function WP_Installer() { return WP_Installer::instance(); }
/** * WPML 3.1.7 introduced new Installer function for updates which is a massive improvement! * * There is however a little issue with the update nag showing a negative number for people * who have purchased the lifetime license. * Add this function to your functions.php file or functionality plugin and you will no longer be nagged. * * KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS FUNCTION IS ONLY USEFUL FOR LIFETIME LICENSES, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK * * @source: // */ function so_remove_wpml_renew_nag_on_lifetime_license() { remove_action('admin_notices', array(WP_Installer::instance(), 'setup_plugins_renew_warnings'), 10); remove_action('admin_notices', array(WP_Installer::instance(), 'queue_plugins_renew_warnings'), 20); }