$host = $aSet['websitehost'];
ini_set('SMTP', $smtp);
ini_set('smtp_port', $port);
ini_set('sendmail_from', $email_send);
// Filtering $_GET et $_POST variables
$id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$cat = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'cat', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
$new = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'new', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$rep = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'rep', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
// $_POST variables
$nom = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'nom', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$mail = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'mail', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$siteweb = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'siteweb', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$contenu = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'contenu', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$oMetaArt = new Articles();
$oUtil = new Utilitaires();
// Meta-data
if (isset($id)) {
    $aMetaData = $oMetaArt->ReadMetaData($_GET['id']);
    $oUtil->DisplayPageMetaData($aMetaData['titre_art'], $aMetaData['resum_art'], $aMetaData['keywords_art']);
} elseif (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $oUtil->DisplayPageMetaData('Présentation des articles', 'Description de la page', 'php, html, css, Mysql');

  <meta charset="utf-8">

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  * Recording a comment or response (a new message or a reply to a comment)
  * Insert into 'blog_comments' or 'blog_reply' 
  * @param string $nom name commentator
  * @param string $mail email
  * @param string $siteweb 
  * @param string $contents The contents
  * @param int $id The id of the article (for comment) OR the id of the comment (for reply to a comment)
  * @param string $type_comm 'new'=>comment case ; 'rep'=>answer case
 public function RecordNewComm($nom, $mail, $siteweb, $contents, $id, $type_comm, $aMsg, $host)
     //Filtering data type $_POST
     $aPost = array('nom' => $nom, 'mail' => $mail, 'web' => $siteweb, 'contenu' => $contents, 'id' => $id);
     $aDataclean = filter_var_array($aPost, $sFiltres);
     $nom = $aDataclean['nom'];
     $mail = $aDataclean['mail'];
     $siteweb = $aDataclean['web'];
     $contents = $aDataclean['contenu'];
     $id = $aDataclean['id'];
     $id_art = (int) $_GET['id'];
     //end filtering
     //Checking if comments are controlled
     $result = SPDO::getInstance()->query('select * from blog_config');
     $aConfig = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $ctr_comm = $aConfig['control_comm'];
     $dDateJour = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $iValid = 0;
     // By default, the comment is validated.
     $sNomInputImg = 'imagefichier';
     if ($_FILES['imagefichier']['name'] != '') {
         $max_width = 50;
         $max_height = 50;
         $oImg = new Images();
         $image = $oImg->Redim($sNomInputImg, $max_width, $max_height);
         $typeimg = $image['type_image'];
         $img = $image['ressource_img'];
     } else {
         $img = null;
         $typeimg = null;
     // Construction of the insert query based on whether it is a new message or reply.
     if ($type_comm == 'new') {
         $sReq = "INSERT INTO blog_comments (date_com, nom_com, email_com, siteweb_com, texte_com, valid_com, id_art, photo_com, photo_type, ctrl_aff) ";
         $sReq .= "VALUES (:datej, :nom, :mail, :web, :txt, :valid, :id, :photo, :type_photo, :ctrl_aff)";
     } elseif ($type_comm == 'rep') {
         // Determination of "ref_rep" (itself a response to an initial comment or reply to another answer)
         if (isset($_POST['ref_rep'])) {
             // Answers already given a reply
             $ref = $_POST['ref_rep'];
             //sarch ref_rep tu use for a new answer.
