  * Get information about the licensing add-on.
 public function info()
     $settings = it_exchange_get_option('addon_itelic');
     if ($settings['renewal-discount-type'] == 'percent') {
         $discount = $settings['renewal-discount-amount'] . '%';
     } else {
         $discount = it_exchange_format_price($settings['renewal-discount-amount']);
     $info = array('version' => ITELIC\Plugin::VERSION, 'online_software_enabled' => $settings['sell-online-software'] ? 'yes' : 'no', 'remote_activation_enabled' => $settings['enable-remote-activation'] ? 'yes' : 'no', 'remote_deactivation_enabled' => $settings['enable-remote-deactivation'] ? 'yes' : 'no', 'renewal_discounts_enabled' => $settings['enable-renewal-discounts'] ? 'yes' : 'no', 'renewal_discount' => $discount, 'renewal_discount_expiry' => sprintf("%d days", $settings['renewal-discount-expiry']));
     $args = array('fields' => array_keys($info));
     $formatter = new \WP_CLI\Formatter($args);
  * Provide details on the Redis connection.
  * ## OPTIONS
  * [--reset]
  * : Reset Redis stats. Only affects `lifetime_hitrate` currently.
  * [--field=<field>]
  * : Get the value of a particular field.
  * [--format=<format>]
  * : Render results in a particular format.
  * ---
  * default: table
  * options:
  *   - table
  *   - json
  *   - yaml
  * ---
  *     $ wp redis info
  *     +-------------------+-----------+
  *     | Field             | Value     |
  *     +-------------------+-----------+
  *     | status            | connected |
  *     | used_memory       | 529.25K   |
  *     | uptime            | 0 days    |
  *     | key_count         | 20        |
  *     | instantaneous_ops | 9/sec     |
  *     | lifetime_hitrate  | 53.42%    |
  *     | redis_host        | |
  *     | redis_port        | 6379      |
  *     | redis_auth        |           |
  *     | redis_database    | 0         |
  *     +-------------------+-----------+
  *     $ wp redis info --field=used_memory
  *     529.38K
  *     $ wp redis info --reset
  *     Success: Redis stats reset.
 public function info($_, $assoc_args)
     global $wp_object_cache, $redis_server;
         WP_CLI::error('WP Redis object-cache.php file is missing from the wp-content/ directory.');
     if ($wp_object_cache->is_redis_connected && WP_CLI\Utils\get_flag_value($assoc_args, 'reset')) {
         // Redis::resetStat() isn't functional, see https://github.com/phpredis/phpredis/issues/928
         if ($wp_object_cache->redis->eval("return redis.call('CONFIG','RESETSTAT')")) {
             WP_CLI::success('Redis stats reset.');
         } else {
             WP_CLI::error("Couldn't reset Redis stats.");
     } else {
         $data = wp_redis_get_info();
         if (is_wp_error($data)) {
         $formatter = new \WP_CLI\Formatter($assoc_args, array_keys($data));