public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; //检测title $checkRes = $this->checkTitle($this->_params); if (!$checkRes) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PROP_LENGTH_ERROE); } //构造房源接口数据 $params = Bll_Prop::gen_prop_info($this->_params); $params['proid'] = $this->_params['propId']; if (isset($params['status']) and $params['status'] === 'error') { return $params; } //判断经纪人为ppc经纪人 & 套餐经纪人 //根据不同类型判断调用不同的java接口 if (Bll_Broker_HzBroker::isComboBroker($brokerId)) { $params['isComboBroker'] = true; $api_url = 'sale/properties/update?json'; } else { $params['isComboBroker'] = false; $api_url = 'ppc/properties/update?json'; } //调用房源编辑接口 $result = Util_CallAPI::callJavaInternalApi($api_url, $params, false); if ($result['data']['status'] !== 'ok') { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Bll_Prop::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($result['data']['code'])); } $return = array(); $return["status"] = "ok"; $return['data'] = array(); return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; $url = 'haopan/unRecommendProp/' . $brokerId . '/1'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_v3($url); mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8'); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { if (!isset($data['data']['propBaseInfo'])) { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array('propertyList' => array())); return $ret; } $props = array(); if (!empty($data['data']['propBaseInfo'])) { foreach ($data['data']['propBaseInfo'] as $info) { list($room, $hall, $wc) = $this->get_house_unit($info['housUnits']); $propInfo = Bll_Prop::get_ajk_prop_info($info['propId']); $tmp = array('id' => $info['propId'], 'title' => $info['title'], 'commName' => $info['commName'], 'roomNum' => $room, 'hallNum' => $hall, 'toiletNum' => $wc, 'area' => $propInfo['AREANUM'], 'price' => $info['price'] / 10000, 'priceUnit' => '万', 'ImgNum' => $info['propImgNum'], 'isMoreImg' => $propInfo['ISHIGHQULITY']); $props['propertyList'][] = $tmp; } } $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => $props); } else { $ret = Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_CALL_API_ERROR); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { // @params proids :房源id 多个id以逗号间隔如22,33,44【必填】 // @params brokerId :经纪人id【必填】 // @params token :token【必填】 // @params from :请求来源【必填】 $paramsApi['from'] = APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from'); $paramsApi['proids'] = $this->_params['propIds']; $paramsApi['token'] = $this->_params['token']; $paramsApi['brokerId'] = $this->_params['brokerId']; $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; //判断经纪人为ppc经纪人 & 套餐经纪人 //根据不同类型判断调用不同的java接口 if (Bll_Broker_HzBroker::isComboBroker($brokerId)) { $paramsApi['isComboBroker'] = true; $api_url = 'sale/properties/deletes?json'; } else { $paramsApi['isComboBroker'] = false; $api_url = 'ppc/properties/deletes?json'; } $data = Util_CallAPI::callJavaInternalApi($api_url, $paramsApi, false); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { $errcode = $data['data']['code']; $translate_errcode = $this->my_err_code($errcode); return Util_MobileAPI::error($translate_errcode); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { if ($this->_params['offer']) { $post = array('brokerId' => $this->_params['brokerId'], 'budget' => $this->_params['budget'] * 100, 'offer' => $this->_params['offer'] * 100, 'propId' => $this->_params['propId']); } $city_info = Dao_Broker_BrokerInfo::get_broker_base_info(intval($this->_params['brokerId'])); if (!Bll_City::isBidCity($city_info['CITYID'])) { $error_code = Const_HzErrorInfo::NOBIDCITY; return array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => $error_code, 'message' => Bll_HzFixPlan::get_message_from_code($error_code)); } if (!empty($this->_params['offer'])) { $offerStr = (string) $this->_params['offer']; if (strpos($offerStr, ".") !== false) { $offerArr = explode('.', $offerStr); if (strlen($offerArr[1]) > 1) { return Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp("3016", "竞价出价最小单位为角"); } } } $api_url = '/service-ppc/rest/hp/createHPlan'; $result = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($api_url, $post); if ($result['data']['status'] == 'ok') { $return = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { $return = Util_MobileAPI::error(self::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($result['data']['code'])); } return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { if (!isset($this->_params["propId"])) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PROP_ID_MISS); } $json = $this->_params['imageJson']; //$json = '[{"type":3,"commPicIds":12345}]'; $imageJson = json_decode($json, true); if ($imageJson) { $proid = $this->_params["propId"]; foreach ($imageJson as $img) { $api_url = 'image/addImg'; $img_params['brokerId'] = $this->_params['brokerId']; $img_params['propId'] = $proid; $img_params['imageJson'] = json_encode($img); $img_params['from'] = APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from'); $img_params["token"] = $this->_params["token"]; //token ksort($img_params); $img_params_json = json_encode($img_params); $img_return = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_v3($api_url, $img_params_json, false); if ($img_return['data']['status'] != 'ok' && !