public function localupload() { $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->allowExts = array("pem"); $upload->uploadReplace = 1; $firstLetter = substr($this->token, 0, 1); $upload->savePath = "./uploads/" . $firstLetter . "/" . $this->token . "/"; if (!file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/uploads") || !is_dir($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/uploads")) { mkdir($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/uploads", 511); } $firstLetterDir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/uploads/" . $firstLetter; if (!file_exists($firstLetterDir) || !is_dir($firstLetterDir)) { mkdir($firstLetterDir, 511); } if (!file_exists($firstLetterDir . "/" . $this->token) || !is_dir($firstLetterDir . "/" . $this->token)) { mkdir($firstLetterDir . "/" . $this->token, 511); } if (!file_exists($upload->savePath) || !is_dir($upload->savePath)) { mkdir($upload->savePath, 511); } if (!$upload->upload()) { $error = 1; $msg = $upload->getErrorMsg(); $this->error($msg); exit; } else { $error = 0; $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $this->siteUrl = $this->siteUrl ? $this->siteUrl : C("site_url"); $msg = $this->siteUrl . substr($upload->savePath, 1) . $info[0]["savename"]; $this->addCert($info[0]["key"], $msg); } }
public function addvedio() { $zhang_id = $_POST['zhang_id']; $vedio_title = $_POST['vedio_title']; $course_id = $_POST['course_id']; $upload = new UploadFile($_POST['file']); $upload->allowExts = array('mp4'); $upload->savePath = './../Public/Uploads/vedio/'; if (!$upload->upload()) { $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $vedio = M('vedio'); $vedio->create(); $vedio->vedio_title = $vedio_title; $vedio->vedio_name = $info[0]['savename']; $vedio->zhang_id = $zhang_id; $result = $vedio->add(); $this->assign("jumpUrl", "__APP__/Vedio/index/id/{$course_id}"); if ($result) { $this->success("添加成功!"); } else { $this->error("添加不成功"); } } }
public function updataIconSubmit() { $upload = new UploadFile(); /* 文件大小单位以字节为单位 */ $upload->maxSize = C('UPLOAD_ICON_SIZE'); $upload->allowExts = array('jpg'); $upload->thumb = true; $upload->thumbMaxWidth = '200'; $upload->thumbMaxHeight = '270'; $upload->savePath = '../Public/Uploads/icons/'; if (!$upload->upload()) { $info = $upload->getErrorMsg(); echo '{"data":"' . $info . '","info":"' . $info . '","status":false}'; /* $this->ajaxReturn ( $info, '更新失败', false ); */ } else { $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $m = M('UserBaseinfo'); $data['icon'] = $info[0]['savename']; $result = $m->where('uid="' . $_POST['uid'] . '"')->save($data); if ($result) { writeOperationLog(APP_NAME, MODULE_NAME, ACTION_NAME, '更新头像'); echo '{"data":"' . $result . '","info":"Profile updated!","status":true}'; /* $this->ajaxReturn ( $result, '更新成功', true ); */ } else { echo '{"data":"' . $result . '","info":"Profile update failed!","status":false}'; /* $this->ajaxReturn ( $result, '更新失败', false ); */ } } }
public function ueditorUpload() { import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); // 实例化上传类 $upload->maxSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024; //设置上传图片的大小 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'png', 'gif'); //设置上传图片的后缀 $upload->autoSub = true; //是否使用子目录保存上传文件 $upload->subType = 'date'; //子目录创建方式,默认为hash,可以设置为hash或者date $upload->dateFormat = 'Ym'; //子目录方式为date的时候指定日期格式 $upload->savePath = C('UPLOAD_PATH'); // 设置附件上传目录 if ($upload->upload()) { $uploadInfo = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $res = array('state' => 'SUCCESS', 'title' => htmlspecialchars($_POST['pictitle'], ENT_QUOTES), 'url' => $uploadInfo[0]['savename'], 'original' => $uploadInfo[0]['name'], 'filetype' => $uploadInfo[0]['extension'], 'size' => $uploadInfo[0]['size'], 'savename' => $uploadInfo[0]['savename']); } else { $res = array('state' => $upload->getErrorMsg()); } echo json_encode($res); exit; }
