public function processRedirect($uri)
     $records = $this->getAllRedirects();
     $doRedirect = false;
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         $record = $record->attributes;
         // trim to tolerate whitespace in user entry
         $record['uri'] = trim($record['uri']);
         // type of match. 3 possibilities:
         // standard match (no *, no initial and final #) - regex_match = false
         // regex match (initial and final # (may also contain *)) - regex_match = true
         // wildcard match (no initial and final #, but does have *) - regex_match = true
         $regex_match = false;
         if (preg_match("/^#(.+)#\$/", $record['uri'], $matches)) {
             // all set to use the regex
             $regex_match = true;
         } elseif (strpos($record['uri'], "*")) {
             // not necessary to replace / with \/ here, but no harm to it either
             $record['uri'] = "#^" . str_replace(array("*", "/"), array("(.*)", "\\/"), $record['uri']) . '#';
             $regex_match = true;
         if ($regex_match) {
             if (preg_match($record['uri'], $uri)) {
                 $redirectLocation = preg_replace($record['uri'], $record['location'], $uri);
         } else {
             // Standard match
             if ($record['uri'] == $uri) {
                 $redirectLocation = $record['location'];
     return isset($redirectLocation) ? array("url" => strpos($record['location'], "http") === 0 ? $redirectLocation : UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($redirectLocation), "type" => $record['type']) : false;
  * Process Successful Login
 private function _handleSuccessfulLogin($setNotice)
     // Get the current user
     $currentUser = craft()->userSession->getUser();
     // Were they trying to access a URL beforehand?
     $returnUrl = craft()->userSession->getReturnUrl(null, true);
     if ($returnUrl === null || $returnUrl == craft()->request->getPath()) {
         // If this is a CP request and they can access the control panel, send them wherever
         // postCpLoginRedirect tells us
         if (craft()->request->isCpRequest() && $currentUser->can('accessCp')) {
             $postCpLoginRedirect = craft()->config->get('postCpLoginRedirect');
             $returnUrl = UrlHelper::getCpUrl($postCpLoginRedirect);
         } else {
             // Otherwise send them wherever postLoginRedirect tells us
             $postLoginRedirect = craft()->config->get('postLoginRedirect');
             $returnUrl = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($postLoginRedirect);
     // If this was an Ajax request, just return success:true
     if (craft()->request->isAjaxRequest()) {
         $this->returnJson(array('success' => true, 'returnUrl' => $returnUrl));
     } else {
         if ($setNotice) {
             craft()->userSession->setNotice(Craft::t('Logged in.'));
         $this->redirectToPostedUrl($currentUser, $returnUrl);
  * @inheritDoc ITask::runStep()
  * @param int $step
  * @return bool
 public function runStep($step)
     // NOTE: Perhaps much of this should be moved into a service
     $batch = \Guzzle\Batch\BatchBuilder::factory()->transferRequests(20)->bufferExceptions()->build();
     // Make the client
     $client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client();
     // Set the Accept header
     $client->setDefaultOption('headers/Accept', '*/*');
     // Loop the paths in this step
     foreach ($this->_paths[$step] as $path) {
         // Make the url, stripping 'site:' from the path if it exists
         $newPath = preg_replace('/site:/', '', $path, 1);
         $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($newPath);
         // Create the GET request
         $request = $client->get($url);
         // Add it to the batch
     // Flush the queue and retrieve the flushed items
     $requests = $batch->flush();
     // Log any exceptions
     foreach ($batch->getExceptions() as $e) {
         Craft::log('CacheMonster: an exception occurred: ' . $e->getMessage(), LogLevel::Error);
     // Clear any exceptions
     return true;
  * Start searching.
  * @param mixed  $collectionHandles
  * @param array  $params            [Optional] Set params.
  * Available params:
  * - locale     Search for data from a certain locale.
  * - keywords   Search keywords.
  * - limit      Limit the search results.
  * - offset     Offset in the search results.
  * - order      Order by a certain key. (Note: Only available with one collection!)
