public function actionRemoveAllInfoCourse() { $idcourse = $_REQUEST["idcourse"]; $comm = Yii::app()->db->createCommand(); $comm->reset(); $comm->delete('pls_comment', 'data_id=' . $idcourse . ' AND data_type="course"'); $ListCourseLEcture = WCourseLecture::ArrayIdCourseLecture(WCourseLecture::getListCourseLecture($idcourse)); if (!empty($ListCourseLEcture)) { foreach ($ListCourseLEcture as $idcourselecture) { $comm->reset(); $comm->delete('pls_training_log', 'action_url="r=wLecture/LectureView&course_lecture_id=' . $idcourselecture . '"'); $comm->reset(); $comm->delete('pls_training_randomquestion', 'course_lecture_id=' . $idcourselecture); } } $comm->reset(); $comm->delete('pls_course_lecture', 'course_id=' . $idcourse); $comm->reset(); $comm->delete('pls_course_trainee', 'course_id=' . $idcourse); $comm->reset(); $comm->delete('pls_chat', 'course_id=' . $idcourse); $comm->reset(); $comm->delete('pls_user_test', 'course_id=' . $idcourse); $comm->reset(); $comm->delete('pls_course', 'id=' . $idcourse); echo json_encode(array("result" => "true")); }
<?php $data = WCourseLecture::MyTest(NULL, $course_id, NULL, $test_kind); $total = WCourseLecture::getTotalPages(NULL, $course_id, NULL, $test_kind); $page = ceil($total / 10); if (!empty($data)) { ?> <div id="datalistmytest"> <?php foreach ($data as $key => $item) { ?> <div class="dataList_item_test"> <a href="#" class="item_direct"> <?php if (!empty($item["avatar"])) { ?> <img class="img-thumbnail" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->params['url_base'] . '/uploads/avatars/test/' . $item["avatar"]; ?> " /> <?php } else { ?> <img class="img-thumbnail" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?> /img/pre-test.gif" /> <?php } ?> </a>
public static function getTestByLectureLog() { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'user_id=:user_id and result=:result'; $criteria->params = array(':user_id' => Yii::app()->user->id, ':result' => 'OK'); $criteria->order = 'id DESC'; $rs = WTrainingLog::model()->findAll($criteria); if ($rs) { $arrCL = array(); foreach ($rs as $r) { $action = $r['action_url']; $arrAction = explode('&', $action); $stra = $arrAction[1]; $course_lecture_id = explode('=', $stra); $arrCL[] = WCourseLecture::model()->find('id=:id ORDER BY id DESC', array(':id' => $course_lecture_id[1])); } return $arrCL; } else { return null; } }
<p><span class="col1">Questions: </span><span class="col2"><?php echo count(WQuestion::model()->findAll('test_id=:test_id', array(':test_id' => $item['test_id']))); ?> </span></p> <?php if ($status_test['success'] == 2) { //$oneUT = WUserTest::model()->find('test_id=:test_id and user_id=:user_id', array(':test_id'=> $item->test->id, ':user_id'=>Yii::app()->user->id)); ?> <p><span class="col1">Mark:</span><span class="col2"><?php echo $status_test['pass_score_point']; ?> /<?php echo $item->test->total_point; ?> points - <?php echo WCourseLecture::labelStatusMark($status_test['pass_score_point'], $item->test->total_point); ?> </span></p> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="status_test"> <?php if ($status_test['success'] == 0) { ?> <div><span style="color: #0195e2; font-weight: bold;">Open</span></div> <div style="color: #a7a7a7;"><?php echo date('d/m/Y H:i:s', strtotime($item['start_date'])); ?> </div>
public static function getInfoCourseLectureComment($idcomment, $dataId, $dataType) { $db = Yii::app()->db; $dataNew = array(); $group_id = Yii::app()->session["group_id"]; if ($dataType == "course") { $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('t.