     * @method       Render
     * @description  Outputs the javascript to display the maps.
    function render()
        if (count($this->maps) > 0) {
            echo '
				<script type="text/javascript">
				function renderWPGeo() {
					if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
            foreach ($this->maps as $map) {
                echo '
					map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("wpgeo-' . $map['id'] . '"));
					map.setCenter(new GLatLng(41.875696,-87.624207), 3);
					geoXml = new GGeoXml("' . $map['rss'] . '");
					GEvent.addListener(geoXml, "load", function() {
					' . WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_map_overlay('map', 'geoXml') . '
            echo '}
				if (document.all&&window.attachEvent) { // IE-Win
					window.attachEvent("onload", function () { renderWPGeo(); });
					window.attachEvent("onunload", GUnload);
				} else if (window.addEventListener) { // Others
					window.addEventListener("load", function () { renderWPGeo(); }, false);
					window.addEventListener("unload", GUnload, false);
     * @method       Add Map
     * @description  Add the map to the widget.
     * @param        $width = Map width
     * @param        $height = Map height
     * @param        $maptype = Map Type
     * @param        $showpolylines = Show Polylines
     * @param        $zoom = Zoom
     * @return       (string) HTML JavaScript.
     * @note         TO DO: integrate the code better into the existing one.
    function add_map($width = '100%', $height = 150, $maptype = '', $showpolylines = false, $zoom = null, $id = 'wp_geo_map_widget')
        global $posts, $wpgeo;
        $html_js = '';
        // If Google API Key...
        if ($wpgeo->checkGoogleAPIKey()) {
            // Set default width and height
            if (empty($width)) {
                $width = '100%';
            if (empty($height)) {
                $height = '150';
            // Get the basic settings of wp geo
            $wp_geo_options = get_option('wp_geo_options');
            // Find the coordinates for the posts
            $coords = array();
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($posts); $i++) {
                $post = $posts[$i];
                $latitude = get_post_meta($post->ID, WPGEO_LATITUDE_META, true);
                $longitude = get_post_meta($post->ID, WPGEO_LONGITUDE_META, true);
                $post_id = get_post($post->ID);
                $title = get_post_meta($post->ID, WPGEO_TITLE_META, true);
                if (empty($title)) {
                    $title = $post_id->post_title;
                if (is_numeric($latitude) && is_numeric($longitude)) {
                    $push = array('id' => $post->ID, 'latitude' => $latitude, 'longitude' => $longitude, 'title' => $title, 'post' => $post);
                    array_push($coords, $push);
            // Markers JS (output)
            $markers_js = '';
            // Only show map widget if there are coords to show
            if (count($coords) > 0) {
                $google_maps_api_key = $wpgeo->get_google_api_key();
                if (!is_numeric($zoom)) {
                    $zoom = $wp_geo_options['default_map_zoom'];
                if (empty($maptype)) {
                    $maptype = empty($wp_geo_options['google_map_type']) ? 'G_NORMAL_MAP' : $wp_geo_options['google_map_type'];
                // Polylines
                $polyline_js = '';
                if ($showpolylines) {
                    $polyline = new WPGeo_Polyline(array('color' => $wp_geo_options['polyline_colour']));
                    for ($i = 0; $i < count($coords); $i++) {
                        $polyline->add_coord($coords[$i]['latitude'], $coords[$i]['longitude']);
                    $polyline_js = WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_map_overlay('map', WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_polyline($polyline));
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($coords); $i++) {
                    $icon = 'wpgeo_icon_' . apply_filters('wpgeo_marker_icon', 'small', $coords[$i]['post'], 'widget');
                    $markers_js .= 'marker' . $i . ' = wpgeo_createMarker(new GLatLng(' . $coords[$i]['latitude'] . ', ' . $coords[$i]['longitude'] . '), ' . $icon . ', "' . addslashes(__($coords[$i]['title'])) . '", "' . get_permalink($coords[$i]['id']) . '");' . "\n";
                // HTML JS
                $small_marker = $wpgeo->markers->get_marker_by_id('small');
                $html_js .= '
					<script type="text/javascript">
					 * Widget Map
					// Define variables
					var map = "";
					var bounds = "";
					// Add events to load the map
