is_development() static public method

static public is_development ( ) : boolean
return boolean
  * Returns the URL for a page given it's slug.
  * @param string $page_slug
  * @return string
 function get_page_url($page_slug)
      * Validate that the slug is for a $post_type==='page'
      * by getting it's post type.
     $post_type = get_post_type(get_page_by_path($page_slug));
     if (false === $post_type) {
         if (WPLib::is_development()) {
              * @future Ensure the page is here and throw an error if not.
         } else {
              * @future MAYBE output a warning as an HTML comment?
      * If $post_type==='page' then take slug onto home URL, return null otherwise.
     return WPLib_Page::POST_TYPE === $post_type ? home_url($page_slug) : '#';
文件: wplib.php 项目: r-a-stone/wplib
  * Load all registered modules, by priority
 private static function _load_modules()
     self::$_modules = apply_filters('wplib_modules', self::$_modules);
     $called_class = get_called_class();
     $module_classes = isset(self::$_module_classes[$called_class]) ? self::$_module_classes[$called_class] : array();
     $abspath_regex = '#^' . preg_quote(ABSPATH) . '(.+)' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.+\\.php$#';
     foreach (self::$_modules as $priority) {
         foreach ($priority as $filepath) {
             if (WPLib::is_development() && !is_file($filepath)) {
                 WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf(__("Required file not found: %s", 'wplib'), $filepath));
              * Set self::$_file_loading so 'shutdown' hook can report which file caused the load error.
             self::$_file_loading = $filepath;
             require_once $filepath;
             self::$_file_loading = false;
             $classes = get_declared_classes();
             $module_classes[end($classes)] = $module_path = preg_replace($abspath_regex, '~/$1', $filepath);
              * Find all autoloading files defined by the above module.
     self::$_module_classes[$called_class] = $module_classes;
     self::$_modules = array();
文件: wplib.php 项目: wplib/wplib
  * @param WPLib_Item_Base|WP_Post|WP_Term $item
  * @param array $args
  * @return WPLib_Term_Base|WPLib_Post_Base
 static function make_new_item($item, $args = array())
     $class = get_called_class();
     if (WPLib::get_constant('INSTANCE_CLASS', $class)) {
         if (self::class_declares_method($class, 'make_new_item')) {
             $item = $class::make_new_item($item, $args);
         } else {
             if (WPLib::is_development()) {
                 $err_msg = __('Cannot make new item. Class %s does not have make_new_item method', 'wplib');
                 WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($err_msg, $class), E_USER_ERROR);
     } else {
         if (WPLib::is_development()) {
             $err_msg = __('Cannot make new item. Class %s does not have INSTANCE_CLASS constant.', 'wplib');
             WPLib::trigger_error(sprintf($err_msg, $class), E_USER_ERROR);
     return $item;
  * Load 7 char abbreviated hash for commit from the system (file or exec).
  * Look for a file RECENT_COMMIT if a Git post-commit hook exists and created it
  * otherwise call Git using shell_exec().
  * @param string $class_name
  * @return null
 static function load_recent_commit($class_name)
     $filepath = self::_get_recent_commit_file($class_name);
     $recent_commit = WPLib::is_found($filepath) ? trim(WPLib::get_contents($filepath)) : null;
     if (is_null($recent_commit) && WPLib::is_development()) {
          * Call `git log` via exec()
         $root_dir = self::_get_class_root_dir($class_name);
         $command = "cd {$root_dir} && git log -1 --oneline && cd -";
         exec($command, $output, $return_value);
         if (0 === $return_value && isset($output[0])) {
              * If no git repo in dir, $return_value==127 and $output==array()
              * If no git on system, $return_value==128 and $output==array()
              * If good, first 7 chars of $output[0] has abbreviated hash for commit
             $recent_commit = substr($output[0], 0, 7);
     return $recent_commit;
  * Load 7 char abbreviated hash for commit from the system (file or exec).
  * Look for a file RECENT_COMMIT if a Git post-commit hook exists and created it
  * otherwise call Git using shell_exec().
  * @param string $class_name
  * @return null
 static function load_recent_commit($class_name)
     $filepath = self::_get_recent_commit_file($class_name);
     $recent_commit = WPLib::is_found($filepath) ? trim(WPLib::get_contents($filepath)) : null;
     if (is_null($recent_commit) && WPLib::is_development()) {
          * Call `git log` via exec()
         $root_dir = call_user_func(array($class_name, 'root_dir'));
         do {
             $git_dir_found = false;
             if (is_dir("{$root_dir}/.git")) {
                 $git_dir_found = true;
             } else {
                 if (DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === $root_dir) {
                      * This is needed to work for WPLib Box if the App's repo is the project repo.
                     if (is_dir($hail_mary_dir = '/vagrant/.git')) {
                         $root_dir = $hail_mary_dir;
                         $git_dir_found = true;
             $new_root_dir = dirname($root_dir);
             if ($new_root_dir === $root_dir) {
                 $new_root_dir = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
             $root_dir = $new_root_dir;
         } while (true);
         if ($git_dir_found) {
             $command = "cd {$root_dir} && git log -1 --oneline && cd -";
             exec($command, $output, $return_value);
             if (0 === $return_value && isset($output[0])) {
                  * If no git repo in dir, $return_value==127 and $output==array()
                  * If no git on system, $return_value==128 and $output==array()
                  * If good, first 7 chars of $output[0] has abbreviated hash for commit
                 $recent_commit = substr($output[0], 0, 7);
                 file_put_contents($filepath, $recent_commit);
     return $recent_commit;
文件: wplib.php 项目: wpscholar/wplib
  * Returns array of class names $base_class children with positive values for $base_class::$contant_name.
  * @param $base_class
  * @param $constant_name
  * @return string[]
 static function get_child_classes($base_class, $constant_name)
     $cache_key = "classes[{$base_class}::{$constant_name}]";
     if (!WPLib::is_development()) {
         $cache_key = md5($cache_key);
     if (!($child_classes = self::cache_get($cache_key))) {
         $child_classes = array();
         foreach (self::site_classes() as $class_name) {
             do {
                 if (!is_subclass_of($class_name, $base_class)) {
                 if (is_null($constant_value = self::get_constant($constant_name, $class_name))) {
                 $child_classes[$constant_value] = $class_name;
             } while (false);
         self::cache_set($cache_key, $child_classes);
     return $child_classes;