<?php if (cfr('REPORTTARIFFS')) { $altCfg = $ubillingConfig->getAlter(); $chartsCache = new UbillingCache(); show_window(__('Popularity of tariffs among users'), web_TariffShowReport()); show_window(__('Planned tariff changes'), web_TariffShowMoveReport()); if (!isset($altCfg['GCHARTS_ENABLED'])) { $chartsEnabled = true; } else { if ($altCfg['GCHARTS_ENABLED']) { $chartsEnabled = true; } else { $chartsEnabled = false; } } //google charts if ($chartsEnabled) { $cachingTime = 3600; $moveCharts = $chartsCache->getCallback('REPORT_TARIFFS_MOVECHART', function () { return web_TariffShowMoveCharts(); }, $cachingTime); $tariffCharts = $chartsCache->getCallback('REPORT_TARIFFS_TARIFFHCHART', function () { return web_TariffShowTariffCharts(); }, $cachingTime); //rendering charts show_window(__('Graphs'), $tariffCharts . wf_delimiter() . $moveCharts); zb_BillingStats(true); } } else { show_error(__('You cant control this module'));
$paymonth = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['month']); show_window(__('Month payments'), web_PaymentsShow("SELECT * from `payments` WHERE `date` LIKE '" . $paymonth . "%' ORDER by `date` DESC;")); } } else { //show finance analytics info if (wf_CheckPost(array('anyearsel'))) { $currentYear = $_POST['anyearsel']; } else { $currentYear = date("Y"); } $yearinputs = wf_YearSelectorPreset('anyearsel', __('Year'), false, $currentYear) . ' '; $yearinputs .= wf_Submit(__('Show')); $yearform = wf_Form("", 'POST', $yearinputs, 'glamour'); show_window(__('Analytics'), $yearform); $graphs = wf_Link("?module=report_finance", __('Back'), true, 'ubButton'); $ubCache = new UbillingCache(); //try to cache rendered charts $graphs .= $ubCache->getCallback('ANALYTICSCHARTS_' . $currentYear, function () { if (wf_CheckPost(array('anyearsel'))) { $currentYear = $_POST['anyearsel']; } else { $currentYear = date("Y"); } return web_AnalyticsAllGraphs($currentYear); }, 3600); show_window('', $graphs); } zb_BillingStats(true); } else { show_error(__('You cant control this module')); }
/** * Returns all available admin_login=>employee name pairs from cache if available * * @return string serialized array */ function ts_GetAllEmployeeLoginsCached() { $result = ''; $cache = new UbillingCache(); $cacheTime = 3600; $result = $cache->getCallback('EMPLOYEE_LOGINS', function () { return ts_GetAllEmployeeLogins(); }, $cacheTime); return $result; }
/** * Shows * * @return void */ function web_EventsShowStats() { $cache = new UbillingCache(); $cacheTime = 3600; // 1 hour $data = $cache->getCallback('EVENTVIEW_STATS', function () { return zb_GetEventStats(); }, $cacheTime); $data .= __('From cache') . ' ' . wf_Link('?module=eventview&forcecache=true', wf_img('skins/icon_cleanup.png', __('Renew'))); //cache cleanup subroutine if (wf_CheckGet(array('forcecache'))) { $cache->delete('EVENTVIEW_STATS'); rcms_redirect('?module=eventview'); } show_window(__('Month actions stats'), $data); }
} } $result = array("aaData" => $jsonAAData); return json_encode($result); } // Ajax data source display if (isset($_GET['ajax'])) { if ($hp_mode) { //default rendering if ($hp_mode == 1) { die(zb_AjaxOnlineDataSourceSafe()); } //fast with caching, for huge databases. if ($hp_mode == 2) { $defaultJsonCacheTime = 600; $onlineJsonCache = new UbillingCache(); $fastJsonReply = $onlineJsonCache->getCallback('HPONLINEJSON', function () { return zb_AjaxOnlineDataSourceFast(); }, $defaultJsonCacheTime); die($fastJsonReply); } } } if (!$hp_mode) { show_warning(__('ONLINE_HP_MODE=0 no more supported. Use 1 - safe or 2 - fast for large databases modes.')); } else { show_window(__('Users online'), renderUserListContainer()); } } else { show_error(__('Access denied')); }