		   * standard constructor
		   * @param string the name of the Label, used internally only.
		   * @param string sets the text that will be displayed
		   * @param string $style sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		   * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function LinkLabel($name, $text, $href, $target = "_self", $style = "standard", $cells = 1) {
			global $c;

			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, $text, "", $style, $cells);
			$this->href = $c["docroot"] . $href;
			$this->target = $target;
		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		  * @param string mime types, that are allowed to upload. e.g. text or images
		  * @param integer $size Number of chars, that can be entered.
		  * @param integer $width width in pixel
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function Filebox($name, $style, $allow, $size = 255, $width = 300, $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", "", $style, $cells);

			$this->size = $size;
			$this->iwidth = $width;
			$this->allow = $allow;
		 * standard constructor
		 * @param string Name of the Hidden Field
		 * @param string Value of the Hidden Field.
		function SingleHidden($name, $value, $form="form1") { 
			global $hidden_fields;
			$this->form = $form;
			if (!isset($hidden_fields)) {
				$hidden_fields = array();
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, "", 0); 
		  * standard constuctor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		  * @param string Text that will be placed on the button and will be submitted.
		  * @param string name of the icon to use. the icon must be in theme-folder/icons and be named like si_NAME.gif
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		* @param string $type type of input. Allowed are submit|button|reset
		* @param string $action JS action, that is to be performed, when button is clicked
		* @param string Name of the form, the button is in.
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function LinkIconButton($name, $value, $icon, $style, $type = "button", $action = "", $formname = "form1", $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells);

			$this->action = $action;
			$this->type = $type;
			$this->formname = $formname;
			$this->icon = $icon;
		   * standard constructor
		   * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		   * @param string sets a value that will be displayed
		   * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		   * @param integer $rows Height of the textbox in lines
		   * @param string $params use to format the layout-item. the text will be entered into the textarea html-tag
		   * @param integer $width width in pixel
		   * @param string $action Javascript-action, that ist to be done when changing text.
		   * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function TextArea($name, $value, $style, $rows = 5, $params = "", $width = 300, $action = "", $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells);

			$this->action = $action;
			$this->iwidth = $width;
			$this->params = $params;
			$this->rows = $rows;
		  * standard constuctor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		  * @param string Text that will be placed on the button and will be submitted.
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		* @param string $type type of input. Allowed are submit|button|reset
		* @param string $action JS action, that is to be performed, when button is clicked
		* @param string Name of the form, the button is in.
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		  * @param boolean show button active (true, default) or inactive (false)
		  * @param string Tooltip-text to show.
		function LinkButtonInline($name, $value, $style, $type = "button", $action = "", $formname = "form1", $cells = 1, $active = true, $tooltip="") {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells);

			$this->action = $action;
			$this->type = strtolower($type);
			$this->formname = $formname;
			$this->active = $active;
			$this->tooltip = $tooltip;
		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		  * @param string Value that will be filled in box.
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		  * @param integer $size Max. number of chars to be entered.
		  * @param string $params use to format the layout-item
		  * @param integer $width width in pixel
		* @param string $type type of input. Allowed are text|hidden|password
		* @param string $action JS action, that is to be performed, when text changed.
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function Input($name, $value, $style, $size = 255, $params = "", $width = 300, $type = "text", $action = "", $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells);

			$this->action = $action;
			$this->type = $type;
			$this->size = $size;
			$this->iwidth = $width;
			$this->params = $params;
			$this->additionalParameters= "";
		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		  * @param string 2D-array with values and corresponding names. to be Created with db-funtions.
		  * @param string 2D-array with values and corresponding names. to be Created with db-funtions.
		  * @param string headline for left hand box
		  * @param string headline for right hand box
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		  * @param integer Height of the selectbox in lines
		  * @param string use to format the layout-item
		  * @param integer width in pixel
		  * @param integer Cellspan of the element in Table.
		  * @param string Name of the parent form.
		function SelectMultiple($name, $values, $selectedValues, $headleft, $headright, $style, $rows = 5, $params = "", $cells = 2, $formname="form1") {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $values, $style, $cells);

			$this->selectedValues = $selectedValues;
			$this->rows = $rows;
			$this->params = $params;
			$this->iwidth = 220; 
			$this->formname = $formname;
			$this->headleft = $headleft;
			$this->headright = $headright;
		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		  * @param string 5D-array with names, values, descriptions and icon-paths and icon-filenames.
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		  * @param integer Value of values-array, that is to be preselected, 0 is standard.
		  * @param integer Height of the selectbox in lines
		  * @param string use to format the layout-item
		  * @param integer width in pixel
		* @param integer height in pixel
		  * @param integer Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function IconSelect($name, $values, $style, $selectedValue = 0, $rows = 5, $params = "", $width = 0, $height = 0, $cells = 1) {
			global $c_theme;