$img_return['data']['id']) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Bll_Prop::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($img_return['data']['code'])); } } } else { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PROP_IMAGEJSON_ERROR); } $return = array(); $return["status"] = "ok"; $return['data']['id'] = $img_return['data']['id']; return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; if (empty($brokerId)) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_BROKER_PARAM_MISS); } $url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/getBrokerPpcPlans/' . $brokerId . '?tradeType=1&isNew=1'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url); $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array('planList' => array())); if ($data['data']['plan']) { $plan = array(); foreach ($data['data']['plan'] as $planInfo) { if ($planInfo['statusDescrip'] == '推广中') { $status = 1; //推广中 } else { $status = 2; //其它都是非推广 } $tmp = array('fixPlanId' => $planInfo['id'], 'fixPlanName' => $planInfo['planName'], 'fixPlanPropCeiling' => $planInfo['ceiling'] / 100, 'fixPlanPropNum' => $planInfo['propSize'], 'fixPlanState' => $status, 'fixPlanStateDesc' => $planInfo['statusDescrip']); $plan['planList'][] = $tmp; } $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => $plan); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { if (mb_strlen($this->_params['title'], 'UTF-8') < 5 || mb_strlen($this->_params['title'], 'UTF-8') > 30) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PROP_LENGTH_ERROE); } $params = Bll_ZuProp::gen_prop_info($this->_params); $params['proid'] = $this->_params['propId']; //unset($params['style']); //获取租房房信息 /*$propInfo = Bll_HzProp::get_prop($this->_params['propId']); $style = intval($propInfo['protype']) ? intval($propInfo['protype']) : 1; $change_style = array(1=>1, 4=>2, 3=>3, 5=>4, 2=>5, 6=>6, 7=>7, 8=>8); $params['style'] = $change_style[$style];*/ unset($params['year']); if (isset($params['status']) and $params['status'] === 'error') { return $params; } $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; if (isset($brokerId) && Bll_Broker_HzBroker::isComboBroker($brokerId)) { $params['isComboBroker'] = true; $api_url = 'rent/properties/update?json=1'; } else { $params['isServiceInternal'] = 1; $params['isComboBroker'] = false; $api_url = '/service-internal/rest/properties/update?json=1'; } $result = Util_CallAPI::callJavaInternalApi($api_url, $params, false); if ($result['data']['status'] !== 'ok') { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Bll_Prop::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($result['data']['code'])); } $return = array(); $return["status"] = "ok"; $return['data'] = array(); return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; $propIds = $this->_params['propIds']; $cityId = $this->_params['cityId']; $paramsApi['from'] = APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from'); $paramsApi['proids'] = $propIds; $paramsApi['proid'] = $propIds; $paramsApi['token'] = $this->_params['token']; $paramsApi['brokerId'] = $brokerId; $paramsApi['tradeType'] = 2; if (Bll_Broker_HzBroker::isComboBroker($brokerId)) { $paramsApi['isComboBroker'] = true; $api_url = 'rent/properties/deletes?json'; $data = Util_CallAPI::callJavaInternalApi($api_url, $paramsApi, false); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { $ret = Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PROP_DEL_FAILED); } return $ret; } else { $brokerId_hz = Bll_HzBroker::get_brokerid_by_ajk_brokerid($brokerId); $ret = Bll_HzProp::delete_prop($brokerId_hz, $cityId, $propIds); if ($ret) { $return = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { $return = Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PROP_DEL_FAILED); } return $return; } }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; $url = 'haopan/unRecommendProp/' . $brokerId . '/1'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_v3($url); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array('total' => count($data['data']['propBaseInfo']))); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; $url = 'haopan/brokerPlanReport/' . $brokerId . '/1'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_v3($url); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => $data['data']['bidPlan']); } return $ret; }
