  * Stores the user domain settings of a user.
 public function store_action()
     $any_change = false;
     $userdomain_delete = Request::optionArray('userdomain_delete');
     if (count($userdomain_delete) > 0) {
         foreach ($userdomain_delete as $id) {
             $domain = new UserDomain($id);
         $any_change = true;
     $new_userdomain = Request::option('new_userdomain');
     if ($new_userdomain && $new_userdomain != 'none') {
         $domain = new UserDomain($new_userdomain);
         $any_change = true;
     if ($any_change) {
         $this->reportSuccess(_('Die Zuordnung zu Nutzerdomänen wurde geändert.'));
         $this->postPrivateMessage(_("Die Zuordnung zu Nutzerdomänen wurde geändert!\n"));
  * Maintenance view for the auto insert parameters
 function index_action()
     // search seminars
     if (Request::submitted('suchen')) {
         if (Request::get('sem_search')) {
             $this->sem_search = Request::get('sem_search');
             $this->sem_select = Request::option('sem_select');
             $search = new SeminarSearch();
             $this->seminar_search = $search->getResults(Request::get('sem_search'), array('search_sem_sem' => Request::option('sem_select')));
             if (count($this->seminar_search) == 0) {
                 $this->flash['message'] = _("Es wurden keine Veranstaltungen gefunden.");
         } else {
             $this->flash['error'] = _("Bitte geben Sie einen Suchparameter ein.");
     $seminare = AutoInsert::getAllSeminars();
     $this->auto_sems = $seminare;
     $domains = array();
     $domains[] = array('id' => 'keine', 'name' => _('Ohne Domain'));
     foreach (UserDomain::getUserDomains() as $domain) {
         $domains[] = array('id' => $domain->getId(), 'name' => $domain->getName());
     $this->userdomains = $domains;
  * Displays a particular model.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be displayed
 public function actionView($id)
     /*Retrieve ticket Details */
     $ticket = Ticket::model()->findByPk($id);
     /*Retrieve the names for each ticket */
     $userCreator = User::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from user  WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $ticket->creator_user_id));
     $userAssign = User::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from user  WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $ticket->assign_user_id));
     $domainName = Domain::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from domain  WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $ticket->domain_id));
     $priority = Priority::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from priority WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $ticket->priority_id));
     $tier = UserDomain::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from user_domain WHERE user_id =:id and domain_id =:id2", array(":id" => $ticket->assign_user_id, ":id2" => $ticket->domain_id));
     $subdomainName = null;
     if ($ticket->subdomain_id != null) {
         $subdomainName = Subdomain::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from subdomain  WHERE id=:id", array(":id" => $ticket->subdomain_id));
         $tier = UserDomain::model()->findBySql("SELECT * from user_domain WHERE user_id =:id and domain_id =:id2 and subdomain_id =:id3", array(":id" => $ticket->assign_user_id, ":id2" => $ticket->domain_id, ":id3" => $ticket->subdomain_id));
     $this->render('view', array('model' => $this->loadModel($id), 'userCreator' => $userCreator, 'userAssign' => $userAssign, 'domainName' => $domainName, 'subdomainName' => $subdomainName, 'priority' => $priority, 'tier' => $tier));
     if (!Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest && !Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         $curentUserID = User::getCurrentUserId();
         if ($ticket->creator_user_id == $curentUserID) {
             TicketEvents::recordEvent(EventType::Event_Opened_By_Owner, $ticket->id, NULL, NULL, NULL);
         } else {
             TicketEvents::recordEvent(EventType::Event_Opened_By_Mentor, $ticket->id, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  * Trägt den Benutzer in den Eingestellten veranstaltungen automatisch ein.
  * @param type $user_id
  * @param type $status Wenn Status nicht angegeben wird, wird der Status des Users aus user_id genommen
  * @return array 'added' Namen der Seminare in die der User eingetragen wurde
  *         array 'removed' Namen der Seminare aus denen der User ausgetragen wurde
 public function saveUser($user_id, $status = FALSE)
     $domains = array();
     if (!$status) {
         $status = get_global_perm($user_id);
     foreach (UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($user_id) as $d) {
         $domains[] = $d->getID();
         //Domains des Users
     if (count($domains) == 0) {
         $domains[] = 'keine';
     $settings = array();
     $all_seminare = array();
     foreach ($domains as $domain) {
         $key = $domain . '.' . $status;
         if (is_array($this->settings[$key])) {
             $id = key($this->settings[$key]);
             foreach ($this->settings[$key] as $id => $value) {
                 $settings[$id] = $value;
         foreach ($this->settings as $key) {
             foreach ($key as $id => $sem) {
                 $all_seminare[$id] = $sem;
     $seminare = array();
     $seminare_tutor_dozent = array();
     foreach ($this->getUserSeminars($user_id, array_keys($all_seminare)) as $sem) {
         $seminare[$sem['Seminar_id']] = $sem;
         if (in_array($sem['status'], array('tutor', 'dozent'))) {
             $seminare_tutor_dozent[$sem['Seminar_id']] = $sem;
     $toAdd = array_diff_key($settings, $seminare);
     $toRemove = array_diff_key($all_seminare, $toAdd, $settings, $seminare_tutor_dozent);
     $added = array();
     $removed = array();
     foreach ($toAdd as $id => $seminar) {
         if ($this->addUser($user_id, $seminar)) {
             $added[] = $seminar['name'];
     foreach ($toRemove as $id => $seminar) {
         if ($this->removeUser($user_id, $seminar)) {
             $removed[] = $seminar['name'];
     return array('added' => $added, 'removed' => $removed);
文件: Domain.php 项目: ratbird/hope
 function verify($user_id, $other_id)
     if ($other_id === 'nobody') {
         return false;
     $user_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($user_id);
     $owner_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($other_id);
     if (count($user_domains) || count($owner_domains)) {
         return count(array_intersect($user_domains, $owner_domains)) > 0;
     } else {
         return true;
 public function afterUpdate(SimpleORMap $object, $line)
     $old_domains = array_map(function ($domain) {
         return $domain->getID();
     }, $this->old_domains);
     $new_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($object->getId());
     foreach ($new_domains as $domain_id) {
         if (!in_array($domain_id, $old_domains)) {
             if ($domain_id === "alumni") {
                 if (count($new_domains) == 1) {
                     $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n                            SELECT seminar_user.Seminar_id \n                            FROM seminar_user\n                                LEFT JOIN seminar_userdomain ON (seminar_user.Seminar_id = seminar_userdomain.Seminar_id)\n                            WHERE seminar_user.user_id = :user_id\n                                AND seminar_user.Seminar_id NOT IN (SELECT seminar_id FROM seminar_userdomain WHERE userdomain_id = 'alumni')\n                        ");
                     $statement->execute(array('user_id' => $object->getId()));
                     foreach ($statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0) as $seminar_id) {
                         $seminar = new Seminar($seminar_id);
                 $datafield = Datafield::findOneBySQL("name = 'Ich will weiterhin als Alumni in Stud.IP geführt werden' AND object_type = 'user'");
                 $user_wants_to_stay = DatafieldEntry::findOneBySQL("datafield_id = ? AND range_id = ?", array($datafield->getId(), $object->getId()));
                 if ($user_wants_to_stay['content']) {
                     //In Veranstaltung ALUMNI die Statusgruppe anlegen:
                     $datafield = Datafield::findOneBySQL("name = 'Alumni' AND object_type = 'user'");
                     $entry = DatafieldEntry::findOneBySQL("datafield_id = ? AND range_id = ?", array($datafield->getId(), $object->getId()));
                     $course = Course::findOneByName("ALUMNI");
                     $gruppenname = $entry ? $entry['content'] : null;
                     if ($course && $gruppenname) {
                         $statusgruppe = Statusgruppen::findOneBySQL("name = ? range_id = ?", array($gruppenname, $course->getId()));
                         if (!$statusgruppe) {
                             $statusgruppe = new Statusgruppen();
                             $statusgruppe['name'] = $gruppenname;
                             $statusgruppe['range_id'] = $course->getId();
                         if (!$statusgruppe->isMember($object->getId())) {
                 } else {
                     $deleted = true;
文件: privacy.php 项目: ratbird/hope
  * Displays the privacy settings of a user.
 public function index_action()
     // Get visibility settings from database.
