  * Main utility method to aid with data binding.  It is used by the default BindAllRows() databinder but
  * could and should be used by any custom databind methods that would be used for instances of this
  * MetaDataGrid, by simply passing in a custom QQCondition and/or QQClause. 
  * If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it.  If not, then no pagination will be used.
  * It will also perform any sorting (if applicable).
  * @param QQCondition $objConditions override the default condition of QQ::All() to the query, itself
  * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause object or array of QQClause objects for the query		 
  * @return void
 public function MetaDataBinder(QQCondition $objCondition = null, $objOptionalClauses = null)
     // Setup input parameters to default values if none passed in
     if (!$objCondition) {
         $objCondition = QQ::All();
     $objClauses = $objOptionalClauses ? $objOptionalClauses : array();
     // We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below
     if ($this->Paginator) {
         $this->TotalItemCount = UserAccount::QueryCount($objCondition, $objClauses);
     // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add
     // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array
     if ($objClause = $this->OrderByClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Add the LimitClause information, as well
     if ($objClause = $this->LimitClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Set the DataSource to be a Query result from UserAccount, given the clauses above
     $this->DataSource = UserAccount::QueryArray($objCondition, $objClauses);
 protected function btnPrintLabels_Click()
     //if ($this->blnPrintLabels) {
     $this->strBarCodeArray = array();
     $this->strTablesBufferArray = array();
     $this->intCurrentBarCodeLabel = 0;
     // Set start value for PDF generation progress bar
     $_SESSION["intGeneratingStatus"] = 0;
     $blnError = false;
     // Array[0] - DataGrid Object name; array[1] - Id; array[2] - used for Bar Code Label Generation
     $arrDataGridObjectNameId = $this->ctlSearchMenu->GetDataGridObjectNameId();
     $this->intObjectIdArray = $this->ctlSearchMenu->{$arrDataGridObjectNameId}[0]->GetSelected($arrDataGridObjectNameId[1]);
     $objCheckedArray = array();
     if (count($this->intObjectIdArray)) {
         // Switch statement for all four entity types
         switch ($this->lstLabelTypeControl->SelectedValue) {
             case 1:
                 // Load an array of Assets by AssetId
                 $objCheckedArray = Asset::QueryArray(QQ::In(QQN::Asset()->AssetId, $this->intObjectIdArray));
             case 2:
                 // Load an array of Inventories by InventoryModelId
                 $objCheckedArray = InventoryModel::QueryArray(QQ::In(QQN::InventoryModel()->InventoryModelId, $this->intObjectIdArray));
             case 3:
                 // Load an array of Locations by LocationId
                 $objCheckedArray = Location::QueryArray(QQ::In(QQN::Location()->LocationId, $this->intObjectIdArray));
             case 4:
                 $objCheckedArray = UserAccount::QueryArray(QQ::In(QQN::UserAccount()->UserAccountId, $this->intObjectIdArray));
                 $this->btnPrintLabels->Warning = "Please select Label Type.<br/>";
                 $this->intObjectIdArray = array();
                 $blnError = true;
         $objArrayById = array();
         // Create array of objects where the key is Id
         foreach ($objCheckedArray as $objChecked) {
             $objArrayById[$objChecked->{$arrDataGridObjectNameId}[1]] = $objChecked;
         // Fill the BarCodeArray in the order items sorted in the datagrid
         foreach ($this->intObjectIdArray as $intObjectId) {
             $this->strBarCodeArray[] = $objArrayById[$intObjectId]->{$arrDataGridObjectNameId}[2];
     } else {
         $blnError = true;
     if (!$blnError) {
         $this->btnPrintLabels->Warning = "";
         $this->lstLabelStock->SelectedValue = 0;
         $this->lstLabelOffset->AddItem(new QListItem('None', 0, 1));
         $this->lstLabelStock->Enabled = true;
         $this->lstLabelOffset->Enabled = true;
     } else {
         // If we have no checked items
         $this->btnPrintLabels->Warning .= "You must check at least one item.";
     // Enable Print Labels button
     $this->btnPrintLabels->Enabled = true;
     //$this->blnPrintLabels = false;
     		else {
     		  $this->btnPrintLabels->Warning = "Please wait... loading.";
     		  $this->blnPrintLabels = true;
     		  QApplication::ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('".$this->btnPrintLabels->ControlId."').click(); document.getElementById('warning_loading').innerHTML = '';");
     QApplication::ExecuteJavaScript("document.getElementById('warning_loading').innerHTML = '';");
    $strQuery = "INSERT INTO `_version` (`version`) VALUES ('0.4.0')";
    // Change `textarea` custom field type name to `text area`
    $strQuery = "UPDATE `custom_field_qtype` SET `name` = 'text area' WHERE `custom_field_qtype_id` = 3";
    // Update terminology in Asset module shortcuts
    $strQuery = "UPDATE `shortcut` SET `short_description`='Models' WHERE `shortcut_id`='2'";
    $strQuery = "UPDATE `shortcut` SET `short_description`='Import Models' WHERE `shortcut_id`='3'";
    $strQuery = "UPDATE `shortcut` SET `short_description`='Create Model' WHERE `shortcut_id`='1'";
    // Change password_hash length to varchar(60)
    $strQuery = "ALTER TABLE  `user_account` CHANGE  `password_hash`  `password_hash` VARCHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL";
    // Update existing SHA1 hashes to PHPass hashes
    require '../includes/php/PasswordHash.php';
    $objHasher = new PasswordHash(8, PORTABLE_PASSWORDS);
    $objUserAccountArray = UserAccount::QueryArray(QQ::All());
    foreach ($objUserAccountArray as $objUserAccount) {
        $strNewHash = $objHasher->HashPassword($objUserAccount->PasswordHash);
        $strQuery = sprintf("UPDATE `user_account` SET `password_hash` = '%s' WHERE `user_account_id` = %s", $strNewHash, $objUserAccount->UserAccountId);
    echo 'Update successful!';
} catch (Exception $objExc) {
    // Something went wrong
    echo 'Update failed!';
 public function dtgUserAccount_Bind()
     $objClauses = array();
     if ($objClause = $this->dtgUserAccount->OrderByClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     $objClause = QQ::Expand(QQN::UserAccount()->CreatedByObject);
     array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     $objClause = QQ::Expand(QQN::UserAccount()->Role);
     array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     $this->strUsername = $this->txtUsername->Text;
     if ($this->strUsername) {
         $this->dtgUserAccount->TotalItemCount = UserAccount::QueryCount(QQ::Like(QQN::UserAccount()->Username, '%' . $this->strUsername . '%'), $objClauses);
         if ($this->dtgUserAccount->TotalItemCount > 0) {
             $this->dtgUserAccount->ShowHeader = true;
             // Add the LimitClause information, as well
             if ($objClause = $this->dtgUserAccount->LimitClause) {
                 array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
             $this->dtgUserAccount->DataSource = UserAccount::QueryArray(QQ::Like(QQN::UserAccount()->Username, '%' . $this->strUsername . '%'), $objClauses);
         } else {
             $this->dtgUserAccount->ShowHeader = false;
     } else {
         // Get Total Count b/c of Pagination
         $this->dtgUserAccount->TotalItemCount = UserAccount::CountAll();
         if ($this->dtgUserAccount->TotalItemCount == 0) {
             $this->dtgUserAccount->ShowHeader = false;
         } else {
             if ($objClause = $this->dtgUserAccount->LimitClause) {
                 array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
             $this->dtgUserAccount->DataSource = UserAccount::LoadAll($objClauses);
             $this->dtgUserAccount->ShowHeader = true;
  * Load an array of UserAccount objects,
  * by RoleId Index(es)
  * @param integer $intRoleId
  * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause objects for this query
  * @return UserAccount[]
 public static function LoadArrayByRoleId($intRoleId, $objOptionalClauses = null)
     // Call UserAccount::QueryArray to perform the LoadArrayByRoleId query
     try {
         return UserAccount::QueryArray(QQ::Equal(QQN::UserAccount()->RoleId, $intRoleId), $objOptionalClauses);
     } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
         throw $objExc;
 public static function LoadByPasswordResetCode($strPasswordResetCode)
     // Reset code must be 32 characters
     if (strlen($strPasswordResetCode) != 32) {
         return null;
     // Load all users with unexpired reset codes
     $arrUserAccount = UserAccount::QueryArray(QQ::AndCondition(QQ::Equal(QQN::UserAccount()->ActiveFlag, 1), QQ::IsNotNull(QQN::UserAccount()->PasswordResetCode), QQ::GreaterThan(QQN::UserAccount()->PasswordResetExpiry, QDateTime::Now())));
     // Check submitted reset code against any valid codes
     foreach ($arrUserAccount as $objUserAccount) {
         if (QApplication::CheckPassword($strPasswordResetCode, $objUserAccount->PasswordResetCode)) {
             // Match found
             return $objUserAccount;
     return null;