*')->from('pls_course t')->where(" IS NOT NULL AND" . $dataId); $data = $comm->queryRow(); if (!empty($data)) { $dataNew[$idcomment]["name"] = 'Course: ' . $data["course_name"]; $url = Yii::app()->createUrl("wCourse/view", array("id" => $data["id"])); switch ($group_id) { case 1: $url = Yii::app()->createUrl("wCourse/view", array("id" => $data["id"], "row" => "comment_row_" . $idcomment)); break; case 2: $url = Yii::app()->createUrl("wCourse/TraineeViewCourse", array("id" => $data["id"], "row" => "comment_row_" . $idcomment)); break; case 3: $url = Yii::app()->createUrl("wCourse/view", array("id" => $data["id"], "row" => "comment_row_" . $idcomment)); break; } $dataNew[$idcomment]["url"] = $url; } } elseif ($dataType == "courselecture") { $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('t.*')->from('pls_lecture t')->where(" IS NOT NULL AND" . $dataId); $data = $comm->queryRow(); if (!empty($data)) { $url = NULL; switch ($group_id) { case 1: case 3: $url = Yii::app()->createUrl("wLecture/View", array("id" => $data["id"], "row" => "comment_row_" . $idcomment)); break; case 2: $datacourselecture = WCourseLecture::model()->findAll("lecture_id=" . $dataId); $course_lecture_id = NULL; if (!empty($datacourselecture)) { foreach ($datacourselecture as $itemcourelecture) { $modelCourseTrainee = WCourseTrainee::model()->find("course_id=" . $itemcourelecture->course_id . ' AND trainee_id=' . Yii::app()->user->id); if (!empty($modelCourseTrainee)) { $course_lecture_id = $itemcourelecture->id; } } } if (!empty($course_lecture_id)) { $url = Yii::app()->createUrl("wLecture/LectureView", array("course_lecture_id" => $course_lecture_id, "row" => "comment_row_" . $idcomment)); } else { $url = "javascript:;"; } break; /*case 3: $url = Yii::app()->createUrl("wSuperLecture/LectureView",array("course_lecture_id" => $data["id"]));; break;*/ } $dataNew[$idcomment]["name"] = 'Lecture: ' . $data["lecture_name"]; $dataNew[$idcomment]["url"] = $url; } } return $dataNew; }
/** * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable. * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded * @return WCourseLecture the loaded model * @throws CHttpException */ public function loadModel($id) { $model = WCourseLecture::model()->findByPk($id); if ($model === null) { throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.'); } return $model; }
</span></p> <p><span class="col1">Duration: </span><span class="col2"><?php echo $test['time_test']; ?> minutes</span></p> <div class="showintro"> <?php echo $test['introduce']; ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id='timer'> <h6>Time remaining:</h6> <?php $arr_test = WCourseLecture::getTestLectureUser($test['id'], $course_id, $lecture_id, $test['kind_of_test'], $kind); $timer = WUserAnswers::ShowTimer(2, $arr_test['addedd_date'], $arr_test['time_test'], $test['id'], $course_id, $lecture_id, $total, $kind); ?> <label id="lblTimer"><?php echo $timer; ?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php if (!empty($question)) { ?> <div class="number_ques" style="width: 100%; float:left; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <?php
<?php /* @var $this LectureController */ /* @var $model WLecture */ /* @var $form CActiveForm */ $checkEmpty = array(); if (!$model->isNewRecord) { $checkEmpty = WCourseLecture::model()->findAll("lecture_id=" . $model->id); } ?> <div class="primary_page_edit"> <div class="form_avatar"> <a href="javascript:void(0);" style="min-height: 50px;"> <center> <?php if (!empty($model->avatar)) { ?> <img id="img_avatar_course" style="width:100%;" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->params['url_base'] . '/uploads/avatars/lecture/' . $model->avatar; ?> " alt=""/> <?php } else { ?> <img id="img_avatar_course" style="width:100%;" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl; ?> /img/add-avatar-lecture.jpg" alt=""/> <?php } ?>
