 public function build($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $threadId = $pl->getParameterValue("threadId");
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $db = Database::connection();
     $thread = DB_ForumThreadPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($threadId);
     if ($thread == null || $thread->getSiteId() !== $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No thread found... Is it deleted?"), "no_thread");
     $category = $thread->getForumCategory();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasForumPermission('moderate_forum', $runData->getUser(), $category);
     $runData->contextAdd("thread", $thread);
     $runData->contextAdd("category", $thread->getForumCategory());
     // and select categories to move into too.
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
     $groups = DB_ForumGroupPeer::instance()->select($c);
     $res = array();
     foreach ($groups as $g) {
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add("group_id", $g->getGroupId());
         $categories = DB_ForumCategoryPeer::instance()->select($c);
         foreach ($categories as $cat) {
             $res[] = array('group' => $g, 'category' => $cat);
     $runData->contextAdd("categories", $res);
 public function build($runData)
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $categoryId = $pl->getParameterValue("c");
     if ($categoryId == null || !is_numeric($categoryId)) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No forum category has been specified."));
     // check for suggested title
     $sTitle = $pl->getParameterValue("title");
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("category_id", $categoryId);
     $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
     $category = DB_ForumCategoryPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
     if ($category == null) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No forum category has been specified."));
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasForumPermission('new_thread', $runData->getUser(), $category);
     // keep the session - i.e. put an object into session storage not to delete it!!!
     $runData->sessionAdd("keep", true);
     $this->category = $category;
     $runData->contextAdd("category", $category);
     $userId = $runData->getUserId();
     if ($userId == null) {
         $userString = $runData->createIpString();
         $runData->contextAdd("anonymousString", $userString);
     if ($sTitle) {
         $runData->contextAdd("title", $sTitle);
 public function build($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $threadId = $pl->getParameterValue("threadId");
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     $db = Database::connection();
     $thread = DB_ForumThreadPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($threadId);
     if ($thread == null || $thread->getSiteId() !== $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No thread found... Is it deleted?"), "no_thread");
     // check if thread blocked
     if ($thread->getBlocked()) {
         // check if moderator or admin
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
         $c->add("user_id", $user->getUserId());
         $rel = DB_ModeratorPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
         if (!$rel || strpos($rel->getPermissions(), 'f') == false) {
             $rel = DB_AdminPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
             if (!$rel) {
                 throw new WDPermissionException(_("Sorry, this thread is blocked. Nobody can add new posts nor edit existing ones."));
     $category = $thread->getCategory();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasForumPermission('edit_thread', $runData->getUser(), $category, $thread);
     $runData->contextAdd("thread", $thread);
 public function build($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $postId = $pl->getParameterValue("postId", "AMODULE");
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     if ($postId == null || !is_numeric($postId)) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No post specified."), "no_post");
     $post = DB_ForumPostPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($postId);
     if ($post == null || $post->getSiteId() != $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No post specified."), "no_post");
     $category = $post->getForumThread()->getCategory();
     try {
         WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasForumPermission('moderate_forum', $runData->getUser(), $category);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new WDPermissionException(_("Sorry, you are not allowed to delete posts. Only site administrators and moderators are the ones who can."));
     // OK for now...
     //check if there any child posts
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("parent_id", $postId);
     $chpc = DB_ForumPostPeer::instance()->selectCount($c);
     if ($chpc > 0) {
         $runData->contextAdd("hasChildren", true);
     $runData->contextAdd("post", $post);
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("postId", $postId);
 public function build($runData)
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $pageId = $pl->getParameterValue("pageId");
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     if (!$pageId || !is_numeric($pageId)) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("The page can not be found or does not exist."), "no_page");
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($pageId);
     if ($page == null || $page->getSiteId() != $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Error getting page information."), "no_page");
     $category = $page->getCategory();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('edit', $user, $category, $page);
     // get the tags now
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("page_id", $pageId);
     $tags = DB_PageTagPeer::instance()->select($c);
     $t2 = array();
     foreach ($tags as $t) {
         $t2[] = $t->getTag();
     $t3 = implode(' ', $t2);
     $runData->contextAdd("tags", $t3);
 public function cloneSiteEvent($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $siteId = $site->getSiteId();
     $name = trim($pl->getParameterValue("name"));
     $unixName = trim($pl->getParameterValue("unixname"));
     $tagline = trim($pl->getParameterValue("tagline"));
     $description = trim($pl->getParameterValue("description"));
     $private = (bool) $pl->getParameterValue("private");
     // validate form data:
     $errors = array();
     if (strlen($name) < 1) {
         $errors['name'] = _("Site name must be present.");
     } elseif (strlen8($name) > 30) {
         $errors['name'] = _("Site name should not be longer than 30 characters.");
     // site unix name *************
     if ($unixName === null || strlen($unixName) < 3) {
         $errors['unixname'] = _("Web address must be present and should be at least 3 characters long.");
     } elseif (strlen($unixName) > 30) {
         $errors['unixname'] = _("Web address name should not be longer than 30 characters.");
     } elseif (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\\-]+\$/", $unixName) == 0) {
         $errors['unixname'] = _('Only lowercase alphanumeric and "-" (dash) characters allowed in the web address.');
     } elseif (preg_match("/\\-\\-/", $unixName) !== 0) {
         $errors['unixname'] = _('Only lowercase alphanumeric and "-" (dash) characters allowed in the web address. Double-dash (--) is not allowed.');
     } else {
         $unixName = WDStringUtils::toUnixName($unixName);
         if (!$runData->getUser()->getSuperAdmin()) {
             //	handle forbidden names
             $forbiddenUnixNames = explode("\n", file_get_contents(WIKIDOT_ROOT . '/conf/forbidden_site_names.conf'));
             foreach ($forbiddenUnixNames as $f) {
                 if (preg_match($f, $unixName) > 0) {
                     $errors['unixname'] = _('For some reason this web address is not allowed or is reserved for future use.');
         // check if the domain is not taken.