/** * 获得计划的推广信息。 * @param type $brokerId * @param type $planId * @return array */ private function get_plan_status_info($brokerId, $planId) { $api_url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/planCost'; $params['plan_id'] = $planId; $params['start_time'] = strtotime(date("Ymd")); $params['end_time'] = time(); $params['type'] = 'daily'; $status_info = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($api_url, $params); return $status_info; }
public static function sendPublicMsg($chatId, $msg) { $api_url = '/message/publicservice/sendMessage/101/1'; $data = array('from_service_id' => 101, 'to_uid' => $chatId, 'msg_type' => 1, 'body' => $msg); try { $result = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_chat_api($api_url, json_encode($data)); } catch (Exception $e) { $result = false; } return $result; }
public function handle_request_internal() { //组织数据 if (!isset($this->_params["num"]) || $this->_params["num"] > 500) { return '图片数目不合法,1-500'; } $_objAjkORM = new ORM_AnjukeORM('ajk_communitys'); $comm_list = $_objAjkORM->getList('typeflag=0 limit 0,500', array(), true, true); //print_r($comm_list);die; $return_urls = array(); $no = 0; foreach ($comm_list as $k => $comm) { $params['commId'] = $comm['COMMID']; $params['pageNo'] = 1; $params['pageSize'] = 20; $params['imgSize'] = '800x600'; $params['rommNum'] = 2; $params['hallNum'] = 1; $params['toiletNum'] = 1; $params['forward'] = '南'; $params['forward'] = urlencode($params['forward']); //通过java接口获取数据 $api_url = "image/houseModuleImg/" . $params['commId']; $_params = array(); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $_params[] = "{$key}={$value}"; } $api_url = $api_url . '?' . implode('&', $_params); $houseImg = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_ga($api_url, '', false); //print_r($houseImg);die; if ($houseImg['data']['status'] == 'ok') { $houseImg = $houseImg['data']; if (!empty($houseImg['imgs'])) { foreach ($houseImg['imgs'] as $k => $img) { if ($no >= $this->_params["num"]) { break 2; } $return_urls[] = $houseImg['imgs'][$k]['url']; $no++; // print_r($houseImg['imgs'][$k]['url']) . "\n"; } } else { continue; } unset($houseImg['status']); } else { continue; } } $return = array(); $return["status"] = "ok"; $return['data'] = $return_urls; return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { //根据图片ID删除该图片 $this->_params['from'] = APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from'); $api_url = 'image/dels'; $result = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_v3($api_url, $this->_params, false); if ($result['data']['status'] != 'ok') { return Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp($result['data']['code'], $result['data']['info']); } $r = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); return $r; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $propId = $this->_params['propId']; $url = '/service-ppc/rest/hp/hplanOnlineInfo?propId=' . $propId; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url); if ($data['http_code'] == 200) { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => round($data['data']['planOnlineInfo']['minOffer'] / 100, 2)); } else { $ret = Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp($data['data']['code'], $data['data']['info']); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $post = array('brokerId' => $this->_params["brokerId"], 'planId' => $this->_params["planId"], 'from' => APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from')); $url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/pausePpc'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url, $post); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { return Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp($data['data']['code'], $data['data']['info']); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $planId = $this->_params['planId']; $url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/getPpcPlan/' . $planId . '?resType=0'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array('ceiling' => $data['data']['plan']['ceiling'])); } else { //@todo } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; $cityId = $this->_params['cityId']; $ownerPropId = $this->_params['ownerPropId']; //检测title $checkRes = $this->checkTitle($this->_params); if (!