 public function TodayYMD()
     return $this->JDtoYMD(WT_Date_Gregorian::YMDtoJD(date('Y'), date('n'), date('j')));
     $title = WT_I18N::translate('Theme dropdown selector for theme changes');
     $text = WT_I18N::translate('Gives users the option of selecting their own theme from a menu.<br><br>Even with this option set, the theme currently in effect may not provide for such a menu.  To be effective, this option requires the <b>Allow users to select their own theme</b> option to be set as well.');
     $title = WT_I18N::translate('Allow users to select their own theme');
     $text = WT_I18N::translate('Gives users the option of selecting their own theme.');
     $d1 = new WT_Date('22 SEP 1792');
     $d1 = $d1->Display(false, null, array());
     $d2 = new WT_Date('31 DEC 1805');
     $d2 = $d2->Display(false, null, array());
     $d3 = new WT_Date('15 OCT 1582');
     $d3 = $d3->Display(false, null, array());
     $title = WT_I18N::translate('Calendar conversion');
     $text = '<p>' . WT_I18N::translate('Different calendar systems are used in different parts of the world, and many other calendar systems have been used in the past.  Where possible, you should enter dates using the calendar in which the event was originally recorded.  You can then specify a conversion, to show these dates in a more familiar calendar.  If you regularly use two calendars, you can specify two conversions and dates will be converted to both the selected calendars.') . '<p>' . WT_I18N::translate('The following calendars are supported:') . '</p><ul>' . '<li>' . WT_Date_Gregorian::calendarName() . '</li>' . '<li>' . WT_Date_Julian::calendarName() . '</li>' . '<li>' . WT_Date_Jewish::calendarName() . '</li>' . '<li>' . WT_Date_French::calendarName() . '</li>' . '<li>' . WT_Date_Hijri::calendarName() . '</li>' . '<li>' . WT_Date_Jalali::calendarName() . '</li>' . '</ul><p>' . WT_I18N::translate('Dates are only converted if they are valid for the calendar.  For example, only dates between %1$s and %2$s will be converted to the French calendar and only dates after %3$s will be converted to the Gregorian calendar.', $d1, $d2, $d3) . '</p><p>' . WT_I18N::translate('In some calendars, days start at midnight.  In other calendars, days start at sunset.  The conversion process does not take account of the time, so for any event that occurs between sunset and midnight, the conversion between these types of calendar will be one day out.') . '</p>';
     $title = WT_I18N::translate('Other facts to show in charts');
     $text = WT_I18N::translate('This should be a comma or space separated list of facts, in addition to birth and death, that you want to appear in chart boxes such as the pedigree chart.  This list requires you to use fact tags as defined in the GEDCOM 5.5.1 standard.  For example, if you wanted the occupation to show up in the box, you would add “OCCU” to this field.');
     $title = WT_I18N::translate('Check relationships by marriage');
     $text = WT_I18N::translate('When calculating relationships, this option controls whether <b>webtrees</b> will include spouses/partners as well as blood relatives.');
     $title = WT_I18N::translate('Names to add to common surnames (comma separated)');
     $text = WT_I18N::translate('If the number of times that a certain surname occurs is lower than the threshold, it will not appear in the list.  It can be added here manually.  If more than one surname is entered, they must be separated by a comma.  <b>Surnames are case-sensitive.</b>');
     $title = WT_I18N::translate('Names to remove from common surnames (comma separated)');
function set_params($current, $indfam, $xg, $zg, $titstr, $xt, $yt, $gx, $gz, $myfunc)
    global $x_as, $y_as, $z_as, $n1, $months;
    global $legend, $xdata, $ydata, $xmax, $zmax, $zgrenzen, $xgiven, $zgiven, $percentage, $male_female;
