/** * Get Upload Signature * @static * @param null $redirectUrl In case if you are using redirection after your upload, specify redirect URL * @param false $multipart Initiate a multipart upload * @return array */ public static function getUploadSignature($redirectUrl = null, $path, $multipart = false, $filename = null, $filesize = null) { if ($path == null) { throw new VzaarException('path/url could not be null'); } if (!preg_match('/^(https?:\\/\\/+[\\w\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+)/i', $path)) { $_url = "path=" . $path; if ($filename != null) { $_url .= "&filename=" . $filename; } if ($filesize != null) { $_url .= "&filesize=" . $filesize; } } else { $_url .= "url=" . $path; } if (Vzaar::$enableFlashSupport) { $_url .= "&flash_request=true"; } if ($redirectUrl != null) { $_url .= "&success_action_redirect=" . $redirectUrl; } if ($multipart) { $_url .= "&multipart=true"; $_url .= "&uploader=" . Constants::Uploader; } $_base_url = self::$url . "api/v1.1/videos/signature?"; $_auth_url = $_base_url . $_url; $_http_url = $_base_url . str_replace(' ', '+', $_url); $req = Vzaar::setAuth($_auth_url, 'GET'); $req->verbose = Vzaar::$enableHttpVerbose; $c = new HttpRequest($_http_url); $c->method = 'GET'; array_push($c->headers, $req->to_header()); array_push($c->headers, 'User-Agent: Vzaar OAuth Client'); $data = $c->send(); return UploadSignature::fromXml($data); }
/** * Get Upload Signature * @static * @param null $redirectUrl In case if you are using redirection after your upload, specify redirect URL * @return array */ public static function getUploadSignature($redirectUrl = null) { $_url = self::$url . "api/videos/signature"; if (Vzaar::$enableFlashSupport) { $_url .= '?flash_request=true'; } if ($redirectUrl != null) { if (Vzaar::$enableFlashSupport) { $_url .= '&success_action_redirect=' . $redirectUrl; } else { $_url .= '?success_action_redirect=' . $redirectUrl; } } $req = Vzaar::setAuth($_url, 'GET'); $req->verbose = Vzaar::$enableHttpVerbose; $c = new HttpRequest($_url); $c->method = 'GET'; array_push($c->headers, $req->to_header()); array_push($c->headers, 'User-Agent: Vzaar OAuth Client'); return UploadSignature::fromXml($c->send()); }
$this->signatory_model->updateSignature($this->signatoryID, $imagepath); $this->template->assign('signatureImage', $imagepath); $this->template->assign('hasImageSet', '1'); $this->template->setAlert('Signature image has been successfully uploaded.', Template::ALERT_SUCCESS); } else { $this->template->setAlert('An error occured while uploading the image.' . $image_upload->error, Template::ALERT_INFO); } } else { $this->template->setAlert('An error occured while uploading the image.', Template::ALERT_INFO); } } else { $this->template->setAlert('Invalid image! The image must be of valid file type (jpg, png, or gif), has exactly 200x35 size, and is less than 1 MB.', Template::ALERT_ERROR, 'alert'); //return; } } public function reset() { $sigIm = $this->signatory_model->getSignature($this->signatoryID); $sigIm = parse_url($sigIm, PHP_URL_PATH); $sigIm = substr($sigIm, strrpos($sigIm, "/") + 1); $sigIm = PATH . "photos/signatures/" . $sigIm; unlink($sigIm); $this->signatory_model->resetSignature($this->signatoryID); $this->template->assign('signatureImage', HOST . "/photos/default_signature.jpg"); $this->template->assign('hasImageSet', '0'); $this->template->setAlert('Signature image has been removed.', Template::ALERT_SUCCESS); } } $controller = new UploadSignature(); $controller->perform_actions(); $controller->display();