public function upimg($path) { import("ORG.Net.UploadFile"); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = '2048000'; $upload->savePath = $path; $upload->saveRule = uniqid; $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'); //$upload->allowTypes=array('','','','','',''); /* $upload->thumb=false; $upload->thumbPrefix = 'm_,s_'; //生产2张缩略图 //设置缩略图最大宽度 $upload->thumbMaxWidth = '620,400'; //设置缩略图最大高度 $upload->thumbMaxHeight = '620,400';*/ // 是否删除原图 $upload->thumbRemoveOrigin = false; // 调用上传方法 if ($upload->upload()) { // 成功则返回对应信息用于之后的调用 $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); return $info; } else { $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } }
public function add() { import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); // 实例化上传类 $upload->maxSize = -1; // 设置附件上传大小 $upload->allowExts = array(); // 设置附件上传类型 $upload->savePath = './Public/Uploads/apply/'; // 设置附件上传目录 if (!$upload->upload()) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); } // 保存表单数据 包括附件数据 $join = M("join"); // 实例化对象 $user = M('user'); $data = array('uid' => $_SESSION['uid'], 'people1' => $_POST['people1'], 'people2' => $_POST['people2'], 'phone1' => $_POST['phone1'], 'phone2' => $_POST['phone2'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'timeid' => $_POST['timeid'], 'file' => $info[0]['savename']); $updata = array('id' => $_SESSION['uid'], 'class' => '2'); //p($data);die; //$User->img = $info[0]['savename']; // 保存上传的照片根据需要自行组装 if ($join->add($data) && $user->save($updata)) { $this->success('数据保存成功!请重新登录', U(GROUP_NAME . '/Login/index')); } else { $this->error('失败'); } }
public function index() { @header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); // 实例化上传类 $upload->maxSize = 3145728; // 设置附件上传大小 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'); // 设置附件上传类型 $savepath = '../uploads/' . date('Ymd') . '/'; $savepath1 = '/uploads/' . date('Ymd') . '/'; if (!file_exists($savepath)) { mkdir($savepath); } $upload->savePath = $savepath; // 设置附件上传目录 if (!$upload->upload()) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); } print_r($savepath1 . $info[0]['savename']); }
public function addDoc() { $course_id = $_POST['course_id']; $zhang_name = $_POST['zhang_name']; $usertype = Cookie::get('usertype'); $upload = new UploadFile($_POST['file']); $upload->allowExts = array('zip', 'rar', 'gz'); $upload->savePath = './../Public/Uploads/document/'; if (!$upload->upload()) { $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); } $zhang = M('zhang'); $zhang->create(); $zhang->course_id = $course_id; $zhang->zhang_name = $zhang_name; $zhang->file = $info[0]['savename']; $result = $zhang->add(); $this->assign("jumpUrl", "__APP__/Document/teacherindex/id/{$course_id}"); if ($result) { $this->success("添加成功!"); } else { $this->error($result->getErrorMsg()); } }
/** * Upload a File * * @param upurl - required - * The upload URL. * @param bid - required - * The item Id returned in the same call with the upload URL. * @param fname - required - * The name of the file to be uploaded. (path+fileName+fileExtension). * @return The YsiResponse object containing the upload status. * */ public function uploadaFile($upurl, $bid, $fname) { $a = new UploadFile($upurl, $bid, $fname); $response = $a->sendRequest(); $response = str_replace("upload-status", "uploadstatus", $response); $responseBody = simplexml_load_string($response); $returnObject = new YsiResponse(); if ($responseBody === false) { $errorCode = 'N/A'; $errorMessage = 'The server has encountered an error, please try again.'; $errorObject = new ErrorStatus($errorCode, $errorMessage); $returnObject->setErrorStatus($errorObject); } else { if (empty($responseBody->errorStatus)) { $ufid = (string) $responseBody->ufid; $returnObject->setUfid($ufid); $uploadStatus = (string) $responseBody->uploadstatus; $returnObject->setUploadStatus($uploadStatus); } else { $errorCode = (string) $responseBody->errorStatus->code; $errorMessage = (string) $responseBody->errorStatus->message; $errorObject = new ErrorStatus($errorCode, $errorMessage); $returnObject->setErrorStatus($errorObject); } } return $returnObject; }
