function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('Applications_model'); $this->load->library('User_Agent'); $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->load->helper('common'); $this->load->helper('pdf_helper'); $this->load->helper('csv_helper'); $this->load->config('messages'); $this->data['welcome'] = $this; $this->allowedImageExt = array('gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'jpg'); //$this->load->library('User_Agent');//--regex class to get user agent --// //-- get browser http_user_agent info in array --// // $this->result = get_browser(null, true); $this->result = User_Agent::getinfo(); //--regex class to get user agent --// //---------------------// $this->load->library('session'); $per = $this->check_per(); if (!$per) { redirect(base_url() . 'layout/permission_error'); } $s = $this->session->all_userdata(); $this->user = $s[0]->username; $this->uid = $s[0]->id; $this->role_id = $s[0]->role_id; }
/** * Accessor for the user agent string. * * @return string */ public static function get() { if (self::$_agent === null) { self::$_agent = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : false; } return self::$_agent; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('/api/Video_model'); $this->load->model('/ads/Ads_analytics_model'); $this->load->library('User_Agent'); $this->load->helper('common'); $this->load->helper('pdf_helper'); $this->load->helper('csv_helper'); $this->load->config('messages'); $per = $this->check_per(); if (!$per) { redirect(base_url() . 'layout/permission_error'); } $this->data['welcome'] = $this; //$this->load->library('User_Agent');//--regex class to get user agent --// //-- get browser http_user_agent info in array --// // $this->result = get_browser(null, true); $this->result = User_Agent::getinfo(); //--regex class to get user agent --// //---------------------// $this->load->library('session'); $s = $this->session->all_userdata(); $this->user = $s[0]->username; $this->uid = $s[0]->id; $this->role_id = $s[0]->role_id; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->helper('url'); $this->load->model('ads/Ads_model'); $this->load->model('/analytics/Analytics_model'); $this->load->library('User_Agent'); $this->useragent = User_Agent::getinfo(); //--regex class to get user agent --// }
/** * Returns the height of the browser in the following order: (1) from a * cookie set by mwf.browser, (2) from the height that WURFL knows of the * device, or (3) the default height. * * @return int */ public static function height() { if (self::has_cookie()) { return $_COOKIE[Config::get('global', 'cookie_prefix') . 'bh']; } else { if (($resolution_height = User_Agent::get_capability('resolution_height')) >= 120) { return (int) $resolution_height; } } return self::$_default_height; }
public function getContent() { global $sql; // $kio->disableRegion('left'); if (u1 || LOGGED) { // TODO: Zamiast zapytania dla własnego konta dać User::toArray() $profile = $sql->query(' SELECT u.* FROM ' . DB_PREFIX . 'users u WHERE = ' . (ctype_digit(u1) ? u1 : UID))->fetch(); } if ($profile) { Kio::addTitle(t('Users')); Kio::addBreadcrumb(t('Users'), 'users'); Kio::addTitle($profile['nickname']); Kio::addBreadcrumb($profile['nickname'], 'profile/' . u1 . '/' . clean_url($profile['nickname'])); Kio::setDescription(t('%nickname's profile', array('%nickname' => $profile['nickname'])) . ($profile['title'] ? ' - ' . $profile['title'] : '')); Kio::addTabs(array(t('Edit profile') => 'edit_profile/' . u1)); if ($profile['birthdate']) { $profile['bd'] = $profile['birthdate'] ? explode('-', $profile['birthdate']) : ''; // DD Month YYYY (Remaining days to next birthday) $profile['birthdate'] = $profile['bd'][2] . ' ' . Kio::$months[$profile['bd'][1]] . ' ' . $profile['bd'][0] . ' (' . day_diff(mktime(0, 0, 0, $profile['bd'][1], $profile['bd'][2] + 1, date('y')), t('%d days remaining')) . ')'; $profile['age'] = get_age($profile['bd'][2], $profile['bd'][1], $profile['bd'][0]); if (Plugin::exists('zodiac')) { require_once ROOT . 'plugins/zodiac/zodiac.plugin.php'; $profile['zodiac'] = Zodiac::get($profile['bd'][2], $profile['bd'][1]); } } if ($profile['http_agent'] && Plugin::exists('user_agent')) { require_once ROOT . 'plugins/user_agent/user_agent.plugin.php'; $profile['os'] = User_Agent::getOS($profile['http_agent']); $profile['browser'] = User_Agent::getBrowser($profile['http_agent']); } $group = Kio::getGroup($profile['group_id']); $profile['group'] = $group['name'] ? $group['inline'] ? sprintf($group['inline'], $group['name']) : $group['name'] : ''; if ($profile['gender']) { $profile['gender'] = $profile['gender'] == 1 ? t('Male') : t('Female'); } try { // TODO: Zrobić modyfikator dla funkcji o wielu parametrach (teraz jest tylko jeden możliwy) $tpl = new PHPTAL('modules/profile/profile.tpl.html'); $tpl->profile = $profile; return $tpl->execute(); } catch (Exception $e) { return template_error($e); } } else { return not_found(t('Selected user doesn't exists.'), array(t('This person was deleted from database.'), t('Entered URL is invalid.'))); } }
