  * Renders view.
 public function __render()
     $title = __('Google DFP Ads Settings', WP_Google_DFP_Ads::get_instance()->get_slug());
     echo '<h2>' . $title . '</h2>';
     echo '<form class="' . $this->id . '" method="post" action="options.php">';
     echo '</form>';
  * Renders view.
 public function __render()
     $script = get_option(WP_Google_DFP_Ads_Settings_Footer_Input::get_instance()->get_id());
     if (empty($script)) {
     $comment = __('WP Google DFP Ads: Footer', WP_Google_DFP_Ads::get_instance()->get_slug());
     echo '<!-- ' . $comment . ' -->' . PHP_EOL;
     echo $script . PHP_EOL;
  * Enqueues styles.
 public function __enqueue_styles()
     $screen = get_current_screen();
     if ('settings_page_' . WP_Google_DFP_Ads_Settings::get_instance()->get_id() === $screen->id) {
         $handle = WP_Google_DFP_Ads::get_instance()->get_slug() . '-admin-styles';
         $relative_path = __DIR__ . '/../admin/css/';
         $filename = 'wp-google-dfp-ads.min.css';
         $filename_debug = 'wp-google-dfp-ads.css';
         $dependencies = array();
         $options = new WP_Enqueue_Options($handle, $relative_path, $filename, $filename_debug, $dependencies, WP_Google_DFP_Ads::get_instance()->get_version());
  * Renders view.
 public function __render()
     $description = __('Enter the Google DFP Ads that should appear in the index and search loops below.', WP_Google_DFP_Ads::get_instance()->get_slug());
     echo '<p>' . $description . '</p>';
  * Initializes settings.
 public function __initialize()
     add_settings_field($this->id, __('Script Block', WP_Google_DFP_Ads::get_instance()->get_slug()), array($this, '__render'), WP_Google_DFP_Ads_Settings::get_instance()->get_id(), WP_Google_DFP_Ads_Settings_Head_Section::get_instance()->get_id());
     register_setting(WP_Google_DFP_Ads_Settings_Fields::get_instance()->get_id(), $this->id);
  * Renders view.
 public function __render()
     $description = __('Enter the Google DFP Ads that should appear in the <code>&lt;head&gt;</code> below.', WP_Google_DFP_Ads::get_instance()->get_slug());
     echo '<p>' . $description . '</p>';
  * Renders view.
 public function __render()
     $description = __('Enter the Google DFP Ads that should appear just above the closing <code>&lt;/body&gt;</code> tag, otherwise known as the footer.', WP_Google_DFP_Ads::get_instance()->get_slug());
     echo '<p>' . $description . '</p>';