文件: api.php 项目: stefda/pocketsail
  * @AjaxCallable=TRUE
  * @AjaxMethod=POST
  * @AjaxAsync=TRUE
 public function loadData()
     // Helper functions
     function addFlag(&$res, $flag)
         in_array($flag, $res['flags']) ? null : ($res['flags'][] = $flag);
     function hasFlag($res, $flag)
         return in_array($flag, $res);
     function addLabels(&$res, $labels)
         $res['labels'] = array_merge($res['labels'], $labels);
     // Required params
     $vBoundsWKT = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'vBounds', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $zoom = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'zoom', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     // Optional params, need to normalise if not present
     $types = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'types', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY);
     $poiId = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'poiId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     $poiIds = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'poiIds', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY);
     $flags = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'flags', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY);
     $vBounds = ViewBounds::fromWKT($vBoundsWKT);
     // Normalise parameters
     if ($types === NULL) {
         $types = [];
     if ($poiId === NULL) {
         $poiId = 0;
     if ($poiIds === NULL) {
         $poiIds = [];
     if ($flags === NULL) {
         $flags = [];
     // Prepare result object
     $res = ['labels' => [], 'flags' => []];
     if ($poiId !== 0 && !hasFlag($flags, 'excludePoiLabel')) {
         $poi = POIModel::load($poiId);
         $res['labels'][] = LabelModel::loadDynamic($poiId);
         $res['poi'] = [];
         addFlag($res, 'doLabelling');
         // Load poi info
         if (hasFlag($flags, 'poiInfo')) {
             $res['poi']['info'] = $poi->toObject();
         // Load poi card
         if (hasFlag($flags, 'poiCard')) {
             $res['poi']['card'] = "<div>Card</div>";
             addFlag($res, 'showCard');
         // Pan to poi and fit border or adjust zoom accordingly
         if (hasFlag($flags, 'panToPoi')) {
             $border = $poi->border();
             if ($border === NULL) {
                 $vBounds->changeZoom(14 - $zoom);
                 $zoom = 14;
             } else {
                 $borderBounds = ViewBounds::fromPolygon($border);
                 $vBounds->fitBounds($borderBounds, $zoom);
             addFlag($res, 'panToCenter');
     if (count($poiIds) > 0) {
         // Load labels by poiIds
         addLabels($res, LabelModel::loadDynamicByIds($poiIds));
         if (hasFlag($flags, 'zoomToPois')) {
             // Load pois for their positions and borders
             $pois = POIModel::loadByIds($poiIds);
             // Expand pois
             if ($poiId !== 0) {
                 $poi = POIModel::load($poiId);
                 $pois = array_merge($pois, [$poi]);
             // Initialise bounds and extend by all pois
             $bounds = new ViewBounds($pois[0]->latLng(), $pois[0]->latLng());
             for ($i = 1; $i < count($pois); $i++) {
                 if ($pois[$i]->border() === NULL) {
                 } else {
                     $borderBounds = ViewBounds::fromPolygon($pois[$i]->border());
             $vBounds->fitBounds($bounds, $zoom);
             $bounds->buffer(30, 30, $zoom);
             $vBounds->fitBounds($bounds, $zoom);
         addFlag($res, 'panToCenter');
         addFlag($res, 'doLabelling');
     if (count($types) > 0) {
         $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
         if (in_array('zoomToTypes', $flags)) {
             $guard = 18;
             //                while (!LabelModel::typesWithinBounds($bounds, $types, $poiId) && --$guard > 0) {
             while (!LabelModel::oneOfTypesWithinBounds($bounds, $types, $poiId) && --$guard > 0) {
                 $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
                 addFlag($res, 'panToCenter');
         addLabels($res, LabelModel::loadDynamicByBounds($bounds, $types, $poiId));
         addFlag($res, 'doLabelling');
     if ($poiId !== 0 || $types !== NULL && count($types) > 0) {
         $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
         $exceptIds = array_merge($poiIds, [$poiId]);
         addLabels($res, LabelModel::loadStaticDynamicByBounds($bounds, $zoom, $exceptIds, $types));
     } else {
         $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
         addLabels($res, LabelModel::loadStaticByBounds($bounds, $zoom));
     if (hasFlag($flags, 'newPois')) {
         // Parameter '1' TO BE changed to logged-in user's id
         $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
         $res['new'] = LabelModel::loadNew($bounds, 1);
     $res['center'] = $vBounds->getCenter()->toWKT();
     $res['zoom'] = $zoom;
     return $res;
文件: poi.php 项目: stefda/pocketsail
 function view()
     $poiId = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'poiId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     $poiObject = new stdClass();
     $attrsObject = new stdClass();
     $poi = POIModel::load($poiId);