public static function import_file($file, $localpath = null) { if (in_array($file, self::instance()->_imp)) { return; } if (!($f = @fopen($file, "r"))) { return; } fclose($f); if (User_Agent::has_capability('ajax_manipulate_dom') || User_Agent::is_preview()) { echo 'mwf.util.importJS(\'' . $file . '\');'; } elseif ($localpath !== null && file_exists($localpath)) { include $localpath; } else { return; } self::instance()->_imp[] = $file; }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->model('/api/Video_model'); $this->load->model('ads/Ads_model'); // $this->load->model('/analytics/Analytics_model'); $this->load->library('User_Agent'); $this->load->library('session'); $per = $this->check_per(); if (!$per) { redirect(base_url() . 'layout/permission_error'); } //-- get browser http_user_agent info in array --// // $this->result = get_browser(null, true); $this->result = User_Agent::getinfo(); //--regex class to get user agent --// // print_r($_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]);die; //---------------------// $this->zone_id = '11'; //-- content provider id -- temporary use --// }
return $text ? 'true' : 'false'; } function text2text($text) { return $text ? $text : 'false'; } function js2bool2text($function) { return '<script type="text/javascript"> document.write(' . $function . '() ? "true" : "false"); </script>'; } function js2text($function) { return '<script type="text/javascript"> var t; if(t = ' . $function . '()) document.write(t); else document.write("false"); </script>'; } echo HTML_Decorator::html_start()->render(); echo Site_Decorator::head()->set_title('MWF About')->render(); echo HTML_Decorator::body_start()->render(); echo Site_Decorator::header()->set_title('MWF Device')->render(); echo Site_Decorator::content_full()->set_padded()->add_header('The Framework')->add_subheader('Server Info')->add_section(label('User Agent') . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])->add_section(label('IP Address') . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])->add_subheader('JS Classification')->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isMobile()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isMobile'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isBasic()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isBasic'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isStandard()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isStandard'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isFull()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isFull'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isOverride()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isOverride'))->add_section(label('mwf.classification.isPreview()') . js2bool2text('mwf.classification.isPreview'))->add_subheader('PHP Classification')->add_section(label('Classification::is_mobile()') . bool2text(Classification::is_mobile()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_basic()') . bool2text(Classification::is_basic()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_standard()') . bool2text(Classification::is_standard()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_full()') . bool2text(Classification::is_full()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_override()') . bool2text(Classification::is_override()))->add_section(label('Classification::is_preview()') . bool2text(Classification::is_preview()))->add_subheader('JS User Agent')->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getOS()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getOS'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getOSVersion()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getOSVersion'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowser()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowser'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngine()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngine'))->add_section(label('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngineVersion()') . js2text('mwf.userAgent.getBrowserEngineVersion'))->add_subheader('PHP User