public function upimg($path, $width = '300', $height = '150') { import("ORG.Net.UploadFile"); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = '2048000'; $upload->savePath = $path; $upload->saveRule = uniqid; $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif', 'bmp'); //$upload->allowTypes=array('','','','','',''); // 是否生成缩略图 $upload->thumb = true; $upload->thumbMaxWidth = $width; $upload->thumbMaxHeight = $height; // 缩略图前缀 $upload->thumbPrefix = 'a'; // 是否删除原图 $upload->thumbRemoveOrigin = true; // 调用上传方法 if ($upload->upload()) { // 成功则返回对应信息用于之后的调用 $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); return $info; } else { $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } }
function upload_image($file) { require_once '../class/upload.class.php'; $db_img = new DB(); if (!empty($file)) { $time = time(); $year_month = date('Ym', $time); $day = date('d', $time); $uploaddir = SHOPPIC_DIR; $pic_array = array(); foreach ($file as $k => $v) { $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->set('default_dir', $uploaddir); $result = $upload->upfile($k); if ($result) { $sizeinfo = getimagesize($uploaddir . DS . $upload->file_name); $pic_array[] = array($upload->file_name, $v['name'], $v['size'], $sizeinfo[0]); unset($sizeinfo); } unset($upload); } return $pic_array; } return array(); }
function upload() { $path = str_replace('admin/api/', '', CFG_PATH_ROOT) . 'images/merchants/' . date('ymd', time()) . "/"; $httpPath = 'images/merchants/' . date('ymd', time()) . "/"; $thumbnail_path = $path . "thumbnail/"; require CFG_PATH_ROOT . 'lib/util/UploadFile.class.php'; require CFG_PATH_ROOT . 'lib/util/Image.class.php'; $upload = new UploadFile(); $image = new Image(); try { $filePaths = array(); if (!is_array($_FILES['upload']['error'])) { $filePaths[] = $path . $upload->upload($_FILES['upload'], $path, 1); } else { foreach ($_FILES['upload']['error'] as $k => $v) { $file["error"] = $_FILES['upload']['error'][$k]; $file["name"] = $_FILES['upload']['name'][$k]; $file["size"] = $_FILES['upload']['size'][$k]; $file["tmp_name"] = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$k]; $file["type"] = $_FILES['upload']['type'][$k]; $file_path = $upload->upload($file, $path, 1); //$result = $image->scale($path . $file_path, $thumbnail_path . $file_path, 960, 960); $filePaths[] = $httpPath . $file_path; } } echo $this->json->encode(array("success" => true, "paths" => $filePaths)); exit; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $this->json->encode(array('success' => false, 'error' => $e->getMessage())); exit; } }
private function up() { //完成与thinkphp相关的,文件上传类的调用 import('@.Org.UploadFile'); //将上传类UploadFile.class.php拷到Lib/Org文件夹下 $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = '1000000'; //默认为-1,不限制上传大小 $upload->savePath = './Data/upload/'; //保存路径建议与主文件平级目录或者平级目录的子目录来保存 $upload->saveRule = uniqid; //上传文件的文件名保存规则 $upload->uploadReplace = true; //如果存在同名文件是否进行覆盖 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'rar', 'zip', 'ppt', 'doc', 'docx'); //准许上传的文件类型 $upload->allowTypes = array('image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'); //检测mime类型 $upload->thumb = true; //是否开启图片文件缩略图 $upload->thumbMaxWidth = '300,500'; $upload->thumbMaxHeight = '200,400'; $upload->thumbPrefix = 's_,m_'; //缩略图文件前缀 $upload->thumbRemoveOrigin = 1; //如果生成缩略图,是否删除原图 if ($upload->upload()) { $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); return $info; } else { $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); //专门用来获取上传的错误信息的 } }
public function upload($id = 0) { import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); // 实例化上传类 $upload->maxSize = 3145728; // 设置附件上传大小 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg'); // 设置附件上传类型 $upload->savePath = '/var/www/html/goj/Tpl/Public/Uploads/'; // 设置附件上传目录 $name = time() . '_' . mt_rand(); $upload->saveRule = $name; if (!$upload->upload()) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { // 上传成功 if ($id == 0) { $this->success('上传成功!', '' . $name); } else { $this->success('上传成功!', '' . $id . '/img/' . $name); } } }