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add("unix_name", $unixName);
         $ss = DB_SitePeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
         if ($ss) {
             $errors['unixname'] = _('Sorry, this web address is already used by another site.');
     if (strlen8($tagline) > 50) {
         $errors['tagline'] = _("Tagline should not be longer than 50 characters");
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("formErrors", $errors);
         throw new ProcessException("Form errors", "form_errors");
     // and now... CREATE THE SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     $siteProps = array('name' => $name, 'subtitle' => $tagline, 'unixname' => $unixName, 'description' => $description, 'private' => $private);
     $dup = new Duplicator();
     $dup->cloneSite($site, $siteProps);
 public function saveEvent($runData)
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $pageId = $pl->getParameterValue("pageId");
     if (!is_numeric($pageId)) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Page does not exist."));
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($pageId);
     if (!$page) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Page does not exist."));
     // check permissions
     $category = $page->getCategory();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('edit', $runData->getUser(), $category, $page);
     $data = $pl->getParameterValue("data");
     $json = new JSONService();
     $listData = $json->decode($data);
     //it's time to do some checking
     $listData->label = trim($listData->label);
     if (!$listData->label) {
         throw new ProcessException(_('The SimpleTodo module must have an id (e.g. id="list1").'));
     $dataArray['label'] = $listData->label;
     $listData->title = trim($listData->title);
     if (!$listData->title) {
         throw new ProcessException(_('Your title field is empty, please correct that.'));
     $dataArray['title'] = $listData->title;
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($listData->data); $i++) {
         $listData->data[$i]->text = trim($listData->data[$i]->text);
         $listData->data[$i]->link = trim($listData->data[$i]->link);
         if (!is_bool($listData->data[$i]->checked)) {
             throw new ProcessException(_('Something is wrong witch checkbox (it is not a boolean value).'));
         if (empty($listData->data[$i]->text)) {
             throw new ProcessException(_('One of your text fields is empty, please correct that.'));
         $dataArray['data'][$i]['text'] = $listData->data[$i]->text;
         $dataArray['data'][$i]['link'] = $listData->data[$i]->link;
         $dataArray['data'][$i]['checked'] = $listData->data[$i]->checked;
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add('label', $listData->label);
     $c->add('site_id', $site->getSiteId());
     $list = DB_SimpletodoListPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
     if (!$list) {
         $list = new DB_SimpletodoList();
     $itemData = $json->encode($dataArray['data']);
 public function isAllowed($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     if ($key = $pl->getParameterValue("key")) {
         if (GlobalProperties::$SECRET_MANAGE_SUPERADMIN == $key) {
             return true;
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPermission('manage_site', $runData->getUser(), $runData->getTemp("site"));
     return true;
文件: Site.php 项目: jbzdak/wikidot
  * Get categories from a site
  * Argument array keys:
  *  site: site to get categories from
  * @param struct $args
  * @return struct
 public function categories($args)
     $this->parseArgs($args, array("performer", "site"));
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->canAccessSite($this->performer, $this->site);
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("site_id", $this->site->getSiteId());
     $ret = array();
     foreach (DB_CategoryPeer::instance()->selectByCriteria($c) as $category) {
         $ret[] = $this->repr($category);
     return $ret;
 public function build($runData)
     $users = array();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add('user_id', '1', '>');
     foreach (DB_OzoneUserPeer::instance()->select($c) as $user) {
         $admin = WDPermissionManager::hasPermission('manage_site', $user, 1) ? 1 : 0;
         $mod = WDPermissionManager::hasPermission('moderate_site', $user, 1) ? 1 : 0;
         $users[] = array("nick_name" => $user->getNickName(), "user_id" => $user->getUserId(), "mod" => $mod, "admin" => $admin);
     for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
         $users[] = array("user_id" => "new{$i}");
     $runData->contextAdd("users", $users);
 public function build($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $threadId = $pl->getParameterValue("threadId");
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $db = Database::connection();
     $thread = DB_ForumThreadPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($threadId);
     if ($thread == null || $thread->getSiteId() !== $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No thread found... Is it deleted?"), "no_thread");
     $category = $thread->getForumCategory();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasForumPermission('moderate_forum', $runData->getUser(), $category);
     $runData->contextAdd("thread", $thread);
 public function build($runData)
     $pageId = $runData->getParameterList()->getParameterValue("page_id");
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($pageId);
     if ($page == null || $page->getSiteId() != $runData->getTemp("site")->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Error getting page information."), "no_page");
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     // check permissions now
     $category = $page->getCategory();
     // now check for permissions!!!
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('edit', $user, $category, $page);
     if ($page->getParentPageId() !== null) {
         $parentPage = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($page->getParentPageId());
         $runData->contextAdd("parentPageName", $parentPage->getUnixName());
 public function build($runData)
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     if (self::$_counter == 0) {
         // check permissions
         $page = $runData->getTemp("page");
         if ($page) {
             $category = $page->getCategory();
             try {
                 WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('create', $user, $category);
                 self::$_canEdit = true;
             } catch (Exception $e) {
     $runData->contextAdd('canEdit', self::$_canEdit);
     $runData->contextAdd('listCounter', self::$_counter);
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $label = $pl->getParameterValue("id");
     $label = trim($label);
     if (!$label) {
         throw new ProcessException(_('The SimpleTodo module must have an id.'));
     if (!in_array($label, self::$_labelArray)) {
         array_push(self::$_labelArray, $label);
     } else {
         throw new ProcessException(_('The id attribute sholud be unique.'));
     $runData->contextAdd("label", $label);
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add('label', $label);
     $c->add('site_id', $site->getSiteId());
     $list = DB_SimpletodoListPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
     if ($list) {
         $json = new JSONService();
         $listData = $json->decode($list->getData());
         $runData->contextAdd("title", $list->getTitle());
         $runData->contextAdd("data", $listData);
 public function build($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $fileId = $pl->getParameterValue("file_id");
     $file = DB_FilePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($fileId);
     if ($file == null || $file->getSiteId() != $runData->getTemp("site")->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Error getting file information."), "no_file");
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($file->getPageId());
     if ($page == null || $page->getSiteId() != $runData->getTemp("site")->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Error getting file information."), "no_page");
     // check permissions
     $category = $page->getCategory();
     // now check for permissions!!!
