public function setVisibility($type, $vvalue) { if (is_null($this->visibility)) { $this->visibility = new Visibility(); } $this->visibility->setType($type); $this->visibility->setValue($vvalue); return $this; }
function up() { $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `user_visibility_settings` (\n `user_id` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n `visibilityid` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,\n `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL,\n `category` int(2) NOT NULL,\n `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n `state` int(2) NULL,\n `plugin` int(11),\n `identifier` varchar(64) NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`visibilityid`),\n KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`),\n KEY `identifier` (`identifier`),\n KEY `userid` (`user_id`)\n) ENGINE=MyISAM"; $db = DBManager::get(); $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $category = array('Studien-/Einrichtungsdaten' => 'studdata', 'Private Daten' => 'privatedata', 'Zusätzliche Datenfelder' => 'additionaldata', 'Eigene Kategorien' => 'owncategory', 'Allgemeine Daten' => 'commondata'); $result = $db->query("SELECT value FROM config WHERE field = 'HOMEPAGE_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT' ORDER BY is_default LIMIT 1"); $default_visibility = constant($result->fetchColumn()); $sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `auth_user_md5`"; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); while ($result = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $about = new about($result['username'], ''); Visibility::createDefaultCategories($about->auth_user['user_id']); //copy all homepage visibility $elements = $about->get_homepage_elements(); if (is_array($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $key => $state) { if ($state['visibility'] != $default_visibility) { Visibility::addPrivacySetting($state['name'], $key, $category[$state['category']], 1, $about->auth_user['user_id'], $state['visibility']); } } } } }
public static function data_objects_taxon_concepts() { // create a temporary table for this session $GLOBALS['db_connection']->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp`"); $GLOBALS['db_connection']->query("CREATE TABLE `data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp` (\n `taxon_concept_id` int unsigned NOT NULL,\n `data_object_id` int unsigned NOT NULL,\n PRIMARY KEY (`taxon_concept_id`, `data_object_id`),\n KEY `data_object_id` (`data_object_id`)\n ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8"); $GLOBALS['db_connection']->insert("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data_objects_taxon_concepts LIKE data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp"); // $GLOBALS['db_connection']->insert("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp LIKE data_objects_taxon_concepts"); // $GLOBALS['db_connection']->delete("TRUNCATE TABLE data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp"); $start = 0; $stop = 0; $batch_size = 50000; $result = $GLOBALS['db_connection']->query("SELECT MIN(id) min, MAX(id) max FROM data_objects"); if ($result && ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())) { $start = $row['min']; $stop = $row['max']; } for ($i = $start; $i < $stop; $i += $batch_size) { debug("Inserting " . ($i - $start + $batch_size) / $batch_size . " of " . ceil(($stop - $start) / $batch_size)); $outfile = $GLOBALS['db_connection']->select_into_outfile("SELECT, FROM taxon_concepts tc JOIN hierarchy_entries he ON ( JOIN data_objects_hierarchy_entries dohe ON ( JOIN data_objects do ON ( WHERE (tc.supercedure_id IS NULL OR tc.supercedure_id=0) AND (do.published=1 OR dohe.visibility_id!=" . Visibility::visible()->id . ") AND BETWEEN {$i} AND " . ($i + $batch_size)); $GLOBALS['db_connection']->load_data_infile($outfile, 'data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp'); unlink($outfile); $outfile = $GLOBALS['db_connection']->select_into_outfile("SELECT, FROM taxon_concepts tc JOIN hierarchy_entries he ON ( JOIN curated_data_objects_hierarchy_entries cdohe ON ( JOIN data_objects do ON ( WHERE (tc.supercedure_id IS NULL OR tc.supercedure_id=0) AND (do.published=1 OR cdohe.visibility_id!=" . Visibility::visible()->id . ") AND BETWEEN {$i} AND " . ($i + $batch_size)); $GLOBALS['db_connection']->load_data_infile($outfile, 'data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp'); unlink($outfile); $outfile = $GLOBALS['db_connection']->select_into_outfile("SELECT, FROM taxon_concepts tc JOIN users_data_objects udo ON ( JOIN data_objects do ON ( WHERE (tc.supercedure_id IS NULL OR tc.supercedure_id=0) AND (do.published=1 OR udo.visibility_id!=" . Visibility::visible()->id . ") AND BETWEEN {$i} AND " . ($i + $batch_size)); $GLOBALS['db_connection']->load_data_infile($outfile, 'data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp'); unlink($outfile); } $result = $GLOBALS['db_connection']->query("SELECT 1 FROM data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp LIMIT 1"); if ($result && ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())) { $GLOBALS['db_connection']->swap_tables("data_objects_taxon_concepts", "data_objects_taxon_concepts_tmp"); } }