    global $stats;
    if (!function_exists($myfunc)) {
        echo WT_I18N::translate('%s not implemented', $myfunc);
    $monthdata = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < 12; ++$i) {
        $monthdata[$i] = WT_Date_Gregorian::monthNameNominativeCase($i + 1, false);
    $months = array('JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC');
    if ($x_as == $current) {
        if (($x_as == 13 || $x_as == 15) && $z_as == 301) {
            $z_as = 300;
        $xgiven = $xg;
        $zgiven = $zg;
        $title = $titstr;
        $xtitle = $xt;
        $ytitle = WT_I18N::translate('numbers');
        $grenzen_xas = $gx;
        $grenzen_zas = $gz;
        if ($xg == true) {
            $xdata = $monthdata;
            $xmax = 12;
        } else {
        if ($z_as != 300 && $z_as != 301) {
        $percentage = false;
        if ($y_as == 201) {
            $percentage = false;
            if ($current == 13 || $current == 15 || $current == 16 || $current == 21) {
                $ytitle = WT_I18N::translate('Families');
            } else {
                if ($current == 14) {
                    $ytitle = WT_I18N::translate('Children');
                } else {
                    $ytitle = WT_I18N::translate('Individuals');
        } else {
            if ($y_as == 202) {
                $percentage = true;
                $ytitle = WT_I18N::translate('percentage');
        $male_female = false;
        if ($z_as == 300) {
            $zgiven = false;
            $legend[0] = 'all';
            $zmax = 1;
            $zgrenzen[0] = 100000;
        } else {
            if ($z_as == 301) {
                $male_female = true;
                $zgiven = true;
                $legend[0] = WT_I18N::translate('Male');
                $legend[1] = WT_I18N::translate('Female');
                $zmax = 2;
                $xtitle = $xtitle . WT_I18N::translate(' per gender');
            } else {
                if ($z_as == 302) {
                    $xtitle = $xtitle . WT_I18N::translate(' per time period');
        //-- reset the data array
        for ($i = 0; $i < $zmax; $i++) {
            for ($j = 0; $j < $xmax; $j++) {
                $ydata[$i][$j] = 0;
        if ($indfam == 'IND') {
            $hstr = $title . '|' . WT_I18N::translate('Counts ') . ' ' . WT_I18N::number($n1) . ' ' . WT_I18N::translate('of') . ' ' . $stats->totalIndividuals();
        } else {
            if ($x_as == 21) {
                $hstr = $title . '|' . WT_I18N::translate('Counts ') . ' ' . WT_I18N::number($n1) . ' ' . WT_I18N::translate('of') . ' ' . $stats->totalChildren();
            } else {
                $hstr = $title . '|' . WT_I18N::translate('Counts ') . ' ' . WT_I18N::number($n1) . ' ' . WT_I18N::translate('of') . ' ' . $stats->totalFamilies();
        myplot($hstr, $zmax, $xdata, $xtitle, $ydata, $ytitle, $legend);
 public function configureBlock($block_id)
     if (WT_Filter::postBool('save') && WT_Filter::checkCsrf()) {
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'days', WT_Filter::postInteger('days', 1, 30, 7));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', WT_Filter::post('infoStyle', 'list|table', 'table'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'calendar', WT_Filter::post('calendar', 'jewish|gregorian', 'jewish'));
         set_block_setting($block_id, 'block', WT_Filter::postBool('block'));
     require_once WT_ROOT . 'includes/functions/functions_edit.php';
     $days = get_block_setting($block_id, 'days', 7);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Number of days to show');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo '<input type="text" name="days" size="2" value="' . $days . '">';
     echo ' <em>', WT_I18N::plural('maximum %d day', 'maximum %d days', 30, 30), '</em>';
