public static function get_external_videos_for_search_string($external_video_library_id, $search_string, $start, $duration, $options = array('count' => FALSE, 'admin' => FALSE)) { /* *Prepare the string */ $search_string = strtolower($search_string); /* * Search Names of the videos */ $named_videos_sql = VideoLibrary_DatabaseHelper::get_sql_parts_for_external_videos_by_searching_in_video_names($external_video_library_id, $search_string, $start, $duration, array('count' => $options['count'], 'admin' => $options['admin'], 'union_query' => TRUE)); if ($options['count'] == FALSE) { /* * Because the tagged sql has an extra column (for its * quirky merging behaviour) I have to insert a dummy one * here to union them */ $named_videos_sql['select'] .= ',' . "\n" . 'external_video_id'; } /* * Search Tags of the videos, */ $tag_names = array(VideoLibrary_TagsHelper::filter_tag($search_string)); $search_string_exploded = explode(' ', trim($search_string)); foreach ($search_string_exploded as $tag_name) { $tag_names[] = VideoLibrary_TagsHelper::filter_tag($tag_name); } // print_r($tag_names);exit; /* * Old style, uses tag1 AND tag2, so less results */ // $tagged_videos_sql = VideoLibrary_DatabaseHelper:: // get_sql_parts_for_external_videos_for_tag_names( // $external_video_library_id, // $tag_names, // NULL, // $start, // $duration, // array( // 'count' => $options['count'], // 'admin' => $options['admin'], // 'union_query' => TRUE // ) // ); /* * This related vids function uses tag1 OR tag2 */ $tag_names = VideoLibrary_DatabaseHelper::limit_tags($tag_names); $tagged_videos_sql = VideoLibrary_RelatedVideosDatabaseHelper::get_sql_parts_for_external_videos_matching_any_of_these_tags($external_video_library_id, $tag_names, NULL, NULL, $start, $duration, array('count' => $options['count'], 'use_ids_for_tags' => FALSE, 'union_query' => TRUE)); $videos = self::get_external_videos_through_union_query(array($tagged_videos_sql, $named_videos_sql), array('count' => $options['count'])); // print_r($videos);exit; return $videos; }
public static function get_related_external_videos_count_for_tag_ids($external_video_library_id, $tag_ids, $external_video_provider_id = NULL, $ignore_video_id = NULL) { return VideoLibrary_RelatedVideosDatabaseHelper::get_related_external_videos_count_for_tag_ids($external_video_library_id, $tag_ids, $external_video_provider_id, $ignore_video_id); }