public function __construct($photos = true, $freetext = null) { PlVCard::$folding = false; $this->visibility = Visibility::defaultForRead(Visibility::VIEW_PRIVATE); $this->freetext = $freetext; $this->photos = $photos; }
public function __construct(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $this->{$key} = $val; } $this->partner = PartnerSharing::fetchById($this->partner_id); $this->sharing_visibility = Visibility::get($this->sharing_level); }
private function lookup_curated_best_entries($start, $limit) { $curated_best_entries = array(); $query = "SELECT c.taxon_concept_id, c.hierarchy_entry_id\n FROM curated_taxon_concept_preferred_entries c\n JOIN hierarchy_entries he ON (\n WHERE c.taxon_concept_id BETWEEN {$start} AND " . ($start + $limit) . " AND he.published=1 AND he.visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id; foreach ($this->mysqli->iterate_file($query) as $row_num => $row) { $taxon_concept_id = $row[0]; $hierarchy_entry_id = $row[1]; $curated_best_entries[$taxon_concept_id] = $hierarchy_entry_id; } return $curated_best_entries; }
/** * Stores the study information of a user (subject and degree-wise). */ public function store_sg_action() { $this->check_ticket(); $any_change = false; $fach_abschluss_delete = Request::getArray('fach_abschluss_delete'); if (count($fach_abschluss_delete) > 0) { $query = "DELETE FROM user_studiengang\n WHERE user_id = ? AND studiengang_id = ? AND abschluss_id IN (?)"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); foreach ($fach_abschluss_delete as $studiengang_id => $abschluesse) { $statement->execute(array($this->user->user_id, $studiengang_id, $abschluesse)); if ($statement->rowCount() > 0) { $any_change = true; } // if we have no studies anymore we delete the visibilitysetting if (!$this->hasStudiengang()) { Visibility::removePrivacySetting('studying'); } } } if (!$any_change) { $query = "UPDATE IGNORE user_studiengang\n SET semester = ?\n WHERE user_id = ? AND studiengang_id = ? AND abschluss_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $change_fachsem = Request::getArray('change_fachsem'); foreach ($change_fachsem as $studiengang_id => $abschluesse) { foreach ($abschluesse as $abschluss_id => $semester) { $statement->execute(array($semester, $this->user->user_id, $studiengang_id, $abschluss_id)); if ($statement->rowCount() > 0) { $any_change = true; } } } $new_studiengang = Request::option('new_studiengang'); if ($new_studiengang && $new_studiengang != 'none') { if (!$this->hasStudiengang()) { Visibility::addPrivacySetting(_("Wo ich studiere"), 'studying', 'studdata'); } $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO user_studiengang\n (user_id, studiengang_id, abschluss_id, semester)\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($this->user->user_id, $new_studiengang, Request::option('new_abschluss'), Request::int('fachsem'))); if ($statement->rowCount() > 0) { $any_change = true; } } } if ($any_change) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Die Zuordnung zu Studiengängen wurde geändert.')); setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_("Die Zuordnung zu Studiengängen wurde geändert!\n")); restoreLanguage(); } $this->redirect('settings/studies'); }
/** * Export of a single user * * @param User $user Userobject * @return String vCard export string */ private static function exportUser(User $user) { // If user is not visible export nothing if (!get_visibility_by_id($user->id)) { return ""; } // vCard exportheader $vCard['BEGIN'] = 'VCARD'; $vCard['VERSION'] = '3.0'; $vCard['PRODID'] = 'Stud.IP//' . $GLOBALS['UNI_NAME_CLEAN'] . '//DE'; $vCard['REV'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $vCard['TZ'] = date('O'); // User specific data //Fullname $vCard['FN'] = studip_utf8encode($user->getFullname()); //Name $vCard['N'][] = studip_utf8encode($user->Nachname); $vCard['N'][] = studip_utf8encode($user->Vorname); $vCard['N'][] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->title_rear); $vCard['N'][] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->title_front); // Adress if (Visibility::verify('privadr', $user->id)) { $vCard['ADR;TYPE=HOME'] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->privadr); } // Tel if (Visibility::verify('private_phone', $user->id)) { $vCard['TEL;TYPE=HOME'] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->privatnr); } if (Visibility::verify('private_cell', $user->id)) { $vCard['TEL;TYPE=CELL'] = studip_utf8encode($user->info->privatcell); } // Email if (get_local_visibility_by_id($user->id, 'email')) { $vCard['EMAIL'] = studip_utf8encode($user->email); } // Photo if (Visibility::verify('picture', $user->id)) { // Fetch avatar $avatar = Avatar::getAvatar($user->id); // Only export if if ($avatar->is_customized()) { $vCard['PHOTO;JPEG;ENCODING=BASE64'] = base64_encode(file_get_contents($avatar->getFilename(Avatar::NORMAL))); } } // vCard end $vCard['END'] = 'VCARD'; // Produce string foreach ($vCard as $index => $value) { $exportString .= $value ? $index . ':' . (is_array($value) ? join(';', $value) : $value) . "\r\n" : ""; } return $exportString; }