public function saveBasic_Pic() { $sqlGood = new sql_goodMod(); $g_id = $this->in_post('id', None, 1, 'True'); $a_id = $this->in_cookie('aid', None, 1, 'True'); $upload = new UploadFile(); //设置上传文件大小 $upload->maxSize = 1024 * 1024 * 2; //最大2M //设置上传文件类型 $upload->allowExts = explode(',', 'jpg,gif,png'); //设置附件上传目录 $upload->savePath = '../public/image/'; $upload->saveRule = cp_uniqid; if (!$upload->upload()) { //捕获上传异常 $error_res = $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); dump($error_res); } else { //取得成功上传的文件信息 $up_res = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); } $ex_path = 'image/'; $update_res = $sqlGood->set_brand_info_pic($a_id, $g_id, $ex_path . $up_res[0]['savename']); if ($update_res) { $this->alert('更新成功'); } else { $this->alert('更新失败'); } }
protected function _upload() { import("ORG.Net.UploadFile"); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = 1000000; //设置上传文件大小 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'); //设置上传文件类型 $upload->savePath = './Public/Upload/'; //设置附件上传目录 $upload->thumb = true; //设置需要生成缩略图,仅对图像文件有效 $upload->thumbPrefix = 'wap120_,wap160_'; //设置需要生成缩略图的文件后缀 $upload->thumbMaxWidth = '300,300'; //设置缩略图最大宽度 $upload->thumbMaxHeight = '100,160'; //设置缩略图最大高度 $upload->saveRule = uniqid; //设置上传文件规则 $upload->thumbRemoveOrigin = false; //删除原图 if (!$upload->upload()) { $error = $upload->getErrorMsg(); $this->error("对不起,图片上传出错,错误信息:{$error}"); } else { $photo = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $db = new WorldsModel(); $data['text'] = '[PIC]'; $data['time'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $data['iswap'] == 1; $_SESSION['w_id'] = $db->add($data); $this->savePic($photo, $_SESSION['w_id']); } }
function changeHead() { import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = 11048576; $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'); $upload->savePath = C("UPLOADPATH"); $upload->thumb = true; $upload->thumbMaxWidth = "120"; $upload->thumbMaxHeight = "120"; $upload->thumbRemoveOrigin = true; $upload->saveRule = 'uniqid'; if (!$upload->upload()) { $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg(), U('Member/center/index')); } else { $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); //添加 $data = array('_unique' => uniqid(), 'filename' => 'thumb_' . $info[0]['savename'], 'filepath' => C("UPLOADPATH"), 'uploadtime' => time(), 'status' => '1'); $head_url = '/index.php?g=asset&m=download&key=' . $data['_unique']; $memdo = M('Members')->where('ID=' . $_SESSION["MEMBER_id"])->setField('user_pic_url', $head_url); //dump($head_url);dump($memdo); if (M("Asset")->add($data) && $memdo) { $this->success('头像修改成功!'); } else { $this->error('头像修改失败!'); } } }
/** * 上传文件 * @param Array $filename 表单file控件的name属性 * @param String $type 上传文件类型 * @param Array $aOtherConfig 其他配置参数 * @return Array 上传成功返回文件保存信息,失败返回错误信息 */ public function upload($filename = 'filename', $type = 'image', $aOtherConfig = array()) { //上传文件配置 $aUploadConfig = array('image' => array('allowExts' => array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'), 'maxSize' => 3145728, 'savePath' => C('TMPL_PARSE_STRING.__FILES__') . '/image/', 'basePath' => '/image/'), 'audio' => array('allowExts' => array('aac', 'mp3'), 'maxSize' => 3145728, 'savePath' => C('TMPL_PARSE_STRING.__FILES__') . '/audio/', 'basePath' => '/audio/'), 'face' => array('allowExts' => array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'), 'maxSize' => 3145728, 'savePath' => C('TMPL_PARSE_STRING.__FILES__') . '/face/', 'basePath' => '/face/', 'thumb' => true, 'thumbMaxWidth' => '24,48,120', 'thumbMaxHeight' => '24,48,120', 'thumbSuffix' => '_24-24,_48-48,_120-120')); $public_config = array('autoSub' => true, 'subType' => 'date', 'saveRule' => 'uniqid', 'thumbPrefix' => ''); $custom_config = $aUploadConfig[$type]; if (!empty($aOtherConfig)) { $custom_config = array_merge($custom_config, $aOtherConfig); } $config = array_merge($public_config, $custom_config); import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); //引入上传类 $upload = new UploadFile($config); //执行上传 $info = $upload->uploadOne($_FILES[$filename]); //执行上传操作 if (!