             for ($i = 1; $i < 100; $i++) {
                 $reqCount = 'select count(id_rep) from blog_reply where id_commentaire=' . $id . ' and ref_rep=' . $ref . $i;
                 $pRes = SPDO::getInstance()->query($reqCount);
                 $iNum = $pRes->fetchAll();
                 $iNum = $iNum[0][0];
                 if ($iNum == 0) {
                     $ref_rep = (int) $ref . $i;
         } else {
             //Answer to a initial comment. So "ref_rep" is next id
             //$id is id_com
             $iNbrRep = SPDO::getInstance()->query('select count(id_rep) from blog_reply where id_commentaire=' . $id);
             $ref_rep = $iNbrRep->fetchAll();
             $ref_rep = (int) $ref_rep[0][0];
         $sReq = "INSERT INTO blog_reply (date_rep, nom_rep, email_rep, siteweb_rep, texte_rep, valid_rep, id_commentaire, ref_rep, photo_rep, photo_type, ctrl_aff) ";
         $sReq .= "VALUES (:datej, :nom, :mail, :web, :txt, :valid, :id, :ref_rep, :photo, :type_photo, :ctrl_aff)";
     // Insert query execution
     $notype = PDO::PARAM_STR;
     $aBindVar = array(array('type' => $notype, ':datej' => $dDateJour), array('type' => $notype, ':nom' => $nom), array('type' => $notype, ':mail' => $mail), array('type' => $notype, ':web' => $siteweb), array('type' => $notype, ':txt' => $contents), array('type' => $notype, ':valid' => $iValid), array('type' => $notype, ':id' => $id), array('type' => PDO::PARAM_LOB, ':photo' => $img), array('type' => $notype, ':type_photo' => $typeimg), array('type' => $notype, ':ctrl_aff' => $ctr_comm));
     if ($type_comm == 'rep') {
         array_push($aBindVar, array('type' => $notype, ':ref_rep' => $ref_rep));
     $resultOK = $this->executeDbQuery($sReq, $aBindVar, '', '', false);
     // Message according comments control
     if ($resultOK) {
         if ($ctr_comm == 1) {
             //If comment control => send an email
             $MsgAlert = $aMsg[Admin::$lang]['msg_comments_ctrl'];
             $this->DisplayAlert('success', $aMsg[Admin::$lang]['msg_confirm'], $MsgAlert, "blog.php?id={$id_art}");
             $obj = $this->mail_obj;
             $from_name = $this->name_exp;
             $from_adr = $this->mail_exp;
             $replay_name = '';
             $replay_adr = '';
             // Insert token into mail
             $sJeton = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)) . date('YmdHis');
             if ($type_comm == 'new') {
                 // Determination of id_com (newly created)
                 $query = SPDO::getInstance()->query('select max(id_com) as id_com from blog_comments');
                 $result = $query->fetchAll();
                 $id = $result[0]['id_com'];
                 $sLien = "{$host}/valid_comm.php?com={$id}&t={$sJeton}";
             } elseif ($type_comm == 'rep') {
                 // Determination of id_rep (newly created)
                 $query = SPDO::getInstance()->query('select max(id_rep) as id_rep from blog_reply');
                 $result = $query->fetchAll();
                 $id = $result[0]['id_rep'];
                 $sLien = "{$host}/valid_comm.php?rep={$id}&t={$sJeton}";
             // Content Construction : Replacement 'VALID' into link
             $sLink = "<a href='{$sLien}'>" . $aMsg[Admin::$lang]['msg_publish_confirm'] . '</a>';
             $mail_txt = $this->mail_txt;
             $pos = strpos($mail_txt, 'VALID');
             $mail_exp = str_replace('VALID', $sLink, $mail_txt);
             // Token register
             if ($type_comm == 'new') {
                 $this->RecordTokenComment($id, 'com', $sJeton);
             } elseif ($type_comm == 'rep') {
                 $this->RecordTokenComment($id, 'rep', $sJeton);
             // Send email
             $oUtil = new Utilitaires();
             $bSendOK = $oUtil->sendEmail($mail, $obj, nl2br($mail_exp), $from_name, $from_adr, $replay_name, $replay_adr);
             //echo "mail : $mail / from_name : $from_name / from_adr : $from_adr";
             if (!$bSendOK) {
                 $this->DisplayAlert('danger', $aMsg[Admin::$lang]['msg_conf_not_send'], '', "blog.php?id={$id_art}");
         } elseif ($ctr_comm == 0) {
             $this->DisplayAlert('success', $aMsg[Admin::$lang]['msg_thank_comment'], '', "blog.php?id={$id_art}");