/** * getUser - retrieves data of a user * * @get /user/:user_id * @get /user */ public function getUser($user_id = '') { $user_id = $user_id ?: $GLOBALS['user']->id; $user = \User::find($user_id); if (!$user) { $this->halt(404, sprintf('User %s not found', $user_id)); } $visibilities = get_local_visibility_by_id($user_id, 'homepage'); if (is_array(json_decode($visibilities, true))) { $visibilities = json_decode($visibilities, true); } else { $visibilities = array(); } $get_field = function ($field, $visibility) use($user_id, $user, $visibilities) { if (!$user[$field] || !is_element_visible_for_user($GLOBALS['user']->id, $user_id, $visibilities[$visibility])) { return ''; } return $user[$field]; }; $avatar = \Avatar::getAvatar($user_id); $user = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'username' => $user['username'], 'name' => self::getNamesOfUser($user), 'perms' => $user['perms'], 'email' => get_visible_email($user_id), 'avatar_small' => $avatar->getURL(\Avatar::SMALL), 'avatar_medium' => $avatar->getURL(\Avatar::MEDIUM), 'avatar_normal' => $avatar->getURL(\Avatar::NORMAL), 'avatar_original' => $avatar->getURL(\Avatar::ORIGINAL), 'phone' => $get_field('privatnr', 'private_phone'), 'homepage' => $get_field('Home', 'homepage'), 'privadr' => strip_tags($get_field('privadr', 'privadr'))); $query = "SELECT value\n FROM user_config\n WHERE field = ? AND user_id = ?"; $statement = \DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array('SKYPE_NAME', $user_id)); $user['skype'] = $statement->fetchColumn() ?: ''; $statement->closeCursor(); if ($user['skype']) { $statement->execute(array('SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS', $user_id)); $user['skype_show'] = (bool) $statement->fetchColumn(); } else { $user['skype_show'] = false; } // Data fields $datafields = array(); foreach (\DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($user_id, 'user') as $entry) { if (!$entry->isVisible()) { continue; } if (!\Visibility::verify($entry->getID(), $user_id)) { continue; } $datafields[] = array('type' => $entry->getType(), 'id' => $entry->getId(), 'name' => $entry->getName(), 'value' => $entry->getValue()); } $user['datafields'] = $datafields; $this->etag(md5(serialize($user))); return $user; }
public function value(ProfilePage $page, $field, $value, &$success) { $success = true; $addresses = array(); if (is_null($value)) { $it = Address::iterate(array($page->pid()), array(Address::LINK_PROFILE), array(0), Visibility::get(Visibility::VIEW_ADMIN)); while ($address = $it->next()) { $addresses[] = $address->toFormArray(); } if (count($addresses) == 0) { $address = new Address(array('mail' => 1)); $addresses[] = $address->toFormArray(); } return $addresses; } return Address::formatFormArray($value, $success); }
function lookup_ranks($start, $limit, &$taxon_concept_ids = array()) { debug("querying ranks"); $query = "SELECT he.taxon_concept_id, he.rank_id\n FROM hierarchy_entries he USE INDEX (taxon_concept_id)\n WHERE he.visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . "\n AND he.taxon_concept_id "; if ($taxon_concept_ids) { $query .= "IN (" . implode(",", $taxon_concept_ids) . ")"; } else { $query .= "BETWEEN {$start} AND " . ($start + $limit); } foreach ($this->mysqli_slave->iterate_file($query) as $row_num => $row) { $taxon_concept_id = $row[0]; $rank_id = $row[1]; if ($rank_id) { if (!isset($this->ranks_ids[$taxon_concept_id][$rank_id])) { $this->ranks_ids[$taxon_concept_id][$rank_id] = 1; } else { $this->ranks_ids[$taxon_concept_id][$rank_id] += 1; } } } }
/** * Returns all the categorys and it's items * @return array categorys and it's items */ public function getProfileSettings() { if (!isset($this->profileSettings)) { // if the default categories have not been created, do this now if (User_Visibility_Settings::countBySQL('user_id = ? AND category = 0', array($this->userid)) == 0) { Visibility::createDefaultCategories($this->userid); } $this->profileSettings = User_Visibility_Settings::findBySQL("user_id = ? AND parent_id = 0 AND identifier <> 'plugins'", array($this->userid)); foreach ($this->profileSettings as $i => $vis) { $vis->loadChildren(); // remap child settings to default categories if ($vis->category == 1) { $idmap[$vis->identifier] = $vis; unset($this->profileSettings[$i]); } } $about = new about($GLOBALS['user']->username, ''); $elements = $about->get_homepage_elements(); foreach ($elements as $key => $element) { foreach ($this->profileSettings as $vis) { if ($vis->name === $element['category']) { foreach ($vis->children as $child) { if ($child->identifier === $key) { $child->name = $element['name']; break 2; } } $child = $idmap[$key] ?: new User_Visibility_Settings(); $child->setData(array('user_id' => $this->userid, 'parent_id' => $vis->id, 'category' => 1, 'name' => $element['name'], 'state' => $element['visibility'], 'identifier' => $key)); $child->store(); $child->parent = $vis; $child->setDisplayed(); $vis->children[] = $child; break; } } } } return $this->profileSettings; }