<?php if ($dataTestUser["kind"] == 1) { ?> <?php $cl = WCourseLecture::model()->find('course_id=' . $dataTestUser['course_id'] . ' AND lecture_id=' . $dataTestUser['lecture_id'] . ' AND pre_test_id=' . $dataTestUser['id_test_parent'] . ''); ?> <a class="btn btn-danger" style="margin-top: 10px" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('wLecture/LectureView', array('course_lecture_id' => $cl->id)); ?> ">Continue Lecture</a></p> <?php } elseif ($dataTestUser["kind"] == 0) { ?> <?php $cl = WCourseLecture::model()->find('course_id=' . $dataTestUser['course_id'] . ' AND lecture_id=' . $dataTestUser['lecture_id'] . ' AND test_id=' . $dataTestUser['id_test_parent'] . ''); ?> <a class="btn btn-danger" style="margin-top: 10px" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('wCourse/TraineeViewCourse', array('id' => $cl->course_id)); ?> ">Continue</a></p> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div>
public function actionUpdateTest() { $course_id = $_POST['course_id']; $lecture_id = $_POST['lecture_id']; $status = $_POST['status']; $idTest = $_POST['idTest']; $kind_of_test = $_POST['kind_of_test']; $model = WCourseLecture::model()->find('course_id=' . $course_id . ' AND lecture_id=' . $lecture_id); if ($status == 0) { if ($kind_of_test == 0) { $model->pre_test_id = $idTest; } elseif ($kind_of_test == 1) { $model->test_id = $idTest; } } else { if ($kind_of_test == 0) { $model->pre_test_id = ''; } elseif ($kind_of_test == 1) { $model->test_id = ''; } } if ($model->save()) { if ($kind_of_test == 0) { $idTest = $model->pre_test_id; } elseif ($kind_of_test == 1) { $idTest = $model->test_id; } echo json_encode(array('status' => 'true', 'idTest' => $idTest)); } else { echo json_encode(array('status' => 'false', 'idTest' => 0)); } }
public function actionLectureList() { if (empty(Yii::app()->user->id)) { $this->redirect(Yii::app()->createUrl('')); } $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('t.*')->from('pls_lecture_cat t'); $data_lecture = $comm->queryAll(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('t.*')->from('pls_course t')->leftJoin('pls_course_lecture t1', 't1.course_id =')->group(''); $data_course = $comm->queryAll(); $string_where = 't.status = 1'; $data = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST["page"])) { $page_number = filter_var($_REQUEST["page"], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT, FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH); } else { $page_number = 0; } if (isset($_REQUEST["cate"]) && !empty($_REQUEST["cate"])) { $string_where .= ' AND' . $_REQUEST["cate"]; } else { // $value=''; } if (isset($_REQUEST["course"]) && !empty($_REQUEST["course"])) { $string_where .= ' AND t.course_id=' . $_REQUEST["course"]; } else { // $value=''; } $position = 0; $itempage = 6; $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('COUNT(*)')->from('pls_course_lecture t')->leftJoin('pls_lecture t1', ' = t.lecture_id')->leftJoin('pls_lecture_cat t2', ' = t1.lecture_cat_id')->leftJoin('pls_course t4', ' = t.course_id')->where($string_where)->order('t.start_date ASC'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select(', t1.lecture_type, t1.lecture_name, t1.training_minute, t1.intro, t1.avatar, t1.pages, t4.course_code, t2.cat_name, t5.fullname ')->from('pls_course_lecture t')->leftJoin('pls_lecture t1', ' = t.lecture_id')->leftJoin('pls_lecture_cat t2', ' = t1.lecture_cat_id')->leftJoin('pls_course t4', ' = t.course_id')->leftJoin('pls_user t5', 't.trainer_id =')->where($string_where)->order('t.start_date ASC'); // var_dump($string_where); /*$limit = 10; $page = (isset($_GET['page']) AND !empty($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = $limit * ($page-1); $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = $limit; */ $comm->limit = $itempage; $comm->offset = $page_number * 6; $results = $comm->queryAll(); $countLecture = WCourseLecture::model()->findAll(); $total_pages = ceil(count($countLecture) / 6); // số trang = tất cả bản ghi/số bản ghi hiển thị 1 trang $this->render('supervisor/lecturelist', array('total_pages' => $total_pages, 'data_lecture' => $data_lecture, 'data_course' => $data_course, 'results' => $results)); }