     $this->global_visibility = get_global_visibility_by_id($this->user->user_id);
     $this->online_visibility = get_local_visibility_by_id($this->user->user_id, 'online');
     $this->search_visibility = get_local_visibility_by_id($this->user->user_id, 'search');
     $this->email_visibility = get_local_visibility_by_id($this->user->user_id, 'email');
     // Get default visibility for homepage elements.
     $this->default_homepage_visibility = Visibility::get_default_homepage_visibility();
     $this->user_perm = $GLOBALS['perm']->get_perm($this->user->user_id);
     $this->user_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomains();
     // Calculate colWidth and colCount for different visibilities
     $this->colCount = Visibility::getColCount();
     $this->colWidth = 67 / $this->colCount;
     $this->visibilities = Visibility::getVisibilities();
     $this->homepage_elements = Visibility::getHTMLArgs();
            echo $res;

            <h4>Domain Mentor Availability</h4><?php 
    $dommentor = DomainMentor::model()->findBySql("SELECT max_tickets FROM domain_mentor WHERE user_id={$user->id}");
    $userdom = UserDomain::model()->findBySql("SELECT tier_team FROM user_domain WHERE user_id={$user->id}");
    if ($dommentor->max_tickets == null) {
        echo "Max tickets: N/A";
    } else {
        echo "Max tickets: " . $dommentor->max_tickets;


 public function actioneditProfile()
     /** @var User $username */
     $username = Yii::app()->user->name;
     $user = User::model()->find("username=:username", array(':username' => $username));
     $projects = Project::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT title FROM project WHERE project_mentor_user_id IS NULL");
     $userdoms = UserDomain::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT domain_id FROM user_domain WHERE user_id={$user->id}");
     $Mentees = Mentee::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT user_id FROM mentee WHERE personal_mentor_user_id IS NULL");
     $Tickets = Ticket::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE assign_user_id=:id", array(":id" => $user->id));
     $this->render('editProfile', array('Tickets' => $Tickets, 'user' => $user, 'userdoms' => $userdoms, 'Mentees' => $Mentees, 'projects' => $projects));
 protected static function domainValues()
     $domains = array();
     $domains['keine'] = _('Ohne Domain');
     foreach (UserDomain::getUserDomains() as $domain) {
         $domains[$domain->getId()] = $domain->getName();
     return $domains;
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return UserDomain the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = UserDomain::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
  * Builds an array containing all available elements that are part of a
  * user's homepage together with their visibility. It isn't sufficient to
  * just load the visibility settings from database, because if the user
  * has added some data (e.g. CV) but not yet assigned a special visibility
  * to that field, it wouldn't show up.
  * @return array An array containing all available homepage elements
  * together with their visibility settings in the form
  * $name => $visibility.
 public function get_homepage_elements()
     $query = "SELECT user_info.*, auth_user_md5.*\n                  FROM auth_user_md5\n                  LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id)\n                  WHERE user_id = ?";
     $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
     $my_data = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $homepage_visibility = get_local_visibility_by_id($this->auth_user['user_id'], 'homepage');
     if (is_array(json_decode($homepage_visibility, true))) {
         $homepage_visibility = json_decode($homepage_visibility, true);
     } else {
         $homepage_visibility = array();
     // News
     $news = StudipNews::GetNewsByRange($this->auth_user['user_id'], true);
     // Non-private dates.
     if (Config::get()->CALENDAR_ENABLE) {
         $dates = CalendarEvent::countBySql('range_id = ?', array($this->auth_user['user_id']));
     // Votes
     if (Config::get()->VOTE_ENABLE) {
         //$voteDB = new VoteDB();
         $activeVotes = Questionnaire::countBySQL("user_id = ? AND visible = '1'", array($this->auth_user['user_id']));
         $stoppedVotes = Questionnaire::countBySQL("user_id = ? AND visible = '0'", array($this->auth_user['user_id']));
     // Evaluations
     $evalDB = new EvaluationDB();
     $activeEvals = $evalDB->getEvaluationIDs($this->auth_user['user_id'], EVAL_STATE_ACTIVE);
     // Literature
     $lit_list = StudipLitList::GetListsByRange($this->auth_user['user_id']);
     // Free datafields
     $data_fields = DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($this->auth_user['user_id'], 'user');
     // Homepage plugins
     //$homepageplugins = PluginEngine::getPlugins('HomepagePlugin');
     // Deactivate plugin visibility settings because they aren't working now.
     $homepageplugins = array();
     $user_domains = count(UserDomain::getUserDomains());
     // Now join all available elements with visibility settings.
     $homepage_elements = array();
     if (Avatar::getAvatar($this->auth_user['user_id'])->is_customized() && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['picture']) {
         $homepage_elements["picture"] = array("name" => _("Eigenes Bild"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["picture"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), "extern" => true, 'category' => 'Allgemeine Daten');
     if ($my_data["motto"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['motto']) {
         $homepage_elements["motto"] = array("name" => _("Motto"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["motto"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if (Config::get()->ENABLE_SKYPE_INFO) {
         if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->getValue('SKYPE_NAME') && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['skype_name']) {
             $homepage_elements["skype_name"] = array("name" => _("Skype Name"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["skype_name"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Private Daten');
             if ($GLOBALS['user']->cfg->getValue('SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS')) {
                 $homepage_elements["skype_online_status"] = array("name" => _("Skype Online Status"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["skype_online_status"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($my_data["privatnr"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['Private Daten_phone']) {
         $homepage_elements["private_phone"] = array("name" => _("Private Telefonnummer"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["private_phone"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($my_data["privatcell"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['private_cell']) {
         $homepage_elements["private_cell"] = array("name" => _("Private Handynummer"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["private_cell"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($my_data["privadr"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['privadr']) {
         $homepage_elements["privadr"] = array("name" => _("Private Adresse"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["privadr"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($my_data["Home"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['homepage']) {
         $homepage_elements["homepage"] = array("name" => _("Homepage-Adresse"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["homepage"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), "extern" => true, 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($news && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['news']) {
         $homepage_elements["news"] = array("name" => _("Ankündigungen"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["news"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), "extern" => true, 'category' => 'Allgemeine Daten');
     if (Config::get()->CALENDAR_ENABLE && $dates && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['dates']) {
         $homepage_elements["termine"] = array("name" => _("Termine"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["termine"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), "extern" => true, 'category' => 'Allgemeine Daten');
     if (Config::get()->VOTE_ENABLE && ($activeVotes || $stoppedVotes || $activeEvals) && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['votes']) {
         $homepage_elements["votes"] = array("name" => _("Fragebögen"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["votes"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Allgemeine Daten');
     $query = "SELECT 1\n                  FROM user_inst\n                  LEFT JOIN Institute USING (Institut_id)\n                  WHERE user_id = ? AND inst_perms = 'user'";
     $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
     if ($statement->fetchColumn() && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['studying']) {
         $homepage_elements["studying"] = array("name" => _("Wo ich studiere"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["studying"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Studien-/Einrichtungsdaten');
     if ($lit_list && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['literature']) {
         $homepage_elements["literature"] = array("name" => _("Literaturlisten"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["literature"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Allgemeine Daten');
     if ($my_data["lebenslauf"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['lebenslauf']) {
         $homepage_elements["lebenslauf"] = array("name" => _("Lebenslauf"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["lebenslauf"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), "extern" => true, 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($my_data["hobby"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['hobby']) {
