function showMenuOptions($item_id)
        global $uberMenu;
        $settings = $uberMenu->getSettings();
        $this->showCustomMenuOption('notext', $item_id, array('level' => '0-plus', 'title' => __('Remove the Navigation Label text from the link.  Can be used, for example, with image-only links.', 'ubermenu'), 'label' => __('Disable Text', 'ubermenu'), 'type' => 'checkbox'));
        $this->showCustomMenuOption('floatRight', $item_id, array('level' => '0', 'title' => __('Float the menu item to the right edge of the menu bar.', 'ubermenu'), 'label' => __('Align Menu Item to Right Edge', 'ubermenu'), 'type' => 'checkbox'));
        if ($settings->op('wpmega-shortcodes')) {
            $this->showCustomMenuOption('shortcode', $item_id, array('level' => '0-plus', 'title' => __('Display custom content in this menu item.  This input accepts shortcodes so you can display things like contact forms, search boxes, or galleries.  Check "Disable Link" above to display only this content, instead of a link.', 'ubermenu'), 'label' => __('Custom Content (Content Override)', 'ubermenu'), 'type' => 'textarea'));
        $minSidebarLevel = 1;
        if ($settings->op('wpmega-top-level-widgets')) {
            $minSidebarLevel = 0;
        $this->showCustomMenuOption('sidebars', $item_id, array('level' => $minSidebarLevel . '-plus', 'title' => __('Select the widget area to display', 'ubermenu'), 'label' => __('Display a Widget Area', 'ubermenu'), 'type' => 'sidebarselect'));
        do_action('ubermenu_extended_menu_item_options', $item_id, $this);
        global $post_ID;
        $post_ID = $item_id;
        $iframeSrc = get_upload_iframe_src('image') . '&tab=type&width=640&height=589';
        //media-upload.php?post_id=<?php echo $item_id; &amp;type=image&amp;TB_iframe=1&amp;width=640&amp;height=589
        $wp_mega_link = "Set Thumbnail";
        $wp_mega_img = $uberMenu->getImage($item_id);
        if (!empty($wp_mega_img)) {
            $wp_mega_link = $wp_mega_img;
            $ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce("set_post_thumbnail-{$item_id}");
            $wp_mega_link .= '<div class="remove-item-thumb" id="remove-item-thumb-' . $item_id . '"><a href="#" id="remove-post-thumbnail-' . $item_id . '" onclick="wpmega_remove_thumb(\'' . $ajax_nonce . '\', ' . $item_id . ');return false;">' . esc_html__('Remove image', 'ubermenu') . '</a></div>';

		<p class="wpmega-custom-all"><a class="thickbox set-menu-item-thumb button uber_clear" id="set-post-thumbnail-<?php 
        echo $item_id;
" href="<?php 
        echo $iframeSrc;
" title="Set Thumbnail"><?php 
        echo $wp_mega_link;

 function showMenuOptions($item_id)
     do_action('ubermenu_extended_menu_item_options', $item_id, $this);