Agent')->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_os()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_os()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_os_version()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_os_version()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser_engine()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser_engine()))->add_section(label('User_Agent::get_browser_engine_version()') . text2text(User_Agent::get_browser_engine_version()))->add_subheader('JS Screen')->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getHeight()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getHeight'))->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getWidth()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getWidth'))->add_section(label('mwf.screen.getPixelRatio()') . js2text('mwf.screen.getPixelRatio'))->add_subheader('PHP Screen')->add_section(label('Screen::get_height()') . text2text(Screen::get_height()))->add_section(label('Screen::get_width()') . text2text(Screen::get_width()))->add_section(label('Screen::get_pixel_ratio()') . text2text(Screen::get_pixel_ratio()))->render(); echo Site_Decorator::button_full()->set_padded()->add_option(Config::get('global', 'back_to_home_text'), Config::get('global', 'site_url'))->render(); echo Site_Decorator::default_footer()->render(); echo HTML_Decorator::body_end()->render(); echo HTML_Decorator::html_end()->render();
if (!isset($_GET['no_ga'])) { JS::load('utility/analytics.js'); } if (!isset($_GET['no_favicon']) && !isset($_GET['no_icon'])) { JS::load('utility/favicon.js'); } /** * Writes apple-touch-icon[-precomposed] to the DOM. */ if (Classification::is_full() && (!Config::get('global', 'appicon_allow_disable_flag') || !isset($_GET['no_appicon']) && !isset($_GET['no_icon']))) { JS::load('full/appicon.php'); } /** * Moves the window below the URL bar and fixes Safari viewport on orientation change. */ if (User_Agent::get_os() == 'iphone_os') { JS::load('iphone/safariurlbar.js'); JS::load('iphone/orientation.js'); } /** * Include preview_util as part of js.php and import the desktop preview. * * @uses /assets/js/desktop/preview_util.php * @uses /assets/js/desktop/preview.js [import] */ if (Classification::is_preview()) { JS::load_from_key('jquery'); JS::load('desktop/preview_util.php'); JS::load('desktop/preview_menu.js'); } /**
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/css/default/full.css'; foreach ($custom as $dir) { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/css/' . $dir . '/full.css')) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/css/' . $dir . '/full.css'; } } } /** * Load custom CSS files (minified) based on user agent. */ if (isset($_GET['basic'])) { foreach (explode(' ', $_GET['basic']) as $file) { if (Path_Validator::is_safe($file, 'css') && ($contents = Path::get_contents($file))) { echo ' ' . CSSMin::minify($contents); } } } if (User_Agent::is_standard() && isset($_GET['standard'])) { foreach (explode(' ', $_GET['standard']) as $file) { if (Path_Validator::is_safe($file, 'css') && ($contents = Path::get_contents($file))) { echo ' ' . CSSMin::minify($contents); } } } if (User_Agent::is_full() && isset($_GET['full'])) { foreach (explode(' ', $_GET['full']) as $file) { if (Path_Validator::is_safe($file, 'css') && ($contents = Path::get_contents($file))) { echo ' ' . CSSMin::minify($contents); } } }
if (isset($_GET['browser_height_percent'])) { $max_height = $max_height * $_GET['browser_height_percent'] / 100; } if (isset($_GET['max_height']) && $_GET['max_height'] < $max_height) { $max_height = $_GET['max_height']; } } /** * @var Local_Image work with a local version of the image specified in URI. */ $image = new Local_Image($_GET['img']); /** GIF, JPG, and JPEG are within XHTML MP 1.0 specification. */ $image->set_allowed_extension('gif'); $image->set_allowed_extension('jpeg'); $image->set_allowed_extension('jpg'); /** Allow PNG if user agent has capability. */ if (User_Agent::has_capability('png')) { $image->set_allowed_extension('png'); } /** Force max width if $set_width is true. */ if ($set_width) { $image->set_max_width($max_width); } /** For max height if $set_height is true. */ if ($set_height) { $image->set_max_height($max_height); } /** Output the header so that browser treats it as an image rather than PHP file. */ $image->output_header(); /** Output the binary content of the image in its compressed state. */ $image->output_image();
