 public function getLatestETAs($sender, $param)
     $result = $error = array();
     try {
         $pageNo = $this->pageNumber;
         $pageSize = $this->pageSize;
         if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->pagination)) {
             $pageNo = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageNo;
             $pageSize = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageSize;
         $notSearchStatusIds = array(OrderStatus::ID_CANCELLED, OrderStatus::ID_PICKED, OrderStatus::ID_SHIPPED);
         OrderItem::getQuery()->eagerLoad('OrderItem.order', 'inner join', 'ord', 'ord.id = ord_item.orderId and ord.active = 1');
         $stats = array();
         $oiArray = OrderItem::getAllByCriteria("(eta != '' and eta IS NOT NULL and eta != ? and ord.statusId not in (" . implode(',', $notSearchStatusIds) . "))", array(trim(UDate::zeroDate())), true, $pageNo, $pageSize, array("ord_item.eta" => "ASC", "ord_item.orderId" => "DESC"), $stats);
         $result['pagination'] = $stats;
         $result['items'] = array();
         foreach ($oiArray as $oi) {
             if (!$oi->getProduct() instanceof product) {
             $tmp['eta'] = trim($oi->getEta());
             $tmp['orderNo'] = $oi->getOrder()->getOrderNo();
             $tmp['sku'] = $oi->getProduct() instanceof Product ? $oi->getProduct()->getSku() : '';
             $tmp['productName'] = $oi->getProduct()->getName();
             $tmp['id'] = $oi->getId();
             $tmp['orderId'] = $oi->getOrder()->getId();
             $result['items'][] = $tmp;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $error[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($result, $error);
  * Magic toString function
  * @return string
 public function __toString()
     try {
         $dt = $this->getDateTimeString("Y-m-d H:i:s");
         if ($dt === "0000-00-00 00:00:00") {
             $dt = (string) UDate::zeroDate();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $dt = (string) UDate::zeroDate();
     return $dt;
  * The runner
  * @param string $preFix
  * @param string $debug
 public static function run($outputFileDir, $preFix = '', $debug = false)
     $start = self::_log('## START ##############################', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $preFix);
     self::$_outputFileDir = trim($outputFileDir);
     self::_log('GEN FILE TO: ' . self::$_outputFileDir, '', $preFix . self::TAB);
     self::$_imageDirName = self::$_imageDirName . '_' . UDate::now()->format('Y_m_d_H_i_s');
     $now = UDate::now();
     $settings = self::_getSettings($preFix . self::TAB, $debug);
     $lastUpdatedTime = UDate::zeroDate();
     if (isset($settings['lastUpdatedTime']) && trim($settings['lastUpdatedTime']) !== '') {
         $lastUpdatedTime = new UDate(trim($settings['lastUpdatedTime']));
     self::_log('GOT LAST SYNC TIME: ' . trim($lastUpdatedTime), '', $preFix);
     $products = self::_getData($lastUpdatedTime, $preFix . self::TAB, $debug);
     if (count($products) > 0) {
         $files = self::_genCSV($lastUpdatedTime, array_values($products), $preFix . self::TAB, $debug);
         self::_zipFile($files, $preFix, $debug);
         self::_setSettings('lastUpdatedTime', trim($now), $preFix, $debug);
     } else {
         self::_log('NO changed products found after: "' . trim($lastUpdatedTime) . '".', '', $preFix);
     self::_log('## FINISH ##############################', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__, $preFix, $start);
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see BaseEntity::__loadDaoMap()
 public function __loadDaoMap()
     DaoMap::begin($this, 'pro_price');
     DaoMap::setManyToOne('product', 'Product', 'pro_price_pro');
     DaoMap::setManyToOne('type', 'ProductPriceType', 'pro_price_type');
     DaoMap::setIntType('price', 'double', '10,4');
     DaoMap::setDateType('start', 'datetime', false, trim(UDate::zeroDate()));
     DaoMap::setDateType('end', 'datetime', false, trim(UDate::maxDate()));
 public function clearETA($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     try {
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->item_id) || !($item = OrderItem::get($param->CallbackParameter->item_id)) instanceof OrderItem) {
             throw new Exception('System Error: invalid order item provided!');
         if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->comments) || ($comments = trim($param->CallbackParameter->comments)) === '') {
             $comments = '';
         //saving the order item
         $item->setETA(UDate::zeroDate())->addComment('Clearing the ETA: ' . $comments);
         $order = $item->getOrder();
         $sku = $item->getProduct()->getSku();
         $order->addComment('Clearing the ETA for product (' . $sku . '): ' . $comments, Comments::TYPE_PURCHASING);
