public function entityHurt($data) { $target = $data['entity']; $t = new Vector2($target->x, $target->z); $s = new Vector2($this->server->spawn->x, $this->server->spawn->z); if ($t->distance($s) <= $this->api->getProperty('spawn-protection')) { if (is_numeric($data['cause'])) { $e = $this->api->entity->get($data['cause']); if ($e !== false and $e->class === ENTITY_PLAYER) { $e->player->sendChat('PvP is not allowed at the spawn'); } } return false; } }
/** * @param mixed $data * @param string $event * * @return boolean */ public function permissionsCheck($data, $event) { switch ($event) { case "player.flying": //OPs can fly around the server. if ($this->isOp($data->iusername)) { return true; } break; case "player.block.break": case "": //Spawn protection detection. Allows OPs to place/break blocks in the spawn area. if (!$this->isOp($data["player"]->iusername)) { $t = new Vector2($data["target"]->x, $data["target"]->z); $s = new Vector2($this->server->spawn->x, $this->server->spawn->z); if ($t->distance($s) <= $this->server->api->getProperty("spawn-protection") and $this->server->api->dhandle($event . ".spawn", $data) !== true) { return false; } } return; break; case "console.command": //Checks if a command is allowed with the current user permissions. if (isset($this->cmdWhitelist[$data["cmd"]])) { return; } if ($data["issuer"] instanceof Player) { if ($this->server->api->handle("console.check", $data) === true or $this->isOp($data["issuer"]->iusername)) { return; } } elseif ($data["issuer"] === "console" or $data["issuer"] === "rcon") { return; } return false; break; } }
public function checkBorder($player) { $level = $this->getServer()->getLevelByName($player["level"]); if ($this->levName != $player["level"]) { return false; } $t = new Vector2($player["x"], $player["z"]); $s = new Vector2($this->borderXZ, $this->borderXZ); $worlds = [$this->getServer()->getDefaultSpawn()->getLevel()->getName()]; foreach ($worlds as $key => $value) { if (!empty($value[$player["level"]])) { $r = $value[$player["level"]]; } } if ($t->distance($s) >= $r) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public function calculateVelocity() { $diffTime = max(0.05, abs(microtime(true) - $this->last[5])); $origin = new Vector2($this->last[0], $this->last[2]); $final = new Vector2($this->x, $this->z); $speedX = ($this->last[0] - $this->x) / $diffTime; $speedY = ($this->last[1] - $this->y) / $diffTime; $speedZ = ($this->last[2] - $this->z) / $diffTime; if ($this->speedX != $speedX or $this->speedY != $speedY or $this->speedZ != $speedZ) { $this->speedX = $speedX; $this->speedY = $speedY; $this->speedZ = $speedZ; $this->server->api->handle("entity.motion", $this); } $this->speed = $origin->distance($final) / $diffTime; unset($this->speedMeasure[key($this->speedMeasure)]); $this->speedMeasure[] = $this->speed; }