			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $values, $style, $cells);
			$this->selectedValue = $selectedValue;

			if ($width == 0) {
				$this->width = 350;
			} else {
				$this->width = $width;

			if ($height == 0) {
				$this->height = 250;
			} else {
				$this->height = $height;

			$this->rows = $rows;
			$this->params = $params;
		   * standard constructor
		   * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		   * @param string sets a value that will be displayed
		   * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		   * @param string You must manually enter the name of the form here for JS reasons.
		   * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function Datebox($name, $value, $style, $formname = "form1", $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells);

			$this->formName = $formname;
		  * Standard constructor.
		  * @param string the name of the WUIObject, used in the html name property
			* @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
			* @param integer $columns Cellspan of the element in Table
		function HTMLContainer($name, $style, $columns = 2) { WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", "", $style, $columns); }
		  * Standard constructor.
		  * @param string the name of the WUIObject, used in the html name property
			* @param string file, to include in draw.
			* @param string style, to use for display the item
			* @param integer $columns Cellspan of the element in Table
		function ExtFileContainer($name, $extfile, $style, $columns = 2) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", "", $style, $columns);

			$this->extfile = $extfile;
		   * standard constructor
		   * @param string the name of the Label, used internally only.
		   * @param string sets the text that will be displayed
		   * @param string $style sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		   * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function Label($name, $text, $style = "label", $cells = 1) { WUIObject::WUIObject($name, $text, "", $style, $cells); }
		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string the name of the Cell. Used internally only.
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		  * @param integer $width Width of the Cell in Pixel.
		  * @param integer $height Height of the Cell in Pixel.
		function Cell($name, $style = "standard", $cells = 1, $width = 1, $height = 1) { WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", "", $style, $cells, $width, $height); }
		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string the name of the Wrapper. Used in id-Attribute
		  * @param mixed DBO or WUI-Object to draw.
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		  * @param string Add additional payload to the tag. for styles or so on.
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function IDWrapper($name, $obj, $style = "standard", $payload="", $cells = 1) { 
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", "", $style, $cells);
			$this->obj = $obj;
			$this->payload = $payload; 
		   * standard constructor
		   * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		   * @param string sets a value that will be displayed
		   * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		   * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function DateTimeboxHTML($name, $value, $style, $cells = 1) { WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells); }
		   * standard Constructor
		   * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		   * @param string sets a value that will be displayed
		   * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		   * @param string You must manually enter the name of the form here for JS reasons.
		   * @param integer Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function ColorInput($name, $value, $style, $formname, $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells);

			$this->formName = $formname;
  * Standard constructor
  function FormImage($imPath, $width, $height, $alt="", $style="", $cells=2) {
  	WUIObject::WUIObject("", $imPath, "", $style, $cells);     
  	$this->width = $width;
  	$this->height = $height;
  	$this->alt = $alt;
		   * standard constructor
		   * @param string the name of the Grid, used internally only.
		   * @param string $style sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		   * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function NXGrid($name, $columns = 2, $style = "standard", $cells = 2) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", "", $style, $cells);

			$this->cols = $columns;
		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		* @param string Value, that will be returned if box is checked.
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		  * @param boolean $checked true or false, check or don't
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function Radio($name, $value, $style, $checked = false, $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells);

			$this->checked = $checked;
		  * standard constructor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		* @param string Value, that will be returned if box is checked.
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
		  * @param boolean $checked true or false, check or don't
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function CheckboxTxt($name, $value, $title, $style, $checked = false, $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, $title, $value, $style, $cells);

			$this->checked = $checked;
		   * standard constructor
		   * @param string the name of the Label, used internally only.
		   * @param string sets the text that will be displayed
		   * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function Subtitle($name, $text, $cells = 2) { WUIObject::WUIObject($name, $text, "", "", $cells); }
		  * standard constuctor
		  * @param string the name of the Input, used in the html name property
		  * @param string Text that will be placed on the button and will be submitted.
		  * @param string sets the styles, which will be used for drawing
  		  * @param string $type type of input. Allowed are submit|button|reset
		  * @param string $action JS action, that is to be performed, when button is clicked
		  * @param integer $cells Cellspan of the element in Table.
		function Button($name, $value, $style="", $type = "button", $action = "", $cells = 1) {
			WUIObject::WUIObject($name, "", $value, $style, $cells);
			$this->action = $action;
			$this->type = $type;