         $homepage_elements["hobby"] = array("name" => _("Hobbies"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["hobby"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($my_data["publi"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['publi']) {
         $homepage_elements["publi"] = array("name" => _("Publikationen"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["publi"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), "extern" => true, 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($my_data["schwerp"] && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']]['schwerp']) {
         $homepage_elements["schwerp"] = array("name" => _("Arbeitsschwerpunkte"), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["schwerp"] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), "extern" => true, 'category' => 'Private Daten');
     if ($data_fields) {
         foreach ($data_fields as $key => $field) {
             if ($field->getValue() && $field->isEditable($this->auth_user['perms']) && !$NOT_HIDEABLE_FIELDS[$this->auth_user['perms']][$key]) {
                 $homepage_elements[$key] = array('name' => $field->getName(), 'visibility' => $homepage_visibility[$key] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'extern' => true, 'category' => 'Zusätzliche Datenfelder');
     $query = "SELECT kategorie_id, name\n                  FROM kategorien\n                  WHERE range_id = ?\n                  ORDER BY priority";
     $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
     while ($category = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $homepage_elements["kat_" . $category["kategorie_id"]] = array("name" => $category["name"], "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["kat_" . $category["kategorie_id"]] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), "extern" => true, 'category' => 'Eigene Kategorien');
     if ($homepageplugins) {
         foreach ($homepageplugins as $plugin) {
             $homepage_elements['plugin_' . $plugin->getPluginId()] = array("name" => $plugin->getPluginName(), "visibility" => $homepage_visibility["plugin_" . $plugin->getPluginId()] ?: get_default_homepage_visibility($this->auth_user['user_id']), 'category' => 'Plugins');
     return $homepage_elements;
 public static function escalateTicket($domain_id, $sub)
     if ($sub) {
         $userDomain = UserDomain::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT * FROM user_domain WHERE subdomain_id =:id", array(":id" => $domain_id));
         $subdomain = Subdomain::model()->findByPk($domain_id);
         $validator = $subdomain->validator;
     } else {
         $userDomain = UserDomain::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT * FROM user_domain WHERE domain_id =:id", array(":id" => $domain_id));
         $domain = Domain::model()->findByPk($domain_id);
         $validator = $domain->validator;
     if ($userDomain != null && is_array($userDomain)) {
         foreach ($userDomain as $auserDomain) {
             /** @var UserDomain $auserDomain */
             if ($auserDomain->tier_team == 2) {
                 if ($auserDomain->rate >= $validator) {
                     /*Query to the domain mentor to see how many tickets is allowed to be assigned */
                     $domainMentor = DomainMentor::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT * FROM domain_mentor WHERE user_id =:id", array(":id" => $auserDomain->user_id));
                     /** @var Ticket $count */
                     if (is_array($domainMentor)) {
                         foreach ($domainMentor as $adomainMentor) {
                             /** @var DomainMentor $adomainMentor */
                             $count = Ticket::model()->findBySql("SELECT COUNT(id) as `id` FROM ticket WHERE assign_user_id =:id", array(":id" => $adomainMentor->user_id));
                             if ($count->id < $adomainMentor->max_tickets) {
                                 /*return the first available domain mentor on queue */
                                 return $auserDomain->user_id;
     return self::$admin;
     /* Assign the ticket to the admin for reassign */
 function change_domains_action()
     if (Request::submitted('change_domains') && !LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'user_domain')) {
         $old_domains = array_map(function ($d) {
             return $d->getId();
         }, UserDomain::getUserDomainsForSeminar($this->course_id));
         $new_domains = Request::getArray('user_domain');
         $changes = count(array_diff($old_domains, $new_domains)) + count(array_diff($new_domains, $old_domains));
         if ($changes) {
             foreach ($new_domains as $d) {
                 $domain = new UserDomain($d);
             PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_("Die zugelassenen Nutzerdomänen wurden geändert.")));
文件: details.php 项目: ratbird/hope
 public function index_action()
     $this->prelim_discussion = vorbesprechung($this->course->id);
     $this->title = $this->course->getFullname();
     $this->course_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForSeminar($this->course->id);
     $this->sem = new Seminar($this->course);
     if ($studienmodulmanagement = PluginEngine::getPlugin('StudienmodulManagement')) {
         foreach ($this->course->study_areas->filter(function ($m) {
             return $m->isModule();
         }) as $module) {
             $this->studymodules[] = array('nav' => $studienmodulmanagement->getModuleInfoNavigation($module->id, $this->course->start_semester->id), 'title' => $studienmodulmanagement->getModuleTitle($module->id, $this->course->start_semester->id));
     // Retrive display of sem_tree
     if (Config::get()->COURSE_SEM_TREE_DISPLAY) {
         $this->studyAreaTree = StudipStudyArea::backwards($this->course->study_areas);
     } else {
         $this->study_areas = $this->course->study_areas->filter(function ($m) {
             return !$m->isModule();
     if (Request::isXhr()) {
         $this->response->add_header('Content-Type', 'text/html;charset=Windows-1252');
         header('X-Title: ' . $this->title);
     } else {
         PageLayout::setTitle($this->title . " - " . _("Details"));
         if ($GLOBALS['SessionSeminar'] == $this->course->id) {
             SkipLinks::addIndex(Navigation::getItem('/course/main/details')->getTitle(), 'main_content', 100);
         } else {
             $sidebarlink = true;
             $enrolment_info = $this->sem->getEnrolmentInfo($GLOBALS['user']->id);
         $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
         if ($sidebarlink) {
         $links = new ActionsWidget();
         $links->addLink(_("Drucken"), URLHelper::getScriptLink("dispatch.php/course/details/index/" . $this->course->id), Icon::create('print', 'clickable'), array('class' => 'print_action', 'target' => '_blank'));
         if ($enrolment_info['enrolment_allowed'] && $sidebarlink) {
             if (in_array($enrolment_info['cause'], words('member root courseadmin'))) {
                 $abo_msg = _("direkt zur Veranstaltung");
             } else {
                 $abo_msg = _("Zugang zur Veranstaltung");
             $links->addLink($abo_msg, URLHelper::getScriptLink("dispatch.php/course/enrolment/apply/" . $this->course->id), Icon::create('door-enter', 'clickable'), array('data-dialog' => ''));
         if (Config::get()->SCHEDULE_ENABLE && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("user", $this->course->id) && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin') && $this->sem->getMetaDateCount()) {
             $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM schedule_seminare WHERE seminar_id = ? AND user_id = ?";
             if (!DBManager::Get()->fetchColumn($query, array($this->course->id, $GLOBALS['user']->id))) {
                 $links->addLink(_("Nur im Stundenplan vormerken"), URLHelper::getLink("dispatch.php/calendar/schedule/addvirtual/" . $this->course->id), Icon::create('info', 'clickable'));
         if ($this->send_from_search_page) {
             $links->addLink(_("Zurück zur letzten Auswahl"), URLHelper::getLink($this->send_from_search_page), Icon::create('link-intern', 'clickable'));
         if ($links->hasElements()) {
         $sidebar = Sidebar::Get();
         if ($enrolment_info['description']) {
  * returns array with information about enrolment to this course for given user_id
  * ['enrolment_allowed'] : true or false
  * ['cause']: keyword to describe the cause
  * ['description'] : readable description of the cause
  * @param string $user_id
  * @return array
 public function getEnrolmentInfo($user_id)
     $info = array();
     $user = User::find($user_id);
     if ($this->read_level == 0 && get_config('ENABLE_FREE_ACCESS') && !$GLOBALS['perm']->get_studip_perm($this->getId(), $user_id)) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = true;
         $info['cause'] = 'free_access';
         $info['description'] = _("Für die Veranstaltung ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich.");
         return $info;
     if (!$user) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = false;
         $info['cause'] = 'nobody';
         $info['description'] = _("Sie sind nicht angemeldet.");
         return $info;
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root', $user_id)) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = true;
         $info['cause'] = 'root';
         $info['description'] = _("Sie dürfen ALLES.");
         return $info;
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('admin', $this->getId(), $user_id)) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = true;
         $info['cause'] = 'courseadmin';
         $info['description'] = _("Sie sind Administrator_in der Veranstaltung.");
         return $info;
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin', $user_id)) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = false;
         $info['cause'] = 'admin';
         $info['description'] = _("Als Administrator_in können Sie sich nicht für eine Veranstaltung anmelden.");
