$ui->callout()->title("This is just a small example")->uiType("warning")->desc('This example shows only a handful of the UI options. ' . 'See the <a href="">UI Library wiki</a> for a detailed list of options. ' . 'Help us build this page by adding more example codes.')->show();
$ui->alert()->title("Is this example working for you?")->uiType("info")->desc('If the example is not working for you, the error is probably because of php short tags (<code>&lt;?</code>). Instead of converting all short tags to <code>&lt;?php</code>, you can enable the <code>short_open_tag</code> property in the php.ini file. <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/q/2185320/1492578" target="_blank">Here\'s how!</a>')->show();
$printCol = $ui->col()->width(6)->open();
$printBox = $ui->box()->icon($ui->icon("print"))->title("Print this page")->tooltip("Printing this page wouldn't print this row. How awesome is that!")->open();
<p>Everything in the view will be printed by default. To ignore something that shouldn't be printed, use the <code>noPrint()</code> property on that <code>Element</code>.</p>
<p>To make a Print button, use <code>$ui->printButton()->show()</code>. All other properties of <code>Button</code>s are still valid on the print button. For instance, you can set its id, name, UI type or value.</p>

<h2 class="page-header">Different box types</h2><?php 
$boxTypesRow = $ui->row()->open();
$col = $ui->col()->width(4)->open();
$box = $ui->box()->title("Default Box")->open();
<p>This is the default box. It is the simplest box you can create. Use the following to create this:</p>
$box = $ui->box()
          ->title("Default Box")
		<p>6.Actual Period of Work - <?php 
echo $memo->work_period;
		<p>7.Date of Submission of final report - <?php 
echo $memo->submission_date;
		<p>8.Total Consultancy / Testing Charge Rs. - <?php 
echo $memo->testing_charge;
		<p>9.Consultancy / Testing Charge Received on - <?php 
echo $memo->charge_received_date;
<br>vide ISM cash receipt No./ Bank Credit <?php 
echo $memo->bank_credit;
		<p>10.No of pages in the bill including enclosures: - <?php 
echo $memo->enclosure;
		<p>AR(B&P) section may process strictly as per noticed ISM Consultancy / Testing Rules, Guidelines for the C.I. etc. It may be ensured that all pages of bills and cutting, if any, are countersigned by PCE,Any Change made in the bill may be communicated to PCE in order to keep the countersigned by PCE's office corrected and updated. No bill under this consultancy may be accepted unless it is forwarded through and counterigned by PCE.</p>
		<table width=100%>
			<td align='left' width=50%><br><br><h4>AR(B&P)</h4></td>
			<td align='right'><br><br><p>Professor of Continuing Education</p></td>