  * - sort       Sort direction when the order param is given. (Note: Only available with one collection!)
  * @return bool|array
 public function getResults($collectionHandles, $params = array())
     // Max power!
     craft()->config->set('cacheElementQueries', false);
     // Get collections
     if (is_array($collectionHandles)) {
         $collections = craft()->amSearch_collections->getCollectionsByHandle($collectionHandles);
     } else {
         $collections = craft()->amSearch_collections->getCollectionByHandle($collectionHandles);
     // Did we get any collections?
     if (!$collections) {
         return false;
     } elseif (!is_array($collections)) {
         $collections = array($collections);
     // Set the important stuff
     $this->_siteUrl = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl('', null, null, $this->_getSearchParam('locale'));
     $this->_addTrailingSlash = craft()->config->get('addTrailingSlashesToUrls');
     $this->_searchResults = array();
     $this->_handledElements = array();
     $this->_searchParams = $params;
     // Get plugin search settings
     if (!$this->_excerptPrefix) {
         $searchSettings = craft()->amSearch_settings->getSettingsByType(AmSearchModel::SettingSearch);
         if ($searchSettings) {
             foreach ($searchSettings as $searchSetting) {
                 $this->{'_' . $searchSetting->handle} = $searchSetting->value;
         } else {
             // Default
             $this->_excerptPrefix = '…';
             $this->_excerptSuffix = '…';
             $this->_charsBeforeKeywords = 100;
             $this->_charsAfterKeywords = 100;
     // Get data for each collection
     foreach ($collections as $collection) {
         // Set collection
         $this->_collection = $collection;
         // Get records!
     // Order the results by a certain key?
     $order = $this->_getSearchParam('order', false);
     $sort = $this->_getSearchParam('sort', 'asc');
     if ($order && count($collections) == 1) {
         $this->_sortSearchResults($order, $sort);
     // Limit and offset the results?
     $limit = $this->_getSearchParam('limit', false);
     if ($limit && is_numeric($limit)) {
         $offset = $this->_getSearchParam('offset', 0);
         $this->_searchResults = array_slice($this->_searchResults, $offset, $limit);
     return $this->_searchResults;
 public function createTemplateUrls($plain, $html)
     $record = new Postmaster_MessageTemplateRecord();
     $record->plain = $plain;
     $record->html = $html;
     return array('text' => UrlHelper::getSiteUrl('postmaster/template/text/' . $record->id), 'html' => UrlHelper::getSiteUrl('postmaster/template/html/' . $record->id));
  * Returns the element's full URL.
  * @return string
 public function getEurl()
     if ($this->uri !== null) {
         $path = $this->uri == '__home__' ? '' : $this->uri . "/" . $this->eid;
         $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($path, null, null, $this->locale);
         return $url;
  * Get login URL
  * @param $providerHandle
  * @param array  $params
  * @return string
 public function getLoginUrl($providerHandle, array $params = [])
     $params['provider'] = $providerHandle;
     if (isset($params['scope']) && is_array($params['scope'])) {
         $params['scope'] = urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($params['scope'])));
     $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl(craft()->config->get('actionTrigger') . '/social/login', $params);
     return $url;
 public function findRedirectByPath($path)
     $redirects = $this->getAllRedirects();
     foreach ($redirects as $redirect) {
         $to = false;
         if (trim($redirect['uri'], '/') == $path) {
             $to = $redirect['to'];
         } elseif ($uri = $this->_isRedirectRegex($redirect['uri'])) {
             if (preg_match($uri, $path)) {
                 $to = preg_replace($uri, $redirect['to'], $path);
         if ($to) {
             return ['to' => strpos($to, '://') !== false ? $to : UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($to), 'type' => $redirect['type']];
     return false;
 public function getUrl($criteria)
     if (isset($criteria['asset'])) {
         if (!$criteria['asset'] instanceof AssetFileModel) {
             $criteria['asset'] = craft()->assets->getFileById($criteria['asset']);
             if (!$criteria['asset']) {
                 return null;
         if ($criteria['asset']->filename) {
             $options = ['id' => $criteria['asset']->id, 'filename' => $criteria['asset']->filename, 'userId' => isset($criteria['userId']) ? $criteria['userId'] : null, 'forceDownload' => isset($criteria['forceDownload']) ? $criteria['forceDownload'] : true];
             if (isset($criteria['userGroupId'])) {
                 $options['userGroupId'] = $criteria['userGroupId'];
             $urlParam = $this->encodeUrlParam($options);
             return UrlHelper::getSiteUrl('secureAssetDownload/' . $urlParam);
     return null;
  * Returns the element's full URL.