         return $info;
     //Ist bereits Teilnehmer
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm('user', $this->getId(), $user_id)) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = true;
         $info['cause'] = 'member';
         $info['description'] = _("Sie sind für die Veranstaltung angemeldet.");
         return $info;
     $admission_status = $user->admission_applications->findBy('seminar_id', $this->getId())->val('status');
     if ($admission_status == 'accepted') {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = false;
         $info['cause'] = 'accepted';
         $info['description'] = _("Sie wurden für diese Veranstaltung vorläufig akzeptiert.");
         return $info;
     if ($admission_status == 'awaiting') {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = false;
         $info['cause'] = 'awaiting';
         $info['description'] = _("Sie stehen auf der Warteliste für diese Veranstaltung.");
         return $info;
     if ($GLOBALS['perm']->get_perm($user_id) == 'user') {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = false;
         $info['cause'] = 'user';
         $info['description'] = _("Sie haben nicht die erforderliche Berechtigung sich für eine Veranstaltung anzumelden.");
         return $info;
     //falsche Nutzerdomäne
     $same_domain = true;
     $user_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($user_id);
     if (count($user_domains) > 0) {
         $seminar_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForSeminar($this->getId());
         $same_domain = count(array_intersect($seminar_domains, $user_domains)) > 0;
     if (!$same_domain && !$this->isStudygroup()) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = false;
         $info['cause'] = 'domain';
         $info['description'] = _("Sie sind nicht in einer zugelassenenen Nutzerdomäne, Sie können sich nicht eintragen!");
         return $info;
     //Teilnehmerverwaltung mit Sperregel belegt
     if (LockRules::Check($this->getId(), 'participants')) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = false;
         $info['cause'] = 'locked';
         $lockdata = LockRules::getObjectRule($this->getId());
         $info['description'] = _("In diese Veranstaltung können Sie sich nicht eintragen!") . ($lockdata['description'] ? '<br>' . formatLinks($lockdata['description']) : '');
         return $info;
     //Veranstaltung unsichtbar für aktuellen Nutzer
     if (!$this->visible && !$this->isStudygroup() && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm(get_config('SEM_VISIBILITY_PERM'), $user_id)) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = false;
         $info['cause'] = 'invisible';
         $info['description'] = _("Die Veranstaltung ist gesperrt, Sie können sich nicht eintragen!");
         return $info;
     if ($courseset = $this->getCourseSet()) {
         $info['enrolment_allowed'] = true;
         $info['cause'] = 'courseset';
         $info['description'] = _("Die Anmeldung zu dieser Veranstaltung folgt speziellen Regeln. Lesen Sie den Hinweistext.");
         $user_prio = AdmissionPriority::getPrioritiesByUser($courseset->getId(), $user_id);
         if (isset($user_prio[$this->getId()])) {
             $info['description'] .= ' ' . sprintf(_("(Sie stehen auf der Anmeldeliste für die automatische Platzverteilung mit der Priorität %s.)"), $user_prio[$this->getId()]);
         return $info;
     $info['enrolment_allowed'] = true;
     $info['cause'] = 'normal';
     $info['description'] = '';
     return $info;
 public function getDomainsForApp($dataprovider)
     $domains = array();
     foreach ($dataprovider->getData() as $domain) {
         $temp = array();
         $temp["id"] = $domain->id;
         $temp["name"] = $domain->name;
         $temp["description"] = $domain->description;
         $temp["need"] = $domain->need;
         $d = new UserDomain();
         $d->domain_id = $domain->id;
         $temp["mentors"] = UserDomain::model()->getMentorsFromDomain($d->search());
         $subs = new Subdomain();
         $subs->domain_id = $domain->id;
         $temp["subdomains"] = Subdomain::model()->getSubdomainsForApp($subs->setCriteriaForApp(), $domain->id);
         $domains[] = $temp;
     return $domains;
 /*row color */
 $color = '';
 $sdcolor = '';
 if ($i++ % 2) {
     $color = 'style="background: #e8edff;padding: 15px;"';
     $sdcolor = 'background: #e8edff;padding: 10px';
 } else {
     $color = 'style="padding: 15px;"';
     $sdcolor = 'padding: 10px';
 $selectS = '<div border:1px id = "' . $domain->id . 'dmsub" name="' . $domain->id . 'dmsub" style="width: 150px;height:100px;overflow-y: scroll;' . $sdcolor . '">';
 $curPSubdomains = Subdomain::model()->findAllBySql("select * from subdomain where domain_id = {$domain->id}");
 $optionS = '';
 foreach ($curPSubdomains as $subdomain) {
     $allsubs = UserDomain::model()->findAllBySql("select * from user_domain where subdomain_id = {$subdomain->id}");
     $allsubMentors = 'No mentor for this sub-domain';
     if ($allsubs != null) {
         $allsubMentors = '';
         foreach ($allsubs as $sub) {
             $us = User::model()->findByPk($sub->user_id);
             $allsubMentors .= $us->fname . ' ' . $us->lname . '<br>';
     echo '<div id="subs-mpppover-' . $subdomain->id . '" style="display: none;">
                         <h3>Current Sub-Domain Mentors</h3>
                         ' . $allsubMentors . '
     //$optionS.='<a href="#test" id="mpppover-'.$subdomain->id.'" class="mpppover" >'.
  * Imports a line of the table into the Stud.IP database if the check returns no errors.
  * @param array $line : array of fields
  * @return array : array('found' => true|false, 'errors' => "Error message", 'pk' => "primary key")
 public function importLine($line)
     $plugin = $this->getPlugin();
     $classname = $this['import_type'];
     if (!$classname) {
         return array();
     $data = $this->getMappedData($line);
     $pk = $this->getPrimaryKey($data);
     //Last chance to quit:
     $error = $this->checkLine($line, $data, $pk);
     $output = array();
     $object = new $classname($pk);
     if (!$object->isNew()) {
         $output['found'] = true;
         $output['pk'] = $pk;
         foreach ((array) $this['tabledata']['ignoreonupdate'] as $fieldname) {
     } else {
         $output['found'] = false;
     foreach ($data as $fieldname => $value) {
         if ($value !== false && in_array($fieldname, $this->getTargetFields())) {
             $object[$fieldname] = $value;
             if ($classname === "User" && $fieldname === "password") {
                 $object[$fieldname] = UserManagement::getPwdHasher()->HashPassword($value);
     if (method_exists($object, "getFullName")) {
         $error['name'] = $output['name'] = $object->getFullName();
     } elseif ($object->isField("name")) {
         $error['name'] = $output['name'] = $object['name'];
     } elseif ($object->isField("title")) {
         $error['name'] = $output['name'] = $object['title'];
     if ($error && $error['errors']) {
         //exit here to have the name of the object in the log
         return $error;
     if ($plugin) {
         $plugin->beforeUpdate($object, $line, $data);
     $output['pk'] = (array) $object->getId();
     //Dynamic special fields:
     switch ($classname) {
         case "Course":
             foreach ($data['fleximport_dozenten'] as $dozent_id) {
                 $seminar = new Seminar($object->getId());
                 $seminar->addMember($dozent_id, 'dozent');
             if (!$data['fleximport_related_institutes']) {
                 $data['fleximport_related_institutes'] = array($object['institut_id']);
             } else {
                 if (!in_array($object['institut_id'], $data['fleximport_related_institutes'])) {
                     $data['fleximport_related_institutes'][] = $object['institut_id'];
             foreach ($data['fleximport_related_institutes'] as $institut_id) {
                 $insert = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n                        INSERT IGNORE INTO seminar_inst\n                        SET seminar_id = :seminar_id,\n                            institut_id = :institut_id\n                    ");
                 $insert->execute(array('seminar_id' => $object->getId(), 'institut_id' => $institut_id));
             if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_course_userdomains"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_course_userdomains", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) {
                 $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n                        SELECT userdomain_id\n                        FROM seminar_userdomains\n                        WHERE seminar_id = ?\n                    ");
                 $olddomains = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0);
                 foreach (array_diff($data['fleximport_user_inst'], $olddomains) as $to_add) {
                     $domain = new UserDomain($to_add);
                 foreach (array_diff($olddomains, $data['fleximport_user_inst']) as $to_remove) {
                     $domain = new UserDomain($to_remove);
         case "User":
             if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_user_inst"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_user_inst", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) {
                 if ($object['perms'] !== "root") {
                     foreach ($data['fleximport_user_inst'] as $institut_id) {
                         $member = new InstituteMember(array($object->getId(), $institut_id));
                         $member['inst_perms'] = $object['perms'];
             if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_userdomains"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_userdomains", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) {
                 $olddomains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($object->getId());
                 foreach ($olddomains as $olddomain) {
