public function getMessages() { $instance = VuzeRPC::getInstance(); return array($instance->lastError); }
/** * gets current status of all Running Transfers (realtime) * for transferStat popup * * @return array (stat) or Error String */ function monitorRunningTransfers() { //by default, monitoring not available. $vuze = VuzeRPC::getInstance(); $vuze->torrent_get_tf(); $filter = array('running' => 1); $stat = $vuze->torrent_filter_tf($filter); return $stat; }
} if (!isset($cfg["total_download"])) { $cfg["total_download"] = 0; } $cfg["total_upload"] = $cfg["total_upload"] + GetSpeedValue($aTorrent["rateUpload"] / 1000); $cfg["total_download"] = $cfg["total_download"] + GetSpeedValue($aTorrent["rateDownload"] / 1000); } } } // end of Transmission RPC bloc // --------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($cfg["vuze_rpc_enable"]) { $bUseRPC = true; require_once "inc/classes/VuzeRPC.php"; //one client for all vuzerpc transferts $rpc = VuzeRPC::getInstance($cfg); //we can ask vuze data directly (not from .stat files) $vuzeResults = $rpc->torrent_get_tf_array(); } // end of Vuze RPC requests // --------------------------------------------------------------------- $nbRpc = 0; foreach ($arList as $mtimecrc => $transfer) { // displayname $displayname = $transfer; // may need a special config panel to clean names... $displayname = str_replace('.', "_", $displayname); $displayname = preg_replace('#([^_]+_(com|org|net|info)_)#i', "", $displayname); $displayname = preg_replace('#(_torrent)$#i', "", $displayname); $arToClean = array("http_", "_www_", "isohunt"); $displayname = str_ireplace($arToClean, "", $displayname);
function addVuzeMagnetTransfer($userid = 0, $url, $path, $paused = true) { global $cfg; require_once 'inc/classes/VuzeRPC.php'; $rpc = VuzeRPC::getInstance(); $content = $path . "\n"; //... max_ul //... todo $id = $rpc->torrent_add_url($url, $content); $hash = false; if ($id !== false) { $hash = $rpc->torrent_get_hashids(array($id)); } else { AuditAction($cfg["constants"]["error"], "Download Magnet : " . $rpc->lastError); } return $hash; }