  * @return string
 public function getUrl()
     if ($this->uri !== null) {
         return UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($this->uri);
  * Takes over after a user has been activated.
  * @param UserModel $user
 private function _onAfterActivateUser(UserModel $user)
     // Should we log them in?
     $loggedIn = false;
     if (craft()->config->get('autoLoginAfterAccountActivation')) {
         $loggedIn = craft()->userSession->loginByUserId($user->id, false, true);
     // Can they access the CP?
     if ($user->can('accessCp')) {
         $postCpLoginRedirect = craft()->config->get('postCpLoginRedirect');
         $url = UrlHelper::getCpUrl($postCpLoginRedirect);
     } else {
         $activateAccountSuccessPath = craft()->config->getLocalized('activateAccountSuccessPath');
         $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($activateAccountSuccessPath);
 public function getLoginUrl($providerClass, $params = array())
     $params['provider'] = $providerClass;
     if (isset($params['scopes']) && is_array($params['scopes'])) {
         $params['scopes'] = urlencode(base64_encode(serialize($params['scopes'])));
     $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl(craft()->config->get('actionTrigger') . '/social/login', $params);
     Craft::log(__METHOD__ . " : Authenticate : " . $url, LogLevel::Info, true);
     return $url;
  * Sets a new verification code on a user, and returns their new Password Reset URL.
  * @param UserModel $user The user that should get the new Password Reset URL
  * @return string The new Password Reset URL.
 public function getPasswordResetUrl(UserModel $user)
     $userRecord = $this->_getUserRecordById($user->id);
     $unhashedVerificationCode = $this->_setVerificationCodeOnUserRecord($userRecord);
     $path = craft()->config->get('actionTrigger') . '/users/setpassword';
     $params = array('code' => $unhashedVerificationCode, 'id' => $userRecord->uid);
     $scheme = UrlHelper::getProtocolForTokenizedUrl();
     if ($user->can('accessCp')) {
         return UrlHelper::getCpUrl($path, $params, $scheme);
     } else {
         $locale = $user->preferredLocale ?: craft()->i18n->getPrimarySiteLocaleId();
         return UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($path, $params, $scheme, $locale);
  * Validate that a user has access to an email address.
  * @throws HttpException
  * @throws Exception
 public function actionValidate()
     if (craft()->userSession->isLoggedIn()) {
     $code = craft()->request->getRequiredQuery('code');
     $id = craft()->request->getRequiredQuery('id');
     $user = craft()->users->getUserByVerificationCodeAndUid($code, $id);
     if (!$user) {
         if (($url = craft()->config->get('activateFailurePath')) != '') {
         } else {
             throw new HttpException('200', Craft::t('Invalid verification code.'));
     if (craft()->users->activateUser($user)) {
         // Successfully activated user, do they require a password reset or is their password empty?
         // If so, send them through the password logic.
         if ($user->passwordResetRequired || !$user->password) {
             // All users that go through account activation will need to set their password.
             $code = craft()->users->setVerificationCodeOnUser($user);
             if ($user->can('accessCp')) {
                 $url = craft()->config->getSetPasswordPath($code, $id, true, 'cp');
             } else {
                 $url = craft()->config->getSetPasswordPath($code, $id);
         } else {
             // Log them in.