$info) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 return array('status' => 1001, 'msg' => $upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 $info = $info[0]; //添加数据库记录 $data = array('appid' => $this->oApp->id, 'name' => $info['name'], 'type' => $info['type'], 'extension' => $info['extension'], 'thumbs' => str_replace('_', '', $config['thumbSuffix']), 'size' => $info['size'], 'base_url' => $config['basePath'] . $info['savename'], 'status' => 0, 'createtime' => time()); $info['fileid'] = $this->add($data); return array('status' => 0, 'msg' => '上传成功!', 'data' => $info); } }
public function runAddVideo() { $Video = $_FILES[video]; $Image = $_FILES[image]; import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = 100000000000; // 设置附件上传大小 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg', 'bmp'); // 设置附件上传类型 $upload->savePath = './Data/Image/'; // 设置附件上传目录 //上传图片 if (!($imageInfo = $upload->uploadOne($Image, $savePath = './Data/Image/'))) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } //上传视频 $upload->allowExts = array('flv', 'mp4', 'rmvb'); // 设置附件上传类型 if (!($videoInfo = $upload->uploadOne($Video, $savePath = './Data/Video/'))) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } $data = $_POST; var_dump($data); die; $data['image'] = $imageInfo[0]['savename']; $data['video'] = $videoInfo[0]['savename']; $data['time'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("now")); $data['author'] = 'admin'; if (M('video')->add($data)) { $this->success('添加成功'); } }
public function editor_ajax_upload() { if (!in_array($_GET['upload_dir'], array('group/content', 'merchant/news', 'activity/content', 'system/image', 'activity/index_pic'))) { $this->editor_alert('非法的目录!'); } if ($_FILES['imgFile']['error'] != 4) { $uid = $_SESSION['merchant']['mer_id'] ? $_SESSION['merchant']['mer_id'] : ($_SESSION['system']['mer_id'] ? $_SESSION['system']['mer_id'] : mt_rand(10000, 99999)); $img_mer_id = sprintf("%09d", $uid); $rand_num = mt_rand(10, 99) . '/' . substr($img_mer_id, 0, 3) . '/' . substr($img_mer_id, 3, 3) . '/' . substr($img_mer_id, 6, 3); $upload_dir = './upload/' . $_GET['upload_dir'] . '/' . $rand_num . '/'; if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) { mkdir($upload_dir, 0777, true); } import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); // $upload->maxSize = $this->config['group_pic_size']*1024*1024; $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'); $upload->allowTypes = array('image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif'); $upload->savePath = $upload_dir; $upload->thumb = false; $upload->saveRule = 'uniqid'; if ($upload->upload()) { $uploadList = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $url = $upload_dir . $uploadList[0]['savename']; exit(json_encode(array('error' => 0, 'url' => $url))); } else { $this->editor_alert($upload->getErrorMsg()); } } else { $this->editor_alert('没有选择图片!'); } }
public function localupload(){ $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->allowExts = array('pem'); //覆盖同名的文件 $upload->uploadReplace=1; $firstLetter=substr($this->token,0,1); $upload->savePath = './uploads/'.$firstLetter.'/'.$this->token.'/';// 设置附件上传目录 // if (!file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads')||!is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads')){ mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads',0777); } $firstLetterDir=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads/'.$firstLetter; if (!file_exists($firstLetterDir)||!is_dir($firstLetterDir)){ mkdir($firstLetterDir,0777); } if (!file_exists($firstLetterDir.'/'.$this->token)||!is_dir($firstLetterDir.'/'.$this->token)){ mkdir($firstLetterDir.'/'.$this->token,0777); } if(!file_exists($upload->savePath)||!is_dir($upload->savePath)){ mkdir($upload->savePath,0777); } // $upload->hashLevel=2; if(!$upload->upload()) {// 上传错误提示错误信息 $error=1; $msg=$upload->getErrorMsg(); $this->error($msg);exit; }else{// 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 $error=0; $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $this->siteUrl=$this->siteUrl?$this->siteUrl:C('site_url'); $msg=$this->siteUrl.substr($upload->savePath,1).$info[0]['savename']; //成功入库 $this->addCert($info[0]['key'],$msg); } }