/** * Upload a new avatar or removes the current avatar. * Upon Sends an information email to the user if the action was not invoked * by himself. */ public function upload_action() { $this->check_ticket(); if (Request::submitted('reset')) { Avatar::getAvatar($this->user->user_id)->reset(); Visibility::removePrivacySetting('picture', $this->user->user_id); $this->reportSuccess(_('Bild gelöscht.')); } elseif (Request::submitted('upload')) { try { Avatar::getAvatar($this->user->user_id)->createFromUpload('imgfile'); NotificationCenter::postNotification('AvatarDidUpload', $this->user->user_id); $message = _('Die Bilddatei wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen. ' . 'Eventuell sehen Sie das neue Bild erst, nachdem Sie diese Seite ' . 'neu geladen haben (in den meisten Browsern F5 drücken).'); $this->reportSuccess($message); setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_("Ein neues Bild wurde hochgeladen.\n")); restoreLanguage(); Visibility::addPrivacySetting(_('Eigenes Bild'), 'picture', 'commondata', 1, $this->user->user_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->reportError($e->getMessage()); } } $this->redirect('settings/avatar'); }
public function get() { $cond = $this->getCond(); $cond->addChild(new UFC_PartnerSharing($this->partner->id)); $pf = new ProfileFilter($cond, $this->getOrders()); $pf->restrictVisibilityForPartner($this->partner->id); $response = array(); $matches = $pf->getTotalProfileCount(); $response['matches'] = $matches; $profiles = array(); if ($matches) { // TODO : improve fetching by passing an adequate FETCH field $iter = $pf->iterProfiles(new PlLimit($this->amount), 0x0, Visibility::get(Visibility::VIEW_PRIVATE)); while ($profile = $iter->next()) { if ($profile->getPartnerSettings($this->partner->id)->exposed_uid !== 0) { $profile_data = new WSRequestEntry($this->partner, $profile); $profiles[] = $profile_data->getFields($this->fields); } } } $response['profiles'] = $profiles; return $response; }
/** * Collect user datafield informations * * @return array */ function getDatafields() { // generische Datenfelder aufsammeln $short_datafields = array(); $long_datafields = array(); foreach (DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($this->current_user->user_id, 'user') as $entry) { if ($entry->isVisible() && $entry->getDisplayValue() && Visibility::verify($entry->getID(), $this->current_user->user_id)) { if ($entry instanceof DataFieldTextareaEntry) { $long_datafields[] = $entry; } else { $short_datafields[] = $entry; } } } return array('long' => $long_datafields, 'short' => $short_datafields); }
/** * Stores a user's details. */ public function store_action() { $this->check_ticket(); $changed = false; if (Config::get()->ENABLE_SKYPE_INFO) { $new_skype_name = Request::get('skype_name'); if ($new_skype_name != $this->config->SKYPE_NAME) { $this->config->store('SKYPE_NAME', $new_skype_name); Visibility::updatePrivacySettingWithTest(Request::get('skype_name'), _("Skype Name"), "skype_name", 'privatedata', 1, $this->user->user_id); $changed = true; } if (Request::int('skype_online_status') != $this->config->SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS) { $this->config->store('SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS', Request::int('skype_online_status')); Visibility::updatePrivacySettingWithTest(Request::int('skype_online_status'), _("Skype Online Status"), "skype_online_status", 'skype_name', 1, $this->user->user_id); $changed = true; } } $mapping = array('telefon' => 'privatnr', 'cell' => 'privatcell', 'anschrift' => 'privadr', 'home' => 'Home', 'motto' => 'motto', 'hobby' => 'hobby', 'lebenslauf' => 'lebenslauf', 'schwerp' => 'schwerp', 'publi' => 'publi'); // Visibilitymapping Remove in Stud.IP 3.0 with a migration $vis_mapping = array('telefon' => 'private_phone', 'cell' => 'private_cell', 'anschrift' => 'privadr', 'home' => 'homepage', 'motto' => 'motto', 'hobby' => 'hobby', 'lebenslauf' => 'lebenslauf', 'schwerp' => 'schwerp', 'publi' => 'publi'); $settingsname = array('telefon' => _('Private Telefonnummer'), 'cell' => _('Private Handynummer'), 'anschrift' => _('Private Adresse'), 'home' => _('Homepage-Adresse'), 'motto' => _('Motto'), 'hobby' => _('Hobbies'), 'lebenslauf' => _('Lebenslauf'), 'schwerp' => _('Arbeitsschwerpunkte'), 'publi' => _('Publikationen')); foreach ($mapping as $key => $column) { $value = Request::get($key); if (in_array($key, array('hobby', 'lebenslauf', 'schwerp', 'publi'))) { // purify HTML input for these fields if wysiwyg is used $value = Studip\Markup::purifyHtml($value); } if ($this->user->{$column} != $value && $this->shallChange('user_info.' . $column, $column, $value)) { $this->user->{$column} = $value; Visibility::updatePrivacySettingWithTest($value, $settingsname[$key], $vis_mapping[$key], 'privatedata', 1, $this->user->user_id); $changed = true; } } $datafields_changed = false; $errors = array(); $datafields = DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($this->user->user_id, 'user'); $data = Request::getArray('datafields'); foreach ($datafields as $id => $entry) { if (isset($data[$id]) && $data[$id] != $entry->getValue()) { // i really dont know if this is correct but it works Visibility::updatePrivacySettingWithTest($data[$id], $entry->getName(), $entry->getID(), 'additionaldata', 1, $this->user->user_id); $entry->setValueFromSubmit($data[$id]); if ($entry->isValid()) { if ($entry->store()) { $datafields_changed = true; } } else { $errors[] = sprintf(_('Fehlerhafter Eintrag im Feld <em>%s</em>: %s (Eintrag wurde nicht gespeichert)'), $entry->getName(), $entry->getDisplayValue()); } } } if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->reportErrorWithDetails(_('Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingaben.'), $errors); } else { if ($this->user->store() || $changed || $datafields_changed) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Daten im Lebenslauf u.a. wurden geändert.')); setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_('Daten im Lebenslauf u.a. wurden geändert.')); restoreLanguage(); } } $this->redirect('settings/details'); }
