function WSClaim($patient_id, $encounter) { if (!is_numeric($patient_id) && is_numeric($encounter)) { return; } parent::WSWrapper(null, false); $this->patient_id = $patient_id; $this->encounter = $encounter; $this->claim = null; $this->_db = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']; if ($this->_config['enabled'] === 2) { return; } if ($this->load_claim()) { $function['ezybiz.add_invoice'] = array(new xmlrpcval($this->claim, "struct")); $this->send($function); } //print_r($this->claim); }
function WSProvider($user_id) { if (!is_numeric($user_id)) { return; } parent::WSWrapper(null, false); $this->user_id = $user_id; $this->_db = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']; if (!$this->_config['enabled']) { return; } if ($this->_config['enabled'] === 2) { return; } if ($this->load_info()) { $function['ezybiz.add_salesman'] = array(new xmlrpcval($this->data, "struct")); $this->send($function); // if the remote user was added make an entry in the local mapping table to that updates can be made correctly if (is_numeric($this->value)) { $sql = "REPLACE INTO integration_mapping set id = '" . $this->_db->GenID("sequences") . "', foreign_id ='" . $this->value . "', foreign_table ='salesman', local_id = '" . $this->user_id . "', local_table = 'users' "; $this->_db->Execute($sql) or die("error: " . $this->_db->ErrorMsg()); } } }