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('rename_file', $user, $category);
     $runData->contextAdd("file", $file);
 public function sendEvent($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $source = $pl->getParameterValue("source");
     $subject = $pl->getParameterValue("subject");
     if ($subject == null || $subject === '') {
         $subject = "(No subject)";
     $db = Database::connection();
     $toUserId = $pl->getParameterValue("to_user_id");
     // TODO: validation. also check if user exists
     $toUser = DB_OzoneUserPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($toUserId);
     if ($toUser == null) {
         $message = _("The recipient does not exist.");
         throw new ProcessException($message, "no_recipient");
     // check if allowed
     $fromUser = $runData->getUser();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPmPermission($fromUser, $toUser);
     // compile content
     $wt = new WikiTransformation();
     $body = $wt->processSource($source);
     $message = new DB_PrivateMessage();
     $message->setDate(new ODate());
     // 0 for inbox
     //also make a copy for "sent" folder
     //1 for sent
 public function build($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $postId = $pl->getParameterValue("postId", "AMODULE");
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     if ($postId == null || !is_numeric($postId)) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No post specified."), "no_post");
     $post = DB_ForumPostPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($postId);
     if ($post == null || $post->getSiteId() != $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No post specified."), "no_post");
     $category = $post->getForumThread()->getCategory();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasForumPermission('edit_post', $runData->getUser(), $category, null, $post);
     // check if thread blocked
     $thread = $post->getForumThread();
     if ($thread->getBlocked()) {
         // check if moderator or admin
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
         $c->add("user_id", $user->getUserId());
         $rel = DB_ModeratorPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
         if (!$rel || strpos($rel->getPermissions(), 'f') == false) {
             $rel = DB_AdminPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
             if (!$rel) {
                 throw new WDPermissionException(_("Sorry, this thread is blocked. Nobody can add new posts nor edit existing ones."));
     // OK for now...
     // keep the session - i.e. put an object into session storage not to delete it!!!
     $runData->sessionAdd("keep", true);
     $runData->contextAdd("post", $post);
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("postId", $postId);
     $userId = $runData->getUserId();
     if ($userId == null) {
         $userString = $runData->createIpString();
         $runData->contextAdd("anonymousString", $userString);
 public function build($runData)
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $pageId = $pl->getParameterValue("pageId");
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($pageId);
     if ($page == null || $page->getSiteId() != $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Problem selecting destination page."), "no_page");
     $category = $page->getCategory();
     // now check for permissions!!!
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('attach_file', $user, $category, $page);
     $totalSize = FileHelper::totalSiteFilesSize($site->getSiteId());
     $allowed = $site->getSettings()->getFileStorageSize();
     $maxUpload = min($allowed - $totalSize, $site->getSettings()->getMaxUploadFileSize());
     $runData->contextAdd("totalSiteSize", FileHelper::formatSize($totalSize));
     $runData->contextAdd("totalSiteAllowedSize", FileHelper::formatSize($allowed));
     $runData->contextAdd("availableSiteSize", FileHelper::formatSize($allowed - $totalSize));
     $runData->contextAdd("maxUpload", $maxUpload);
     $runData->contextAdd("maxUploadString", FileHelper::formatSize($maxUpload));
 public function build($runData)
     // only check for permissions
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $pageId = $pl->getParameterValue("pageId");
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($pageId);
     if ($page == null || $page->getSiteId() != $runData->getTemp("site")->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Error getting page information."), "no_page");
     $delete = $pl->getParameterValue("delete");
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     if ($delete) {
         $newName = 'deleted:' . $page->getUnixName();
         $runData->contextAdd("delete", true);
     } else {
         $newName = $page->getUnixName();
     $category = $page->getCategory();
     $runData->contextAdd("page", $page);
     $runData->contextAdd("newName", $newName);
     // now check for permissions!!!
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('move', $user, $category, $page);
     $canDelete = true;
     try {
         WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('delete', $user, $category, $page);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $canDelete = false;
     $runData->contextAdd("canDelete", $canDelete);
     // check if belongs to a special category...
     $categoryName = $category->getName();
     if ($categoryName == "forum") {
         $runData->contextAdd("isForum", true);
     if ($categoryName == "admin") {
         $runData->contextAdd("isAdmin", true);
 public function createSiteEvent($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $name = trim($pl->getParameterValue("name"));
     $unixName = trim($pl->getParameterValue("unixname"));
     $tagline = trim($pl->getParameterValue("tagline"));
     $templateId = $pl->getParameterValue("template");
     $private = (bool) $pl->getParameterValue("private");
     // validate form data:
     $errors = array();
     if (strlen($name) < 1) {
         $errors['name'] = _("Site name must be present.");
     } elseif (strlen8($name) > 30) {
         $errors['name'] = _("Site name should not be longer than 30 characters.");
     // site unix name *************
     if ($unixName === null || strlen($unixName) < 3) {
         $errors['unixname'] = _("Web address must be present and should be at least 3 characters long.");
     } elseif (strlen($unixName) > 30) {
         $errors['unixname'] = _("Web address name should not be longer than 30 characters.");
     } elseif (preg_match("/^[a-z0-9\\-]+\$/", $unixName) == 0) {
         $errors['unixname'] = _('Only lowercase alphanumeric and "-" (dash) characters allowed in the web address.');
     } elseif (preg_match("/\\-\\-/", $unixName) !== 0) {
         $errors['unixname'] = _('Only lowercase alphanumeric and "-" (dash) characters allowed in the web address. Double-dash (--) is not allowed.');
     } else {
         $unixName = WDStringUtils::toUnixName($unixName);
         if (!$runData->getUser()->getSuperAdmin()) {
             //	handle forbidden names
             $forbiddenUnixNames = explode("\n", file_get_contents(WIKIDOT_ROOT . '/conf/forbidden_site_names.conf'));
             foreach ($forbiddenUnixNames as $f) {
                 if (preg_match($f, $unixName) > 0) {
                     $errors['unixname'] = _('For some reason this web address is not allowed or is reserved for future use.');
         // check if the domain is not taken.
