  * Get a vCloud Director query service entry point.
  * @return VMware_VCloud_SDK_Query
  * @since Version 1.5.0
 public function getQueryService()
     return VMware_VCloud_SDK_Query::getInstance($this);
// prompt for password if not provided
if (!isset($pswd)) {
    $pswd = prompt_silent();
// specify default values if not provided
if (!isset($report)) {
    $report = "vCloudDirectorReport.html";
// Initialize parameters
$httpConfig = array('ssl_verify_peer' => false, 'ssl_verify_host' => false);
// login
$service = VMware_VCloud_SDK_Service::getService();
$service->login($server, array('username' => $user, 'password' => $pswd), $httpConfig);
// create SDK Query object
$sdkQuery = VMware_VCloud_SDK_Query::getInstance($service);
$serverName = str_replace("https://", "", $server);
$jumpTagOutput = "";
$summaryHeaderOutput = "";
$vmNetworkOutput = "";
$orgHrefToNameMapping = array();
buildHtmlHeader($reportTitle, $serverName);
echo "\nGenerating " . $reportTitle . " " . $report . "\" ...\n";
echo "Report User Type: \"" . $type . "\"\n";
echo "\nThis can take up to a few minutes depending on the size of your environment.\n";
echo "Get a cup of coffee/tea/beer and check out http://www.virtuallyghetto.com\n\n";
if ($type == "system") {