
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../assets/cache/siteManager.php";
require_once 'protect.inc.php';
include_once 'config.inc.php';
include_once 'document.parser.class.inc.php';
$modx = new DocumentParser();
$vword = new VeriWord(148, 60);
#captchaClass.php file below
## v1 Stable ##
## Verification Word
## This class generate an image with random text
## to be used in form verification. It has visual
## elements design to confuse OCR software preventing
## the use of BOTS.
## Author: Huda M Elmatsani
## Email:   justhuda at netrada.co.id
## 25/07/2004
## Copyright (c) 2004 Huda M Elmatsani All rights reserved.
## This program is free for any purpose use.