  * Display admin page
 public function display()
     // Load options
     $options = WPSEO_News::get_options();
     // Admin header
     WPSEO_News_Wrappers::admin_header(true, 'yoast_wpseo_news_options', 'wpseo_news');
     // Introducten
     echo '<p>' . __('You will generally only need XML News sitemap when your website is included in Google News.', 'wordpress-seo-news') . '</p>';
     echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('You can find your news sitemap here: %1$sXML News sitemap%2$s', 'wordpress-seo-news'), "<a target='_blank' class='button-secondary' href='" . WPSEO_News::get_sitemap_name() . "'>", '</a>') . '</p>';
     // Google News Publication Name
     echo WPSEO_News_Wrappers::textinput('name', __('Google News Publication Name', 'wordpress-seo-news'));
     // Default Genre
     echo WPSEO_News_Wrappers::select('default_genre', __('Default Genre', 'wordpress-seo-news'), WPSEO_News::list_genres());
     // Default keywords
     // Post Types to include in News Sitemap
     // Post categories to exclude
     // Editors' Pick
     // Admin footer
     WPSEO_News_Wrappers::admin_footer(true, false);
  * Register the XML News sitemap with the main sitemap class.
 public function init()
     if (isset($GLOBALS['wpseo_sitemaps'])) {
         $GLOBALS['wpseo_sitemaps']->register_sitemap(WPSEO_News::get_sitemap_name(false), array($this, 'build'));