                     if (!in_array($olddomain->getID(), (array) $data['fleximport_userdomains'])) {
                 foreach ($data['fleximport_userdomains'] as $userdomain) {
                     $domain = new UserDomain($userdomain);
                 foreach ($data['fleximport_userdomains'] as $domain_id) {
                     if (!in_array($domain_id, $olddomains)) {
                         $welcome = FleximportConfig::get("USERDOMAIN_WELCOME_" . $domain_id);
                         if ($welcome) {
                             foreach ($object->toArray() as $field => $value) {
                                 $welcome = str_replace("{{" . $field . "}}", $value, $welcome);
                             foreach ($line as $field => $value) {
                                 $welcome = str_replace("{{" . $field . "}}", $value, $welcome);
                             if (strpos($welcome, "\n") === false) {
                                 $subject = _("Willkommen!");
                             } else {
                                 $subject = strstr($welcome, "\n", true);
                                 $welcome = substr($welcome, strpos($welcome, "\n") + 1);
                             $messaging = new messaging();
                             $count = $messaging->insert_message($welcome, $object->username, '____%system%____', null, null, null, null, $subject, true, 'normal');
             if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_expiration_date"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_expiration_date", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) {
                 if ($data['fleximport_expiration_date']) {
                     UserConfig::get($object->getId())->store("EXPIRATION_DATE", $data['fleximport_expiration_date']);
                 } else {
             if ($output['found'] === false && $data['fleximport_welcome_message'] !== "none") {
                 $user_language = getUserLanguagePath($object->getId());
                 setTempLanguage(false, $user_language);
                 if ($data['fleximport_welcome_message'] && FleximportConfig::get($data['fleximport_welcome_message'])) {
                     $message = FleximportConfig::get($data['fleximport_welcome_message']);
                     foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
                         $message = str_replace("{{" . $field . "}}", $value, $message);
                     foreach ($line as $field => $value) {
                         if (!in_array($field, $data)) {
                             $message = str_replace("{{" . $field . "}}", $value, $message);
                     if (strpos($message, "\n") === false) {
                         $subject = dgettext($user_language, "Anmeldung Stud.IP-System");
                     } else {
                         $subject = strstr($message, "\n", true);
                         $message = substr($message, strpos($message, "\n") + 1);
                 } else {
                     $Zeit = date("H:i:s, d.m.Y", time());
                     $this->user_data = array('auth_user_md5.username' => $object['username'], 'auth_user_md5.perms' => $object['perms'], 'auth_user_md5.Vorname' => $object['vorname'], 'auth_user_md5.Nachname' => $object['nachname'], 'auth_user_md5.Email' => $object['email']);
                     $password = $data['password'];
                     //this is the not hashed password in cleartext
                     include "locale/{$user_language}/LC_MAILS/create_mail.inc.php";
                     $message = $mailbody;
                 if ($message) {
                     $mail = new StudipMail();
                     $mail->addRecipient($object['email'], $object->getFullName());
                     if (Config::get()->MAILQUEUE_ENABLE) {
                     } else {
     $datafields = array();
     switch ($classname) {
         case "Course":
             $datafields = Datafield::findBySQL("object_type = 'sem'");
         case "User":
             $datafields = Datafield::findBySQL("object_type = 'user'");
         case "CourseMember":
             $datafields = Datafield::findBySQL("object_type = 'usersemdata'");
     foreach ($datafields as $datafield) {
         $fieldname = $datafield['name'];
         if (isset($data[$fieldname])) {
             $entry = new DatafieldEntryModel(array($datafield->getId(), $object->getId(), ""));
             $entry['content'] = $data[$fieldname];
     if ($classname === "Course") {
         if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_studyarea"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_studyarea", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) {
             $remove = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n                    DELETE FROM seminar_sem_tree\n                    WHERE seminar_id = :seminar_id\n                ");
             $remove->execute(array('seminar_id' => $object->getId()));
             if ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'][$data['status']]['class']]['bereiche']) {
                 foreach ($data['fleximport_studyarea'] as $sem_tree_id) {
                     $insert = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n                            INSERT IGNORE INTO seminar_sem_tree\n                            SET sem_tree_id = :sem_tree_id,\n                                seminar_id = :seminar_id\n                        ");
                     $insert->execute(array('sem_tree_id' => $sem_tree_id, 'seminar_id' => $object->getId()));
         if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_locked"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_locked", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) {
             //Lock or unlock course
             if ($data['fleximport_locked']) {
                 CourseSet::addCourseToSet(CourseSet::getGlobalLockedAdmissionSetId(), $object->getId());
             } elseif (in_array($data['fleximport_locked'], array("0", 0)) && $data['fleximport_locked'] !== "") {
                 CourseSet::removeCourseFromSet(CourseSet::getGlobalLockedAdmissionSetId(), $object->getId());
         $folder_exist = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n                SELECT 1 FROM folder WHERE range_id = ?\n            ");
         if (!$folder_exist->fetch()) {
             $insert_folder = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n                    INSERT IGNORE INTO folder\n                    SET folder_id = MD5(CONCAT(:seminar_id, 'allgemeine_dateien')),\n                    range_id = :seminar_id,\n                    user_id = :user_id,\n                    name = :name,\n                    description = :description,\n                    mkdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),\n                    chdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()\n                ");
             $insert_folder->execute(array('seminar_id' => $object->getId(), 'user_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->id, 'name' => _("Allgemeiner Dateiordner"), 'description' => _("Ablage für allgemeine Ordner und Dokumente der Veranstaltung")));
     if ($plugin && !$object->isNew()) {
         $plugin->afterUpdate($object, $line);
     return $output;
    public function actionApprove()
        //$this->layout = '';
        $user = User::model()->getCurrentUser();
        $perModel = new ApplicationPersonalMentorPick();
        $proModel = new ApplicationProjectMentorPick();
        $domModel = new ApplicationDomainMentorPick();
        $subModel = new ApplicationSubdomainMentorPick();
        if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->isPostRequest) {
            $projectFlag = false;
            $personalFlag = false;
            $domainFlag = false;
            $domApp = $this->loadDomainMentorForApproval($user->id);
            $persApp = $this->loadPersonalMentorForApproval($user->id);
            $projApp = $this->loadProjectMentorForApproval($user->id);
            $mypicks = $_POST['personal_picks_accept'];
            // add entry to personal_mentor
            $personalEntry = $this->isNewEntry($user->id, 'personal_mentor');
            // if it already exists do NOTHING . change here with else statement to perform update
            if ($personalEntry < 1) {
                // add entry to personal_mentor
                $pementor = new PersonalMentor('add_new');
                $pementor->user_id = $user->id;
                $pementor->max_hours = $persApp->max_hours;
                $pementor->max_mentees = $persApp->max_amount;
            // else UPDATE
            $personalFlag = true;
            //$loaduser->isPerMentor = 1;
        if ($mypicks != '') {
            $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
            // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
            foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                $actualPick = $this->loadPersonalPick($pick);
                $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Approved');
                // create new entry
                $mentee = new PersonalMentorMentees('add_new');
                $mentee->user_id = $actualPick->user_id;
                // mentee id
                $mentee->personal_mentor_id = $user->id;
                // mentor id
                $trans = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
                $menter = Mentee::model()->findByPk($actualPick->user_id);
                if (is_null($menter)) {
                    $menter = new Mentee('add_new');
                    $menter->user_id = $actualPick->user_id;
                $menter->personal_mentor_user_id = $user->id;
            $mypicks = $_POST['personal_picks_reject'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadPersonalPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Rejected');
                $personalFlag = true;
            $mypicks = $_POST['project_picks_accept'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadProjectPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Approved');
