$valetSitePath = null; foreach ($valetConfig['paths'] as $path) { if (is_dir($path . '/' . $siteName)) { $valetSitePath = $path . '/' . $siteName; break; } } if (is_null($valetSitePath)) { show_valet_404(); } /** * Find the appropriate Valet driver for the request. */ $valetDriver = null; require __DIR__ . '/cli/drivers/require.php'; $valetDriver = ValetDriver::assign($valetSitePath, $siteName, $uri); if (!$valetDriver) { show_valet_404(); } /** * Overwrite the HTTP host for Ngrok. */ if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST'])) { $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST']; } /** * Allow driver to mutate incoming URL. */ $uri = $valetDriver->mutateUri($uri); /** * Determine if the incoming request is for a static file.
Caddy::restart(); info('The [' . $url . '] site has been secured with a fresh TLS certificate.'); })->descriptions('Create a TLS certificate for the specified site'); $app->command('unsecure [domain]', function ($domain = null) { $url = ($domain ?: Site::host(getcwd())) . '.' . Configuration::read()['domain']; Site::unsecure($url); PhpFpm::restart(); Caddy::restart(); info('The [' . $url . '] site will now serve traffic over HTTP.'); })->descriptions('Remove a TLS certificate from the specified site'); /** * Determine which Valet driver the current directory is using. */ $app->command('which', function () { require __DIR__ . '/drivers/require.php'; $driver = ValetDriver::assign(getcwd(), basename(getcwd()), '/'); if ($driver) { info('This site is served by [' . get_class($driver) . '].'); } else { warning('Valet could not determine which driver to use for this site.'); } })->descriptions('Determine which Valet driver serves the current working directory'); /** * Stream all of the logs for all sites. */ $app->command('logs', function () { $files = Site::logs(Configuration::read()['paths']); $files = collect($files)->transform(function ($file) { return escapeshellarg($file); })->all(); if (count($files) > 0) {