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add("unix_name", $unixName);
         $ss = DB_SitePeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
         if ($ss) {
             $errors['unixname'] = _('Sorry, this web address is already used by another site.');
     // template
     if (!$templateId) {
         $errors['template'] = _('Please choose a template for your site');
     if (strlen8($tagline) > 50) {
         $errors['tagline'] = _("Tagline should not be longer than 50 characters");
     // TOS
     if (!$pl->getParameterValue("tos")) {
         $errors['tos'] = _("Please read and agree to the Terms of Service.");
     if (count($errors) > 0) {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("formErrors", $errors);
         throw new ProcessException("Form errors", "form_errors");
     // and now... CREATE THE SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     $dup = new Duplicator();
     $db = Database::connection();
     $templateSite = DB_SitePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($templateId);
     if (!preg_match(';^template\\-;', $templateSite->getUnixName())) {
         throw new ProcessException('Error');
     $site = new DB_Site();
     $site->setDateCreated(new ODate());
     if ($private) {
         // change file flag too
         $flagDir = WIKIDOT_ROOT . '/web/files--sites/' . $site->getUnixName() . '/flags';
         $flagFile = $flagDir . '/private';
         //just to make sure
         if (!file_exists($flagFile)) {
             file_put_contents($flagFile, "private");
     // should be initialized independently
     $dup->duplicateSite($templateSite, $site);
     // index the site too
     $ind = Indexer::instance();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
     $pages = DB_PagePeer::instance()->select($c);
     foreach ($pages as $p) {
     // clear captcha code
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("siteUnixName", $unixName);
 public function applyByPasswordEvent($runData)
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $comment = $pl->getParameterValue("comment");
     $userId = $runData->getUserId();
     $settings = $site->getSettings();
     $db = Database::connection();
     if (!$settings->getAllowMembershipByPassword()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Applying is disabled for this site."), "not_enabled");
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     if ($user == null) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Sorry, you are not logged in. Anonymous users can not apply ;-)"));
     // check for permissions
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPermission("become_member", $user, $site);
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
     $c->add("user_id", $userId);
     $a = DB_MemberPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
     if ($a != null) {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('status', 'already_member');
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("message", _("You already are a member of this site."));
     $password = $pl->getParameterValue("password");
     if ($password === $settings->getMembershipPassword()) {
         // create member...
         // check if not >=10 members
         if ($site->getPrivate()) {
             $settings = $site->getSettings();
             $maxMembers = $settings->getMaxPrivateMembers();
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
             $cmem = DB_MemberPeer::instance()->selectCount($c);
             if ($cmem >= $maxMembers) {
                 throw new ProcessException(sprintf(_('Sorry, at the moment max %d member limit apply for private Wikis. The Site would have to be upgraded to allow more members.'), $maxMembers));
         $mem = new DB_Member();
         $mem->setDateJoined(new ODate());
         $ml = new DB_MembershipLink();
         $ml->setDate(new ODate());
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("message", _("Congratulations! You are now a member of this site!"));
         // remove application (if any) and invitations
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
         $c->add("user_id", $userId);
         AdminNotificationMaker::instance()->newMemberByPassword($site, $user);
     } else {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('status', 'wrong_password');
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("message", _("Sorry, wrong password..."));
 public function build($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $postId = $pl->getParameterValue("postId");
     $threadId = $pl->getParameterValue("threadId");
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $title = '';
     $db = Database::connection();
     $thread = DB_ForumThreadPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($threadId);
     if ($thread == null || $thread->getSiteId() !== $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No thread found... Is it deleted?"), "no_thread");
     // check if thread blocked
     if ($thread->getBlocked()) {
         // check if moderator or admin
         if ($runData->getUser()) {
             $c = new Criteria();
             $c->add("site_id", $site->getSiteId());
             $c->add("user_id", $user->getUserId());
             $rel = DB_ModeratorPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
         if (!$rel || strpos($rel->getPermissions(), 'f') == false) {
             $rel = DB_AdminPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
             if (!$rel) {
                 throw new WDPermissionException(_("Sorry, this thread is blocked. Nobody can add new posts nor edit existing ones."));
     // now check if user is allowed
     $category = $thread->getCategory();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasForumPermission('new_post', $runData->getUser(), $category);
     if ($postId !== null && is_numeric($postId)) {
         $post = DB_ForumPostPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($postId);
         if ($post == null || $post->getThreadId() !== $thread->getThreadId()) {
             throw new ProcessException(_("Original post does not exist! Please reload the page to make it up-to-date."), "no_post");
         // try to  determine true parent id based on the nesting level.
         // TODO!
         $maxNest = $thread->getForumCategory()->getEffectiveMaxNestLevel();
         // now check the nest level of the post... woooo...