private function _upload() { import("@.ORG.Util.UploadFile"); $module = strtolower($_REQUEST["module"]); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->subFolder = $module; $upload->savePath = C("SAVE_PATH"); $upload->saveRule = uniqid; $upload->autoSub = true; $upload->subType = "date"; if (!$upload->upload()) { $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { //取得成功上传的文件信息 $uploadList = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $File = M("File"); $File->create($uploadList[0]); $File->create_time = time(); $user_id = get_user_id(); $File->user_id = $user_id; $fileId = $File->add(); $fileInfo = $uploadList[0]; $fileInfo['id'] = $fileId; $fileInfo['error'] = 0; $fileInfo['url'] = $fileInfo['savepath'] . $fileInfo['savename']; //header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); exit(json_encode($fileInfo)); //$this->success ('上传成功!'); } }
protected function _upload() { import("ORG.Net.UploadFile"); $upload = new UploadFile(); //设置上传文件大小 $upload->maxSize = 3292200; //设置上传文件类型 $upload->allowExts = explode(',', 'jpg,gif,png,jpeg'); //设置附件上传目录 $upload->savePath = './Public/uploads/Hotel/'; $upload->saveRule = uniqid; $upload->thumb = true; $upload->thumbMaxWidth = "300"; $upload->thumbMaxHeight = "300"; //删除原图 //$upload->thumbRemoveOrigin = true; if (!$upload->upload()) { //捕获上传异常 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { //取得成功上传的文件信息 $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); //dump($info); return $info; } }
/** * This method prepares the received data and call the addFont method of the fontManager * @return boolean true on success */ private function addFont() { $this->log = ""; $error = false; $files = array("pdf_metric_file", "pdf_font_file"); foreach ($files as $k) { // handle uploaded file $uploadFile = new UploadFile($k); if (isset($_FILES[$k]) && $uploadFile->confirm_upload()) { $uploadFile->final_move(basename($_FILES[$k]['name'])); $uploadFileNames[$k] = $uploadFile->get_upload_path(basename($_FILES[$k]['name'])); } else { $this->log = translate('ERR_PDF_NO_UPLOAD', "Configurator"); $error = true; } } if (!$error) { require_once 'include/Sugarpdf/FontManager.php'; $fontManager = new FontManager(); $error = $fontManager->addFont($uploadFileNames["pdf_font_file"], $uploadFileNames["pdf_metric_file"], $_REQUEST['pdf_embedded'], $_REQUEST['pdf_encoding_table'], array(), htmlspecialchars_decode($_REQUEST['pdf_cidinfo'], ENT_QUOTES), $_REQUEST['pdf_style_list']); $this->log .= $fontManager->log; if ($error) { $this->log .= implode("\n", $fontManager->errors); } } return $error; }
public function upload($allowExts = "jpg,gif,png,jpeg", $savePath = "Upload", $other_param = array()) { class_exists("UploadFile") or import("ORG.Net.UploadFile"); $upload = new UploadFile(); // 实例化上传类 $upload->allowExts = explode(",", $allowExts); // 设置附件上传类型 $savePath = $savePath == "/" ? "Upload" : trim($savePath, "/"); $upload->savePath = ROOT_PATH . "/" . $savePath . "/"; // 设置附件上传目录 if (!is_dir($upload->savePath)) { mk_dir($upload->savePath); } $other_key = array("maxSize" => 3145728, "saveRule" => "uniqid", "hashType" => null, "autoCheck" => null, "uploadReplace" => null, "allowTypes" => null, "thumb" => null, "thumbMaxWidth" => null, "thumbMaxHeight" => null, "thumbPrefix" => null, "thumbSuffix" => null, "thumbPath" => null, "thumbFile" => null, "thumbRemoveOrigin" => null, "autoSub" => true, "subType" => "date", "dateFormat" => "Ym", "hashLevel" => 1); foreach ($other_key as $key => $val) { if (isset($other_param[$key])) { $upload->{$key} = $other_param[$key]; } elseif ($val !== null) { $upload->{$key} = $val; } } if (!$upload->upload()) { // 上传错误 提示错误信息 $result = array("status" => false, "Msg" => $upload->getErrorMsg(), "info" => null); } else { // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 $result = array("status" => true, "Msg" => "上传成功", "info" => $upload->getUploadFileInfo()); } return $result; }
