  * List of the premium WPGlobus extensions.
  * This file is created manually.
 protected static function _setup_paid_plugins()
     self::$paid_plugins = array();
     $data_file = WPGlobus::data_path() . '/paid_plugins.json';
     if (is_readable($data_file)) {
         $_json = file_get_contents($data_file);
         self::$paid_plugins = json_decode($_json, true);
         uasort(self::$paid_plugins, array(__CLASS__, 'sort_paid_plugins'));
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     if (defined('SCRIPT_DEBUG') && SCRIPT_DEBUG) {
         self::$_SCRIPT_DEBUG = true;
         self::$_SCRIPT_SUFFIX = '';
     /** @todo maybe move this action to Class WPGlobus_Upgrade ? */
     add_action('admin_init', array($this, 'on_admin_init'));
     global $WPGlobus_Options;
     global $pagenow;
     $config = WPGlobus::Config();
      * Init array of supported plugins
     $this->vendors_scripts['ACF'] = false;
     $this->vendors_scripts['ACFPRO'] = false;
     /** Set to true in @see WPGlobus_WPSEO::controller */
     $this->vendors_scripts['WPSEO'] = false;
     $this->vendors_scripts['WOOCOMMERCE'] = false;
     $this->vendors_scripts['AIOSEOP'] = false;
     // All In One SEO Pack
     $this->vendors_scripts['WPCF7'] = false;
     // Contact Form 7
     if (function_exists('acf')) {
          * @todo  Work on the ACF compatibility is in progress
          * Temporarily add CPT acf ( Advanced Custom Fields ) to the array of disabled_entities
          * @see   'wpglobus_disabled_entities' filter for add/remove custom post types to array disabled_entities
          * @since 1.0.4
         global $acf;
         if (!empty($acf->settings['pro']) && $acf->settings['pro']) {
              * @since 1.2.6
             $this->vendors_scripts['ACFPRO'] = true;
             $this->disabled_entities[] = 'acf-field-group';
             $this->disabled_entities[] = 'acf-field';
         } else {
             $this->vendors_scripts['ACF'] = true;
             $this->disabled_entities[] = 'acf';
     if (defined('WC_VERSION') || defined('WOOCOMMERCE_VERSION')) {
         $this->vendors_scripts['WOOCOMMERCE'] = true;
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'product';
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'product_tag';
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'product_cat';
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'shop_order';
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'shop_coupon';
          * Gathering Woocommerce's post types in one place
          * @since 1.4.3
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'product_variation';
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'shop_order_refund';
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'shop_webhook';
     if (defined('AIOSEOP_VERSION')) {
         $this->vendors_scripts['AIOSEOP'] = true;
     if (defined('WPCF7_VERSION')) {
         $this->vendors_scripts['WPCF7'] = true;
          * Disable cpt of plugin Contact Form 7 by default
          * @since 1.4.6
         $this->disabled_entities[] = 'wpcf7_contact_form';
      * If you need add new vendors script and disable cpt
      * you must add it to customizer also
      * @see class-wpglobus-customize-options.php:596
      * Add builtin post type
     $this->disabled_entities[] = 'attachment';
      * Add disabled post types from option
     $option = get_option('wpglobus_option');
     $options_post_types = empty($option['post_type']) ? array() : $option['post_type'];
     foreach ($options_post_types as $post_type => $value) {
         if ($value != '1') {
             $this->disabled_entities[] = $post_type;
      * Set disabled entities into config
      * @todo maybe move code to Class WPGlobus_Config
     WPGlobus::Config()->disabled_entities = $this->disabled_entities;
     add_filter('wp_redirect', array($this, 'on_wp_redirect'));
      * NOTE: do not check for !DOING_AJAX here. Redux uses AJAX, for example, for disabling tracking.
      * So, we need to load Redux on AJAX requests, too
     if (is_admin()) {
          * Set values
          * @since 1.2.0
         $this->enabled_pages[] = self::LANGUAGE_EDIT_PAGE;
         $this->enabled_pages[] = self::OPTIONS_PAGE_SLUG;
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'post.php';
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'post-new.php';
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'nav-menus.php';
          * @since 1.5.0
          * edit-tags.php obsolete in WP 4.5
          * term.php new in WP 4.5
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'edit-tags.php';
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'term.php';
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'edit.php';
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'options-general.php';
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'widgets.php';
         $this->enabled_pages[] = 'customize.php';
          * WPGlobus clean page
          * @since 1.4.3
         $this->enabled_pages[] = self::PAGE_WPGLOBUS_CLEAN;
          * WPGlobus Admin Central page.