         $parentId6 = $post->getParentId();
         $nestLevel6 = 0;
         $parents = array();
         while ($parentId6 != null) {
             $parent6 = DB_ForumPostPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($parentId6);
             $parents[] = $parent6;
             $parentId6 = $parent6->getParentId();
         if ($nestLevel6 >= $maxNest) {
             // change parent id to the maxNest-1 in the chain
             $parent = $parents[$nestLevel6 - ($maxNest - 1) - 1];
             if ($parent) {
                 $parentId = $parent->getPostId();
                 $parentChanged = true;
         } else {
             $parentId = $post->getPostId();
         $title = preg_replace('/^Re:\\s?/', '', $post->getTitle());
         $title = 'Re: ' . $title;
     } else {
         // only if NOT a page discussion
         if ($thread->getPageId() == null) {
             $title = 'Re: ' . $thread->getTitle();
     $runData->contextAdd("thread", $thread);
     if ($parentId) {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("parentId", $parentId);
         $runData->contextAdd("parentId", $parentId);
         if ($parentChanged) {
             $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("parentChanged", true);
     $runData->contextAdd("title", $title);
     // keep the session - i.e. put an object into session storage not to delete it!!!
     $runData->sessionAdd("keep", true);
     $userId = $runData->getUserId();
     if ($userId == null) {
         $userString = $runData->createIpString();
         $runData->contextAdd("anonymousString", $userString);
文件: Page.php 项目: jbzdak/wikidot
 public function save($args)
     $db = Database::connection();
     // simple argument checking
     if (!isset($args['page'])) {
         throw new Wikidot_Facade_Exception_WrongArguments("Page argument must be passed");
     $pm = new WDPermissionManager();
     $now = new ODate();
     // page (existant or not) name
     $arg_page = WDStringUtils::toUnixName($args['page']);
     // parse the rest (beside page name)
     $this->parseArgs($args, array("performer", "site"));
     try {
         // parse page name to figure out if it points to an existant page
         $page = $this->_parsePage($this->site, $arg_page);
         $new = false;
         // check permissions to edit the page
         $pm->hasPagePermission('edit', $this->performer, $page->getCategory(), $page);
     } catch (Wikidot_Facade_Exception_WrongArguments $e) {
         if ($this->source === null) {
             $this->source = "";
         if ($this->title === null) {
             $this->title = $arg_page;
         $new = true;
         $category_name = preg_replace('/^([^:]*):.*$/', '\\1', $arg_page);
         if ($category_name == $arg_page) {
             $category_name = '_default';
         $category = $this->_getOrCreateCategory($this->site, $category_name);
         $page = new DB_Page();
         $page->setDateCreated(new ODate());
         $compiled = new DB_PageCompiled();
     // get current revision and metadata
     if (!$new) {
         $cur_rev = $page->getCurrentRevision();
         $cur_meta = $cur_rev->getMetadata();
     // construct new metadata
     if ($new) {
         $new_meta = new DB_PageMetadata();
     } else {
         $new_meta = clone $cur_meta;
     // construct new revision
     $new_rev = new DB_PageRevision();
     if ($new) {
     } else {
         $new_rev->setRevisionNumber($cur_rev->getRevisionNumber() + 1);
     $src_changed = false;
     $title_changed = false;
     $parent_changed = false;
     $tags_changed = false;
     // handle source change
     if ($new || $this->source !== null && $page->getSource() != $this->source) {
         $new_src = new DB_PageSource();
         $src_changed = true;
     } else {
     // handle tags change
     if ($this->tags) {
         $new_tags = $this->tags;
         $cur_tags = $page->getTagsAsArray();
         if ($cur_tags != $new_tags) {
             $tags_changed = true;
             $tags_deleted = array();
             $tags_added = array();
             foreach ($cur_tags as $tag) {
                 if (!in_array($tag, $new_tags)) {
                     $c = new Criteria();
                     $c->add('page_id', $page->getPageId());
                     $c->add('tag', $tag);
                     if ($t = DB_PageTagPeer::instance()->selectOne($c)) {
                         $tags_deleted[] = $tag;
             foreach ($new_tags as $tag) {
                 if (!in_array($tag, $cur_tags)) {
                     $t = new DB_PageTag();
                     $tags_added[] = $tag;
     // handle metadata: title change
     if ($new || $this->title !== null && $cur_meta->getTitle() != $this->title) {
         $title_changed = true;
     // handle metadata: parent page change
     if ($this->parent_page) {
         if (!$cur_meta->getParentPageId() || $cur_meta->getParentPageId() != $this->parent_page->getPageId()) {
             $parent_changed = true;
     if ($this->clear_parent_page && $page->getParentPageId()) {
         $parent_changed = true;
     $meta_changed = $title_changed || $parent_changed;
     // decide whether to use previous metadata or create a new object
     if ($meta_changed) {
     } else {
     // set flag on revision
     if ($new) {
     } else {
         if ($src_changed) {
         if ($title_changed) {
         if ($parent_changed) {
     if ($src_changed || $meta_changed || $tags_changed) {
         $GLOBALS['site'] = $this->site;
         $outdater = new Outdater();
         if ($src_changed) {
             $outdater->pageEvent("source_changed", $page);
         if ($title_changed) {
             $outdater->pageEvent("title_changed", $page);
         if ($parent_changed) {
             $outdater->pageEvent("parent_changed", $page);
         if ($tags_changed) {
             $outdater->pageEvent("tag_changed", $page);
     } else {
         /* This place is reached when API client tries to set source or
          * title or parent page or tags that are already set (in the DB)
          * to the same value.
          * Let's suppose doing nothing is the desired behavior in this case
          * Other possible way to react can be raising an exception.
