	 * Get the views : the links above the WP List Table.
	 * @since BuddyPress (2.0.0)
	 * @uses WP_MS_Users_List_Table::get_views() to get the users views
	public function get_views() {
		$views = parent::get_views();

		// Remove the 'current' class from the 'All' link
		$views['all']        = str_replace( 'class="current"', '', $views['all'] );
		$views['registered'] = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" class="current">%2$s</a>', add_query_arg( 'page', 'bp-signups', bp_get_admin_url( 'users.php' ) ), sprintf( _x( 'Pending %s', 'signup users', 'buddypress' ), '<span class="count">(' . number_format_i18n( $this->signup_counts ) . ')</span>' ) );

		return $views;
  * Get the views : the links above the WP List Table.
  * @since BuddyPress (2.0.0)
  * @uses WP_MS_Users_List_Table::get_views() to get the users views
 function get_views()
     $views = parent::get_views();
     $views['all'] = str_replace('class="current"', '', $views['all']);
     $class = ' class="current"';
     $views['registered'] = '<a href="' . add_query_arg('page', 'bp-signups', bp_get_admin_url('users.php')) . '"  class="current">' . sprintf(_x('Pending <span class="count">(%s)</span>', 'signup users', 'buddypress'), number_format_i18n($this->signup_counts)) . '</a>';
     return $views;