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $infoStyle = get_block_setting($block_id, 'infoStyle', 'table');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Presentation style');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('infoStyle', array('list' => WT_I18N::translate('list'), 'table' => WT_I18N::translate('table')), null, $infoStyle, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $calendar = get_block_setting($block_id, 'calendar');
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Calendar');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo select_edit_control('calendar', array('jewish' => WT_Date_Jewish::calendarName(), 'gregorian' => WT_Date_Gregorian::calendarName()), null, $calendar, '');
     echo '</td></tr>';
     $block = get_block_setting($block_id, 'block', true);
     echo '<tr><td class="descriptionbox wrap width33">';
     echo WT_I18N::translate('Add a scrollbar when block contents grow');
     echo '</td><td class="optionbox">';
     echo edit_field_yes_no('block', $block);
     echo '</td></tr>';
} else {
    echo "<a href=\"calendar.php?cal={$cal}&amp;day={$cal_date->d}&amp;month={$cal_month}&amp;year={$cal_date->y}&amp;filterev={$filterev}&amp;filterof={$filterof}&amp;filtersx={$filtersx}&amp;action=today\">", WT_I18N::translate('View day'), "</a>";
if ($action == 'calendar') {
    echo ' | <span class="error">', WT_I18N::translate('View month'), '</span>';
} else {
    echo " | <a href=\"calendar.php?cal={$cal}&amp;day={$cal_date->d}&amp;month={$cal_month}&amp;year={$cal_date->y}&amp;filterev={$filterev}&amp;filterof={$filterof}&amp;filtersx={$filtersx}&amp;action=calendar\">", WT_I18N::translate('View month'), "</a>";
if ($action == 'year') {
    echo ' | <span class="error">', WT_I18N::translate('View year'), '</span>';
} else {
    echo " | <a href=\"calendar.php?cal={$cal}&amp;day={$cal_date->d}&amp;month={$cal_month}&amp;year={$cal_date->y}&amp;filterev={$filterev}&amp;filterof={$filterof}&amp;filtersx={$filtersx}&amp;action=year\">", WT_I18N::translate('View year'), "</a>";
echo '</td><td class="topbottombar width50">';
$n = 0;
foreach (array('gregorian' => WT_Date_Gregorian::calendarName(), 'julian' => WT_Date_Julian::calendarName(), 'jewish' => WT_Date_Jewish::calendarName(), 'french' => WT_Date_French::calendarName(), 'hijri' => WT_Date_Hijri::calendarName(), 'jalali' => WT_Date_Jalali::calendarName()) as $newcal => $cal_name) {
    $tmp = $cal_date->convertToCalendar($newcal);
    if ($tmp->inValidRange()) {
        if ($n++) {
            echo ' | ';
        if (get_class($tmp) == get_class($cal_date)) {
            echo "<span class=\"error\">{$cal_name}</span>";
        } else {
            $newcalesc = urlencode($tmp->format('%@'));
            $tmpmonth = $tmp->format('%O');
            echo "<a href=\"calendar.php?cal={$newcalesc}&amp;day={$tmp->d}&amp;month={$tmpmonth}&amp;year={$tmp->y}&amp;filterev={$filterev}&amp;filterof={$filterof}&amp;filtersx={$filtersx}&amp;action={$action}\">{$cal_name}</a>";
echo "</td></tr>";
 function __construct()
     $this->baseyear = date("Y");
     // new pid
     $newpid = WT_Filter::get('newpid', WT_REGEX_XREF);
     // pids array
     $this->pids = WT_Filter::getArray('pids', WT_REGEX_XREF);
     // make sure that arrays are indexed by numbers
     $this->pids = array_values($this->pids);
     if (!empty($newpid) && !in_array($newpid, $this->pids)) {
         $this->pids[] = $newpid;
     if (count($this->pids) == 0) {
         $this->pids[] = $this->getSignificantIndividual()->getXref();
     $remove = WT_Filter::get('remove', WT_REGEX_XREF);
     // cleanup user input
     $newpids = array();
     foreach ($this->pids as $value) {
         if ($value != $remove) {
             $newpids[] = $value;
             $person = WT_Individual::getInstance($value);
             if ($person) {