/** * Deletes a particular model. * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted */ public function actionDelete($id) { WCourseTrainee::model()->deleteAll(array('trainee_id' => $id)); WCourseLecture::model()->deleteAll(array('trainee_id' => $id)); WUserTest::model()->deleteAll(array('user_id' => $id)); $this->loadModel($id)->delete(); // if AJAX request (triggered by deletion via admin grid view), we should not redirect the browser if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) { $this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin')); } }
/** * This is the default 'index' action that is invoked * when an action is not explicitly requested by users. */ public function actionIndex() { $view = 'index'; if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) { $this->redirect(array('login')); } else { if (Yii::app()->session['group_id'] == 2) { $this->layout = '//layouts/main'; $view = 'trainee/index'; $this->render($view); } elseif (Yii::app()->session['group_id'] == 1) { $this->layout = '//layouts/main'; $view = 'trainer/index'; $this->render($view); } elseif (Yii::app()->session['group_id'] == 4) { $this->layout = '//layouts/main'; $view = 'teamleader/index'; $this->render($view); } elseif (Yii::app()->session['group_id'] == 3) { $view = 'supervisor/index'; // $view = 'index'; $this->layout = '//layouts/main'; $data = array(); // biểu đồ liên quan $infoCourse = array(); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'status = 1'; $criteria->order = 'id desc'; $criteria->limit = 6; $count = WUser::model()->count($criteria); $pages = new CPagination($count); // results per page $pages->pageSize = Params::$rowsPerPage; $pages->applyLimit($criteria); $infosupper = WUser::model()->findAll($criteria); // course_lecture /* $courseLecture = array(); $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand() ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('pls_course_lecture t') ->leftJoin('pls_course t1',' = t.course_id') ->leftJoin('pls_lecture t2',' = t.lecture_id') ->leftJoin('pls_test t3',' = t.pre_test_id') ->leftJoin('pls_test t4',' = t.test_id') ->leftJoin('pls_user t5',' = t.trainer_id') ->order(' DESC'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand() ->select(' t.*, t1.course_name, t2.lecture_name, t3.test_name, t4.test_name, t5.fullname ') ->from('pls_course_lecture t') ->leftJoin('pls_course t1',' = t.course_id') ->leftJoin('pls_lecture t2',' = t.lecture_id') ->leftJoin('pls_test t3',' = t.pre_test_id') ->leftJoin('pls_test t4',' = t.test_id') ->leftJoin('pls_user t5',' = t.trainer_id') ->order(' ASC'); $limit = 6; $page = (isset($_GET['page']) AND !empty($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = $limit * ($page-1); $comm->limit = $limit; $comm->offset = $offset; $courseLecture = $comm->queryAll(); $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = $limit; */ $courseLecture = array(); $courseLecture = WCourseLecture::model()->findAll(); $Lectures = array(); $Lectures = WLecture::model()->findAll(); // course trainne /* $courseTrainee = array(); $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand() ->select('COUNT(*)') ->from('pls_course_trainee t') ->leftJoin('pls_course t1',' = t.course_id') ->leftJoin('pls_user t2',' = t.trainee_id') ->order(' DESC'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand() ->select(' t.*, t1.course_name, t2.fullname ') ->from('pls_course_trainee t') ->leftJoin('pls_course t1',' = t.course_id') ->leftJoin('pls_user t2',' = t.trainee_id') ->order(' ASC'); $limit = 10; $page = (isset($_GET['page']) AND !empty($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = $limit * ($page-1); $comm->limit = $limit; $comm->offset = $offset; $courseTrainee = $comm->queryAll(); $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = $limit;*/ // course_trainee $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('pls_user t')->where('t.user_group_id=2'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('pls_user