/** * Updates a privacySetting. Important: The whole privacySetting gets * deleted and recreated if the teststring is not empty. Therefore a new * visibilityID is created. If you use the privacyID you will have to update * it as well. * * @param string $test A teststring to determine if the privacySetting is * only deleted or if it is deleted and recreated. Use this with a request- * string for example. * * @param string $name The setting's name, that will be displayed in the * user's settingtab (Important: Don't mix the name up with the identifier) * * @param string $identifier the identifier is used to simplify the usage * of the visibilityAPI. An identifier maps a string to a visibilityid * (under the usage of a userid) therefore all identifier set for one user * MUST be unique. * * @param int|string $parent Determines the parent of the visibility to add. * Use the direct visibilityid of the parent visibility or the identifier. * If the visibility should be created on the top level the value has to be * 0. Plugins creating a privacysetting will automaticly be added to the * parent "plugins". Important: If u add a visibility without a parent and * without beeing a toplevelpoint itself it will NEVER be displayed. * * @param int $category Sets the type of the visibilitysetting. Currently * there are only 2 types available: * 0 - The setting is only a header without any options * 1 (Default) - Normal setting * * @param string $user Userid of the user that should be added the visibility. * Default: The current logged on user * * @param int $default int representation of the visibility that should be * set. Use with caution since the API provides the easy change of the * visibility int representation * * @param int $pluginid Connects the created visibility with a plugin. * Important: If addPrivacySetting is called in a file of a plugin there is * no need to set the pluginid manually, because the API will normally find * it * * @return int the created visibilityid */ public static function updatePrivacySettingWithTest($test, $name, $id, $parent = null, $category = 1, $user = null, $default = null, $pluginid = null) { $default = Visibility::removePrivacySetting($id, $user); if ($test != "") { return Visibility::addPrivacySetting($name, $id, $parent, $category, $user, $default, $pluginid); } return false; }
protected function getVisibility($context) { return Visibility::getForContext($context); }
private static function concept_published_in_hierarchy($taxon_concept_id, $hierarchy_id) { $mysqli =& $GLOBALS['mysqli_connection']; $result = $mysqli->query("SELECT 1 FROM hierarchy_entries WHERE taxon_concept_id={$taxon_concept_id} AND hierarchy_id={$hierarchy_id} AND visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . " LIMIT 1"); if ($result && ($row = $result->fetch_assoc())) { return true; } return false; }
private function lookup_family($name, $synonyms, $ancestors) { $order = @$ancestors[15]; $class = @$ancestors[11]; $phylum = @$ancestors[6]; if (!$order && !$class && !$phylum) { echo "This is a line that doesnt have a order, class or phylum:\n{$line_number}: {$line} :: {$name}\n\n\n"; exit; } $synonyms[] = $name; $result = $this->mysqli->query("\n (SELECT name_id, hierarchy_id, h.browsable, he.taxon_concept_id, 'valid' match_type\n FROM canonical_forms cf\n JOIN names n ON (\n JOIN hierarchy_entries he ON (\n JOIN hierarchies h ON (\n WHERE cf.string IN ('" . implode("','", $synonyms) . "')\n AND he.published=1 AND he.visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . ")\n UNION\n (SELECT name_id, hierarchy_id, h.browsable, he.taxon_concept_id, 'synonym' match_type\n FROM canonical_forms cf\n JOIN names n ON (\n JOIN synonyms s ON ( AND s.synonym_relation_id=" . SynonymRelation::synonym()->id . ")\n JOIN hierarchy_entries he ON (\n JOIN hierarchies h ON (\n WHERE cf.string IN ('" . implode("','", $synonyms) . "')\n AND he.published=1 AND he.visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . ")"); if ($result && $result->num_rows) { return $this->get_best_concept_from_result($result, $name); } }
/** * Performs bulk actions on the privacy settings of a user. This can be * either the setting of new default values or the changing of all privacy * values at once. * * @return boolean Returns <b>true</b> if all visibilities have been set */ public function bulk() { if ($default_visibility = Request::int('default')) { $this->about->set_default_homepage_visibility(Request::int('default')); } if ($visiblity = Request::int('all')) { if (Visibility::setAllSettingsForUser($visiblity)) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Die Sichtbarkeit der Profilelemente wurde gespeichert.')); return true; } else { $this->reportError(_('Die Sichtbarkeitseinstellungen der Profilelemente wurden nicht gespeichert!')); } } return false; }
