<?php require "../../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $USER = USER::VERIFY(0, TRUE); if (empty($_GET['sSearch'])) { $S = $_GET['string']; } else { $S = $_GET['sSearch']; } $iDS = $_GET['iDisplayStart']; $iDL = $_GET['iDisplayLength']; $iSC = $_GET['iSortCol_0']; $iSD = $_GET['sSortDir_0']; switch ($iSC) { case 0: $SS = 'ORDER BY c_name ' . $iSD; break; case 1: $SS = 'ORDER BY c_phone ' . $iSD; break; case 2: $SS = ''; break; } $iTotal = MYSQL::QUERY('SELECT COUNT(c_id) AS `COUNT` FROM core_customers WHERE c_name LIKE ? OR c_phone LIKE ?', array('%' . $S . '%', '%' . $S . '%')); $iQuery = MYSQL::QUERY("SELECT * FROM core_customers WHERE c_name LIKE ? OR c_phone LIKE ? {$SS} LIMIT {$iDS},{$iDL}", array('%' . $S . '%', '%' . $S . '%'), FALSE, TRUE); $OUTPUT = array('sEcho' => $_GET['sEcho'], 'iTotalRecords' => $iTotal[0]['COUNT'], 'iTotalDisplayRecords' => $iTotal[0]['COUNT'], 'aaData'); foreach ($iQuery as $C) { $OUTPUT['aaData'][] = array($C['c_name'], FORMAT::PHONE($C['c_phone']), '<button onClick="LoadCustomer(' . "'" . $C['c_id'] . "'" . ')">LOAD</button>'); }
<?php require "../../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $user = USER::VERIFY(0, TRUE); $CID = $_GET['cid']; $CARD = $_GET['card']; $TID = $_GET['tid']; $CUSTOMER = MYSQL::QUERY('SELECT * FROM core_customers WHERE c_id = ? LIMIT 1', array($CID)); if (empty($CUSTOMER['c_card']) || $CUSTOMER['c_card'] == $CARD) { if (empty($CUSTOMER['c_card'])) { $CS = MYSQL::QUERY('SELECT c_id FROM core_customers WHERE c_card = ? LIMIT 1', array($CARD)); if (empty($CS)) { echo "This customer has no card and this card is not in use. Please Enter their Primary email.<br/><br/><input type='email' placeholder='Customers Email Address..' style='width:280px;'><br/>\n\t\t\t<button style='cursor:pointer;width:287px;' onClick='AttachCard(\$(this)," . '"' . $CID . '"' . "," . '"' . $CARD . '"' . "," . '"' . $TID . '"' . "," . '"' . $user['store_info']['s_taxrate'] . '"' . ")'>Attach Card</button>"; } else { echo "This card belongs to someone else..."; } } else { echo "Valid Card. 5% Off Applied.\n <script>AddDiscount('5','Membership Card','.ticket" . $TID . "','" . $user['store_info']['s_taxrate'] . "','" . $TID . "');</script>"; } } else { echo "This Customer has a different Card.."; }
<?php ini_set('max_execution_time', 120); require "../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $user = USER::VERIFY(0); include 'simple_html_dom.php'; $Main = MYSQL::QUERY('SELECT * FROM device_manufacturers'); $options = ''; foreach ($Main as $a) { $options .= "<option value='" . $a['m_name'] . "," . $a['m_id'] . "'>" . $a['m_name'] . "</option>"; } $added = ""; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $man = explode(",", $_POST['manu']); $man[0] = str_replace(" ", "+", $man[0]); $type = 1; while ($type < 5) { $a = 0; while ($a <= 100) { $query = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO device_models (m_manufacturer_id, m_type, m_name, m_link, m_known, m_date) VALUES'; if ($type == 1) { $r = '/Smart'; } elseif ($type == 2) { $r = '/Feature,Basic'; } elseif ($type == 3) { $r = '/Tablet'; } elseif ($type == 4) { $r = ''; } $url = "http://www.phonearena.com/phones/manufacturer/" . $man[0] . "/view/list/page/" . $a . "/Class" . $r;
<?php require "../../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $user = USER::VERIFY(1); $date = $_GET['date']; $store = $_GET['store']; $NOTES = MYSQL::QUERY("SELECT ctn.t_note FROM core_tickets_status cts JOIN core_tickets_note ctn ON cts.t_id = ctn.t_id AND ctn.t_note LIKE ? WHERE t_store = ?", array('%Walkedout Ticket%', $STORE, $SD, $ED));
