// Get changed input fields (if available)
     $changedFields = ValidationOperator::getChangedFields($update);
     // Check inputs
     if (!empty($changedFields) && !ValidationOperator::hasEmtpyFields($update) && (!isset($changedFields["username"]) || !ValidationOperator::isTaken($update["username"]))) {
         // Update user information
         $user = SessionOperator::getUser();
         QueryOperator::updateAccount($user->getUserId(), $update);
         // Update user session
         $user = QueryOperator::getAccount($user->getUserId());
         SessionOperator::updateUser(new User($user));
         // Set feedback session
 } else {
     $error = [];
     if (($upload = ValidationOperator::checkImage()) != null) {
         // A user is logged in
         if (!is_null($user = SessionOperator::getUser())) {
             // Create random image name
             $newImageName = UPLOAD_PROFILE_IMAGE . uniqid("", true) . "." . $upload["imageExtension"];
             // Upload new profile picture to file system
             if (move_uploaded_file($upload["image"], ROOT . $newImageName)) {
                 // Delete old profile pic (if exists)
                 if (!empty($imageName = $user->getImage())) {
                     unlink(ROOT . $imageName);
                 // Store image name in database
                 QueryOperator::uploadImage($user->getUserId(), $newImageName, "users");
                 // Update user session
                 $user = QueryOperator::getAccount($user->getUserId());
                 SessionOperator::updateUser(new User($user));
require_once "../classes/class.query_operator.php";
// Only process when start auction button was clicked
if (!isset($_POST["startAuction"])) {
// Store POST values
$new_auction = ["item" => $_POST["item"], "itemName" => $_POST["itemName"], "itemBrand" => $_POST["itemBrand"], "itemCategory" => $_POST["itemCategory"], "itemCondition" => $_POST["itemCondition"], "itemDescription" => $_POST["itemDescription"], "quantity" => $_POST["quantity"], "startPrice" => $_POST["startPrice"], "reservePrice" => $_POST["reservePrice"], "startTime" => $_POST["startTime"], "endTime" => $_POST["endTime"]];
// Add empty string for default selects
if ($new_auction["itemCategory"] == "Select") {
    $new_auction["itemCategory"] = "";
if ($new_auction["itemCondition"] == "Select") {
    $new_auction["itemCondition"] = "";
// Check inputs
if (ValidationOperator::hasEmtpyFields($new_auction) || ($upload = ValidationOperator::checkImage()) == null || !ValidationOperator::checkPrizes($new_auction["startPrice"], $new_auction["reservePrice"])) {
    // Create a session for all inputs so that they can be recovered after the page returns
    // Redirect back
} else {
    // Create random image name
    $newImageName = UPLOAD_ITEM_IMAGE . uniqid("", true) . "." . $upload["imageExtension"];
    // Cannot upload image to file system, otherwise, image uploaded
    if (!move_uploaded_file($upload["image"], ROOT . $newImageName)) {
        $error["upload"] = "Image cannot be uploaded ";
    // Get item category and condition id
    $ids = QueryOperator::getItemRelatedIds(addslashes($new_auction["itemCategory"]), $new_auction["itemCondition"]);