date() public static method

public static date ( $value )
  * Compares whether or not a date is some number of days | months | years after a date
  * This is a magic method and can be called via daysInFuture, monthsInFuture and yearsInFuture
  * @param object $model
  * @param string $method the name of hte magic method
  * @param array  $check the data of the field to be checked 
  * @param integer $value of days | months | years that $check should be in the future
  * @param array $params [optional]
  * 						- 'fields'	array of fields that should be matched against (default: array())
  * 						- 'timezone' string timezone identifier (default: 'UTC')
  * @return boolean if $check is at least $value days | months | years in the future
  * @access public
  * @author Jose Diaz-Gonzales
  * @author Thomas Ploch
  * @link
 function inFuture(&$model, $method, $check, $value, $params = array())
     $valid = false;
     // If $check is not a valid date
     if (!Validation::date(reset($check), 'Y-m-d')) {
         return $valid;
     // Get the $mode from method name
     $mode = str_replace('infuture', '', $method);
     /* PHP5
      * $mode = str_replace(low(__METHOD__), '', $method);
     // Default config
     $defaultConfig = array('fields' => array(), 'timezone' => 'UTC');
     // Get options
     extract(am($defaultConfig, $params));
     if (empty($fields)) {
         return $valid;
     // Setting the timezone if possible
     if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
      * TODO: add cases for months and years to switch
      * FIXME: refactor cases into helper functions
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'days':
             foreach ($fields as $field) {
                 // First we need to break these dates into their constituent parts:
                 $gd_a = getdate(strtotime($model->data[$model->alias][$field]));
                 $gd_b = getdate(strtotime(reset($check)));
                 // Now recreate these timestamps, based upon noon on each day
                 // The specific time doesn't matter but it must be the same each day
                 $a_new = mktime(12, 0, 0, $gd_a['mon'], $gd_a['mday'], $gd_a['year']);
                 $b_new = mktime(12, 0, 0, $gd_b['mon'], $gd_b['mday'], $gd_b['year']);
                 // Subtract these two numbers and divide by the number of seconds in a
                 //  day. Round the result since crossing over a daylight savings time
                 //  barrier will cause this time to be off by an hour or two.
                 $valid = round(abs($a_new - $b_new) / 86400) >= $params['days'];
                 if (!$valid) {
                     return $valid;
             return $valid;
             return $valid;
  * checkDatetimeType
  * @param array $question question
  * @param string $answer answer value
  * @return array error message
 public function checkDatetimeType($question, $answer)
     $errors = array();
     if ($question['question_type_option'] == QuestionnairesComponent::TYPE_OPTION_DATE) {
         if (!Validation::date($answer, 'ymd')) {
             $errors[] = sprintf(__d('questionnaires', 'Please enter a valid date in YY-MM-DD format.'));
     } elseif ($question['question_type_option'] == QuestionnairesComponent::TYPE_OPTION_TIME) {
         if (!Validation::time($answer)) {
             $errors[] = sprintf(__d('questionnaires', 'Please enter the time.'));
     } elseif ($question['question_type_option'] == QuestionnairesComponent::TYPE_OPTION_DATE_TIME) {
         if (!Validation::datetime($answer, 'ymd')) {
             $errors[] = sprintf(__d('questionnaires', 'Please enter a valid date and time.'));
     return $errors;
  * _validateDatetime 日付・時間の正当性
  * @param object &$model use model
  * @param int $questionTypeOption 時間・日付オプション
  * @param string $answer 登録データ
  * @return bool
 protected function _validateDatetime(&$model, $questionTypeOption, $answer)
     if ($questionTypeOption == RegistrationsComponent::TYPE_OPTION_DATE) {
         if (!Validation::date($answer, 'ymd')) {
             $model->validationErrors['answer_value'][] = __d('registrations', 'Please enter a valid date in YY-MM-DD format.');
             return false;
     } elseif ($questionTypeOption == RegistrationsComponent::TYPE_OPTION_TIME) {
         if (!Validation::time($answer)) {
             $model->validationErrors['answer_value'][] = __d('registrations', 'Please enter the time.');
             return false;
     } elseif ($questionTypeOption == RegistrationsComponent::TYPE_OPTION_DATE_TIME) {
         if (!Validation::datetime($answer, 'ymd')) {
             $model->validationErrors['answer_value'][] = __d('registrations', 'Please enter a valid date and time.');
             return false;
     } else {
         $model->validationErrors['answer_value'][] = __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.');
         return false;
     return true;
  * testDateCustomRegx method
  * @return void
 public function testDateCustomRegx()
     $this->assertTrue(Validation::date('2006-12-27', null, '%^(19|20)[0-9]{2}[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$%'));
     $this->assertFalse(Validation::date('12-27-2006', null, '%^(19|20)[0-9]{2}[- /.](0[1-9]|1[012])[- /.](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$%'));
  * Validates a datetime value by acting as a decorator for native
  * Validation::date() and Validation::time() methods.
