  * init globals
 public static function initGlobals($pluginFolder)
     self::$is_admin == false;
     //this var set from admin object
     self::$pathSettings = self::$pathPlugin . "settings/";
     self::$pathGalleries = self::$pathPlugin . "galleries/";
     self::$path_elfinder = self::$pathPlugin . "libraries/elfinder/";
     self::$pathTemplates = self::$pathPlugin . "views/templates/";
     self::$pathViews = self::$pathPlugin . "views/";
     self::$pathHelpersViews = self::$pathPlugin . "helpers/views/";
     self::$pathHelpersTemplates = self::$pathPlugin . "helpers/templates/";
     self::$pathHelpersClasses = self::$pathPlugin . "helpers/classes/";
     self::$pathHelpersSettings = self::$pathPlugin . "helpers/settings/";
     self::$filepathItemSettings = self::$pathSettings . "item_settings.php";
     self::$urlGalleries = self::$urlPlugin . "galleries/";
     self::$url_elfinder = self::$urlPlugin . "libraries/elfinder/";
     self::$url_provider = self::$urlPlugin . "inc_php/framework/provider/";
  * make thumbnail from the image, and save to some path
  * return new path
 public function makeThumb($filepathImage, $pathThumbs, $maxWidth = -1, $maxHeight = -1, $type = "")
     //validate input
     UniteFunctionsUG::validateFilepath($filepathImage, "image not found");
     UniteFunctionsUG::validateDir($pathThumbs, "Thumbs folder don't exists.");
     if ($type == self::TYPE_EXACT || $type == self::TYPE_EXACT_TOP) {
         if ($maxHeight == -1) {
             $this->throwError("image with exact type must have height!");
         if ($maxWidth == -1) {
             $this->throwError("image with exact type must have width!");
     //get filename
     $info = UniteFunctionsUG::getPathInfo($filepathImage);
     $filename = UniteFunctionsUG::getVal($info, "basename");
     UniteFunctionsUG::validateNotEmpty($filename, "image filename not given");
     //if gd library doesn't exists - output normal image without resizing.
     if (function_exists("gd_info") == false) {
         $this->throwError("php must support GD Library");
     if ($maxWidth == -1 && $maxHeight == -1) {
         $this->throwError("Wrong thumb size");
     if ($maxWidth == -1) {
         $maxWidth = 1000000;
     if ($maxHeight == -1) {
         $maxHeight = 100000;
     $this->filename = $filename;
     $this->maxWidth = $maxWidth;
     $this->maxHeight = $maxHeight;
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->pathCache = $pathThumbs;
     $filenameThumb = $this->getThumbFilename();
     $filepathNew = $this->pathCache . $filenameThumb;
     if (file_exists($filepathNew)) {
         return $filenameThumb;
     if ($type == self::TYPE_EXACT || $type == self::TYPE_EXACT_TOP) {
         $isSaved = $this->cropImageSaveNew($filepathImage, $filepathNew);
     } else {
         $isSaved = $this->resizeImageSaveNew($filepathImage, $filepathNew);
     if ($isSaved) {
         return $filenameThumb;
     } else {
         return "";