$checkRes) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PROP_LENGTH_ERROE); } //构造房源接口数据 $params = Bll_Prop::gen_prop_info($this->_params); if (isset($params['status']) and $params['status'] === 'error') { return $params; } //判断经纪人为ppc经纪人 & 套餐经纪人 //根据不同类型判断调用不同的java接口 $api_url = 'sale/properties/add?json'; //调用房源发布接口 $result = Util_CallAPI::callJavaInternalApi($api_url, $params, false); if ($result['data']['status'] != 'ok') { return Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp($result['data']['code'], $result['data']['info']); } $imageJson = (array) json_decode($this->_params['imageJson']); if ($imageJson) { $proid = $result['data']['action']['proid']; foreach ($imageJson as $img) { $api_url = 'image/addImg'; $img_params['brokerId'] = $brokerId; $img_params['propId'] = $proid; $img_params['imageJson'] = json_encode($img); $img_params['from'] = APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from'); $img_params["token"] = $this->_params["token"]; //token ksort($img_params); $img_params_json = json_encode($img_params); $img_return = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_v3($api_url, $img_params_json, false); if ($img_return['data']['status'] != 'ok' && !$img_return['data']['id']) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Bll_Prop::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($img_return['data']['code'])); } } } $return = array(); $return["status"] = "ok"; $return['data']['id'] = $proid = $result['data']['action']['proid']; if ($proid && isset($ownerPropId) && !empty($ownerPropId)) { //委托房源回写 $entrustDynamicLog = new V1_Entrust_PropertyDynamicLogController(); $entrustDynamicLog->addLog($cityId, $ownerPropId, $brokerId, $proid, 2, 2); } return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { //组织数据 if (!isset($this->_params["commId"])) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PARAM_COMMID_MISS); } if (isset($this->_params["rooms"])) { $rooms = explode(',', $this->_params["rooms"]); $rommNum = $rooms[0]; $hallNum = $rooms[1]; $toiletNum = $rooms[2]; } $params['commId'] = $this->_params['commId']; $params['pageNo'] = isset($this->_params['pageNo']) ? trim($this->_params['pageNo']) : 1; $params['pageSize'] = isset($this->_params['pageSize']) ? trim($this->_params['pageSize']) : 10; $params['imgSize'] = isset($this->_params['imgSize']) ? trim($this->_params['imgSize']) : '420x315'; $params['rommNum'] = $rommNum ? $rommNum : 2; $params['hallNum'] = $hallNum ? $hallNum : 1; $params['toiletNum'] = $toiletNum ? $toiletNum : 1; $params['forward'] = isset($this->_params['forward']) ? trim($this->_params['forward']) : '南'; if (!in_array($params['forward'], array("东", "南", "西", "北", "南北", "东西", "东南", "西南", "东北", "西北"))) { $params['forward'] = '南'; } $params['forward'] = urlencode($params['forward']); //通过java接口获取数据 $api_url = "image/houseModuleImg/" . $params['commId']; $_params = array(); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { $_params[] = "{$key}={$value}"; } $api_url = $api_url . '?' . implode('&', $_params); $houseImg = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_ga($api_url, '', false); if ($houseImg['data']['status'] == 'ok') { $houseImg = $houseImg['data']; if (!empty($houseImg['imgs'])) { foreach ($houseImg['imgs'] as $k => $img) { $arr = explode('/', $img['fileName']); $houseImg['imgs'][$k]['hash'] = $arr[1]; } } else { $houseImg['imgs'] = array(); } unset($houseImg['status']); unset($houseImg['count']); } else { return Util_MobileAPI::error(self::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($houseImg['data']['code'])); } $return = array(); $return["status"] = "ok"; $return['data']['houseImg'] = $houseImg; return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $planid = $this->_params['planid']; $url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/getPpcPlan/' . $planid . '?resType=1'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url); if ($data) { unset($data['data']['status']); $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => $data['data']); } else { $ret = Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp($data['data']['code'], $data['data']['info']); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $post = array('brokerId' => $this->_params['brokerId'], 'proIds' => $this->_params['propId'], 'planId' => $this->_params['planId'], 'from' => APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from')); $url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/planDelProperty'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url, $post); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { $errcode = $data['data']['code']; $translate_errcode = $this->my_err_code($errcode); $ret = Util_MobileAPI::error($translate_errcode); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { if (!isset($this->_params['cityId'])) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PARAM_CITYID_MISS); } $api_url = 'conf/publishPropConf?cityId=' . $this->_params['cityId']; $result = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_v3($api_url); if ($result['data']['status'] !