          * But it should be different from Wikidot_Facade_Exception_WrongArguments
          * because this one implies client error (and client does not need
          * to know the exact database state).
 public function deletePostEvent($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $postId = $pl->getParameterValue("postId");
     if ($postId == null || !is_numeric($postId)) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No such post."), "no_post");
     $db = Database::connection();
     $post = DB_ForumPostPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($postId);
     if ($post == null || $post->getSiteId() != $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("No such post."), "no_post");
     $thread = $post->getForumThread();
     $category = $thread->getForumCategory();
     try {
         WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasForumPermission('moderate_forum', $runData->getUser(), $category);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new WDPermissionException(_("Sorry, you are not allowed to delete posts. Only site administrators and moderators are the ones who can."));
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("parent_id", $postId);
     $toDelete = array();
     $chposts = DB_ForumPostPeer::instance()->select($c);
     while ($chposts && count($chposts) > 0) {
         $toDelete = array_merge($toDelete, $chposts);
         $c = new Criteria();
         foreach ($chposts as $f) {
             $c->addOr("parent_id", $f->getPostId());
         $chposts = DB_ForumPostPeer::instance()->select($c);
     foreach ($toDelete as $f) {
     // now recalculate a few things...
     // outdate
     $o = new Outdater();
     $o->forumEvent("thread_save", $thread);
     // index thread
     EventLogger::instance()->logPostDelete($thread, $post->getTitle());
     if (GlobalProperties::$UI_SLEEP) {
 public function __construct()
     self::$pageActionsDesc = array('view' => _('view this page'), 'edit' => _('edit this page'), 'create' => _('create a new page in this category'), 'move' => _('move this page'), 'delete' => _('delete this page'), 'attach_file' => _('attach a new file to this page'), 'rename_file' => _('rename file attachment in this page'), 'replace_file' => _('replace existing file attachment in this page'), 'move_file' => _('move file attachment to another page'), 'delete_file' => _('delete file in this page'), 'options' => _('what????'));
     self::$forumActionsDesc = array('new_thread' => _('start new discussion thread'), 'new_post' => _('add new post in this thread'), 'edit_post' => _('edit a post in this thread'), 'edit_thread' => _('edit this thread'), 'split' => 's', 'moderate_forum' => _('perform this action'));
     self::$userClassesDesc = array('anonymous' => _('anonymous users'), 'registered' => _('<a href="http://www.wikidot.com">Wikidot.com</a> registered users'), 'member' => _('members of this site'), 'owner' => _('owner (creator) of this page'));
 public function saveEvent($runData)
     $params = $runData->getParameterList()->asArray();
     $ids = array();
     foreach ($params as $param_key => $param_val) {
         $m = array();
         if (preg_match(';^nick_name_([new0-9]+)$;', $param_key, $m)) {
             $ids[] = $m[1];
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         $nick_name = $params["nick_name_{$id}"];
         $password = $params["password_{$id}"];
         $admin = $params["admin_{$id}"] ? true : false;
         $mod = $params["mod_{$id}"] ? true : false;
         $site = $runData->getTemp('site');
         if ($nick_name) {
             if ($id = 1 * $id) {
                 $u = DB_OzoneUserPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($id);
             } else {
                 $u = null;
             $next = false;
             if (!$u) {
                 $u = new DB_OzoneUser();
                 if (!$password) {
                     $next = true;
                 $m = new DB_Member();
             if (!$next) {
                 if ($password) {
                 if ($admin) {
                     if (!WDPermissionManager::hasPermission('manage_site', $u, $site)) {
                         $a = new DB_Admin();
                 } else {
                     // ! $admin
                     $c = new Criteria();
                     $c->add('site_id', $site->getSiteId());
                     $c->add('user_id', $u->getUserId());
                 if ($mod) {
                     if (!WDPermissionManager::hasPermission('moderate_site', $u, $site)) {
                         $m = new DB_Moderator();
                 } else {
                     // ! $mod
                     $c = new Criteria();
                     $c->add('site_id', $site->getSiteId());
                     $c->add('user_id', $u->getUserId());
 public function isAllowed($runData)
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPermission('manage_site', $runData->getUser(), $runData->getTemp("site"));
     return true;
 public function deletePageEvent($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $pageId = $pl->getParameterValue("page_id");
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $db = Database::connection();
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("page_id", $pageId);
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
     if ($page == null || $page->getSiteId() != $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Error getting page information."), "no_page");
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     $category = $page->getCategory();
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('delete', $user, $category, $page);
     // ok, delete... sad but true.
     $deleter = Deleter::instance();
     $deleter->deletePage($page, $site);
     if (GlobalProperties::$UI_SLEEP) {
    public function render($runData)
        // quickly check - show or not.
        $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
        $pageName = $runData->getTemp("pageUnixName");
        $page = $runData->getTemp("page");
        //$pl->getParameterValue("page", "MODULE");
        // get category name and get the category by name.
        // this should be enchanced to use memcache later
        // to get category to avoid db connection.
        // extract category name
        if (strpos($pageName, ':') != false) {
            // ok, there is category!
            $exp = explode(':', $pageName);
            $categoryName = $exp[0];
        } else {
            $categoryName = "_default";
        $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
        $category = DB_CategoryPeer::instance()->selectByName($categoryName, $site->getSiteId());
        $user = $runData->getUser();
        $pm = new WDPermissionManager();
        // to avoid database connection.
        if (!$pm->hasPagePermission('options', $user, $category, $pageName, $site)) {
            return '';
        $showDiscuss = $pl->getParameterValue("showDiscuss");
        if ($showDiscuss) {
            $threadId = $pl->getParameterValue("threadId");
            $pageUnixName = $pl->getParameterValue("pageUnixName");
        $showRate = $category->getRatingEnabledEff();
        // now a nasty part - make it inline such that
        // the Smarty engine does need to be initialized.
        // nasty way but saves a LOT of time with caching enabled.
