  * Usernames must only contain lower-case letters and numbers
  * @see FieldValidation::test()
 function test(DataField $field, array &$errors = array())
     // Don't validate on get requests, we're possibly displaying and empty password field
     if (trim(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) === 'get') {
         return $field->value;
     // Don't validate existing user names (hidden form field), it might be mixed case
     // on older installs and that is ok.
     // NOTE: Adding a new user uses the same form as updating a user. If the username
     // entered matches an existing username, the existing User object is updated.
     if (trim(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) === 'post') {
         $user = new User();
         if ($user->isLoaded()) {
             return $field->value;
     if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+$/', $field->value)) {
         return $field->value;
     $errors[$field->name] = 'Username must only contain lower-case letters and numbers';
     return false;
文件: user.php 项目: joeymetal/v1
 function can($task, $extension = null, $force_reload = false)
     if (!isset($this->_activeRecordHasBeenInstantiated)) {
         if (User::isLoaded()) {
             $User =& User::getCurrentUser();
             return $User->can($task, $extension, $force_reload);
         } else {
             return false;
     static $Permissions;
     if (!isset($Permissions) || $force_reload) {
         $Permissions = array();
         $UserPermissions =& $this->getPermissions();
         foreach (array_keys($UserPermissions) as $k) {
             $extension_id = $UserPermissions[$k]->get('extension_id');
             $Permissions[empty($extension_id) ? 'core' : $extension_id][] = $UserPermissions[$k]->get('name');
     $extension_id = $this->_getExtensionId($extension);
     return !empty($Permissions[$extension_id]) && in_array($task, $Permissions[$extension_id]) ? true : $this->_addRootPermission($task, $extension_id);
文件: Email.php 项目: saiber/www
 public function setUser(User $user)
     if (!$user->isLoaded()) {
     $array = $user->toArray();
     $this->locale = $user->locale->get();
     $this->set('user', $array);
     $this->setTo($array['email'], $array['fullName']);
     $this->user = $user;
 function _valuesToForm(array &$values, User $record)
     if ($record->isLoaded()) {
         $values['_groups'] = $this->getDi()->subusersSubscriptionTable->getForUser($record->pk());
     } else {
         $values['_groups'] = array();
 function beforeSave(array &$values, User $record)
     if (!empty($values['_pass'])) {
     if (!$record->isLoaded()) {
         $record->is_approved = 1;
    function init()
        /* General Settings */
        $fieldSet = $this->addElement('fieldset', 'general', array('id' => 'general', 'label' => ___('General')));
        $loginGroup = $fieldSet->addGroup('', array('id' => 'login'))->setLabel(___('Username'));
        $login = $loginGroup->addElement('text', 'login', array('size' => 20));
        $loginGroup->addRule('callback2', '-error-', array($this, 'checkUniqLogin'));
        $comment = $fieldSet->addTextarea("comment", array('style' => "width:90%", 'id' => 'comment'), array('label' => ___('Comment')));
        if ($this->record && $this->record->pk()) {
            $url = Am_Controller::escape(Am_Controller::makeUrl('admin-users', 'login-as', null, array('id' => $this->record->pk())));
            $loginGroup->addStatic('_login_as')->setContent("&nbsp;<a href='{$url}' target='_blank'>" . ___("login as user") . "</a>");
        $pass = $fieldSet->addElement('password', '_pass', array('size' => 20, 'autocomplete' => 'off'))->setLabel(___('New Password'));
        //$pass0 = $gr->addElement('password', '_pass0', array('size' => 20));
        //$pass0->addRule('eq', 'Password confirmation must be equal to Password', $pass);
        if ($this->getAttribute('_a_') == 'insert') {
        $nameField = $fieldSet->addGroup('', array('id' => 'name'), array('label' => ___('Name')));
        $nameField->addElement('text', 'name_f', array('size' => 20));
        $nameField->addElement('text', 'name_l', array('size' => 20));
        $gr = $fieldSet->addGroup()->setLabel(___('E-Mail Address'));
        $gr->addElement('text', 'email', array('size' => 40))->addRule('required');
        $gr->addRule('callback2', '-error-', array($this, 'checkUniqEmail'));
        $fieldSet->addElement('text', 'phone', array('size' => 20))->setLabel(___('Phone Number'));
        if ($this->record && $this->record->isLoaded()) {
            $resendText = Am_Controller::escape(___("Resend Signup E-Mail"));
            $sending = Am_Controller::escape(___('sending'));
            $sent = Am_Controller::escape(___('sent successfully'));
            $id = $this->record->pk();
<input type='button' value='{$resendText}' id='resend-signup-email' />
<script type='text/javascript'>
    var btn = this;
    var txt = btn.value;
    btn.value += '...({$sending})...';
    \$.post(window.rootUrl + '/admin-users/resend-signup-email', {id: {$id}}, function(){
        btn.value = txt + '...({$sent})';
        setTimeout(function(){ btn.value = txt; }, 600);
        $isLocked = $fieldSet->addElement('advradio', 'is_locked', array('id' => 'is_locked'))->loadOptions(array('' => 'No', '1' => '<font color=red><b>' . ___("Yes, locked") . '</b></font>', '-1' => '<i>' . ___("Disable auto-locking for this customer") . '</i>'))->setLabel(___('Is Locked'));
        if (Am_Di::getInstance()->config->get('manually_approve')) {
            $fieldSet->addElement('advcheckbox', 'is_approved', array('id' => 'is_approved'))->setLabel(___('Is Approved'));
        $fieldSet->addElement('advradio', 'unsubscribed', array('id' => 'unsubscribed'))->setLabel(___("Is Unsubscribed?\nif enabled, this will\nunsubscribe the customer from:\n* messages that you send from aMember Cp, \n* autoresponder messages,\n* subscription expiration notices"))->loadOptions(array('' => ___('No'), '1' => ___('Yes, do not e-mail this customer for any reasons')));
        if ($this->record->isLoaded()) {
            $fieldSet->addStatic('_signup_info', null, array('label' => ___('Signup Info')))->setContent(sprintf("<div>%s</div>", $this->record->added . ' / ' . $this->record->remote_addr));
        if (Am_Di::getInstance()->config->get('use_user_groups')) {
            $group = $this->addGroup('', array('id' => 'user_groups'))->setLabel(___('User Groups'));
            $groups = $group->addSelect('_groups', array('multiple' => 'multiple', 'class' => 'magicselect'));
            $group->addHtml()->setHtml(sprintf('<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s<a/>', Am_Controller::escape(REL_ROOT_URL . '/admin-user-groups'), ___("Edit Groups")));
        /* Address Info */
        $event = new Am_Event_UserForm(Am_Event_UserForm::INIT, $this, $this->record, array());
文件: user.php 项目: bermi/admin
 static function currentUserHasRole($task, $extension = null, $force_reload = false)
     if (User::isLoaded()) {
         $User = User::getCurrentUser();
         return $User->hasRole($role_name, $force_reload);
     return false;