== 'ok') { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Bll_Prop::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($result['data']['code'])); } unset($result['data']['status']); $return = array(); $return["status"] = "ok"; $return['data'] = $result['data']; return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $router_matches = $this->_request->get_router_matches(); //API说明 if ($this->_params['doc'] == 1 || $router_matches[0] === '/wiki/') { if (!$this->is_allow_call_api) { $router_matches = $router_matches[0]; $router_matches = explode("/", $router_matches); $gitName = ""; foreach ($router_matches as $route_key => $router_match) { if ($router_match == "1.0") { $router_match = "v1"; } if (empty($router_match)) { continue; } $gitName .= "_" . $router_match; } $gitName = ltrim($gitName, "_"); if ($gitName == "" || $gitName == "wiki") { $gitName = "README"; } $gitContent = self::get_data_from_url("" . $gitName . ".md", "html"); $gitContent2 = str_replace("/static/", "", $gitContent["data"]); $gitContent3 = str_replace("/mobile/doc/", "", $gitContent2); $this->_request->set_attribute("gitContent", $gitContent3); echo $gitContent3; exit; } else { header("location:" . "", true, 302); exit; } } else { $_params = $this->_request->get_parameters(); $url = $_params['POST_URL']; // $SignatureInterceptor = new SignatureInterceptor(); // // // unset($_params['POST_URL']); // // $signres = $SignatureInterceptor->signature($url,array(),$_params,"33684af373d0f6c7"); // $heaers = array("key: ee20a1640951687026333adf2083d9b1","sig: ".$signres.""); $result = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_url("http://api.anjuke.test/mobile-ajk-broker" . $url, 'json', $_params); echo json_encode($result['data']); exit; } }
/** * 帐号解冻。 * @param int $user_id 二手房用户ID。 * @param int $amount 消费金额 * @param int $proid 房源ID * @param string $app 引用的业务。可能值:JP,ZF,AJK * @param int $sn 流水号 * @param string $note 备注信息 * @param bool $newFrozen 是否使用新的扣费程序 * @param bool|string $requestId 是否使用外部requestId * @return string $sn */ public static function cancel_frozen($user_id, $amount, $proid, $app, $sn, $note = '', $newFrozen = false, $requestId = false) { $ret = FALSE; // 新扣费程序 if ($newFrozen) { $info = Bll_Service_Payment::bidUnfreeze($app, array('userId' => $user_id, 'reqId' => $requestId ? $requestId : self::get_reqid($proid, $app), 'amount' => (int) ($amount * 100), 'frozenSN' => $sn, 'note' => $note)); return strcasecmp(trim($info['status']), 'ok') == 0 || $info['code'] == 398507; } else { $url_path = 'use'; $params = array('userId' => $user_id, 'reqId' => $requestId ? $requestId : self::get_reqid($proid, $app), 'amount' => (int) ($amount * 100), 'frozenSN' => $sn, 'note' => $note); $info = Util_CallAPI::call_internal_exes_api($url_path, 'hz_bid', $params); if ($info['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = $info['data']['data']['sn']; } } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { header("Content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); if (mb_strlen($this->_params['title'], 'UTF-8') < 5 || mb_strlen($this->_params['title'], 'UTF-8') > 30) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Const_APIStatus::E_PROP_LENGTH_ERROE); } $params = Bll_ZuProp::gen_prop_info($this->_params); if (isset($params['status']) and $params['status'] === 'error') { return $params; } //$api_url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/properties/add'; $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; $api_url = 'rent/properties/add?json=1'; $result = Util_CallAPI::callJavaInternalApi($api_url, $params, false); if ($result['data']['status'] != 'ok') { return Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp($result['data']['code'], $result['data']['info']); } $imageJson = (array) json_decode($this->_params['imageJson']); $proid = $result['data']['id']; if (empty($proid)) { $proid = $result['data']['action']['proid']; } if ($imageJson) { foreach ($imageJson as $img) { $api_url = 'image/addImg'; $img_params['brokerId'] = $brokerId; $img_params['propId'] = $proid; //type:1-室内图 2-房型图 3-小区图 $img_params['imageJson'] = json_encode($img); $img_params['from'] = APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from'); $img_params["token"] = $this->_params["token"]; //token ksort($img_params); $img_params_json = json_encode($img_params); $img_return = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_v3($api_url, $img_params_json, false); if ($img_return['data']['status'] != 'ok' && !