static function lookup_existing_entry_and_ancestors($hierarchy_entry, $hierarchy_id) { $params = array(); $params["name_id"] = $hierarchy_entry->name_id; $params["guid"] = $hierarchy_entry->guid; $params["hierarchy_id"] = $hierarchy_id; $params["rank_id"] = $hierarchy_entry->rank_id; $params["ancestry"] = $hierarchy_entry->ancestry; $params["taxon_concept_id"] = $hierarchy_entry->taxon_concept_id; $params["parent_id"] = 0; // $params["identifier"] = $taxon['identifier']; // $params["source_url"] = $taxon['source_url']; $params["visibility_id"] = Visibility::preview()->id; if ($parent = $hierarchy_entry->parent()) { if ($parent_entry = self::lookup_existing_entry_and_ancestors($parent, $hierarchy_id)) { $params["parent_id"] = $parent_entry->id; } else { return false; } } return HierarchyEntry::find_or_create_by_array($params); }
public function insert_gbif_references($row, $parameters) { self::debug_iterations("Inserting GBIF reference"); $this->commit_iterations("GBIFReference", 500); if ($this->archive_validator->has_error_by_line('', $parameters['archive_table_definition']->location, $parameters['archive_line_number'])) { write_to_resource_harvesting_log("ERROR: insert_agents: insert_gbif_references" . ",file_location:" . $parameters['archive_table_definition']->location . ",line_number:" . $parameters['archive_line_number']); return false; } $reference_id = @self::field_decode($row['']); $taxon_id = @self::field_decode($row['']); // we really only need to insert the references that relate to taxa if (!isset($this->taxon_ids_inserted[$taxon_id])) { return; } $full_reference = @self::field_decode($row['']); $title = @self::field_decode($row['']); $author = @self::field_decode($row['']); $date = @self::field_decode($row['']); $description = @self::field_decode($row['']); // $subject = @self::field_decode($row['']); $source = @self::field_decode($row['']); $language = Language::find_or_create_for_parser(@self::field_decode($row[''])); $type = @self::field_decode($row['']); if ($type != 'taxon') { return; } $reference_parts = array(); if ($author) { $reference_parts[] = $author; } if ($date) { $reference_parts[] = $date; } if ($title) { $reference_parts[] = $title; } if ($source) { $reference_parts[] = $source; } if ($description) { $reference_parts[] = $description; } $full_reference = implode(". ", $reference_parts); $full_reference = str_replace("..", ".", $full_reference); $full_reference = str_replace(" ", " ", $full_reference); if (!$full_reference) { return; } $title = null; $author = null; $date = null; $description = null; $source = null; $type = null; if ($taxon_info = @$this->taxon_ids_inserted[$taxon_id]) { self::uncompress_array($taxon_info); $params = array("provider_mangaed_id" => $reference_id, "full_reference" => $full_reference, "title" => $title, "authors" => $author, "publication_created_at" => @$created ?: '0000-00-00 00:00:00', "language_id" => @$language->id ?: 0); $reference = Reference::find_or_create($params); $he_id = $taxon_info['hierarchy_entry_id']; $this->mysqli->insert("INSERT IGNORE INTO hierarchy_entries_refs (hierarchy_entry_id, ref_id) VALUES ({$he_id}, {$reference->id})"); $this->mysqli->query("UPDATE refs SET published=1, visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . " WHERE id={$reference->id}"); // TODO: find_or_create doesn't work here because of the dual primary key // HierarchyEntriesRef::find_or_create(array( // 'hierarchy_entry_id' => $hierarchy_entry_id, // 'ref_id' => $reference->id)); } }
public function __construct($cond = null, $sort = null) { if (empty($this->joinMethods)) { $class = new ReflectionClass('UserFilter'); foreach ($class->getMethods() as $method) { $name = $method->getName(); if (substr($name, -5) == 'Joins' && $name != 'buildJoins') { $this->joinMethods[] = $name; } } } if (!is_null($cond)) { if ($cond instanceof PlFilterCondition) { $this->setCondition($cond); } } if (!is_null($sort)) { if ($sort instanceof PlFilterOrder) { $this->addSort($sort); } else { if (is_array($sort)) { foreach ($sort as $s) { $this->addSort($s); } } } } // This will set the visibility to the default correct level. $this->visibility = Visibility::defaultForRead(); }
$aux = 0; $deleted = 0; $phones = array(); $duplicates = array(); foreach ($pids as $pid) { $count = 0; $it = Phone::iterate(array($pid), array(Phone::LINK_PROFILE), array(0), Visibility::get(Visibility::VIEW_PRIVATE)); while ($item = $it->next()) { $phones[] = $item; ++$count; } for ($i = 0; $i < $count; ++$i) { for ($j = $i + 1; $j < $count; ++$j) { if ($phones[$i]->search == $phones[$j]->search) { $duplicates[$j] = true; if (Visibility::isLessRestrictive($phones[$i]->pub, $phones[$j]->pub)) { $phones[$i]->pub = $phones[$j]->pub; } } } } if (count($duplicates)) { foreach ($duplicates as $key => $bool) { unset($phones[$key]); } } if (count($phones) != $count) { $deleted += $count - count($phones); Phone::deletePhones($pid, 'user'); $id = 0; foreach ($phones as $phone) {