             // If the user can't access the CP, then send them to the front-end activateAccountSuccessPath.
             if (!$user->can('accessCp')) {
                 $url = UrlHelper::getUrl(craft()->config->get('activateAccountSuccessPath'));
             } else {
                 craft()->userSession->setNotice(Craft::t('Account activated.'));
     } else {
         if (($url = craft()->config->get('activateFailurePath')) === '') {
             // Failed to validate user and there is no custom validation failure path.  Throw an exception.
             throw new HttpException('200', Craft::t('There was a problem activating this account.'));
         } else {
             // Failed to activate user and there is a custom validate failure path set, so use it.
             $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($url);
 private function _generateUrls($id, $section, $elemType)
     $urls = [];
     $sect = craft()->elements->getCriteria($elemType);
     $sect->sectionId = $id;
     $sect->limit = null;
     foreach ($sect->find() as $elem) {
         if ($elem->url !== null) {
             $urlAlts = [];
             if (is_array($elem->locales) && count($elem->locales) > 1) {
                 foreach ($elem->locales as $locale => $settings) {
                     $locale = $elemType == ElementType::Category || $elemType == 'Commerce_Product' ? $settings : $locale;
                     if ($locale !== craft()->language) {
                         $urlAlts[] = ['locale' => str_replace('_', '-', $locale), 'url' => UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($elem->uri == '__home__' ? '' : $elem->uri, null, null, $locale)];
             $urls[] = ['url' => $elem->url, 'urlAlts' => $urlAlts, 'lastmod' => $elem->dateUpdated, 'frequency' => $section['frequency'], 'priority' => $section['priority']];
     return $urls;
  * Login as user.
  * @param array $variables
  * @return bool
 public function loginAsUser($variables)
     if (!isset($variables['userId'])) {
         return false;
     if (craft()->userSession->loginByUserId($variables['userId'])) {
         craft()->userSession->setNotice(Craft::t('Logged in.'));
         craft()->amCommand->setReturnMessage(Craft::t('Login as user'));
         if (craft()->userSession->getUser()->can('accessCp')) {
         } else {
         return true;
     } else {
         craft()->amCommand->setReturnMessage(Craft::t('There was a problem impersonating this user.'));
         Craft::log(craft()->userSession->getUser()->username . ' tried to log in using userId: ' . $variables['userId'] . ' but something went wrong.', LogLevel::Error);
         return false;
  * Gets the sitemap then caches and returns an array of the paths found in it
  *  TODO: let user set sitemap location(s) in the cp, default to /sitemap.xml
  * @method crawlSitemapForPaths
  * @return array               an array of $paths
 public function crawlSitemapForPaths()
     // This might be heavy, probably not but better safe than sorry
     $paths = array();
     // Get the (one day specified) sitemap
     $client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client();
     $response = $client->get(UrlHelper::getSiteUrl('sitemap.xml'))->send();
     // Get the xml and add each url to the $paths array
     if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
         $xml = $response->xml();
         foreach ($xml->url as $url) {
             $parts = parse_url((string) $url->loc);
             $paths[] = 'site:' . ltrim($parts['path'], '/');
     // Check $paths is unique
     $paths = array_unique($paths);
     // Return the actual paths
     return $paths;
  * Redirect the browser after a user’s account has been activated.
  * @param UserModel $user The user that was just activated
  * @return void
 private function _redirectUserAfterAccountActivation(UserModel $user)
     // Can they access the CP?
     if ($user->can('accessCp')) {
         $postCpLoginRedirect = craft()->config->get('postCpLoginRedirect');
         $url = UrlHelper::getCpUrl($postCpLoginRedirect);
     } else {
         $activateAccountSuccessPath = craft()->config->getLocalized('activateAccountSuccessPath');
         $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($activateAccountSuccessPath);
  * Returns the element's full URL.
