static function get_instance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $class_name = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $class_name(); } return self::$instance; }
function get_default_review_type() { $review_type = get_option('vip-scanner-default-async-review-type', null); if (is_null($review_type)) { $review_types = $this->vip_scanner_instance->get_review_types(); $review_type = $review_types[VIP_Scanner_UI::get_instance()->default_review]; } return $review_type; }
} else { wp_die('VIP-Scanner could not find PHP-Parser, which it requires to run. ' . 'Please refer to the "Requirements" section in <br>(tl;dr You probably need to run "git submodule update --init --recursive" inside the vip-scanner folder in the plugins directory to fetch the PHP-Parser submodule that is now required.)'); } spl_autoload_register('vip_scanner_autoload'); require_once VIP_SCANNER_DIR . '/class-vip-scanner.php'; VIP_Scanner::get_instance(); require_once VIP_SCANNER_DIR . '/config-vip-scanner.php'; if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI) { require_once VIP_SCANNER_DIR . '/class-wp-cli.php'; } if (is_admin()) { require_once VIP_SCANNER_DIR . '/admin/class-vip-scanner-ui.php'; VIP_Scanner_UI::get_instance(); VIP_Scanner_Async::get_instance(); } function vip_scanner_autoload($class_name) { // Class names that are in files that aren't found by our scheme below. $other = array('VIP_PregFile' => 'class-preg-file.php', 'VIP_Scanner_Async' => 'vip-scanner-async.php', 'AnalyzedPHPFile' => 'class-analyzed-php-file.php', 'AnalyzedCSSFile' => 'class-analyzed-css-file.php', 'ElementGroup' => 'elements/class-element-group.php'); if (array_key_exists($class_name, $other)) { require VIP_SCANNER_DIR . '/' . $other[$class_name]; return; } // Example: $class_name === 'ThemeScanner' $hyphenated_name = strtolower(preg_replace('/([a-z])([A-Z])/', '$1-$2', $class_name)); // Example: theme-scanner $category = substr(strrchr($hyphenated_name, '-'), 1); // Example: scanner