<?php require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/private/class/UserLog.php'; echo "Current: " . UserLog::getCurrentUsername($_GET['blid']); if (isset($_GET['username'])) { UserLog::addEntry($_GET['blid'], $_GET['username'], $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); }
if (isset($_REQUEST['ident']) && $_REQUEST['ident'] != "") { $con = ClientConnection::loadFromIdentifier($_REQUEST['ident']); $ret = new stdClass(); if (!is_object($con)) { $ret->status = "fail"; error_log("Auth failed for ident " . $_REQUEST['ident']); } else { error_log("Auth pass for " . $_REQUEST['ident']); $ret->ident = $con->getIdentifier(); $ret->blid = $con->getBLID(); if ($ret->blid == 118256 || $ret->blid == 43364 || $ret->blid == 21186) { $ret->status = "barred"; $json = json_encode($ret, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); die($json); } $ret->username = iconv("ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", UserLog::getCurrentUsername($ret->blid)); error_log("Username is " . $ret->username); $ret->admin = false; $ret->mod = false; $user = UserManager::getFromBLID($ret->blid); if ($user !== false) { $ret->beta = false; if ($user->inGroup("Administrator")) { $ret->admin = true; $ret->mod = true; $ret->beta = true; } else { if ($user->inGroup("Moderator")) { $ret->mod = true; $ret->beta = true; }
<?php /*$_GET['aid'] = $_REQUEST['id']; $comments = include(dirname(__DIR__) . "/../../../private/json/getPageCommentsWithUsers.php"); echo json_encode($comments, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);*/ require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/../../../private/class/AddonManager.php"; require_once dirname(__DIR__) . "/../../../private/class/CommentManager.php"; $aid = $_REQUEST['id']; if (!isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = 0; } else { $page = $_REQUEST['page']; } $addonObject = AddonManager::getFromID($aid); $ret = array(); $start = $page * 10; $comments = CommentManager::getCommentIDsFromAddon($addonObject->getId(), $start, 10); foreach ($comments as $comid) { $comment = CommentManager::getFromId($comid); $commento = new stdClass(); $commento->id = $comment->getId(); $commento->author = UserLog::getCurrentUsername($comment->getBLID()); $commento->authorblid = $comment->getBlid(); $text = str_replace("\r\n", "<br>", $comment->getComment()); $text = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $text); $commento->text = $text; $commento->date = date("F j, g:i a", strtotime($comment->getTimeStamp())); $ret[] = $commento; } echo json_encode($ret, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
$board[1] = "Client Mods"; $board[2] = "Server Mods"; $board[3] = "Bricks"; $board[4] = "Cosmetics"; $board[5] = "Gamemodes"; $board[6] = "Tools"; $board[7] = "Weapons"; $board[8] = "Colorsets"; $board[9] = "Vehicles"; $board[10] = "Bargain Bin"; $board[11] = "Sounds"; $o = new stdClass(); $o->id = $ao->getId(); $o->name = $ao->getName(); $o->board = $board[$ao->getBoard()]; $un = utf8_encode(UserLog::getCurrentUsername($ao->getManagerBLID())); if ($un === false) { $un = UserManager::getFromBLID($ao->getManagerBLID())->getUsername(); } $o->author = $un; $ar[] = $o; } $dlg->uploads = $ar; $ar = array(); foreach ($recentUpdates as $r) { $ao = $r->getAddon(); if (!$ao->getApproved()) { continue; } if ($ao->getBoard() == 10) { // bargain bin
$aid = $_REQUEST['id']; if (!isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = 0; } else { $page = $_REQUEST['page']; } $addonObject = AddonManager::getFromID($aid); if (isset($_REQUEST['newcomment'])) { if ($con->isAuthed()) { CommentManager::submitComment($addonObject->getId(), $con->getBlid(), stripcslashes($_REQUEST['newcomment'])); } } $res = new stdClass(); $res->status = "success"; $ret = array(); $start = $page * 10; $comments = CommentManager::getCommentIDsFromAddon($addonObject->getId(), $start, 10, 1); foreach ($comments as $comid) { $comment = CommentManager::getFromId($comid); $commento = new stdClass(); $commento->id = $comment->getId(); $commento->author = utf8_encode(UserLog::getCurrentUsername($comment->getBLID())); $commento->authorblid = $comment->getBlid(); $text = str_replace("\r\n", "<br>", $comment->getComment()); $text = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $text); $commento->text = utf8_encode($text); $commento->date = date("M jS Y, g:i A", strtotime($comment->getTimeStamp())); $ret[] = $commento; } $res->comments = $ret; echo json_encode($res, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