     $poiObject->id = $poi->id();
     $poiObject->name = $poi->name();
     $poiObject->cat = $poi->cat();
     $poiObject->sub = $poi->sub();
     $poiObject->latLng = $poi->latLng();
     $poiObject->border = $poi->border();
     $attrsObject = $poi->attributes();
     $r = sqrt(2 * pow(9, 2));
     $sw = Geo::proximity($poi->latLng(), $r, 215);
     $ne = Geo::proximity($poi->latLng(), $r, 45);
     $vb = new ViewBounds($sw, $ne);
     $poiBorder = $vb->toPolygon();
     $near = POIModel::loadByBorder($poiBorder, ['restaurant', 'supermarket', 'gasstation', 'anchorage', 'buoys'], 198);
     $nearSorted = [];
     $nearSortedIds = [];
     // Separate into subcategories
     foreach ($near as $poiTo) {
         $sub = $poiTo->sub();
         if (!array_key_exists($sub, $nearSorted)) {
             $nearSorted[$sub] = [];
             $nearSortedIds[$sub] = [];
         $nearSorted[$sub][] = ['poi' => $poiTo->toObject(), 'dist' => Geo::haversine($poi->latLng(), $poiTo->latLng())];
         $nearSortedIds[$sub][] = $poiTo->id();
     // Sort each subcategory by disance
     foreach ($nearSorted as &$near) {
         aasort($near, 'dist');
     $this->assign('poi', $poiObject);
     $this->assign('attrs', $attrsObject);
     $this->assign('near', (object) $nearSorted);
     $this->assign('nearIds', $nearSortedIds);
  * @param ViewBounds $bounds
 public function fitBounds(ViewBounds $bounds, &$zoom = NULL)
     // Set centre to given bounds centre
     // Mercator-project bounds' north and south latitudes
     $aLatDiff = merLat($this->n) - merLat($this->s);
     $bLatDiff = merLat($bounds->n()) - merLat($bounds->s());
     // Compute meridian zoom difference
     $latZoomDiff = floor((log($aLatDiff) - log($bLatDiff)) / log(2) + 0.001);
     // Compute parallel differences for this and given bounds
     $aLngDiff = $this->e - $this->w;
     $bLngDiff = $bounds->e() - $bounds->w();
     // Compute parallel zoom difference
     $lngZoomDiff = floor((log($aLngDiff) - log($bLngDiff)) / log(2) + 0.001);
     // Change zoom using smaller of the two computed zoom differences
     $zoomDiff = min($latZoomDiff, $lngZoomDiff);
     // Update zoom if given
     if ($zoom !== NULL) {
         $zoom += $zoomDiff;
文件: map.php 项目: stefda/pocketsail
  * @AjaxCallable=TRUE
  * @AjaxMethod=POST
  * @AjaxAsync=TRUE
 function loadData()
     // Required params
     $vBoundsWKT = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'vBounds', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $zoom = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'zoom', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     // Optional params, need to normalise if not present
     $types = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'types', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY);
     $poiId = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'poiId', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
     $flags = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'flags', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY);
     $vBounds = ViewBounds::fromWKT($vBoundsWKT);
     // Normalise parameters
     if ($types === NULL) {
         $types = [];
     if ($poiId === NULL) {
         $poiId = 0;
     if ($flags === NULL) {
         $flags = [];
     // Prepare result object
     $res = ['labels' => [], 'flags' => []];
     if (in_array('poiInfo', $flags) || in_array('poiCard', $flags) || in_array('panToPoi', $flags)) {
         $poi = POIModel::load($poiId);
         $res['poi'] = [];
         // Load poi info
         if (in_array('poiInfo', $flags)) {
             $res['poi']['info'] = $poi->info();
         // Load poi card
         if (in_array('poiCard', $flags)) {
             $res['poi']['card'] = "<div>Card</div>";
             $res['flags'][] = "showCard";
         // Pan to poi and fit border or adjust zoom accordingly
         if (in_array('panToPoi', $flags)) {
             $border = $poi->border();
             if ($border === NULL) {
                 $vBounds->changeZoom(14 - $zoom);
                 $zoom = 14;
             } else {
                 $borderBounds = ViewBounds::fromPolygon($border);
                 $vBounds->fitBounds($borderBounds, $zoom);
             $res['flags'][] = "panToCenter";
     if ($types !== NULL) {
         $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
         if (in_array('zoomToTypes', $flags)) {
             $guard = 18;
             while (!LabelModel::typesWithinBounds($bounds, $types, $poiId) && --$guard > 0) {
                 $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
             $res['flags'][] = "panToCenter";
         $res['labels'] = LabelModel::loadDynamicByBounds($bounds, $types, $poiId);
         $res['flags'][] = "doLabelling";
     if ($types !== NULL && count($types) > 0) {
         $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
         $res['labels'] = array_merge($res['labels'], LabelModel::loadStaticDynamicByBounds($bounds, $zoom, 0, $types));
     } else {
         $bounds = $vBounds->toBounds();
         $res['labels'] = LabelModel::loadStaticByBounds($bounds, $zoom, $poiId);
     $res['center'] = $vBounds->getCenter()->toWKT();
     $res['zoom'] = $zoom;
     return $res;