  * @return string
 public function getUrl()
     if ($this->uri !== null) {
         $useLocaleSiteUrl = $this->locale != craft()->language && ($localeSiteUrl = craft()->config->getLocalized('siteUrl', $this->locale));
         if ($useLocaleSiteUrl) {
             // Temporarily set Craft to use this element's locale's site URL
             $siteUrl = craft()->getSiteUrl();
         if ($this->uri == '__home__') {
             $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl();
         } else {
             $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($this->uri);
         if ($useLocaleSiteUrl) {
         return $url;
  * Returns a list of localized URIs for the passed in element
  * @return array an array of paths
 public function getLocalizedUris($element = null)
     $localizedUris = array();
     if ($element) {
         if (craft()->isLocalized()) {
             $unsortedLocalizedUris = array();
             $_rows = craft()->db->createCommand()->select('locale')->addSelect('uri')->from('elements_i18n')->where(array('elementId' => $element->id, 'enabled' => 1))->queryAll();
             foreach ($_rows as $row) {
                 $path = $row['uri'] == '__home__' ? '' : $row['uri'];
                 $unsortedLocalizedUris[$row['locale']] = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($path, null, null, $row['locale']);
             $locales = craft()->i18n->getSiteLocales();
             foreach ($locales as $locale) {
                 $localeId = $locale->getId();
                 if (isset($unsortedLocalizedUris[$localeId])) {
                     $urlParts = parse_url($unsortedLocalizedUris[$localeId]);
                     array_push($localizedUris, "/" . $urlParts['path']);
         } else {
             array_push($localizedUris, "/" . $element->uri);
     return $localizedUris;
  * Sets a new verification code on a user, and returns their new Password Reset URL.
  * @param UserModel $user The user that should get the new Password Reset URL
  * @return string The new Password Reset URL.
 public function getPasswordResetUrl(UserModel $user)
     $userRecord = $this->_getUserRecordById($user->id);
     $unhashedVerificationCode = $this->_setVerificationCodeOnUserRecord($userRecord);
     if ($user->can('accessCp')) {
         $url = UrlHelper::getActionUrl('users/setpassword', array('code' => $unhashedVerificationCode, 'id' => $userRecord->uid), craft()->request->isSecureConnection() ? 'https' : 'http');
     } else {
         // We want to hide the CP trigger if they don't have access to the CP.
         $path = craft()->config->get('actionTrigger') . '/users/setpassword';
         $url = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($path, array('code' => $unhashedVerificationCode, 'id' => $userRecord->uid), craft()->request->isSecureConnection() ? 'https' : 'http');
     return $url;
  * @todo - improve how images are being handled here
  * @param $prioritizedMetaModel
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function prepareAssetUrls(SproutSeo_MetaModel &$model)
     // If a code override for ogImageSecure is provided, make sure it's an absolute URL
     if (!empty($model->ogImageSecure)) {
         if (substr($model->ogImageSecure, 0, 5) !== "https") {
             throw new \Exception('Open Graph Secure Image override value "' . $model->ogImageSecure . '" must be a secure, absolute url.');
     // Modify our Assets to reference their URLs
     if (!empty($model->ogImage)) {
         // If ogImage starts with "http", roll with it
         // If not, then process what we have to try to extract the URL
         if (substr($model->ogImage, 0, 4) !== "http") {
             if (!is_numeric($model->ogImage)) {
                 throw new \Exception('Open Graph Image override value "' . $model->ogImage . '" must be an absolute url.');
             $ogImage = craft()->elements->getElementById($model->ogImage);
             $imageUrl = (string) $ogImage->url;
             if (!empty($ogImage)) {
                 // check to see if Asset already has full Site Url in folder Url
                 if (strpos($imageUrl, "http") !== false) {
                     $model->ogImage = $ogImage->url;
                 } else {
                     $model->ogImage = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($ogImage->url);
                 $model->ogImageWidth = $ogImage->width;
                 $model->ogImageHeight = $ogImage->height;
                 $model->ogImageType = $ogImage->mimeType;
                 if (craft()->request->isSecureConnection()) {
                     $secureUrl = preg_replace("/^http:/i", "https:", $ogImage->url);
                     $model->ogImageSecure = $secureUrl;
     if (!empty($model->twitterImage)) {
         // If twitterImage starts with "http", roll with it
         // If not, then process what we have to try to extract the URL
         if (substr($model->twitterImage, 0, 4) !== "http") {
             if (!is_numeric($model->twitterImage)) {
                 throw new \Exception('Twitter Image override value "' . $model->twitterImage . '" must be an	absolute url.');
             $twitterImage = craft()->elements->getElementById($model->twitterImage);
             $imageUrl = (string) $twitterImage->url;
             if (!empty($twitterImage)) {
                 // check to see if Asset already has full Site Url in folder Url
                 if (strpos($imageUrl, "http") !== false) {
                     $model->twitterImage = $twitterImage->url;
                 } else {
                     $model->twitterImage = UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($twitterImage->url);
  * Ends a template cache.