                 $this->people[] = $person;
     $this->pids = $newpids;
     $this->pidlinks = "";
     foreach ($this->people as $p => $indi) {
         if (!is_null($indi) && $indi->canShow()) {
             // setup string of valid pids for links
             $this->pidlinks .= "pids%5B%5D=" . $indi->getXref() . "&amp;";
             $bdate = $indi->getBirthDate();
             if ($bdate->isOK()) {
                 $date = new WT_Date_Gregorian($bdate->MinDate()->minJD);
                 $this->birthyears[$indi->getXref()] = $date->y;
                 $this->birthmonths[$indi->getXref()] = max(1, $date->m);
                 $this->birthdays[$indi->getXref()] = max(1, $date->d);
             // find all the fact information
             $facts = $indi->getFacts();
             foreach ($indi->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) {
                 foreach ($family->getFacts() as $fact) {
                     $fact->spouse = $family->getSpouse($indi);
                     $facts[] = $fact;
             foreach ($facts as $event) {
                 // get the fact type
                 $fact = $event->getTag();
                 if (!in_array($fact, $this->nonfacts)) {
                     // check for a date
                     $date = $event->getDate();
                     if ($date->isOK()) {
                         $date = new WT_Date_Gregorian($date->MinDate()->minJD);
                         $this->baseyear = min($this->baseyear, $date->y);
                         $this->topyear = max($this->topyear, $date->y);
                         if (!$indi->isDead()) {
                             $this->topyear = max($this->topyear, date('Y'));
                         $event->temp = $p;
                         // do not add the same fact twice (prevents marriages from being added multiple times)
                         // TODO - this code does not work.  If both spouses are shown, their marriage is duplicated...
                         if (!in_array($event, $this->indifacts, true)) {
                             $this->indifacts[] = $event;
     $scale = WT_Filter::getInteger('scale', 0, 200);
     if ($scale == 0) {
         $this->scale = round(($this->topyear - $this->baseyear) / 20 * count($this->indifacts) / 4);
         if ($this->scale < 6) {
             $this->scale = 6;
     } else {
         $this->scale = $scale;
     if ($this->scale < 2) {
         $this->scale = 2;
     $this->baseyear -= 5;
     $this->topyear += 5;
 private static function search_indis_year_range($startyear, $endyear)
     // TODO: We should use Julian-days, rather than gregorian years,
     // to allow the lifespan chart, etc., to use other calendars.
     $startjd = WT_Date_Gregorian::YMDtoJD($startyear, 1, 1);
     $endjd = WT_Date_Gregorian::YMDtoJD($endyear + 1, 1, 1) - 1;
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT i_id AS xref, i_file AS gedcom_id, i_gedcom AS gedcom" . " FROM `##individuals`" . " JOIN `##dates` ON i_id=d_gid AND i_file=d_file" . " WHERE i_file=? AND d_julianday1 BETWEEN ? AND ?";
     $rows = WT_DB::prepare($sql)->execute(array(WT_GED_ID, $startjd, $endjd))->fetchAll();
     $list = array();
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $list[] = WT_Individual::getInstance($row->xref, $row->gedcom_id, $row->gedcom);
     return $list;
if (count($CALENDAR_FORMATS) == 1) {
    $CALENDAR_FORMATS[] = 'none';
foreach (array('none' => WT_I18N::translate('No calendar conversion'), 'gregorian' => WT_Date_Gregorian::calendarName(), 'julian' => WT_Date_Julian::calendarName(), 'french' => WT_Date_French::calendarName(), 'jewish' => WT_Date_Jewish::calendarName(), 'hijri' => WT_Date_Hijri::calendarName(), 'jalali' => WT_Date_Jalali::calendarName()) as $cal => $name) {
    echo '<option value="', $cal, '"';
    if ($CALENDAR_FORMATS[0] == $cal) {