                    // update entry
                    $project = $this->loadProject($actualPick->project_id);
                    $project->project_mentor_user_id = $user->id;
                // add entry to project_mentor
                $projectEntry = $this->isNewEntry($user->id, 'project_mentor');
                // if it already exists do NOTHING . change here with else statement to perform update
                if ($projectEntry < 1) {
                    // add entry to project_mentor
                    $promentor = new ProjectMentor('add_new');
                    $promentor->user_id = $user->id;
                    $promentor->max_hours = $projApp->max_hours;
                    $promentor->max_projects = $projApp->max_amount;
                // else UPDATE
                $projectFlag = true;
                //$loaduser->isProMentor = 1;
            $mypicks = $_POST['project_picks_reject'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadProjectPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Rejected');
                $projectFlag = true;
            // DOMAIN PICKS ACCEPT
            $mypicks = $_POST['domain_picks_accept'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadDomainPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Approved');
                    // create new entry
                    $domain = new UserDomain('add_new');
                    $domain->user_id = $user > id;
                    $domain->domain_id = $actualPick->domain_id;
                    $domain->rate = $actualPick->proficiency;
                    $domain->active = 1;
                    $domain->tier_team = 1;
                $domainFlag = true;
                //$loaduser->isDomMentor = 1;
            // DOMAIN PICKS REJECT
            $mypicks = $_POST['domain_picks_reject'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadDomainPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Rejected');
                $domainFlag = true;
            $mypicks = $_POST['subdomain_picks_accept'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadSubDomainPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Approved');
                    //create new entry
                    $subdomain = new UserDomain('add_new');
                    $subdomain->user_id = $user->id;
                    $subdomain->domain_id = $actualPick->subdomain->domain->id;
                    $subdomain->subdomain_id = $actualPick->subdomain_id;
                    $subdomain->rate = $actualPick->proficiency;
                    $subdomain->active = 1;
                    $subdomain->tier_team = 1;
                $domainFlag = true;
                //$loaduser->isDomMentor = 1;
            $mypicks = $_POST['subdomain_picks_reject'];
            if ($mypicks != '') {
                $mypicks = explode(',', $mypicks);
                // cycle through each and add permanetly to appropriate table
                foreach ($mypicks as $pick) {
                    $actualPick = $this->loadSubDomainPick($pick);
                    $this->updatePickStatus($actualPick, 'Rejected');
                $domainFlag = true;
            $closed = new ApplicationClosed();
            $closedOne = false;
            if ($domainFlag) {
                // add entry to domain_mentor
                $domEntry = $this->isNewEntry($user->id, 'domain_mentor');
                $user->isDomMentor = 1;
                // add entry to domain_mentor
                // if it already exists do NOTHING . change here with else statement to perform update
                if ($domEntry < 1) {
                    $dmentor = new DomainMentor('add_new');
                    $dmentor->user_id = $user->id;
                    $dmentor->max_tickets = $domApp->max_amount;
                // else UPDATE
                $this->updateAppStatus($domApp, 'Closed');
                $closed->app_domain_mentor_id = $domApp->id;
                $closedOne = true;
            if ($personalFlag) {
                $user->isPerMentor = 1;
                $this->updateAppStatus($persApp, 'Closed');
                $closed->app_personal_mentor_id = $persApp->id;
                $closedOne = true;
            if ($projectFlag) {
                $user->isProMentor = 1;
                $this->updateAppStatus($projApp, 'Closed');
                $closed->app_project_mentor_id = $projApp->id;
                $closedOne = true;
            if ($closedOne) {
                $closed->user_id = $user->id;
                $closed->date = new CDbExpression('NOW()');
        // on initial load
        // application personal mentor
        // load application sent by admin
        $personalMentor = $this->loadPersonalMentorForApproval($user->id);
        $personalMentorHistory = null;
        $personalMentorChanges = null;
        $personalCount = 0;
        if ($personalMentor != null) {
            $personalMentorHistory = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.user_id, t.approval_status, u.fname, u.lname
								FROM application_personal_mentor_pick t, user u
								WHERE t.user_id = u.id AND (t.approval_status = "Approved" OR t.approval_status = "Rejected")
								AND t.app_id = ' . $personalMentor->id . '');
            $personalMentorChanges = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.user_id, t.approval_status, u.fname, u.lname
								FROM application_personal_mentor_pick t, user u
								WHERE t.user_id = u.id AND (t.approval_status = "Proposed by Admin")
								AND t.app_id = ' . $personalMentor->id . '');
            $personalCount = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('application_personal_mentor_pick')->where('app_id =:id', array(':id' => $personalMentor->id))->andWhere('approval_status = "Proposed by Admin"')->queryScalar();
        // application project mentor
        $projectMentor = $this->loadProjectMentorForApproval($user->id);
        $projectMentorHistory = null;
        $projectMentorChanges = null;
        $projectCount = 0;
        if ($projectMentor != null) {
            $projectMentorHistory = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.project_id, t.approval_status, p.title
								FROM application_project_mentor_pick t, project p
								WHERE t.project_id = p.id AND (t.approval_status = "Approved" OR t.approval_status = "Rejected")
								AND t.app_id = ' . $projectMentor->id . '');
            $projectMentorChanges = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.project_id, t.approval_status, p.title
								FROM application_project_mentor_pick t, project p
								WHERE t.project_id = p.id AND (t.approval_status = "Proposed by Admin")
								AND t.app_id = ' . $projectMentor->id . '');
            $projectCount = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('application_project_mentor_pick')->where('app_id =:id', array(':id' => $projectMentor->id))->andWhere('approval_status = "Proposed by Admin"')->queryScalar();
        // application domain mentor
        $domainMentor = $this->loadDomainMentorForApproval($user->id);
        $domainHistory = null;
        $domainChanges = null;
        $domainCount = 0;
        $subdomainHistory = null;
        $subdomainChanges = null;
        $subdomainCount = 0;
        if ($domainMentor != null) {
            $domainHistory = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.domain_id, t.proficiency, t.approval_status, d.name
								FROM application_domain_mentor_pick t, domain d
								WHERE (t.approval_status = "Approved" OR t.approval_status = "Rejected") AND t.domain_id = d.id AND t.app_id = ' . $domainMentor->id . '');
            $domainChanges = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.domain_id, t.proficiency, t.approval_status, d.name
								FROM application_domain_mentor_pick t, domain d
								WHERE (t.approval_status = "Proposed by Admin")
								AND t.domain_id = d.id AND t.app_id= ' . $domainMentor->id . '');
            $domainCount = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('application_domain_mentor_pick')->where('app_id =:id', array(':id' => $domainMentor->id))->andWhere('approval_status = "Proposed by Admin"')->queryScalar();
            $subdomainHistory = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.subdomain_id, t.proficiency, t.approval_status, d.name as "dname", s.name as "sname"
								FROM application_subdomain_mentor_pick t, subdomain s, domain d
								WHERE (t.approval_status = "Approved" OR t.approval_status = "Rejected") AND s.domain_id = d.id AND s.id = t.subdomain_id AND t.app_id = ' . $domainMentor->id . '');
            $subdomainChanges = new CSqlDataProvider('SELECT t.id, t.app_id, t.subdomain_id, t.proficiency, t.approval_status, d.name as "dname", s.name as "sname"
								FROM application_subdomain_mentor_pick t, subdomain s, domain d
								WHERE (t.approval_status = "Proposed by Admin")
								AND s.domain_id = d.id AND s.id = t.subdomain_id AND t.app_id = ' . $domainMentor->id . '');
            $subdomainCount = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()->select('count(*)')->from('application_subdomain_mentor_pick')->where('app_id =:id', array(':id' => $domainMentor->id))->andWhere('approval_status = "Proposed by Admin"')->queryScalar();
        $userInfo = $this->loadUserInfoByUser($user->id);
        $newCount = $personalCount + $projectCount + $domainCount + $subdomainCount;
        // render view
        $this->render('approve', array('user_id' => $user->id, 'personalMentor' => $personalMentor, 'personalMentorHistory' => $personalMentorHistory, 'personalMentorChanges' => $personalMentorChanges, 'projectMentor' => $projectMentor, 'projectMentorHistory' => $projectMentorHistory, 'projectMentorChanges' => $projectMentorChanges, 'domainMentor' => $domainMentor, 'domainHistory' => $domainHistory, 'domainChanges' => $domainChanges, 'subdomainHistory' => $subdomainHistory, 'subdomainChanges' => $subdomainChanges, 'newCount' => $newCount, 'perModel' => $perModel, 'proModel' => $proModel, 'domModel' => $domModel, 'subModel' => $subModel, 'userInfo' => $userInfo));
  * This method sets the user domains for the current user.