t')->where('t.user_group_id=2'); $limit = 5; $page = (isset($_GET['page']) and !empty($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = $limit * ($page - 1); $comm->limit = $limit; $comm->offset = $offset; $data = $comm->queryAll(); $result = array(); if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $item) { $result[$item['id']] = $item; $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('t2.course_name')->from('pls_course_trainee t')->leftJoin('pls_course t2', 't.course_id=')->where('t.trainee_id=' . $item['id'] . ' AND t.status = 1'); $Trainee = $comm->queryAll(); $result[$item['id']]['course_list'] = $Trainee; } } $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = $limit; $TraineeUser = array(); $TraineeUser = WUser::model()->findAll('status=1 and user_group_id=2'); // var_dump(count($TraineeUser)); $TrainerUser = array(); $TrainerUser = WUser::model()->findAll('status =1 and user_group_id=1'); // var_dump(count($TrainerUser)); $sum = array(); $sum = array_merge($TraineeUser, $TrainerUser); // var_dump(count($sum));die; // var_dump(count($sumUser));die; // course_trainer $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('pls_user t')->where('t.user_group_id=1'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('*')->from('pls_user t')->where('t.user_group_id=1'); $limit = 6; $page = (isset($_GET['page']) and !empty($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = $limit * ($page - 1); $comm->limit = $limit; $comm->offset = $offset; $data = $comm->queryAll(); $resultTrainer = array(); if (!empty($data)) { foreach ($data as $item) { $result[$item['id']] = $item; $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('t2.course_name')->from('pls_course_trainee t')->leftJoin('pls_course t2', 't.course_id=')->where('t.trainee_id=' . $item['id'] . ' AND t.status = 1'); $courseTrainee = $comm->queryAll(); $resultTrainer[$item['id']]['course_list'] = $courseTrainee; } } $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = $limit; // var_dump(count($resultTrainer));die; // course_result_test $courseTest = array(); $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('COUNT(*)')->from('pls_user_test t')->leftJoin('pls_course t1', ' = t.course_id')->leftJoin('pls_user t2', ' = t.user_id')->leftJoin('pls_test t3', ' = t.test_id')->order('t.course_id DESC'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select(' t.*, t1.course_name, t2.fullname, t3.total_point ')->from('pls_user_test t')->leftJoin('pls_course t1', ' = t.course_id')->leftJoin('pls_user t2', ' = t.user_id')->leftJoin('pls_test t3', ' = t.test_id')->order('t.course_id ASC'); $limit = 6; $page = (isset($_GET['page']) and !empty($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = $limit * ($page - 1); $comm->limit = $limit; $comm->offset = $offset; $courseTest = $comm->queryAll(); $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = $limit; // lecture_schedule $lectureSchedule = array(); $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('COUNT(*)')->from('pls_course_lecture t')->leftJoin('pls_course t1', ' = t.course_id')->leftJoin('pls_lecture t2', ' = t.lecture_id')->leftJoin('pls_user t5', ' = t.trainer_id')->order('t.trainer_id DESC'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select(' t.*, t1.course_name, t2.lecture_name, t5.fullname ')->from('pls_course_lecture t')->leftJoin('pls_course t1', ' = t.course_id')->leftJoin('pls_lecture t2', ' = t.lecture_id')->leftJoin('pls_user t5', ' = t.trainer_id')->order('t.trainer_id DESC'); $limit = 6; $page = (isset($_GET['page']) and !empty($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = $limit * ($page - 1); $comm->limit = $limit; $comm->offset = $offset; $lectureSchedule = $comm->queryAll(); $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = $limit; // running course $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('COUNT(*)')->from('pls_course t')->leftJoin('pls_course_cat t1', ' = t.course_cat_id')->where('t.status = 2 and t.end_date > NOW()')->order('t.start_date ASC'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select(' t.