        $otext = '';
        if ($page) {
            $otext .= '<div id="page-info">' . _('page_revision') . ': ' . $page->getRevisionNumber() . ', ' . _('last_edited') . ': <span class="odate">' . $page->getDateLastEdited()->getTimestamp() . '|%e %b %Y, %H:%M %Z (%O ' . _('ago') . ')</span>' . '</div>';
        $otext .= '
<div id="page-options-bottom"  class="page-options-bottom">
	<a href="javascript:;" id="edit-button">' . _('edit') . '</a>';
        if ($showRate && $page) {
            $otext .= '<a href="javascript:;" id="pagerate-button">' . _('rate') . ' (<span id="prw54355">' . ($page->getRate() > 0 ? '+' : '') . $page->getRate() . '</span>)</a>';
        $otext .= '<a href="javascript:;" id="tags-button">' . _('tags') . '</a>';
        if ($showDiscuss && $page) {
            if ($threadId) {
                $no = $page->getTemp("numberPosts");
                $otext .= '<a href="/forum/t-' . $threadId . '/' . $pageUnixName . '"  id="discuss-button">' . _('discuss') . ' (' . $no . ')</a>';
            } else {
                $otext .= '<a href="javascript:;" id="discuss-button" onclick="WIKIDOT.page.listeners.createPageDiscussion(event)">' . _('discuss') . '</a> ';
        $otext .= '
	<a href="javascript:;" id="history-button">' . _('history') . '</a> 
	<a href="javascript:;" id="files-button">' . _('files') . '</a> ' . '<a href="javascript:;" id="print-button">' . _('print') . '</a> ' . '<a href="javascript:;" id="site-tools-button">' . _('site tools') . '</a>';
        if ($site->getPrivate()) {
        $otext .= '<a href="javascript:;" id="more-options-button">+&nbsp;' . _('options') . '</a> 
<div id="page-options-bottom-2" class="page-options-bottom" style="display:none">
	<a href="javascript:;" id="edit-sections-button">' . _('edit sections') . '</a>
	<a href="javascript:;" id="edit-append-button">' . _('append') . '</a>
	<a href="javascript:;" id="backlinks-button">' . _('backlinks') . '</a> 
	<a href="javascript:;" id="view-source-button">' . _('view source') . '</a> 
	<a href="javascript:;" id="parent-page-button">' . _('parent') . '</a> 
	<a href="javascript:;" id="page-block-button">' . _('block') . '</a> 	
	<a href="javascript:;" id="rename-move-button">' . _('rename') . '</a> 
	<a href="javascript:;" id="delete-button">' . _('delete') . '</a> 
<div id="page-options-area-bottom">
        return $otext;
 public function toAdminsEvent($runData)
     $userId = $runData->getParameterList()->getParameterValue("user_id");
     $siteId = $runData->getTemp("site")->getSiteId();
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $db = Database::connection();
     $user = DB_OzoneUserPeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($userId);
     if ($user == null) {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("status", "no_user");
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("message", _("The user does not exist? This should not happen."));
     // check if a member
     $c = new Criteria();
     $c->add("user_id", $userId);
     $c->add("site_id", $siteId);
     $mem = DB_MemberPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
     if ($mem == null) {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("status", "not_member");
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("message", _("The user is not a member of this site (anymore)."));
     // check if not already a moderator
     $mod = DB_ModeratorPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
     if ($mod != null) {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("status", "already_moderator");
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("message", _("The user is already a moderator of this site."));
     // check if not already an admin. The roles should not duplicate.
     $mod = DB_AdminPeer::instance()->selectOne($c);
     if ($mod != null) {
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("status", "already_admin");
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("message", _("The user is already an administrator of this site."));
     // ok, add now!
     $mod = new DB_Admin();
     // and create a notification too...
     NotificationMaker::instance()->addedToAdmins($site, $user);
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("userName", $user->getNickName());
 public function build($runData)
     $pl = $runData->getParameterList();
     $site = $runData->getTemp("site");
     $pageId = $pl->getParameterValue("page_id");
     $mode = $pl->getParameterValue("mode");
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("mode", $mode);
     $user = $runData->getUser();
     $userId = $runData->getUserId();
     if ($userId == null) {
         $userString = $runData->createIpString();
         $runData->contextAdd("anonymousString", $userString);
     $db = Database::connection();
     if ($pageId === null || $pageId === '') {
         // means probably creating a new page
         // no context is needed
         $mode = "page";
         $runData->contextAdd("mode", $mode);
         $runData->contextAdd("newPage", true);
         // first create if a page not already exists!
         $unixName = $pl->getParameterValue("wiki_page");
         $unixName = WDStringUtils::toUnixName($unixName);
         // purify! (for sure)
         if (!$unixName) {
             throw new ProcessException(_("The page can not be found or does not exist."), "no_page");
         $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByName($site->getSiteId(), $unixName);
         if ($page != null) {
             // page exists!!! error!
             throw new ProcessException(_("The page you want to create already exists. Please refresh the page in your browser to see it."));
             /*	$runData->ajaxResponseAdd("pageExists", true);
             			$runData->ajaxResponseAdd("locked", true); //well, it is somehow locked...
             			return;	*/
         // extract category name
         if (strpos($unixName, ':') != false) {
             // ok, there is category!
             $exp = explode(':', $unixName);
             $categoryName = $exp[0];
             $suggestedTitle = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $exp[1]));
         } else {
             // no category name, "_default" assumed
             $categoryName = "_default";
             $suggestedTitle = ucwords(str_replace("-", " ", $unixName));
         $stitle = $pl->getParameterValue("title");
         if ($stitle) {
             $suggestedTitle = $stitle;
         $category = DB_CategoryPeer::instance()->selectByName($categoryName, $site->getSiteId());
         if ($category == null) {
             // get the default!
             //$category = DB_CategoryPeer::instance()->selectByName('_default', $site->getSiteId());
             $category = $this->createTempCategory($categoryName, $site);
         // now check for permissions!!!
         WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('create', $user, $category);
         $autoincrement = false;
         if (preg_match(';^([a-z0-9]+:)?' . self::$AUTOINCREMENT_PAGE . '$;', $unixName)) {
             $autoincrement = true;
         if (!$autoincrement) {
             $lock = new DB_PageEditLock();
             $lock->setDateStarted(new ODate());
             $lock->setDateLastAccessed(new ODate());
             if ($pl->getParameterValue("force_lock") != null) {
             } else {
                 // check for conflicts
                 $conflicts = $lock->getConflicts();
                 if ($conflicts != null) {
                     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("locked", true);
                     $runData->contextAdd("locks", $conflicts);
             $secret = md5(time() . rand(1000, 9999));
             $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('lock_id', $lock->getLockId());
             $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('lock_secret', $secret);
         } else {
             $runData->contextAdd('disableLocks', true);
             $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('disableLocks', true);
         $runData->contextAdd("title", $suggestedTitle);
         /* Select available templates, but only if the category does not have a live template. */
         $templatePage = $category->getTemplatePage();
         if ($templatePage && ($form = Wikidot_Form::fromSource($templatePage->getSource()))) {
             $runData->contextAdd("form", new Wikidot_Form_Renderer($form));
         } elseif (!$templatePage || !preg_match(';^={4,}$;sm', $templatePage->getSource())) {
             $templatesCategory = DB_CategoryPeer::instance()->selectByName("template", $site->getSiteId());
             if ($templatesCategory != null) {
                 $c = new Criteria();
                 $c->add("category_id", $templatesCategory->getCategoryId());
                 $templates = DB_PagePeer::instance()->select($c);
                 $runData->contextAdd("templates", $templates);
             // check if there is a default template...
             if ($category != null) {
                 if ($category->getTemplateId() != null) {
                     $runData->contextAdd("templateId", $category->getTemplateId());
         } else {
             /* Has default template, try to populate the edit box with initial content. */
             $templateSource = $templatePage->getSource();
             $split = preg_split(';^={4,}$;sm', $templateSource);
             if (count($split) >= 2) {
                 /* Fine, there is some initial content. */
                 $templateSource = trim(preg_replace(";^.*?\n={4,};s", '', $templateSource));
             } else {
                 $templateSource = '';
             $runData->contextAdd('source', $templateSource);
     // now if editing an existing page...
     if (!$pageId || !is_numeric($pageId)) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("The page can not be found or does not exist."), "no_page");
     $page = DB_PagePeer::instance()->selectByPrimaryKey($pageId);
     if (!$page || $page->getSiteId() !== $site->getSiteId()) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("The page can not be found or does not exist."), "no_page");
     $category = $page->getCategory();
     if ($category == null) {
         throw new ProcessException(_("Internal error - page category does not exist!!!"));
     // now check for permissions!
     WDPermissionManager::instance()->hasPagePermission('edit', $user, $category, $page);
     // now check if form is defined
     $templatePage = $category->getTemplatePage();
     if (preg_match('/^[^:]*:[^_]|^[^_:][^:]*$/', $page->getUnixName()) && $templatePage && ($form = Wikidot_Form::fromSource($templatePage->getSource()))) {
         $runData->contextAdd("form", new Wikidot_Form_Renderer($form));
         // check if mode is sections if page is editable in this mode
     } elseif ($mode == "section") {
         $compiledContent = $page->getCompiled()->getText();
         $editable = WDEditUtils::sectionsEditable($compiledContent);
         if ($editable == false) {
             throw new ProcessException(_("Sections are not editable due to unclear section structure. This sometimes happen when nested headings are used (inside other page elements) or the page include other pages."), "sections_uneditable");
         // ok, get ranges for edit now.
         $pageSource = $page->getSource();
         $rangeMap = WDEditUtils::sectionMapping($pageSource);
         $sectionId = $pl->getParameterValue("section");
         if (!isset($rangeMap[$sectionId])) {
             throw new ProcessException(_("Sections are not editable due to unclear section structure. This sometimes happen when nested headings are used (inside other page elements) or the page include other pages."), "sections_uneditable");
         $rangeStart = $rangeMap[$sectionId]['start'];
         $rangeEnd = $rangeMap[$sectionId]['end'];
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('section', $sectionId);
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('rangeStart', $rangeStart);
         $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('rangeEnd', $rangeEnd);
     // if we have not returned yet it means that the lock does not exist or is expired
     // if session is not started - start it!
     // create new page lock
     $lock = new DB_PageEditLock();
     $lock->setDateStarted(new ODate());
     $lock->setDateLastAccessed(new ODate());
     if ($mode == "section") {
     // delete outdated...
     // check for conflicts
     if ($pl->getParameterValue("force_lock") != null) {
     } else {
         $blocklocks = $lock->getConflicts();
         if ($blocklocks != null) {
             // conflicting locks exist.
             $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("locked", true);
             $runData->contextAdd("locks", $blocklocks);
     $secret = md5(time() . rand(1000, 9999));
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('lock_id', $lock->getLockId());
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('lock_secret', $secret);
     // also put current page revision in case one wants to regain lock after expired.
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd('page_revision_id', $page->getRevisionId());
     // keep the session - i.e. put an object into session storage not to delete it!!!
     $runData->sessionAdd("keep", true);
     if ($mode == "page") {
         $pageSource = $page->getSource();
         $runData->contextAdd("source", $pageSource);
     if ($mode == "append") {
         $runData->contextAdd("source", "");
         // source not required...
     if ($mode == "section") {
         // slice the source...
         $sliced = explode("\n", $pageSource);
         $s = array_slice($sliced, $rangeStart, $rangeEnd - $rangeStart + 1);
         $runData->contextAdd("source", trim(implode("\n", $s)));
     $runData->contextAdd("title", $page->getTitleRaw());
     $runData->contextAdd("pageId", $page->getPageId());
     $runData->contextAdd("mode", $mode);
     $runData->ajaxResponseAdd("timeLeft", 15 * 60);