public function change() { import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); // 实例化上传类 $upload->maxSize = -1; // 设置附件上传大小 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'); // 设置附件上传类型 $upload->savePath = './Public/Uploads/img/'; // 设置附件上传目录 if (!$upload->upload()) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); } // 保存表单数据 包括附件数据 $User = M("user"); // 实例化User对象 $data = array('id' => $_SESSION['uid'], 'password' => $_POST['password'], 'img' => $info[0]['savename']); // p($data);die; //$User->img = $info[0]['savename']; // 保存上传的照片根据需要自行组装 $User->save($data); // 写入用户数据到数据库 $this->success('数据保存成功!'); }
function upload($data = array(), $savePath, $ext) { foreach ($_FILES as $file) { $files = $file['tmp_name']; //临时文件 $info = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']); $error = $file['error']; if ($error == 1) { $data['error'] = "上传限制"; } } if ($files) { import("ORG.Net.UploadFile"); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->allowExts = $ext; //$upload->maxSize = 2048*100; $upload->savePath = $savePath; $upload->thumbFile = date('YmdHis', time()); if (!$upload->upload()) { $data['error'] = $upload->getErrorMsg(); } else { $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $info[0]['savepath'] = str_replace('.', "", $info[0]['savepath']); //转换路径 $data['upload_url'] = $info[0]['savepath'] . $info[0]['savename']; //存储原图 } } return $data; }
/** * 保存申请 */ public function save_deliveryOp() { if (!chksubmit()) { showDialog(L('wrong_argument')); } $insert = array(); $insert['dlyp_name'] = $_POST['dname']; $insert['dlyp_passwd'] = md5($_POST['dpasswd']); $insert['dlyp_truename'] = $_POST['dtruename']; $insert['dlyp_mobile'] = $_POST['dmobile']; $insert['dlyp_telephony'] = $_POST['dtelephony']; $insert['dlyp_address_name'] = $_POST['daddressname']; $insert['dlyp_area_2'] = $_POST['area_id_2']; $insert['dlyp_area_3'] = $_POST['area_id']; $insert['dlyp_area_info'] = $_POST['area_info']; $insert['dlyp_address'] = $_POST['daddress']; $insert['dlyp_idcard'] = $_POST['didcard']; $insert['dlyp_addtime'] = TIMESTAMP; $insert['dlyp_state'] = 10; $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->set('default_dir', ATTACH_DELIVERY); $result = $upload->upfile('didcardimg'); if (!$result) { showDialog($upload->error); } $insert['dlyp_idcard_image'] = $upload->file_name; $result = Model('delivery_point')->addDeliveryPoint($insert); if ($result) { showDialog('操作成功,等待管理员审核', 'index.php?act=login', 'succ'); } else { showDialog(L('nc_common_op_fail')); } }
public function doMess() { $message = D('Message'); $message->create(); import('ORG.Net.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); // 实例化上传类 $upload->savePath = './Public/Uploads/'; // 设置附件上传目录 if (!$upload->upload()) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); } $message->filename = $info[0]['savename']; //$message->time=time(); //$message->uid=$_SESSION['id']; $lastId = $message->add(); if ($lastId) { $this->success('留言成功'); } else { $this->error('留言失败'); } }
protected function upload() { import('@.ORG.Util.UploadFile'); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->maxSize = 3145728; // 设置附件上传大小 $upload->allowExts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'); // 设置附件上传类型 $path = 'Data/U/ADS/'; if (!is_dir($path)) { $temp = explode('/', $path); $cur_dir = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($temp); $i++) { $cur_dir .= $temp[$i] . '/'; if (!is_dir($cur_dir)) { mkdir($cur_dir, 0777); } } } $upload->savePath = $path; // 设置附件上传目录 if (!$upload->upload()) { // 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { // 上传成功 获取上传文件信息svnuc\Data\U\ADS $info = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); } return $info; }