*, t1.course_cat, t1.avatar ')->from('pls_course t')->leftJoin('pls_course_cat t1', ' = t.course_cat_id')->where('t.status = 2 and t.end_date > NOW()')->order('t.start_date ASC'); $limit = 6; $page = (isset($_GET['page']) and !empty($_GET['page'])) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; $offset = $limit * ($page - 1); $comm->limit = $limit; $comm->offset = $offset; $runningCourse = $comm->queryAll(); $pages = new CPagination($total); $pages->pageSize = $limit; $totalCourse = array(); $coursependding = array(); $courseactive = array(); $coursestart = array(); $coursecomplete = array(); $totalCourse = WCourse::model()->findAll(); $coursependding = WCourse::model()->findAll('status=0'); $courseactive = WCourse::model()->findAll('status=1'); $coursestart = WCourse::model()->findAll('status=2'); $coursecomplete = WCourse::model()->findAll('status=5'); $imgoverview = '<img width="680px" height="360px" src="' . Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . '/img/overview.png" />'; // training proccessing $dashCourse = array(); $db = Yii::app()->db; $comm = $db->createCommand()->select('COUNT(*)')->from('pls_course t')->leftJoin('pls_user t2', ' = t.trainer_id')->order('t.status ASC'); $total = $comm->queryScalar(); $comm->reset(); $comm = $db->createCommand()->select(' t.*, t2.fullname ')->from('pls_course t')->leftJoin('pls_user t2', ' = t.trainer_id')->order('t.status ASC'); $dashCourse = $comm->queryAll(); $total_pages = ceil(count($dashCourse) / Params::$coursePerPage); $test = $db->createCommand(' SELECT course_id, user_id, AVG(point_percent), YEAR(end_date) ,Y.course_name FROM( SELECT A.course_id, A.lecture_id, A.test_id, A.pass_score_point, A.user_id, C.total_point, ROUND(IFNULL(A.pass_score_point, 0)*100 / C.total_point, 0) point_percent FROM pls_user_test A INNER JOIN pls_test C ON A.test_id = WHERE A. status = 1 AND A.success = 2 GROUP BY A.course_id, A.test_id, A.user_id, A.lecture_id ) X INNER JOIN pls_course Y ON X.course_id = WHERE Y.end_date < NOW() GROUP BY course_id, end_date ,course_name , YEAR(end_date) ORDER BY YEAR(end_date) ASC '); $test = $test->queryAll(); // MyHelper::dump($test);die; $this->render($view, array('total_pages' => $total_pages, 'test' => $test, 'totalCourse' => $totalCourse, 'coursependding' => $coursependding, 'courseactive' => $courseactive, 'coursestart' => $coursestart, 'coursecomplete' => $coursecomplete, 'Lectures' => $Lectures, 'TraineeUser' => $TraineeUser, 'TrainerUser' => $TrainerUser, 'sum' => $sum, 'imgoverview' => $imgoverview, 'runningCourse' => $runningCourse, 'courseTrainer' => $resultTrainer, 'courseTrainee' => $result, 'courseLecture' => $courseLecture, 'courseTest' => $courseTest, 'lectureSchedule' => $lectureSchedule)); // $this->render($view,array('courseTrainee'=>$courseTrainee, 'courseLecture'=>$courseLecture, 'courseTest'=>$courseTest,'lectureSchedule'=>$lectureSchedule)); } } }
<center> <?php if (!empty($model['avatar'])) { ?> <img id="img_avatar_course" width="100" class="img-thumbnail" src="<?php echo Yii::app()->params['url_base'] . '/uploads/avatars/test/' . $model['avatar']; ?> " alt=""/> <?php } else { ?> <img width="100" class="img-thumbnail" src=" <?php if (WCourseLecture::checkPretestOrTest($course_id, $lecture_id, $test_id) === 'POSTTEST') { echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . '/img/test.gif'; } elseif (WCourseLecture::checkPretestOrTest($course_id, $lecture_id, $test_id) === 'PRETEST') { echo Yii::app()->theme->baseUrl . '/img/pre-test.gif'; } ?> " alt=""/> <?php } ?> </center> </a> </div> <div class="frr"> <h2 style="margin-top: 0px; font-size: 14px;"> <?php if ($kind == 0) {