public static function update_taxon_concept_names($taxon_concept_ids) { if (!$taxon_concept_ids) { return false; } if (is_numeric($taxon_concept_ids)) { $taxon_concept_ids = array($taxon_concept_ids); } $mysqli =& $GLOBALS['db_connection']; $started_new_transaction = false; if (!$mysqli->in_transaction()) { $mysqli->begin_transaction(); $started_new_transaction = true; } $batches = array_chunk($taxon_concept_ids, 500); foreach ($batches as $batch_ids) { usleep(500000); $name_ids = array(); $matching_ids = array(); $query = "\n (SELECT he.taxon_concept_id,, he.name_id, 'preferred' as type FROM hierarchy_entries he WHERE taxon_concept_id IN (" . implode(",", $batch_ids) . ") AND ((he.published=1 AND he.visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . ") OR (he.published=0 AND he.visibility_id=" . Visibility::preview()->id . ")))\n UNION\n (SELECT he.taxon_concept_id, s.hierarchy_entry_id, s.name_id, 'synonym' as type\n FROM hierarchy_entries he\n JOIN synonyms s ON (\n WHERE he.taxon_concept_id IN (" . implode(",", $batch_ids) . ")\n AND s.language_id=0\n AND s.synonym_relation_id!=" . SynonymRelation::find_or_create_by_translated_label('genbank common name')->id . "\n AND s.synonym_relation_id!=" . SynonymRelation::find_or_create_by_translated_label('common name')->id . "\n AND s.synonym_relation_id!=" . SynonymRelation::find_or_create_by_translated_label('blast name')->id . "\n AND s.synonym_relation_id!=" . SynonymRelation::find_or_create_by_translated_label('genbank acronym')->id . "\n AND s.synonym_relation_id!=" . SynonymRelation::find_or_create_by_translated_label('acronym')->id . "\n AND ((he.published=1 AND he.visibility_id=" . Visibility::visible()->id . ") OR (he.published=0 AND he.visibility_id=" . Visibility::preview()->id . ")))"; foreach ($mysqli->iterate_file($query) as $row_num => $row) { $taxon_concept_id = $row[0]; $hierarchy_entry_id = $row[1]; $name_id = $row[2]; $name_type = $row[3]; $name_ids[$name_id][$taxon_concept_id] = 1; $matching_ids[$taxon_concept_id][$name_id][$hierarchy_entry_id] = $name_type; } if ($name_ids) { //This makes sure we have a scientific name, gets the canonicalFormID $query = "SELECT, FROM names n JOIN canonical_forms cf ON ( JOIN names n_match ON ( WHERE IN (" . implode(",", array_keys($name_ids)) . ") AND n_match.string=cf.string"; foreach ($mysqli->iterate_file($query) as $row_num => $row) { $original_name_id = $row[0]; $canonical_name_id = $row[1]; if ($original_name_id != $canonical_name_id) { foreach ($name_ids[$original_name_id] as $taxon_concept_id => $junk) { $matching_ids[$taxon_concept_id][$canonical_name_id][0] = 1; } } } } $common_names = array(); $preferred_in_language = array(); $query = "SELECT he.taxon_concept_id, he.published, he.visibility_id,, s.hierarchy_id, s.hierarchy_entry_id, s.name_id, s.language_id, s.preferred, s.vetted_id FROM hierarchy_entries he JOIN synonyms s ON ( JOIN vetted v ON ( WHERE he.taxon_concept_id IN (" . implode(",", $batch_ids) . ") AND s.language_id!=0 AND (s.synonym_relation_id=" . SynonymRelation::genbank_common_name()->id . " OR s.synonym_relation_id=" . SynonymRelation::common_name()->id . ") ORDER BY s.language_id, (s.hierarchy_id=" . Hierarchy::contributors()->id . ") DESC, v.view_order ASC, s.preferred DESC, DESC"; foreach ($mysqli->iterate_file($query) as $row_num => $row) { $taxon_concept_id = $row[0]; $published = $row[1]; $visibility_id = $row[2]; $synonym_id = $row[3]; $hierarchy_id = $row[4]; $hierarchy_entry_id = $row[5]; $name_id = $row[6]; $language_id = $row[7]; $preferred = $row[8]; $vetted_id = $row[9]; // skipping Wikipedia common names entirely if ($hierarchy_id == @Hierarchy::wikipedia()->id) { continue; } $curator_name = $hierarchy_id == @Hierarchy::contributors()->id; $ubio_name = $hierarchy_id == @Hierarchy::ubio()->id; if ($curator_name || $ubio_name || $curator_name || $published == 1 && $visibility_id == Visibility::visible()->id) { if (isset($preferred_in_language[$taxon_concept_id][$language_id])) { $preferred = 0; } if ($preferred && $curator_name && ($vetted_id == Vetted::trusted()->id || $vetted_id == Vetted::unknown()->id)) { $preferred_in_language[$taxon_concept_id][$language_id] = 1; } else { $preferred = 0; } if (!isset($common_names[$taxon_concept_id])) { $common_names[$taxon_concept_id] = array(); } $common_names[$taxon_concept_id][] = array('synonym_id' => $synonym_id, 'language_id' => $language_id, 'name_id' => $name_id, 'hierarchy_entry_id' => $hierarchy_entry_id, 'preferred' => $preferred, 'vetted_id' => $vetted_id, 'is_curator_name' => $curator_name); } } // if there was no preferred name foreach ($common_names as $taxon_concept_id => $arr) { foreach ($arr as $key => $arr2) { if (@(!$preferred_in_language[$taxon_concept_id][$arr2['language_id']]) && ($arr2['vetted_id'] == Vetted::trusted()->id || $arr2['vetted_id'] == Vetted::unknown()->id)) { $common_names[$taxon_concept_id][$key]['preferred'] = 1; $preferred_in_language[$taxon_concept_id][$arr2['language_id']] = 1; } } } $mysqli->delete("DELETE FROM taxon_concept_names WHERE taxon_concept_id IN (" . implode(",", $batch_ids) . ")"); $tmp_file_path = temp_filepath(); if (!($LOAD_DATA_TEMP = fopen($tmp_file_path, "w+"))) { debug(__CLASS__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ": Couldn't open file: " . $tmp_file_path); return; } /* Insert the scientific names */ foreach ($matching_ids as $taxon_concept_id => $arr) { foreach ($arr as $name_id => $arr2) { foreach ($arr2 as $hierarchy_entry_id => $type) { $preferred = 0; if ($hierarchy_entry_id && $type == "preferred") { $preferred = 1; } fwrite($LOAD_DATA_TEMP, "{$taxon_concept_id}\t{$name_id}\t{$hierarchy_entry_id}\t0\t0\t{$preferred}\n"); } } } $mysqli->load_data_infile($tmp_file_path, 'taxon_concept_names'); unlink($tmp_file_path); $tmp_file_path = temp_filepath(); if (!