'jquery.js'=>false,); $this->renderPartial('_popupform', array('model' => $zone_model, 'geom_model' => $geom_model, 'geom_already_exist' => $geom_already_exist), false, true); Yii::app()->end(); }