  * @param   $check    array   field_name => value
  * @param   $options  array   Options for this rule
  * @return  boolean
  * @access  public
 public function datetime($check, $options)
     $check = array_shift(array_values($check));
     $datetime = strtotime($check);
     if ($datetime !== false) {
         return Validation::date(date('Y-m-d', $datetime), 'ymd') && Validation::time(date('H:i', $datetime));
     return false;
  * @testdox date should return true to valid date
 public function testValidDate()
     $value = '01/01/2009';
  * Validation of Date Fields (as the core one is buggy!!!)
  * @param options
  * - dateFormat (defaults to 'ymd')
  * - allowEmpty
  * - after/before (fieldName to validate against)
  * - min (defaults to 0 - equal is OK too)
  * 2011-03-02 ms
 public function validateDate($data, $options = array())
     $format = !empty($options['format']) ? $options['format'] : 'ymd';
     if (is_array($data)) {
         $value = array_shift($data);
     } else {
         $value = $data;
     $dateTime = explode(' ', trim($value), 2);
     $date = $dateTime[0];
     if (!empty($options['allowEmpty']) && (empty($date) || $date == DEFAULT_DATE)) {
         return true;
     if (Validation::date($date, $format)) {
         # after/before?
         $days = !empty($options['min']) ? $options['min'] : 0;
         if (!empty($options['after']) && isset($this->data[$this->alias][$options['after']])) {
             if ($this->data[$this->alias][$options['after']] > date(FORMAT_DB_DATE, strtotime($date) - $days * DAY)) {
                 return false;
         if (!empty($options['before']) && isset($this->data[$this->alias][$options['before']])) {
             if ($this->data[$this->alias][$options['before']] < date(FORMAT_DB_DATE, strtotime($date) + $days * DAY)) {
                 return false;
         return true;
     return false;
  * __checkMinMaxDate
  * min and max is require both value
  * @param object &$model use model
  * @param bool $check post data
  * @return bool
 private function __checkMinMaxDate(&$model, $check)
     if ($model->data['QuestionnaireQuestion']['question_type_option'] == QuestionnairesComponent::TYPE_OPTION_DATE) {
         if (!Validation::date($model->data['QuestionnaireQuestion']['min'])) {
             return false;
         if (!Validation::date($model->data['QuestionnaireQuestion']['max'])) {
             return false;
     return true;
  * Fonction permettant de tester si une date est valide
  * @param 	varchar $date 	Date
  * @param 	varchar $format format 
  * @return 	boolean
  * @access 	public
  * @author 	koéZionCMS
  * @version 0.1 - 16/07/2014 by FI
  * @version 0.2 - 21/07/2014 by FI - Rajout du format
 public function check_date($date, $format = 'ymd')
     //On utilise la règle de validation prévue à cet effet
     require_once KOEZION . DS . 'validation.php';
     $validation = new Validation();
     return $validation->date($date, $format);
 public function testInvalidDate()
     $value = "2009-01-01";
  * formatDate
  * jpn: AdditionalValidationPatternsBehavior用にemptyのときはtrue
 public function formatDate(Model $model, $field)
     $value = array_shift($field);
     if (!Validation::notEmpty($value)) {
         return true;
     return Validation::date($value);