        echo ' selected="selected"';
    echo '>', $name, '</option>';

foreach (array('none' => WT_I18N::translate('No calendar conversion'), 'gregorian' => WT_Date_Gregorian::calendarName(), 'julian' => WT_Date_Julian::calendarName(), 'french' => WT_Date_French::calendarName(), 'jewish' => WT_Date_Jewish::calendarName(), 'hijri' => WT_Date_Hijri::calendarName(), 'jalali' => WT_Date_Jalali::calendarName()) as $cal => $name) {
    echo '<option value="', $cal, '"';
    if ($CALENDAR_FORMATS[1] == $cal) {
        echo ' selected="selected"';
    echo '>', $name, '</option>';
echo WT_I18N::translate('Use RIN number instead of GEDCOM ID'), help_link('USE_RIN');
 function getEstimatedBirthDate()
     if (is_null($this->_getEstimatedBirthDate)) {
         foreach ($this->getAllBirthDates() as $date) {
             if ($date->isOK()) {
                 $this->_getEstimatedBirthDate = $date;
         if (is_null($this->_getEstimatedBirthDate)) {
             $min = array();
             $max = array();
             $tmp = $this->getDeathDate();
             if ($tmp->MinJD()) {
                 global $MAX_ALIVE_AGE;
                 $min[] = $tmp->MinJD() - $MAX_ALIVE_AGE * 365;
                 $max[] = $tmp->MaxJD();
             foreach ($this->getChildFamilies() as $family) {
                 $tmp = $family->getMarriageDate();
                 if (is_object($tmp) && $tmp->MinJD()) {
                     $min[] = $tmp->MaxJD() - 365 * 1;
                     $max[] = $tmp->MinJD() + 365 * 30;
                 if ($parent = $family->getHusband()) {
                     $tmp = $parent->getBirthDate();
                     if (is_object($tmp) && $tmp->MinJD()) {
                         $min[] = $tmp->MaxJD() + 365 * 15;
                         $max[] = $tmp->MinJD() + 365 * 65;
                 if ($parent = $family->getWife()) {
                     $tmp = $parent->getBirthDate();
                     if (is_object($tmp) && $tmp->MinJD()) {
                         $min[] = $tmp->MaxJD() + 365 * 15;
                         $max[] = $tmp->MinJD() + 365 * 45;
                 foreach ($family->getChildren() as $child) {
                     $tmp = $child->getBirthDate();
                     if ($tmp->MinJD()) {
                         $min[] = $tmp->MaxJD() - 365 * 30;
                         $max[] = $tmp->MinJD() + 365 * 30;
             foreach ($this->getSpouseFamilies() as $family) {
                 $tmp = $family->getMarriageDate();
                 if (is_object($tmp) && $tmp->MinJD()) {
                     $min[] = $tmp->MaxJD() - 365 * 45;
                     $max[] = $tmp->MinJD() - 365 * 15;
                 $spouse = $family->getSpouse($this);
                 if ($spouse) {
                     $tmp = $spouse->getBirthDate();
                     if ($tmp->MinJD()) {
                         $min[] = $tmp->MaxJD() - 365 * 25;
                         $max[] = $tmp->MinJD() + 365 * 25;
                 foreach ($family->getChildren() as $child) {
                     $tmp = $child->getBirthDate();
                     if ($tmp->MinJD()) {
                         $min[] = $tmp->MaxJD() - 365 * ($this->getSex() == 'F' ? 45 : 65);
                         $max[] = $tmp->MinJD() - 365 * 15;
             if ($min && $max) {
                 list($y) = WT_Date_Gregorian::JDtoYMD((int) ((max($min) + min($max)) / 2));
                 $this->_getEstimatedBirthDate = new WT_Date("EST {$y}");
             } else {
                 $this->_getEstimatedBirthDate = new WT_Date('');
                 // always return a date object
     return $this->_getEstimatedBirthDate;
文件: Date.php 项目: sadr110/webtrees
 function gregorianYear()
     if ($this->isOK()) {
         list($y) = WT_Date_Gregorian::JDtoYMD($this->JD());
         return $y;
     } else {
         return 0;