<?php require "../../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $user = USER::VERIFY(1, TRUE); $Q = $_GET['quann']; $P = $_GET['price']; $M = $_GET['minim']; $PID = $_GET['pid']; if (empty($Q)) { $Q = 0; } if (empty($P)) { $P = 0; } if (empty($M)) { $M = 0; } $A = array(); $A['Q1'] = SUBSTR($Q, 0, 1); if (IS_NUMERIC($A['Q1'])) { $A['Q1'] = '='; } $A['Q2'] = STR_REPLACE(array('+', '-', '=', ' '), '', $Q); if ($A['Q1'] != '=') { $A['Q3'] = 'quantity = quantity ' . $A['Q1'] . ' ?'; } else { $A['Q3'] = 'quantity = ?'; } $A['P1'] = SUBSTR($P, 0, 1); if (IS_NUMERIC($A['P1'])) {
<?php require "../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $USER = USER::VERIFY(0); if (isset($GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"])) { $imageData = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']; $filteredData = substr($imageData, strpos($imageData, ",") + 1); $unencodedData = base64_decode($filteredData); $fp = fopen('avatars/' . $USER['user_id'] . '.png', 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $unencodedData); fclose($fp); $bgcolor = substr($imageData, 0, 11); $bgcolor = str_replace(array("\\#", "//"), "", $bgcolor); MYSQL::QUERY("UPDATE core_users SET avatar_bg = ?,avatar_last_updated = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1", array($bgcolor, DATE("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $USER['user_id'])); }
<?php require "../../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $USER = USER::VERIFY(1, TRUE); $MID = $_GET['m']; $PARTS = MYSQL::QUERY("SELECT * FROM device_parts dp LEFT JOIN inventory_stock iv ON store = ? AND item = dp.p_id WHERE dp.p_model_id = ? ORDER BY dp.p_name ASC", array($USER['store'], $MID)); ?> <table class="stylized"> <thead> <tr> <th>Part</th> <th>Quantity</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Minimum</th> <th>Save</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if (!empty($PARTS)) { foreach ($PARTS as $P) { if (!empty($P['stock_id'])) { $Q = $P['quantity']; $M = $P['minimum']; $PR = $P['price']; } else { $Q = 'N/A'; $M = 'N/A'; $PR = 'N/A'; }
<?php require "../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $user = USER::VERIFY(8, TRUE); $template = <<<TMP <img onLoad="window.location.reload(true);" src="../frame/skins/default/images/bg-overlay.png" style="display:none;"> TMP; $USERS = MYSQL::QUERY('SELECT * FROM core_users ORDER BY user_id ASC'); $D = Date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $PARAMS = array(); $I = 1; $Q = "INSERT INTO core_messages (m_to,m_from,m_message,m_sent) VALUES "; foreach ($USERS as $U) { $PARAMS[] = $U['user_id']; $PARAMS[] = "Purge"; $PARAMS[] = $template; $PARAMS[] = $D; if ($I == 1) { $Q .= "(?,?,?,?)"; } else { $Q .= ",(?,?,?,?)"; } $I++; } $R = MYSQL::QUERY($Q, $PARAMS, true); if ($R == TRUE) { echo "Purge Request send Successfully"; }
<?php require "../../../frame/engine.php"; ENGINE::START(); $USER = USER::VERIFY(1); $STRING = $USER['store'] . '/' . $_POST['date']; MYSQL::QUERY("INSERT INTO quickbooks_queue (quickbooks_ticket_id,qb_username,qb_action,ident,priority,qb_status,enqueue_datetime) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array(52, 'quickbooks', 'SalesReceiptAdd', $STRING, 0, 'q', DATE("Y-m-d H:i:s"))); echo "Done And Queued for quickbooks.. DONT PRINT THIS FORM<br/>Ledger Form comming soon...";