  * @access  private
  * @param   User  the user object
 function setUserDomains($user)
     $user_domains = $this->getUserDomains();
     $uid = $user->id;
     if (isset($user_domains)) {
         $old_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($uid);
         foreach ($old_domains as $domain) {
             if (!in_array($domain->getID(), $user_domains)) {
         foreach ($user_domains as $user_domain) {
             $domain = new UserDomain($user_domain);
             $name = $domain->getName();
             if (!isset($name)) {
             if (!in_array($domain, $old_domains)) {
 public function actionAdmin_Create_User()
     $model = new User();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     $error = '';
     if (isset($_POST['User'])) {
         /*if ($this->actionVerifyRegistrationOld() != "") {
         		$this->render('create', array('model'=>$model));
         $model->attributes = $_POST['User'];
         $model->pic_url = '/coplat/images/profileimages/default_pic.jpg';
         $model->biography = "Tell us something about yourself...";
         $model->activation_chain = $this->genRandomString(10);
         $model->activated = 1;
         $error = $this->verifyRegistrationOld();
         if (!$model->isProMentor && !$model->isDomMentor && !$model->isPerMentor && !$model->isMentee) {
             $error = "Please select at least one user role.";
         if ($error == null) {
             if ($model->isProMentor) {
                 $proMentor = new ProjectMentor();
                 $proMentor->user_id = $model->id;
                 $proMentor->max_hours = 0;
                 $proMentor->max_projects = 0;
             if ($model->isDomMentor) {
                 $domMentor = new DomainMentor();
                 $domMentor->user_id = $model->id;
                 $domMentor->max_tickets = 0;
             if ($model->isPerMentor) {
                 $perMentor = new PersonalMentor();
                 $perMentor->user_id = $model->id;
                 $perMentor->max_hours = 0;
                 $perMentor->max_mentees = 0;
             if ($model->isMentee()) {
                 $mentee = new Mentee();
                 $mentee->user_id = $model->id;
                 $mentee->personal_mentor_user_id = null;
                 $mentee->project_id = null;
     if (isset($_POST['Roles'])) {
         $proMentor = ProjectMentor::model()->getProMentor($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         $perMentor = PersonalMentor::model()->getPerMentor($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         $domMentor = DomainMentor::model()->getDomMentor($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         $mentee = Mentee::model()->getMentee($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         $user = User::model()->findByPk($_COOKIE['UserID']);
         if ($user->isProMentor == 1) {
             //$proMentor = new ProjectMentor;
             $proMentor->user_id = $user->id;
             $proMentor->max_hours = $_POST['pjmhours'];
             $all = Project::model()->findAll();
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($all as $each) {
                 if (isset($_POST[$each->id . 'pjm'])) {
                     $p = Project::model()->findByPk($each->id);
                     $p->project_mentor_user_id = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
             $proMentor->max_projects = $count;
         if ($user->isDomMentor == 1) {
             //UserDomain::model()->deleteAll("user_id = ".$user->id);
             $domMentor->max_tickets = $_POST['dmmaxtickets'];
             $all = Domain::model()->findAll();
             foreach ($all as $each) {
                 if (isset($_POST[$each->id])) {
                     $user_domain = new UserDomain();
                     $user_domain->user_id = $domMentor->user_id;
                     $user_domain->domain_id = $each->id;
                     $user_domain->active = 1;
                     $allsubs = Subdomain::model()->findAllBySql("select * from subdomain where domain_id = {$each->id}");
                     if ($allsubs != null) {
                         foreach ($allsubs as $onesub) {
                             $temp = $onesub->id . 'ddmsub';
                             if (isset($_POST[$temp])) {
                                 $user_domain = new UserDomain();
                                 $user_domain->user_id = $domMentor->user_id;
                                 $user_domain->domain_id = $each->id;
                                 $user_domain->active = 1;
                                 $rate = $each->id . '-' . $onesub->id . 'dmrate';
                                 $tier = $each->id . '-' . $onesub->id . 'dmtier';
                                 $user_domain->rate = $_POST[$rate];
                                 $user_domain->tier_team = $_POST[$tier];
                                 $user_domain->subdomain_id = $onesub->id;
                     } else {
                         $user_domain = new UserDomain();
                         $user_domain->user_id = $domMentor->user_id;
                         $user_domain->domain_id = $each->id;
                         $user_domain->active = 1;
         if ($user->isPerMentor) {
             //$perMentor = new PersonalMentor();
             $perMentor->user_id = $user->id;
             $perMentor->max_hours = $_POST['pmhours'];
             $all = Mentee::model()->findAll();
             $count = 0;
             foreach ($all as $each) {
                 if (isset($_POST[$each->user_id . 'pm'])) {
                     $p = Mentee::model()->findByPk($each->user_id);
                     $p->personal_mentor_user_id = $_COOKIE['UserID'];
             $perMentor->max_mentees = $count;
         if ($user->isMentee) {
             $changed = false;
             $menteePersonalMentor = $_POST['mentePersonalMentor'];
             if (isset($menteePersonalMentor) && $menteePersonalMentor > 0) {
                 $mentee->personal_mentor_user_id = $menteePersonalMentor;
                 $changed = true;
             $menteeProject = $_POST['menteeProject'];
             if (isset($menteeProject) && $menteeProject > 0) {
                 $mentee->project_id = $menteeProject;
                 $changed = true;
             if ($changed) {
         $hasher = new PasswordHash(8, false);
         $pw = $this->genRandomString(8);
         $user->password = $hasher->HashPassword($pw);
         $userfullName = $user->fname . ' ' . $user->lname;
         $adminName = User::getCurrentUser();
         User::sendConfirmationEmail($userfullName, $user->email, $user->username, $pw, $adminName->fname . ' ' . $adminName->lname);
     //$error = '';
     $this->render('admin_create_user', array('model' => $model, 'error' => $error));
     //$this->render('add',array('model'=>$model, 'error' => $error));
        } else {
                <div id="container" class="my-box-container" style="height: 175px; overflow-y: scroll ">
                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="table table-striped table-bordered" id="#mytable" width="100%">
                            <th width="50%">Domain Name</th>
                            <th width="50%">Expertise Level</th>
            foreach ($userdoms as $userdom) {
                $domain = Domain::model()->find("id=:id", array(":id" => $userdom->domain_id));
                $userdom = UserDomain::model()->findBySql("SELECT rate FROM user_domain WHERE domain_id={$domain->id} AND user_id={$model->id}");
                echo $domain->name;
                if ($userdom->rate == null) {
                                        <select name="unrated[]" style="width:60px;">
                    for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) {
                                                <option value="<?php 
文件: domain.php 项目: ratbird/hope
  * Delete an existing user domain.
 function delete_action()
     $id = Request::get('id');
     $domain = new UserDomain($id);
     if (count($domain->getUsers()) == 0) {
     } else {
         $this->message = MessageBox::error(_('Domänen, denen noch Personen zugewiesen sind, können nicht gelöscht werden.'));
     $this->domains = UserDomain::getUserDomains();
  * Initialize the subnavigation of this item. This method
  * is called once before the first item is added or removed.
 public function initSubNavigation()
     global $user, $perm;
     $username = Request::username('username', $user->username);
     $current_user = $username == $user->username ? $user : User::findByUsername($username);
     // profile
     $navigation = new Navigation(_('Profil'), 'dispatch.php/profile/index');
     $this->addSubNavigation('index', $navigation);
     if ($perm->have_profile_perm('user', $current_user->user_id)) {
         // avatar
         $navigation = new Navigation(_('Bild'), 'dispatch.php/settings/avatar');
         $this->addSubNavigation('avatar', $navigation);
         // profile data
         $navigation = new Navigation(_('Nutzerdaten'));
         $navigation->addSubNavigation('profile', new Navigation(_('Grunddaten'), 'dispatch.php/settings/account'));
         if (($perm->get_profile_perm($current_user->user_id) == 'user' || $perm->have_perm('root') && Config::get()->ALLOW_ADMIN_USERACCESS) && !StudipAuthAbstract::CheckField('auth_user_md5.password', $current_user->auth_plugin) && !LockRules::check($current_user->user_id, 'password')) {
             $navigation->addSubNavigation('password', new Navigation(_('Passwort ändern'), 'dispatch.php/settings/password'));
         $navigation->addSubNavigation('details', new Navigation(_('Weitere Daten'), 'dispatch.php/settings/details'));
         if (!in_array($current_user->perms, words('user admin root'))) {
             $navigation->addSubNavigation('studies', new Navigation(_('Studiendaten'), 'dispatch.php/settings/studies'));
         if ($current_user->perms != 'root') {
             if (count(UserDomain::getUserDomains())) {
                 $navigation->addSubNavigation('userdomains', new Navigation(_('Nutzerdomänen'), 'dispatch.php/settings/userdomains'));
             if ($perm->is_staff_member($current_user->user_id)) {
