public function step($id)
     if (WY_Request::isPost()) {
         if ($id == 1) {
             // step 1 process handled here
             $db_host = WY_Request::post('dbhost');
             $db_name = WY_Request::post('dbname');
             $db_user = WY_Request::post('dbuser');
             $db_pass = WY_Request::post('dbpass');
             if ($db_host !== null && $db_name !== null && $db_user !== null) {
                 $config_file = fopen("wy_config/config.php", "w") or die("can't write config file, check folder permission");
                 $item_config = str_replace(array('%host%', '%username%', '%password%', '%dbname%'), array($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_name), self::conf_template);
                 fwrite($config_file, $item_config) or die("item config failed to write");
                 // done here, move to the next step
         } elseif ($id == 2) {
             // step 2 process handled here
             $username = WY_Request::post('username');
             $password = WY_Request::post('password');
             $email = WY_Request::post('email');
             $display_name = WY_Request::post('display');
             $url = WY_Request::post('url');
             if ($username && $password && $email && $display_name) {
                 WY_Session::set('install.username', $username);
                 WY_Session::set('install.password', $password);
                 WY_Session::set('', $email);
                 WY_Session::set('install.display_name', $display_name);
                 WY_Session::set('install.url', $url);
                 // done here, move to the next step
         } else {
             // step 3 process
             $web_name = WY_Request::post('wname');
             $web_url = WY_Request::post('wurl');
             //$enable_sidebar = WY_Request::post('wside');
             WY_Session::set('install.web_name', $web_name);
             WY_Session::set('install.web_url', $web_url);
             //WY_Session::set('install.enable_sidebar', $enable_sidebar);
     $this->layout->content = WY_View::fetch('install/step_' . $id);
     $this->layout->pageTitle = 'Wayang - Initial Installation';