. Results will be announced later.</div> </div> <div> <?php if ($model->kind_of_test == 1 or $model->kind_of_test == 2) { $cl = WCourseLecture::model()->find('course_id=' . $_REQUEST['course_id'] . ' AND lecture_id=' . $_REQUEST['lecture_id'] . ' AND pre_test_id=' . $_REQUEST['test_id']); ?> <a class="btn btn-danger" style="margin-top: 10px" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('wLecture/LectureView', array('course_lecture_id' => $cl->id)); ?> ">Continue Lecture</a> <?php } elseif ($model->kind_of_test == 0) { ?> <?php $cl = WCourseLecture::model()->find('course_id=' . $_REQUEST['course_id'] . ' AND lecture_id=' . $_REQUEST['lecture_id'] . ' AND test_id=' . $_REQUEST['test_id']); ?> <p><a class="btn btn-danger" style="margin-top: 10px" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('wCourse/TraineeViewCourse', array('id' => $cl->course_id)); ?> ">Continue Course</a></p> <p><span style="color: green; margin-top: 10px;">Congratulations, you have completed the lesson.</span></p> <?php } ?> </div> </div> </div> </div>
</span></p> <p><span class="col1">Duration: </span><span class="col2"><?php echo $test['time_test']; ?> </span></p> <div class="showintro"> <?php echo $test['introduce']; ?> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div id='timer'> <h6>Time remaining:</h6> <?php $arr_test = WCourseLecture::getTestLectureUser($test['id'], $course_id, $lecture_id); $timer = WUserAnswers::ShowTimer($arr_test['tstatus'], $arr_test['addedd_date'], $arr_test['time_test'], $test['id'], $course_id, $lecture_id); ?> <label id="lblTimer"><?php echo $timer; ?> </label> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="number_ques" style="width: 100%; float:left; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;"> <?php //echo $str; ?> <?php
echo Yii::t('web/home', 'Kind of test'); ?> </td><td><?php if ($model['kind_of_test'] == 0) { echo 'Post test'; } elseif ($model['kind_of_test'] == 1) { echo 'Pre-test'; } elseif ($model['kind_of_test'] == 2) { echo 'Both'; } ?> </td> </tr> </table> <?php if (!WUserTest::checkUserTested($model['id']) && !WCourseLecture::checkTestPreTest($model['id'])) { ?> <a id="link_update" href="<?php echo Yii::app()->createUrl('wTest/Update', array('id' => $model['id'])); ?> "><button class="btn btn-success">Edit Test</button></a> <a id="link_delete" onclick="delete_test(<?php echo $model['id']; ?> )" href="javascript:void(0);" class="btn btn-danger">Delete</a> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="introduce_v" style="margin-top: 15px; float: left; width: 100%;">
/** * Deletes a particular model. * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page. * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted */ public function actionDelete() { $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? $_REQUEST['id'] : ''; $arrJson = array(); WCourseLecture::updateTestPreTest($id); WQuestion::deleteQues($id); if ($this->loadModel($id)->delete()) { $arrJson = array('status' => true, 'msg' => 'Success'); } else { $arrJson = array('status' => false, 'msg' => 'UnSuccess'); } echo CJSON::encode($arrJson); exit; }
public static function checkTestPreTest($test_id) { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'test_id =:test_id OR pre_test_id =:pre_test_id'; $criteria->params = array(':test_id' => $test_id, ':pre_test_id' => $test_id); $rs = WCourseLecture::model()->findAll($criteria); if ($rs && count($rs) > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function actionUpdateTest() { $idcourselecture = $_REQUEST['idcourselecture']; $kind_of_test = $_REQUEST['kind_of_test']; $model = WCourseLecture::model()->find("id=" . $idcourselecture); if ($kind_of_test == 0) { $model->test_id = NULL; } elseif ($kind_of_test == 1) { $model->pre_test_id = NULL; } if ($model->save()) { echo json_encode(array('result' => 'true')); } else { echo json_encode(array('result' => 'false')); } }