         //check to see whether we need to update the order as well
         $allChecked = true;
         foreach ($order->getOrderItems() as $orderItems) {
             if (trim($orderItems->getETA()) !== trim(UDate::zeroDate())) {
                 $allChecked = false;
         if ($allChecked === true) {
             $order->addComment('Auto Push this order status from [' . $order->getStatus() . '] to [' . OrderStatus::ID_ETA . '], as the last ETA cleared', Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM);
         $results = $item->getJson();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
 private static function _orderItems(Order $order)
     $msg = "<div>";
     $msg .= "<div>Thank you for your support, we have received your following order, and it is currently in processing.</div>";
     $msg .= "<div>Here are the item information/status on your order, our logistics will have them shipped out as soon as possible.</div>";
     $msg .= "<div>If you have any item with long ETA waiting time and you want to ship part of your order first, please email <a href='mailto:sales@budgetpc.com.au'>sales@budgetpc.com.au</a> and quote your order number when you call.</div>";
     $msg .= "<div style='margin: 10px 0 10px 0'>";
     $msg .= '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" height="100%" width="100%">';
     $msg .= "<thead>";
     $msg .= "<tr style='background:#eeeeee; height:23px;'>";
     $msg .= "<td width='*'>Item</td>";
     $msg .= "<td width='30%'>SKU</td>";
     $msg .= "<td width='10%' style='text-align:center;'>Qty</td>";
     $msg .= "<td width='20%'>Status</td>";
     $msg .= "</tr>";
     $msg .= "</thead>";
     $msg .= "<tbody>";
     foreach ($order->getOrderItems() as $item) {
         $msg .= "<tr style='height:18px; border-bottom: 1px #cccccc solid;'>";
         $msg .= "<td>" . $item->getProduct()->getName() . "</td>";
         $msg .= "<td>" . $item->getProduct()->getSku() . "</td>";
         $msg .= "<td style='text-align:center;'>" . $item->getQtyOrdered() . "</td>";
         $msg .= "<td>" . (trim($item->getEta()) === trim(UDate::zeroDate()) ? 'In Stock' : 'ETA: ' . $item->getEta()->format('d F Y')) . "</td>";
         $msg .= "</tr>";
     $msg .= "</tbody>";
     $msg .= "</table>";
     $msg .= "</div>";
     $msg .= "</div>";
     return $msg;
 public function getInvDate()
     return $this->order->getInvDate() == UDate::zeroDate() ? '' : $this->order->getInvDate()->format('d/M/Y');
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see BaseEntityAbstract::postSave()
 public function postSave()
     if (trim($this->getReceivedDate()) !== trim(UDate::zeroDate())) {
         if (self::countByCriteria('RMAId = ? and receivedDate = ?', array($this->getRMA()->getId(), trim(UDate::zeroDate()))) > 0) {
             $this->getRMA()->setStatus(RMA::STATUS_RECEIVING)->save()->addComment('Setting Status to "' . RMA::STATUS_RECEIVING . '", as received one of items');
         } else {
             $this->getRMA()->setStatus(RMA::STATUS_RECEIVED)->save()->addComment('Setting Status to "' . RMA::STATUS_RECEIVED . '", as no more item to receive');
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see TreeEntityAbstract::preSave()
 public function preSave()
     if (!$this->getProduct() instanceof Product) {
         throw new EntityException('A product needed to create a kit!');
     if (trim($this->soldDate) === '') {
     if ($this->getProduct()->getIsKit() !== true) {
         throw new EntityException('The product of the kit needs to have the flag IsKit ticked.');
     if (trim($this->getId()) !== '') {
         if (self::countByCriteria('id = ? and productId != ?', array($this->getId(), $this->getProduct()->getId())) > 0) {
             throw new EntityException('You can NOT change the product of the KIT[' . $this->getBarcode() . '] once it is created.');
         $origKit = self::get($this->getId());
         $this->_changeLog('soldToCustomer', 'getName', $origKit, 'Customer')->_changeLog('soldDate', '__toString', $origKit, '')->_changeLog('soldOnOrder', 'getOrderNo', $origKit, 'Order')->_changeLog('shippment', 'getId', $origKit, 'Shippment');
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see BaseEntityAbstract::postSave()
 public function postSave()
     if ($this->getOrderItem() instanceof OrderItem) {
         if (count($serialItems = self::getAllByCriteria('orderItemId = ?', array($this->getOrderItem()->getId()))) > 0) {
             $totalUnitCostForOrderItem = 0;
             $totalNoOfKits = 0;
             foreach ($serialItems as $serialItem) {
                 if (($kit = $serialItem->getKit()) instanceof Kit) {
                     $totalUnitCostForOrderItem = $totalUnitCostForOrderItem + $kit->getCost();
                     $totalNoOfKits = $totalNoOfKits + 1;
