
$generalSettings = new UniteSettingsBanner();
$generalSettings->addSelect("role", array(UniteBaseAdminClassBanner::ROLE_ADMIN => __("To Admin", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN), UniteBaseAdminClassBanner::ROLE_EDITOR => __("To Editor, Admin", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN), UniteBaseAdminClassBanner::ROLE_AUTHOR => __("Author, Editor, Admin", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN)), __("View Plugin Permission", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN), UniteBaseAdminClassBanner::ROLE_ADMIN, array("description" => "<br>" . __("The role of user that can view and edit the plugin", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN)));
$generalSettings->addRadio("includes_globally", array("on" => __("On", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN), "off" => __("Off", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN)), __("Include BannerRotator libraries globally", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN), "on", array("description" => "<br>" . __("Add css and js includes only on all pages. Id turned to off they will added to pages where the banner_rotator shortcode exists only. This will work only when the slider added by a shortcode.", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN)));
$generalSettings->addTextBox("pages_for_includes", "", __("Pages to include BannerRotator libraries", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN), array("description" => "<br>" . __("Specify the page id's that the front end includes will be included in. Example: 2,3,5 also: homepage,3,4", BANNERROTATOR_TEXTDOMAIN)));
//Get stored values
$operations = new BannerOperations();
$arrValues = $operations->getGeneralSettingsValues();
self::storeSettings("general", $generalSettings);