($LOAD_DATA_TEMP = fopen($tmp_file_path, "w+"))) { debug(__CLASS__ . ":" . __LINE__ . ": Couldn't open file: " . $tmp_file_path); return; } /* Insert the common names */ foreach ($common_names as $taxon_concept_id => $arr) { foreach ($arr as $key => $arr2) { $synonym_id = $arr2['synonym_id']; $language_id = $arr2['language_id']; $name_id = $arr2['name_id']; $hierarchy_entry_id = $arr2['hierarchy_entry_id']; $preferred = $arr2['preferred']; $vetted_id = $arr2['vetted_id']; fwrite($LOAD_DATA_TEMP, "{$taxon_concept_id}\t{$name_id}\t{$hierarchy_entry_id}\t{$language_id}\t1\t{$preferred}\t{$synonym_id}\t{$vetted_id}\n"); } } $mysqli->load_data_infile($tmp_file_path, 'taxon_concept_names'); unlink($tmp_file_path); unset($matching_ids); unset($common_names); unset($name_ids); unset($preferred_in_language); $mysqli->commit(); } if ($started_new_transaction) { $mysqli->end_transaction(); } }
<?php class Visibility { // dva property-a sa razlicitim visibility parametrom public $publicVar = 'PUBLIC'; private $privateVar = 'PRIVATE'; // dvije metode sa razlicitim visibility parametrom public function publicMethod() { return 'PUBLIC'; } private function privateMethod() { return 'PRIVATE'; } public function getPrivateMethod() { return $this->privateVar; } } $visibility = new Visibility(); //echo '<br />', $visibility->publicVar; //echo '<br />', $visibility->publicMethod(); //echo '<br />', $visibility->privateVar; //echo '<br />', $visibility->privateMethod(); echo '<br />', $visibility->getPrivateMethod();
public function __construct(array $pids, array $types, array $jobids, $visibility, $_where) { $where = array(); if (!is_null($_where)) { $where[] = $_where; } if (count($pids) != 0) { $where[] = XDB::format('( IN {?})', $pids); } if (count($types) != 0) { $where[] = XDB::format('(pa.type IN {?})', $types); } if (count($jobids) != 0) { $where[] = XDB::format('(pa.jobid IN {?})', $jobids); } if ($visibility == null || !$visibility instanceof Visibility) { $visibility = Visibility::defaultForRead(); } $where[] = 'pve.best_display_level+0 <='; $sql = 'SELECT, pa.jobid, pa.groupid, pa.type,, pa.flags, pa.text, pa.postalText,, pa.comment, pa.types, pa.formatted_address, pa.location_type, pa.partial_match, pa.latitude, pa.longitude, pa.southwest_latitude, pa.southwest_longitude, pa.northeast_latitude, pa.northeast_longitude, pa.geocoding_date, pa.geocoding_calls, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT pc.component_id SEPARATOR \',\') AS componentsIds, GROUP_CONCAT(pace1.long_name) AS postalCode, GROUP_CONCAT(pace2.long_name) AS locality, GROUP_CONCAT(pace3.long_name) AS administrativeArea, GROUP_CONCAT(pace4.long_name) AS country FROM profile_addresses AS pa LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components AS pc ON ( = AND pa.jobid = pc.jobid AND pa.groupid = pc.groupid AND pa.type = pc.type AND = LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace1 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\'postal_code\', pace1.types) AND = pc.component_id) LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace2 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\'locality\', pace2.types) AND = pc.component_id) LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace3 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\'administrative_area_level_1\', pace3.types) AND = pc.component_id) LEFT JOIN profile_addresses_components_enum AS pace4 ON (FIND_IN_SET(\'country\', pace4.types) AND = pc.component_id) LEFT JOIN profile_visibility_enum AS pve ON (pve.access_level = {?}) WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . ' GROUP BY, pa.jobid, pa.groupid, pa.type, ORDER BY, pa.jobid,'; $this->dbiter = XDB::iterator($sql, $visibility->level()); $this->visibility = $visibility; }
/** * Stores all categories */ public function store_action() { $request = Request::getInstance(); $categories = $request['categories']; foreach ($categories as $id => $data) { if (empty($data['name'])) { $this->reportError(_('Kategorien ohne Namen können nicht gespeichert werden!')); continue; } $category = Kategorie::find($id); $category->name = $data['name']; $category->content = $data['content']; if ($category->store()) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Kategorien geändert!')); Visibility::renamePrivacySetting('kat_' . $category->id, $category->name); } } $this->redirect('settings/categories'); }
/** Retrieve the 'general' edit visibility. * This is the maximum level of fields that may be edited by the current user on other profiles. * * Rules are: * - Only admins can edit the 'hidden' fields * - If someone has 'directory_edit' (which is actually directory_ax_edit): AX level * - Otherwise, nothing. */ public function editVisibility() { $level = Visibility::VIEW_NONE; if ($this->is_admin) { $level = Visibility::VIEW_ADMIN; } elseif ($this->checkPerms('directory_edit')) { $level = Visibility::VIEW_AX; } return Visibility::get($level); }