					GEvent.addDomListener(window, "load", createMapWidget);
					GEvent.addDomListener(window, "unload", GUnload);
					// Create the map
					function createMapWidget() {
						if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
							map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("' . $id . '"));
							' . WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_map_control('map', 'GSmallZoomControl3D') . '
							map.setCenter(new GLatLng(0, 0), 0);
							map.setMapType(' . $maptype . ');
							bounds = new GLatLngBounds();
							// Add the markers	
							' . $markers_js . '
							// Draw the polygonal lines between points
							' . $polyline_js . '
							// Center the map to show all markers
							var center = bounds.getCenter();
							var zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds)
							if (zoom > ' . $zoom . ') {
								zoom = ' . $zoom . ';
							map.setCenter(center, zoom);
                // Set width and height
                if (is_numeric($width)) {
                    $width = $width . 'px';
                if (is_numeric($height)) {
                    $height = $height . 'px';
                $html_js .= '<div class="wp_geo_map" id="' . $id . '" style="width:' . $width . '; height:' . $height . ';"></div>';
            return $html_js;
 * @method  Get WP Geo Map
function get_wpgeo_map($query, $options = null)
    global $wpgeo_map_id;
    $id = 'wpgeo_map_id_' . $wpgeo_map_id;
    $wp_geo_options = get_option('wp_geo_options');
    $defaults = array('width' => $wp_geo_options['default_map_width'], 'height' => $wp_geo_options['default_map_height'], 'type' => $wp_geo_options['google_map_type'], 'polylines' => $wp_geo_options['show_polylines'], 'polyline_colour' => $wp_geo_options['polyline_colour'], 'align' => 'none', 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'orderby' => 'post_date', 'order' => 'DESC', 'markers' => 'large', 'markers' => 'large', 'offset' => 0, 'category' => null, 'include' => null, 'exclude' => null, 'meta_key' => null, 'meta_value' => null, 'post_mime_type' => null, 'post_parent' => null);
    // Validate Args
    $r = wp_parse_args($query, $defaults);
    if (is_numeric($r['width'])) {
        $r['width'] .= 'px';
    if (is_numeric($r['height'])) {
        $r['height'] .= 'px';
    $posts = get_posts($r);
    $output = '
		<div id="' . $id . '" class="wpgeo_map" style="width:' . $r['width'] . '; height:' . $r['height'] . ';float:' . $r['align'] . '"></div>
		<script type="text/javascript">
		jQuery(window).load( function() {
			if ( GBrowserIsCompatible() ) {
				var bounds = new GLatLngBounds();
				map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("' . $id . '"));
				' . WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_map_control('map', 'GLargeMapControl3D') . '
				map.setMapType(' . $r['type'] . ');
    if ($posts) {
        $polyline = new WPGeo_Polyline(array('color' => $r['polyline_colour']));
        foreach ($posts as $post) {
            $latitude = get_post_meta($post->ID, WPGEO_LATITUDE_META, true);
            $longitude = get_post_meta($post->ID, WPGEO_LONGITUDE_META, true);
            if (is_numeric($latitude) && is_numeric($longitude)) {
                $marker = get_post_meta($post->ID, WPGEO_MARKER_META, true);
                if (empty($marker)) {
                    $marker = $r['markers'];
                $icon = 'wpgeo_icon_' . apply_filters('wpgeo_marker_icon', $marker, $post, 'wpgeo_map');
                $polyline->add_coord($latitude, $longitude);
                $output .= '
					var center = new GLatLng(' . $latitude . ',' . $longitude . ');
					var marker = new wpgeo_createMarker2(map, center, ' . $icon . ', \'' . esc_js($post->post_title) . '\', \'' . get_permalink($post->ID) . '\');
        if ($r['polylines'] == 'Y') {
            $output .= WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_map_overlay('map', WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_polyline($polyline));
        $output .= '
			zoom = map.getBoundsZoomLevel(bounds);
			map.setCenter(bounds.getCenter(), zoom);
    } else {
        $output .= '
				map.setCenter(new GLatLng(' . $wp_geo_options['default_map_latitude'] . ', ' . $wp_geo_options['default_map_longitude'] . '), ' . $wp_geo_options['default_map_zoom'] . ');';
    $output .= '
		} );
    return $output;
     * @method       Map Scripts Init
     * @description  Output Javascripts to display maps.
     * @param        $latitude = Latitude
     * @param        $longitude = Longitude
     * @param        $zoom = Zoom
     * @param        $panel_open = Admin panel open?
     * @param        $hide_marker = Hide marker?