                 $navigation->addSubNavigation('statusgruppen', new Navigation(_('Einrichtungsdaten'), 'dispatch.php/settings/statusgruppen'));
         $this->addSubNavigation('edit', $navigation);
         if ($perm->have_perm('autor')) {
             $navigation = new Navigation(_('Einstellungen'));
             $navigation->addSubNavigation('general', new Navigation(_('Allgemeines'), 'dispatch.php/settings/general'));
             $navigation->addSubNavigation('privacy', new Navigation(_('Privatsphäre'), 'dispatch.php/settings/privacy'));
             $navigation->addSubNavigation('messaging', new Navigation(_('Nachrichten'), 'dispatch.php/settings/messaging'));
             if (get_config('CALENDAR_ENABLE')) {
                 $navigation->addSubNavigation('calendar_new', new Navigation(_('Terminkalender'), 'dispatch.php/settings/calendar'));
             if (!$perm->have_perm('admin') and get_config('MAIL_NOTIFICATION_ENABLE')) {
                 $navigation->addSubNavigation('notification', new Navigation(_('Benachrichtigung'), 'dispatch.php/settings/notification'));
             if (isDefaultDeputyActivated() && $perm->get_perm() == 'dozent') {
                 $navigation->addSubNavigation('deputies', new Navigation(_('Standardvertretung'), 'dispatch.php/settings/deputies'));
             if (Config::Get()->API_ENABLED) {
                 $navigation->addSubNavigation('api', new Navigation(_('API-Berechtigungen'), 'dispatch.php/api/authorizations'));
             $this->addSubNavigation('settings', $navigation);
         // user defined sections
         $navigation = new Navigation(_('Kategorien'), 'dispatch.php/settings/categories');
         $this->addSubNavigation('categories', $navigation);
     // user documents page
     if (Config::get()->PERSONALDOCUMENT_ENABLE && ($perm->have_profile_perm('user', $current_user->user_id) || Config::get()->PERSONALDOCUMENT_OPEN_ACCESS)) {
         $title = _('Meine Dateien');
         if (Config::get()->PERSONALDOCUMENT_OPEN_ACCESS && $current_user->id !== $user->id) {
             $title = _('Dateibereich');
         $navigation = new Navigation($title, 'dispatch.php/document/files');
         $this->addSubNavigation('files', $navigation);
        echo "No Assigned Domains</div>";
    } else {
            <div id="container" class="my-box-container" style="height: 200px; overflow-y: scroll ">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="table table-striped table-bordered" id="#mytable" width="100%">
                        <th width="50%">Domain Name</th>
                        <th width="50%">Subdomain/Rating/Tier</th>
        foreach ($userdoms as $userdom) {
            $domain = Domain::model()->find("id=:id", array(":id" => $userdom->domain_id));
            $userdom = UserDomain::model()->findAllBySql("SELECT  subdomain_id,rate,tier_team FROM user_domain WHERE domain_id={$domain->id} AND user_id={$model->id}");
            echo $domain->name;
            /*the table user_domain needs to be normalized!*/
            foreach ($userdom as $udom) {
                $res = '';
                if ($udom->subdomain_id != null) {
                    $subdm = Subdomain::model()->findBySql("select * from subdomain where id = {$udom->subdomain_id}");
                    $res = $subdm->name . ' / ' . $udom->rate . ' / ' . $udom->tier_team . '<br>';
文件: online.php 项目: ratbird/hope
  * Creates a list of online users - optionally including the according
  * contact groups.
  * The created list is an array with four elemens:
  * - "total" is the _number_ of all currently online users.
  * - "buddies" is an _array_ containing the data of all the user's buddies
  *   that are currently online.
  * - "users" is an _array_ containing the data of all users that are
  *   currently online and are not a buddy of the current user and are
  *   either globally visible or visible in the current user's domains.
  * - "others" is the number of all other and accordingly invisible users.
  * @param bool $show_buddy_groups Defines whether the list of buddies
  *                                should include the according contact
  *                                groups or not
  * @return Array List of online users as an array (see above)
 private function getOnlineUsers($show_buddy_groups = false)
     $temp = get_users_online(10, $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ONLINE_NAME_FORMAT);
     $total = count($temp);
     // Filter invisible users
     $visible = array();
     $my_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($GLOBALS['user']->id);
     foreach ($temp as $username => $user) {
         if ($user['is_visible']) {
         $global_visibility = get_global_visibility_by_id($user['user_id']);
         $domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($user['user_id']);
         $same_domains = array_intersect($domains, $my_domains);
         if ($global_visibility !== 'yes' || !count($same_domains)) {
     // Split list into buddies and other users
     $buddies = array_filter($temp, function ($user) {
         return $user['is_buddy'];
     $users = array_filter($temp, function ($user) {
         return !$user['is_buddy'];
     if ($show_buddy_groups) {
         // Add groups to buddies
         $buddy_ids = array_map(function ($user) {
             return $user['user_id'];
         }, $buddies);
         $name_format = $GLOBALS['user']->cfg->ONLINE_NAME_FORMAT;
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['_fullname_sql'][$name_format])) {
             $name_format = reset(array_keys($GLOBALS['_fullname_sql']));
         $query = "SELECT user_id, statusgruppen.position, name, statusgruppen.statusgruppe_id\n                      FROM statusgruppen\n                        JOIN statusgruppe_user USING (statusgruppe_id)\n                        JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id)\n                      WHERE range_id = :user_id AND user_id IN (:buddy_ids)\n                      ORDER BY statusgruppen.position ASC";
         $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
         $statement->bindValue(':user_id', $GLOBALS['user']->id);
         $statement->bindValue(':buddy_ids', $buddy_ids ?: array(''), StudipPDO::PARAM_ARRAY);
         $grouped = $statement->fetchGrouped();
         foreach ($buddies as $username => $buddy) {
             if (isset($grouped[$buddy['user_id']])) {
                 $group = $grouped[$buddy['user_id']];
                 $buddies[$username]['group'] = $group['name'];
                 $buddies[$username]['group_id'] = $group['statusgruppe_id'];
                 $buddies[$username]['group_position'] = $group['position'];
             } else {
                 $buddies[$username]['group'] = _('Kontakte ohne Gruppenzuordnung');
                 $buddies[$username]['group_id'] = 'all';
                 $buddies[$username]['group_position'] = 100000;
         usort($buddies, function ($a, $b) {
             return $a['group_position'] - $b['group_position'] ?: strcmp($a['name'], $b['name']);
     $others = $total - count($buddies) - count($users);
     return compact('buddies', 'users', 'total', 'others');
 public function getSubdomainsForApp($dataprovider)
     $subs = array();
     foreach ($dataprovider->getData() as $sub) {
         $temp = array();
         $temp["id"] = $sub->id;
         $temp["name"] = $sub->name;
         $temp["description"] = $sub->description;
         $temp["need"] = $sub->need;
         $d = new UserDomain();
         $d->subdomain_id = $sub->id;
         $temp["mentors"] = UserDomain::model()->getMentorsFromSubdomain($d->search());
         $subs[] = $temp;
     return $subs;
 * Checks whether an element of a user homepage is visible for another user.
 * We do not give an element name and look up its visibility setting in the
 * database, because that would generate many database requests for a single
 * user homepage. Instead, the homepage itself loads all element visibilities
 * and we only need to check if the given element visibility allows showing it
 * to the visiting user. We need not check for not hideable fields here,
 * because that is already done when loading the element visibilities.
 * @param string $user_id ID of the user who wants to see the element
 * @param string $owner_id ID of the homepage owner
 * @param int $element_visibility visibility level of the element, one of
 * @return boolean Is the element visible?
function is_element_visible_for_user($user_id, $owner_id, $element_visibility) {
    $is_visible = false;
    if ($user_id == $owner_id) {
        $is_visible = true;
    // Deputies with homepage editing rights see the same as the owner
    } else if (get_config('DEPUTIES_ENABLE') && get_config('DEPUTIES_DEFAULTENTRY_ENABLE') && get_config('DEPUTIES_EDIT_ABOUT_ENABLE') && isDeputy($user_id, $owner_id, true)) {
        $is_visible = true;
    } else {
        // No element visibility given (user has not configured this element yet)
        // Set default visibility as element visibility
        if (!$element_visibility) {
            $element_visibility = get_default_homepage_visibility($owner_id);
        // Check if the given element is visible according to its visibility.
        switch ($element_visibility) {
            case VISIBILITY_EXTERN:
                $is_visible = true;
            case VISIBILITY_STUDIP:
                if ($user_id != "nobody") {
                    $is_visible = true;
            case VISIBILITY_DOMAIN:
                $user_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($user_id);
                $owner_domains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($owner_id);
                if ((count($user_domains) === 0 && count($owner_domains) === 0)
                    || array_intersect($user_domains, $owner_domains)) {
                    $is_visible = true;
            case VISIBILITY_BUDDIES:
                if (Contact::CountBySQL("user_id=? AND owner_id=?", array($user_id, $owner_id))) {
                    $is_visible = true;
            case VISIBILITY_ME:
                if ($owner_id == $user_id) {
                    $is_visible = true;
    return $is_visible;
  * @return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
 public function getUserDomains()
     return $this->hasMany(UserDomain::className(), ['domain_id' => 'id']);