                     if (!$kit->getSoldOnOrder() instanceof Order) {
                     if (!$kit->getSoldToCustomer() instanceof Customer) {
                     if (trim($kit->getSoldDate()) === trim(UDate::zeroDate())) {
                         $kit->setSoldDate(new UDate());
                     if (!$kit->getShippment() instanceof Shippment && count($shippments = $this->getOrderItem()->getOrder()->getShippments()) > 0) {
             $this->getOrderItem()->setUnitCost(intval($totalNoOfKits) === 0 ? 0 : $totalUnitCostForOrderItem / $totalNoOfKits)->reCalMargin();
  * recalculating the stockOnHand and stockOnHandValue of this product, if it's a kit
 public function reCalKitsValue()
     if ($this->getIsKit() !== true || trim($this->getId()) === '') {
         return $this;
     $sql = 'select sum(kit.cost) `totalValue`, count(distinct kit.id) `totalCount` from kit kit where kit.active = 1 and kit.soldDate = ? and kit.productId = ?';
     $result = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, array(trim(UDate::zeroDate()), $this->getId()));
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         $totalValue = trim($result[0]['totalValue']) === '' ? '0.0000' : trim($result[0]['totalValue']);
         $totalCount = trim($result[0]['totalCount']) === '' ? '0' : trim($result[0]['totalCount']);
         if (($originalTotalOnHandValue = trim($this->getTotalInPartsValue())) !== $totalValue || ($originalStockOnHand = trim($this->getStockOnHand())) !== $totalCount) {
             //if not matched, then we need to adjust the qty
             $this->setStockOnHand($totalCount)->setTotalOnHandValue($totalValue)->snapshotQty($this, ProductQtyLog::TYPE_STOCK_ADJ, 'Realigning the TotalInPartsValue to ' . StringUtilsAbstract::getCurrency($totalValue) . ' and StockOnHand to ' . $totalCount)->save()->addLog('StockOnHand(' . $originalStockOnHand . ' => ' . $this->getStockOnHand() . ')', Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'STOCK_QTY_CHG', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__)->addLog('TotalOnHandValue(' . $originalTotalOnHandValue . ' => ' . $this->getTotalOnHandValue() . ')', Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'STOCK_VALUE_CHG', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see BaseEntityAbstract::preSave()
 public function preSave()
     if (trim($this->getId()) === '') {
         if (!$this->status instanceof TaskStatus) {
         if (trim($this->getDueDate()) === trim(UDate::zeroDate())) {
     } else {
         $changed = array();
         $origTech = $origCustomer = $origOrder = $origStatus = null;
         $origTask = Task::get($this->getId());
         if (($customer = $this->getCustomer()) instanceof Customer && !($origCustomer = $origTask->getCustomer()) instanceof Customer || !$customer instanceof Customer && $origCustomer instanceof Customer || $customer instanceof Customer && $origCustomer instanceof Customer && $customer->getId() !== $origCustomer->getId()) {
             $changed[] = 'Customer Changed["' . ($origCustomer instanceof Customer ? $origCustomer->getName() : '') . '" => "' . ($customer instanceof Customer ? $customer->getName() : '') . '"]';
         if (($tech = $this->getTechnician()) instanceof UserAccount && !($origTech = $origTask->getTechnician()) instanceof UserAccount || !$tech instanceof UserAccount && $origTech instanceof UserAccount || $tech instanceof UserAccount && $origTech instanceof UserAccount && $tech->getId() !== $origTech->getId()) {
             $changed[] = 'Technician Changed["' . ($origTech instanceof UserAccount ? $origTech->getPerson()->getFullName() : '') . '" => "' . ($tech instanceof UserAccount ? $tech->getPerson()->getFullName() : '') . '"]';
         if (($order = $this->getFromEntity()) instanceof Order && !($origOrder = $origTask->getFromEntity()) instanceof Order || !$order instanceof Order && $origOrder instanceof Order || $order instanceof Order && $origOrder instanceof Order && $order->getId() !== $origOrder->getId()) {
             $changed[] = 'Order Changed["' . ($origOrder instanceof Order ? $origOrder->getOrderNo() : '') . '" => "' . ($order instanceof Order ? $order->getOrderNo() : '') . '"]';
         if (($status = $this->getStatus()) instanceof TaskStatus && !($origStatus = $origTask->getStatus()) instanceof TaskStatus || !$status instanceof TaskStatus && $origStatus instanceof TaskStatus || $status instanceof TaskStatus && $origStatus instanceof TaskStatus && $status->getId() !== $origStatus->getId()) {
             $changed[] = 'Status Changed["' . ($origStatus instanceof TaskStatus ? $origStatus->getName() : '') . '" => "' . ($status instanceof TaskStatus ? $status->getName() : '') . '"]';
         if (count($changed) > 0) {
             $this->addComment(implode(', ', $changed), Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM);