 public function __construct($username, $realname = 'Real Name', $email = '*****@*****.**', $groups = array())
     $this->username = $username;
     $this->password = '******';
     $this->user = User::newFromName($this->username);
     // In an ideal world we'd have a new wiki (or mock data store) for every single test.
     // But for now, we just need to create or update the user with the desired properties.
     // we particularly need the new password, since we just generated it randomly.
     // In core MediaWiki, there is no functionality to delete users, so this is the best we can do.
     if (!$this->user->isLoggedIn()) {
         // create the user
         $this->user = User::createNew($this->username, array("email" => $email, "real_name" => $realname));
         if (!$this->user) {
             throw new MWException("Error creating TestUser " . $username);
     // Update the user to use the password and other details
     $change = $this->setPassword($this->password) || $this->setEmail($email) || $this->setRealName($realname);
     // Adjust groups by adding any missing ones and removing any extras
     $currentGroups = $this->user->getGroups();
     foreach (array_diff($groups, $currentGroups) as $group) {
     foreach (array_diff($currentGroups, $groups) as $group) {
     if ($change) {
 public function testGroup()
     $groupTest = new Group("TEST_GROUP");
     $groupTest2 = new Group("TEST_GROUP_2");
     $this->assertEquals($groupTest, $this->user->getGroup()->first());
     $this->assertEquals(2, $this->user->getGroup()->count());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $this->user->getGroup()->count());
     $this->assertEquals($groupTest2, $this->user->getGroup()->first());
 public function __construct($username, $realname = 'Real Name', $email = '*****@*****.**', $groups = [])
     $this->username = $username;
     $this->password = '******';
     $this->user = User::newFromName($this->username);
     // In an ideal world we'd have a new wiki (or mock data store) for every single test.
     // But for now, we just need to create or update the user with the desired properties.
     // we particularly need the new password, since we just generated it randomly.
     // In core MediaWiki, there is no functionality to delete users, so this is the best we can do.
     if (!$this->user->isLoggedIn()) {
         // create the user
         $this->user = User::createNew($this->username, ["email" => $email, "real_name" => $realname]);
         if (!$this->user) {
             throw new MWException("Error creating TestUser " . $username);
     // Update the user to use the password and other details
     $change = $this->setEmail($email) || $this->setRealName($realname);
     // Adjust groups by adding any missing ones and removing any extras
     $currentGroups = $this->user->getGroups();
     foreach (array_diff($groups, $currentGroups) as $group) {
     foreach (array_diff($currentGroups, $groups) as $group) {
     if ($change) {
         // Disable CAS check before saving. The User object may have been initialized from cached
         // information that may be out of whack with the database during testing. If tests were
         // perfectly isolated, this would not happen. But if it does happen, let's just ignore the
         // inconsistency, and just write the data we want - during testing, we are not worried
         // about data loss.
         $this->user->mTouched = '';
  * Add groups based on the existence of attributes in the SAML assertion.
  * @param User $user add MediaWiki permissions to this user from the current SAML assertion
  * @return void $user is modified on return
 protected static function setGroups(User $user)
     global $wgSamlGroupMap;
     $attr = self::$as->getAttributes();
     foreach ($wgSamlGroupMap as $group => $rules) {
         foreach ($rules as $attrName => $needles) {
             if (!isset($attr[$attrName])) {
             foreach ($needles as $needle) {
                 if (in_array($needle, $attr[$attrName])) {
                 } else {
  * Helper function for updateUser() and initUser(). Adds users into MediaWiki security groups
  * based upon groups retreived from LDAP.
  * @param User $user
  * @access private
 function setGroups(&$user)
     global $wgGroupPermissions;
     // TODO: this is *really* ugly code. clean it up!
     $this->printDebug("Entering setGroups.", NONSENSITIVE);
     # Add ldap groups as local groups
     if ($this->getConf('GroupsPrevail')) {
         $this->printDebug("Adding all groups to wgGroupPermissions: ", SENSITIVE, $this->allLDAPGroups);
         foreach ($this->allLDAPGroups["short"] as $ldapgroup) {
             if (!array_key_exists($ldapgroup, $wgGroupPermissions)) {
                 $wgGroupPermissions[$ldapgroup] = array();
     # add groups permissions
     $localAvailGrps = $user->getAllGroups();
     $localUserGrps = $user->getEffectiveGroups();
     $defaultLocallyManagedGrps = array('bot', 'sysop', 'bureaucrat');
     $locallyManagedGrps = $this->getConf('LocallyManagedGroups');
     if ($locallyManagedGrps) {
         $locallyManagedGrps = array_unique(array_merge($defaultLocallyManagedGrps, $locallyManagedGrps));
         $this->printDebug("Locally managed groups: ", SENSITIVE, $locallyManagedGrps);
     } else {
         $locallyManagedGrps = $defaultLocallyManagedGrps;
         $this->printDebug("Locally managed groups is unset, using defaults: ", SENSITIVE, $locallyManagedGrps);
     $this->printDebug("Available groups are: ", NONSENSITIVE, $localAvailGrps);
     $this->printDebug("Effective groups are: ", NONSENSITIVE, $localUserGrps);
     # note: $localUserGrps does not need to be updated with $cGroup added,
     #       as $localAvailGrps contains $cGroup only once.
     foreach ($localAvailGrps as $cGroup) {
         # did we once add the user to the group?
         if (in_array($cGroup, $localUserGrps)) {
             $this->printDebug("Checking to see if we need to remove user from: {$cGroup}", NONSENSITIVE);
             if (!$this->hasLDAPGroup($cGroup) && !in_array($cGroup, $locallyManagedGrps)) {
                 $this->printDebug("Removing user from: {$cGroup}", NONSENSITIVE);
                 # the ldap group overrides the local group
                 # so as the user is currently not a member of the ldap group, he shall be removed from the local group
         } else {
             # no, but maybe the user has recently been added to the ldap group?
             $this->printDebug("Checking to see if user is in: {$cGroup}", NONSENSITIVE);
             if ($this->hasLDAPGroup($cGroup)) {
                 $this->printDebug("Adding user to: {$cGroup}", NONSENSITIVE);
  * Save user groups changes in the database.
  * @param User|UserRightsProxy $user
  * @param array $add Array of groups to add
  * @param array $remove Array of groups to remove
  * @param string $reason Reason for group change
  * @return array Tuple of added, then removed groups
 function doSaveUserGroups($user, $add, $remove, $reason = '')
     global $wgAuth;
     // Validate input set...
     $isself = $user->getName() == $this->getUser()->getName();
     $groups = $user->getGroups();
     $changeable = $this->changeableGroups();
     $addable = array_merge($changeable['add'], $isself ? $changeable['add-self'] : array());
     $removable = array_merge($changeable['remove'], $isself ? $changeable['remove-self'] : array());
     $remove = array_unique(array_intersect((array) $remove, $removable, $groups));
     $add = array_unique(array_diff(array_intersect((array) $add, $addable), $groups));
     $oldGroups = $user->getGroups();
     $newGroups = $oldGroups;
     // Remove then add groups
     if ($remove) {
         foreach ($remove as $index => $group) {
             if (!$user->removeGroup($group)) {
         $newGroups = array_diff($newGroups, $remove);
     if ($add) {
         foreach ($add as $index => $group) {
             if (!$user->addGroup($group)) {
         $newGroups = array_merge($newGroups, $add);
     $newGroups = array_unique($newGroups);
     // Ensure that caches are cleared
     // update groups in external authentication database
     Hooks::run('UserGroupsChanged', array($user, $add, $remove, $this->getUser()));
     $wgAuth->updateExternalDBGroups($user, $add, $remove);
     wfDebug('oldGroups: ' . print_r($oldGroups, true) . "\n");
     wfDebug('newGroups: ' . print_r($newGroups, true) . "\n");
     // Deprecated in favor of UserGroupsChanged hook
     Hooks::run('UserRights', array(&$user, $add, $remove), '1.26');
     if ($newGroups != $oldGroups) {
         $this->addLogEntry($user, $oldGroups, $newGroups, $reason);
     return array($add, $remove);
  * On every page load, the user's permissions are recalculated. They are based
  * upon the groups to which the user belongs.
 function manageMediawikiGroupsForUser(User $mediawiki_user, PFUser $tuleap_user, Group $group)
     $groups_mapper = new MediawikiUserGroupsMapper(new MediawikiDao(), new User_ForgeUserGroupPermissionsDao());
     $mediawiki_groups = $groups_mapper->defineUserMediawikiGroups($tuleap_user, $group);
     foreach ($mediawiki_groups['removed'] as $group_to_remove) {
     foreach ($mediawiki_groups['added'] as $group_to_add) {
     return $mediawiki_user;
  * Helper function for updateUser() and initUser(). Adds users into MediaWiki security groups
  * based upon groups retreived from LDAP.
  * @param User $user
  * @access private
 function setGroups(&$user)
     $this->printDebug("Pulling groups from LDAP.", 1);
     # add groups permissions
     $localAvailGrps = $user->getAllGroups();
     $localUserGrps = $user->getEffectiveGroups();
     $this->printDebug("Available groups are: " . implode(",", $localAvailGrps) . "", 1);
     $this->printDebug("Effective groups are: " . implode(",", $localUserGrps) . "", 1);
     # note: $localUserGrps does not need to be updated with $cGroup added,
     #       as $localAvailGrps contains $cGroup only once.
     foreach ($localAvailGrps as $cGroup) {
         # did we once add the user to the group?
         if (in_array($cGroup, $localUserGrps)) {
             $this->printDebug("Checking to see if we need to remove user from: {$cGroup}", 1);
             if (!$this->hasLDAPGroup($cGroup) && $this->isLDAPGroup($cGroup)) {
                 $this->printDebug("Removing user from: {$cGroup}", 1);
                 # the ldap group overrides the local group
                 # so as the user is currently not a member of the ldap group, he shall be removed from the local group
         } else {
             # no, but maybe the user has recently been added to the ldap group?
             $this->printDebug("Checking to see if user is in: {$cGroup}", 1);
             if ($this->hasLDAPGroup($cGroup)) {
                 $this->printDebug("Adding user to: {$cGroup}", 1);
                 # so use the addGroup function
                 # completedfor $cGroup.
  * When a user logs in, optionally fill in preferences and such.
  * For instance, you might pull the email address or real name from the
  * external user database.
  * The User object is passed by reference so it can be modified; don't
  * forget the & on your function declaration.
  * @param User $user
  * @access public
 function updateUser(&$user)
     if (!is_resource($this->db)) {
     $query = mysql_query("SELECT username,email,usergroup,additionalgroups FROM {$this->table_prefix}users WHERE username='******'", $this->db);
     $res = mysql_fetch_array($query);
     if ($res) {
         if (in_array($res['usergroup'], $this->admin_usergroups)) {
             $is_admin = true;
         $memberships = explode(",", $res['additionalgroups']);
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($memberships); $i++) {
             if (in_array($memberships[$x], $this->admin_usergroups)) {
                 $is_admin = true;
         if ($is_admin == true) {
             // If a user is not a sysop, make them a sysop
             if (!in_array("sysop", $user->getEffectiveGroups())) {
         } else {
             if (in_array("sysop", $user->getEffectiveGroups())) {
                 return TRUE;
         return TRUE;
     return false;
  * @covers AppBundle\Entity\User::removeGroup
  * Implement testRemoveGroup().
 public function testRemoveGroup()