     * @return       (string) HTML content
    function mapScriptsInit($latitude, $longitude, $zoom = 5, $panel_open = false, $hide_marker = false)
        global $wpgeo, $post;
        $wp_geo_options = get_option('wp_geo_options');
        $maptype = empty($wp_geo_options['google_map_type']) ? 'G_NORMAL_MAP' : $wp_geo_options['google_map_type'];
        // Centre on London
        if (!is_numeric($latitude) || !is_numeric($longitude)) {
            $latitude = $wp_geo_options['default_map_latitude'];
            $longitude = $wp_geo_options['default_map_longitude'];
            $zoom = $wp_geo_options['default_map_zoom'];
            // Default 5;
            $panel_open = true;
            $hide_marker = true;
        $mapcentre = array($latitude, $longitude);
        if (is_numeric($post->ID) && $post->ID > 0) {
            $settings = get_post_meta($post->ID, WPGEO_MAP_SETTINGS_META, true);
            if (isset($settings['zoom']) && is_numeric($settings['zoom'])) {
                $zoom = $settings['zoom'];
            if (!empty($settings['type'])) {
                $maptype = $settings['type'];
            if (!empty($settings['centre'])) {
                $new_mapcentre = explode(',', $settings['centre']);
                if (is_numeric($new_mapcentre[0]) && is_numeric($new_mapcentre[1])) {
                    $mapcentre = $new_mapcentre;
        // Vars
        $google_maps_api_key = $wpgeo->get_google_api_key();
        $panel_open ? $panel_open = 'jQuery(\'#wpgeolocationdiv.postbox h3\').click();' : ($panel_open = '');
        $hide_marker ? $hide_marker = 'marker.hide();' : ($hide_marker = '');
        // Script
        $html_content = '
			<script type="text/javascript">
			function init_wp_geo_map_admin()
				if (GBrowserIsCompatible() && document.getElementById("wp_geo_map"))
					map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("wp_geo_map"));
					var center = new GLatLng(' . $mapcentre[0] . ', ' . $mapcentre[1] . ');
					var point = new GLatLng(' . $latitude . ', ' . $longitude . ');
					map.setCenter(center, ' . $zoom . ');
					var zoom_setting = document.getElementById("wpgeo_map_settings_zoom");
					zoom_setting.value = ' . $zoom . ';
					// Map Controls
					' . WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_map_control('map', 'GLargeMapControl3D') . '
					' . WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_map_control('map', 'GMapTypeControl') . '
					map.setMapType(' . $maptype . ');
					var type_setting = document.getElementById("wpgeo_map_settings_type");
					type_setting.value = wpgeo_getMapTypeContentFromUrlArg(map.getCurrentMapType().getUrlArg());
					GEvent.addListener(map, "click", function(overlay, latlng) {
						var latField = document.getElementById("wp_geo_latitude");
						var lngField = document.getElementById("wp_geo_longitude");
						latField.value = latlng.lat();
						lngField.value = latlng.lng();
					GEvent.addListener(map, "maptypechanged", function() {
						var type_setting = document.getElementById("wpgeo_map_settings_type");
						type_setting.value = wpgeo_getMapTypeContentFromUrlArg(map.getCurrentMapType().getUrlArg());
					GEvent.addListener(map, "zoomend", function(oldLevel, newLevel) {
						var zoom_setting = document.getElementById("wpgeo_map_settings_zoom");
						zoom_setting.value = newLevel;
					GEvent.addListener(map, "moveend", function() {
						var center = this.getCenter();
						var centre_setting = document.getElementById("wpgeo_map_settings_centre");
						centre_setting.value = center.lat() + "," + center.lng();
					marker = new GMarker(point, {draggable: true});
					GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragstart", function() {
					GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() {
						var coords = marker.getLatLng();
						var latField = document.getElementById("wp_geo_latitude");
						var lngField = document.getElementById("wp_geo_longitude");
						latField.value = coords.lat();
						lngField.value = coords.lng();
					' . apply_filters('wpgeo_map_js_preoverlays', '', 'map') . '
					' . WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_map_overlay('map', 'marker') . '
					' . $panel_open . '
					var latField = document.getElementById("wp_geo_latitude");
					var lngField = document.getElementById("wp_geo_longitude");
					' . $hide_marker . '
			jQuery(window).load( init_wp_geo_map_admin );
			jQuery(window).unload( GUnload );
        return $html_content;
 function render_polyline($polyline)
     // Coords
     $coords = array();
     foreach ($polyline->coords as $coord) {
         $coords[] = WPGeo_API_GMap2::render_coord($coord);
     // Options
     $options = array();
     if ($polyline->geodesic) {
         $options[] = 'geodesic:true';
     return 'new GPolyline([' . implode(',', $coords) . '],"' . $polyline->color . '",' . $polyline->thickness . ',' . $polyline->opacity . ',{' . implode(',', $options) . '})';