          * @since 1.6.6
         $this->enabled_pages[] = self::PAGE_WPGLOBUS_ADMIN_CENTRAL;
         add_action('admin_body_class', array($this, 'on_add_admin_body_class'));
         add_action('wp_ajax_' . __CLASS__ . '_process_ajax', array($this, 'on_process_ajax'));
         require_once 'options/class-wpglobus-options.php';
         new WPGlobus_Options();
         if (in_array($pagenow, array('edit-tags.php', 'term.php'), true)) {
              * Need to get taxonomy to use the correct filter.
             $taxonomy_slug = WPGlobus_Utils::safe_get('taxonomy');
             if ($taxonomy_slug) {
                 add_action("{$taxonomy_slug}_pre_edit_form", array($this, 'on_add_language_tabs_edit_taxonomy'), 10, 2);
                 add_action("{$taxonomy_slug}_edit_form", array($this, 'on_add_taxonomy_form_wrapper'), 10, 2);
         if (self::Config()->toggle == 'on' || !$this->user_can('wpglobus_toggle')) {
              * Filters for adding language column to edit.php page
             if (WPGlobus_WP::is_pagenow('edit.php') && !$this->disabled_entity()) {
                 $post_type_filter = WPGlobus_Utils::safe_get('post_type');
                 if ($post_type_filter) {
                     // This is a CPT.
                     // Add underscore to form the
                     // "manage_{$post->post_type}_posts_custom_column" filter.
                     $post_type_filter = '_' . $post_type_filter;
                 add_filter("manage{$post_type_filter}_posts_columns", array($this, 'on_add_language_column'));
                 add_filter("manage{$post_type_filter}_posts_custom_column", array($this, 'on_manage_language_column'));
              * Join post content and post title for enabled languages in func wp_insert_post
              * @see action in wp-includes\post.php:3326
             add_action('wp_insert_post_data', array($this, 'on_save_post_data'), 10, 2);
             add_action('edit_form_after_editor', array($this, 'on_add_wp_editors'), 10);
             add_action('edit_form_after_editor', array($this, 'on_add_language_tabs'));
             add_action('edit_form_after_title', array($this, 'on_add_title_fields'));
             add_action('admin_print_scripts', array($this, 'on_admin_scripts'));
             add_action('admin_print_scripts', array($this, 'on_admin_enqueue_scripts'), 99);
             add_action('admin_footer', array($this, 'on_admin_footer'));
             add_filter('admin_title', array($this, 'on_admin_title'), 10, 2);
             if ($this->vendors_scripts['AIOSEOP'] && WPGlobus_WP::is_pagenow(array('post.php', 'post-new.php', 'edit.php'))) {
                 /** @global WP_Post $post */
                 global $post;
                 $type = empty($post) ? '' : $post->post_type;
                 if (!$this->disabled_entity($type)) {
                     require_once 'vendor/class-wpglobus-aioseop.php';
                     if (WPGlobus_WP::is_pagenow(array('post.php', 'post-new.php'))) {
                         /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */
                         $WPGlobus_aioseop = new WPGlobus_aioseop();
         // endif $devmode
         if (($this->vendors_scripts['ACF'] || $this->vendors_scripts['ACFPRO']) && WPGlobus_WP::is_pagenow(array('post.php', 'post-new.php'))) {
             require_once 'vendor/class-wpglobus-acf.php';
             $WPGlobus_acf = new WPGlobus_Acf();
         add_action('admin_print_styles', array($this, 'on_admin_styles'));
         add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'on_admin_menu'), 10);
         add_action('post_submitbox_misc_actions', array($this, 'on_add_devmode_switcher'));
         add_action('admin_bar_menu', array($this, 'on_admin_bar_menu'));
         if (WPGlobus_WP::is_pagenow('plugin-install.php')) {
             require_once 'admin/class-wpglobus-plugin-install.php';
     } else {
          * @scope front
         $this->menus = self::_get_nav_menus();
          * @todo This filter is currently disabled. Need to check if we need it.
          *       The on_wp_list_pages is called directly from on_wp_page_menu
         0 && add_filter('wp_list_pages', array($this, 'on_wp_list_pages'), 99, 2);
         add_filter('wp_page_menu', array($this, 'on_wp_page_menu'), 99, 2);
          * Add language switcher to navigation menu
          * @see on_add_item
         add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects', array($this, 'on_add_item'), 99, 2);
          * Convert url for menu items
         add_filter('wp_nav_menu_objects', array($this, 'on_get_convert_url_menu_items'), 10, 2);
         add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'on_wp_head'), 11);
         add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'on_add_hreflang'), 11);
         add_action('wp_print_styles', array($this, 'on_wp_styles'));
         add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_wpglobus_js'), PHP_INT_MAX);