  * @param string      $key        The template cache key.
  * @param bool        $global     Whether the cache should be stored globally.
  * @param string|null $duration   How long the cache should be stored for.
  * @param mixed|null  $expiration When the cache should expire.
  * @param string      $body       The contents of the cache.
  * @throws \Exception
  * @return null
 public function endTemplateCache($key, $global, $duration, $expiration, $body)
     // If there are any transform generation URLs in the body, don't cache it.
     // Can't use getResourceUrl() here because that will append ?d= or ?x= to the URL.
     if (strpos($body, UrlHelper::getSiteUrl(craft()->config->getResourceTrigger() . '/transforms'))) {
     // Figure out the expiration date
     if ($duration) {
         $expiration = new DateTime($duration);
     if (!$expiration) {
         $duration = craft()->config->getCacheDuration();
         if ($duration <= 0) {
             $duration = 31536000;
             // 1 year
         $duration += time();
         $expiration = new DateTime('@' . $duration);
     // Save it
     $transaction = craft()->db->getCurrentTransaction() === null ? craft()->db->beginTransaction() : null;
     try {
         craft()->db->createCommand()->insert(static::$_templateCachesTable, array('cacheKey' => $key, 'locale' => craft()->language, 'path' => $global ? null : $this->_getPath(), 'expiryDate' => DateTimeHelper::formatTimeForDb($expiration), 'body' => $body), false);
         $cacheId = craft()->db->getLastInsertID();
         // Tag it with any element criteria that were output within the cache
         if (!empty($this->_cacheCriteria[$key])) {
             $values = array();
             foreach ($this->_cacheCriteria[$key] as $criteria) {
                 $flattenedCriteria = $criteria->getAttributes(null, true);
                 $values[] = array($cacheId, $criteria->getElementType()->getClassHandle(), JsonHelper::encode($flattenedCriteria));
             craft()->db->createCommand()->insertAll(static::$_templateCacheCriteriaTable, array('cacheId', 'type', 'criteria'), $values, false);
         // Tag it with any element IDs that were output within the cache
         if (!empty($this->_cacheElementIds[$key])) {
             $values = array();
             foreach ($this->_cacheElementIds[$key] as $elementId) {
                 $values[] = array($cacheId, $elementId);
             craft()->db->createCommand()->insertAll(static::$_templateCacheElementsTable, array('cacheId', 'elementId'), $values, false);
         if ($transaction !== null) {
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         if ($transaction !== null) {
         throw $e;
  * Sets a new verification code on a user, and returns their new Password Reset URL.
  * @param UserModel $user The user that should get the new Password Reset URL
  * @return string The new Password Reset URL.
 public function getPasswordResetUrl(UserModel $user)
     $userRecord = $this->_getUserRecordById($user->id);
     $unhashedVerificationCode = $this->_setVerificationCodeOnUserRecord($userRecord);
     $path = craft()->config->get('actionTrigger') . '/users/setpassword';
     $params = array('code' => $unhashedVerificationCode, 'id' => $userRecord->uid);
     $scheme = craft()->request->isSecureConnection() ? 'https' : 'http';
     if ($user->can('accessCp')) {
         return UrlHelper::getCpUrl($path, $params, $scheme);
     } else {
         return UrlHelper::getSiteUrl($path, $params, $scheme);