} /** * Scripts that will be minified and included at the STANDARD level and above. */ if (User_Agent::is_standard() && (isset($_GET['standard']) || isset($_GET['touch']))) { $loadarr = isset($_GET['standard']) ? explode(' ', $_GET['standard']) : array(); // Support for deprecated TOUCH parameter. if (isset($_GET['touch'])) { $loadarr = array_merge(explode(' ', $_GET['touch']), $loadarr); } foreach ($loadarr as $file) { if (Path_Validator::is_safe($file, 'css') && ($contents = Path::get_contents($file))) { echo CSSMin::minify($contents); } } } /** * Scripts that will be minified and included at the FULL level only. */ if (User_Agent::is_full() && (isset($_GET['full']) || isset($_GET['webkit']))) { $loadarr = isset($_GET['full']) ? explode(' ', $_GET['full']) : array(); // Support for deprecated WEBKIT parameter. if (isset($_GET['webkit'])) { $loadarr = array_merge(explode(' ', $_GET['webkit']), $loadarr); } foreach ($loadarr as $file) { if (Path_Validator::is_safe($file, 'css') && ($contents = Path::get_contents($file))) { echo CSSMin::minify($contents); } } }
* @uses User_Agent */ /** Set the header type and a cache of zero because this is very dynamic. */ header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); header("Cache-Control: max-age=0"); /** User_Agent is required to determine visitor device type. */ @(require_once '../lib/user_agent.class.php'); @(include_once dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php'); /** * Script does nothing if class can't load, user isn't mobile, or the GET 'm' * parameter isn't set (meaning the script wouldn't know where to redirect). * This also does nothing if the User_Agent fetch fails. This is a safety * fallback to leave the behavior on other sites as though they're already * on the other site. */ if (!class_exists('User_Agent') || User_Agent::get() === false || !User_Agent::is_mobile(false) || !isset($_GET['m'])) { die; } /** The page to redirect to is GET 'm' */ $mobile_page = $_GET['m']; /** * The domain specifies a suffix that is optionally appended to the cookie name * to create an override setting for only particular pages. */ $domain_key = isset($_GET['d']) ? '_' . substr(md5($_GET['d']), 0, 8) : ''; /** Check to see if an override cookie exists. */ $cookie_override = isset($_COOKIE[Config::get('global', 'cookie_prefix') . 'ovrrdr' . $domain_key]) && $_COOKIE[Config::get('global', 'cookie_prefix') . 'ovrrdr' . $domain_key] == 1 ? 1 : 0; /** The referrer is the page including this script - it may include GET 'ovrrdr'. */ $referer = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : ''; $referer_uri = strpos($referer, '?') !== false ? substr($referer, strpos($referer, '?') + 1, strlen($referer) - strpos($referer, '?') - 1) : ''; /** Find GET 'ovrrdr' if it exists in the referrer's URI. */
die('<h1>Fatal Error</h1><p>The configuration settings {global::site_url} and {global::site_asset_url} must be defined in ' . dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'global.php</p>'); } /** * Set an override for the classification if $_GET['ovrcls'] is defined, unset * it if $_GET['unovrcls'] is defined (unary), or redirect if non-mobile and * {'global':'site_nonmobile_url'} is true. */ if (isset($_GET['ovrcls'])) { User_Agent::set_override($_GET['ovrcls']); header('Location: ' . Config::get('global', 'site_url')); } else { if (isset($_GET['unovrcls'])) { User_Agent::unset_override(); header('Location: ' . Config::get('global', 'site_url')); } else { if (!User_Agent::is_mobile() && ($nonmobile_url = Config::get('global', 'site_nonmobile_url'))) { header('Location: ' . $nonmobile_url); } } } /** * Get the menu from {'frontpage':'menu'} defined in config/frontpage.php. */ $menu = Config::get('frontpage', 'menu'); /** * Handle differences between a subsection and the top-level menu, using key * 'default' if on the front page or otherwise the $_GET['s'] parameter. */ if (isset($_GET['s']) && isset($menu[$_GET['s']])) { $menu_items = $menu[$_GET['s']]; $main_menu = false;
/** * Static initializer for User_Agent that loads capabilities from the cookie * into a static object via self::parse_capabilities. If a cookie is not * set, this returns false. * * @return bool */ public static function init() { /** * If initialized, return initialized value without reprocessing. */ if (self::$_init !== null) { return self::$_init; } /** * Define name of the cookie set by asets/js/core/server.js. */ self::$_name = 'user_agent'; /** * Contents of the cookie set by asets/js/core/server.js. */ self::$_cookie = Cookie::get(self::$_name); /** * If cookie is set, extract contents and parse the JSON into a PHP * object, then setting initialized value to true. Otherwise, set it * false, as initialization has failed since no cookie is defined. */ if (isset(self::$_cookie)) { self::$_user_agent = self::parse(self::$_cookie); self::$_init = true; } else { self::$_init = false; } /** * Return whether initialization succeeded or failed. */ return self::$_init; }