$img_return['data']['id']) { return Util_MobileAPI::error(Bll_Prop::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($img_return['data']['code'])); } } } $return = array(); $return["status"] = "ok"; $return['data']['id'] = $proid; return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params["brokerId"]; $planId = $this->_params["planId"]; if (empty($planId) && !empty($brokerId)) { $planInfo = Model_Plan_EsfFixedPlan::getValidPlan($brokerId); $planId = $planInfo['id']; } $post = array('brokerId' => $brokerId, 'planId' => $planId, 'proIds' => $this->_params['propIds']); $api_url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/planAddProperty'; $result = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($api_url, $post); if ($result['data']['status'] == 'ok') { $return = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { $return = Util_MobileAPI::error(self::changeJavaAPICodeToSelfCode($result['data']['code'])); } return $return; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params["brokerId"]; $planId = $this->_params["planId"]; if (empty($planId)) { $planInfo = Model_Plan_EsfFixedPlan::getValidPlan($brokerId); $planId = $planInfo['id']; } $post = array('brokerId' => $brokerId, 'planId' => $planId, 'from' => APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from')); $url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/restartPpc'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url, $post); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { return Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp($data['data']['code'], $data['data']['info']); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = $this->_params['brokerId']; $plans = Model_Plan_EsfFixedPlan::getValidPlan($brokerId); $props = 0; $result['status'] = 'ok'; if (!empty($plans)) { $planId = $plans['id']; $cityId = $plans['cityid'] ?: 0; $relations = Model_Plan_AjkFixRelation::getRelationListByPlanId($planId, $cityId); if (!empty($relations)) { $propIds = array(); foreach ($relations as $row) { $propIds[] = $row['proId']; } $houseInfo = Bll_House_EsfHouse::getHouseBaseInfo($propIds, $cityId); $props = count($houseInfo); } $planBll = new DAO_My_Ppc_PlanOpe(); $clicks = $planBll->planTodayNewCost($planId); $data['planId'] = $planId; $data['todayClicks'] = $clicks['allclick']; $data['todayConsume'] = Util_Formatter::formatTodayConsume($clicks['allamount']); $data['todayConsumeUnit'] = '元'; $data['totalProps'] = $props; //获取计划状态 $api_url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/getPpcPlan/' . $planId . '?resType=1'; $plan_info = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($api_url); $data['planStatus'] = $plan_info['data']['plan']['statusDescrip'] == '推广中' ? 1 : 0; $limitInfo = Bll_Fixedspread_AjkFixedSpread::getLimitInfo($brokerId); $data['budget'] = !empty($limitInfo) ? round($limitInfo['amountLimit'] / 100, 2) : 0; $data['budgetUnit'] = '元'; } else { $brokerInfo = Model_Broker_AjkBrokerExtend::getDataByBrokerId($brokerId); $planId = Model_Plan_EsfFixedPlan::addPlan('定价推广组', 1, $brokerInfo->cityId, $brokerInfo->userId, $brokerInfo->brokerId); $data['planId'] = $planId; $data['todayClicks'] = $data['todayConsume'] = $data['totalProps'] = $data['planStatus'] = 0; $data['todayConsumeUnit'] = $data['budgetUnit'] = '元'; $limitInfo = Bll_Fixedspread_AjkFixedSpread::getLimitInfo($brokerId); $data['budget'] = !empty($limitInfo) ? round($limitInfo['amountLimit'] / 100, 2) : 0; } $result['data'] = $data; return $result; }
/** * @return array|string * 入参:brokerId/经纪人ID * 出参:标准返参 */ public function handle_request_internal() { $brokerId = (int) $this->_params['brokerId']; $planId = (int) $this->_params['planId']; $ceiling = $this->_params['ceiling']; //计划名称。这个名称将会更新为计划的新名称,所以如果不想改名的话务必把计划的本来名字传过来。 $planname = $this->_params['planname']; $post = array('brokerId' => $brokerId, 'planId' => $planId, 'ceiling' => $ceiling * 100, 'planName' => $planname, 'from' => APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from')); $url = '/service-ppc/rest/ppc/changeCeiling'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url, $post); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { $errcode = $data['data']['code']; $translate_errcode = $this->my_err_code($errcode); return Util_MobileAPI::error($translate_errcode); } return $ret; }
public function handle_request_internal() { //上海不让竞价 $city_info = Dao_Broker_BrokerInfo::get_broker_base_info(intval($this->_params['brokerId'])); if (!Bll_City::isBidCity($city_info['CITYID'])) { $error_code = Const_HzErrorInfo::NOBIDCITY; return array('status' => 'error', 'errcode' => $error_code, 'message' => Bll_HzFixPlan::get_message_from_code($error_code)); } $post = array('brokerId' => $this->_params["brokerId"], 'propId' => $this->_params["propId"], 'budget' => (int) ($this->_params["budget"] * 100), 'offer' => (int) ($this->_params["offer"] * 100), 'from' => APF::get_instance()->get_config('java_api_from')); $url = '/service-ppc/rest/hp/refOpenHPlan'; $data = Util_CallAPI::get_data_from_java_api($url, $post); if ($data['data']['status'] === 'ok') { $ret = array('status' => 'ok', 'data' => array()); } else { $errcode = $data['data']['code']; $translate_errcode = $this->my_err_code($errcode); return Util_MobileAPI::error_tmp($data['data']['code'], $data['data']['info']); } return $ret; }