.list { margin: 0 auto; } .maincontainer p { text-align: center; } form { text-align: center; } </style> <div class="maincontainer"> <table class="list"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Username</td> <td>BL_ID</td> <td>Version</td> </tr> <?php foreach ($users as $u) { $username = utf8_encode(UserLog::getCurrentUsername($u->blid)); echo "<tr><td><b>" . $username . "</b></td><td>" . $u->blid . "</td><td>" . StatUsageManager::getVersionUsed($u->blid, 11) . "</td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div>
?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"><b>Version Info</b></td> <td><pre style="font-size: .5em"><?php echo json_encode($addon->getVersionInfo(), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); ?> </pre></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"><b>Authors</b></td> <td> <?php foreach ($addon->getAuthorInfo() as $author) { $name = UserLog::getCurrentUsername($author->blid); if ($name == false) { $name = "Blockhead" . $author->blid; } echo "{$name} - <i>" . $author->role . "</i><br />"; } ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="padding: 10px;"><b>Tags</b></td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody>
echo "<h2 style=\"margin-bottom: 0px;\">" . $addonObject->getName() . "</h2>"; $authors = $addonObject->getAuthorInfo(); echo "Uploaded by "; if (sizeof($authors) == 1) { //$uo = new UserHandler(); //$uo->initFromId($authors[0]->id); $name = UserLog::getCurrentUsername($authors[0]->blid); echo "<a href=\"/user/view.php?blid=" . $authors[0]->blid . "\">" . utf8_encode($name) . "</a>"; } else { if (sizeof($authors) == 2) { //we cant use UserHandler here because we may not have accounts for all $name1 = UserLog::getCurrentUsername($authors[0]->blid); if ($name1 === false) { $name1 = "Blockhead" . $authors[0]->blid; } $name2 = UserLog::getCurrentUsername($authors[1]->blid); if ($name2 === false) { $name2 = "Blockhead" . $authors[1]->blid; } echo "<a href=\"/user/view.php?blid=" . $authors[0]->blid . "\">" . utf8_encode($name1) . "</a>"; echo " and "; echo "<a href=\"/user/view.php?blid=" . $authors[1]->blid . "\">" . utf8_encode($name2) . "</a>"; } else { var_dump($authors); $count = sizeof($authors); foreach ($authors as $num => $author) { //$uo = new UserHandler(); //$uo->initFromId($auth->id); $uo = UserManager::getFromBLID($author->blid); if ($count - $num == 1) { echo "and <a href=\"#\">" . utf8_encode($uo->getName()) . "</a>";
} $boardObject = BoardManager::getFromID($_REQUEST['id']); $addonIds = AddonManager::getFromBoardID($boardObject->getID(), ($page - 1) * 10, 10); $ret = new stdClass(); $ret->addons = array(); foreach ($addonIds as $aid) { $addon = AddonManager::getFromID($aid); if ($addon->getRating() == null) { $rating = 0; } else { $rating = $addon->getRating(); } $retboard = new stdClass(); $retboard->id = $addon->getId(); $retboard->name = $addon->getName(); $user = UserLog::getCurrentUsername($addon->getManagerBLID()); if ($user == false) { $uo = UserManager::getFromBlid($addon->getManagerBLID()); if ($uo !== false) { $user = $uo->getUsername(); } else { $user = "******"; } } else { $user = utf8_encode($user); } $retboard->author = $user; $retboard->rating = $rating; $retboard->downloads = $addon->getDownloads("web") + $addon->getDownloads("ingame"); $ret->addons[] = $retboard; }
form { text-align: center; } </style> <div class="maincontainer"> <?php echo "<p>{$message}</p>"; ?> <hr /> <table class="list"> <tbody> <tr> <td> </td> <td>Username</td> <td>BL_ID</td> </tr> <?php $members = GroupManager::getMembersByID($group->getId()); foreach ($members as $mem) { echo "<tr><td><img src=\"/img/icons32/user_orange.png\" /></td>"; echo "<td><b>" . UserLog::getCurrentUsername($mem) . "</b></td>"; echo "<td>" . $mem . "</td></tr>"; } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php require_once realpath(dirname(__DIR__) . "/private/footer.php");