    /** ----------------------------------------
    /**  Member Public Profile
    /** ----------------------------------------*/

    function public_profile()
		global $IN, $SESS, $LANG, $OUT, $DB, $FNS, $PREFS, $LOC, $REGX;
        /** ----------------------------------------
        /**  Can the user view profiles?
        /** ----------------------------------------*/
		if ($SESS->userdata['can_view_profiles'] == 'n')
			return $OUT->show_user_error('general', array($LANG->line('mbr_not_allowed_to_view_profiles')));
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Fetch the member data
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		$sql = " SELECT m.member_id, m.weblog_id, m.tmpl_group_id, m.group_id, m.username, m.screen_name, m.email, m.signature, m.avatar_filename, m.avatar_width, m.avatar_height, m.photo_filename, m.photo_width, m.photo_height, m.url, m.location, m.occupation, m.interests, m.icq, m.aol_im, m.yahoo_im, m.msn_im, m.bio, m.join_date, m.last_visit, m.last_activity, m.last_entry_date, m.last_comment_date, m.last_forum_post_date, m.total_entries, m.total_comments, m.total_forum_topics, m.total_forum_posts, m.language, m.timezone, m.daylight_savings, m.bday_d, m.bday_m, m.bday_y, m.accept_user_email, g.group_title, g.can_send_private_messages 
				 FROM exp_members m, exp_member_groups g 
				 WHERE m.member_id = '".$this->cur_id."'
				 AND g.site_id = '".$DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id'))."'
				 AND m.group_id = g.group_id ";
		if ($this->is_admin == FALSE OR $SESS->userdata('group_id') != 1)
			$sql .= "AND m.group_id != '2' ";
		$sql .=" AND m.group_id != '3' AND m.group_id != '4'";

		$query = $DB->query($sql);
		if ($query->num_rows == 0)
			return $OUT->show_user_error('general', array($LANG->line('profile_not_available')));
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Fetch the template
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		$content = $this->_load_element('public_profile');

		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Is there an avatar?
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		if ($PREFS->ini('enable_avatars') == 'y' AND $query->row['avatar_filename'] != '')
			$avatar_path	= $PREFS->ini('avatar_url', 1).$query->row['avatar_filename'];
			$avatar_width	= $query->row['avatar_width'];
			$avatar_height	= $query->row['avatar_height'];
			$content = $this->_allow_if('avatar', $content);
			$avatar_path	= '';
			$avatar_width	= '';
			$avatar_height	= '';
			$content = $this->_deny_if('avatar', $content);
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Is there a member photo?
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		if ($PREFS->ini('enable_photos') == 'y' AND $query->row['photo_filename'] != '')
			$photo_path		= $PREFS->ini('photo_url', 1).$query->row['photo_filename'];
			$photo_width	= $query->row['photo_width'];
			$photo_height	= $query->row['photo_height'];
			$content = $this->_allow_if('photo', $content);
			$content = $this->_deny_if('not_photo', $content);
			$photo_path	= '';
			$photo_width	= '';
			$photo_height	= '';
			$content = $this->_deny_if('photo', $content);
			$content = $this->_allow_if('not_photo', $content);
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Forum specific stuff
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		$rank_class = 'rankMember';
		$rank_title	= '';
		$rank_stars	= '';
		$stars		= '';
		if ($this->in_forum == TRUE)
			$rank_query	 = $DB->query("SELECT rank_title, rank_min_posts, rank_stars FROM exp_forum_ranks ORDER BY rank_min_posts");
			$mod_query	 = $DB->query("SELECT mod_member_id, mod_group_id FROM exp_forum_moderators");
			$total_posts = ($query->row['total_forum_topics'] + $query->row['total_forum_posts']);

			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  Assign the rank stars
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			if (preg_match("/{if\s+rank_stars\}(.+?){\/if\}/i", $content, $matches))
				$rank_stars = $matches['1'];
				$content = str_replace($matches['0'], '{rank_stars}', $content);
			if ($rank_stars != '' AND $rank_query->num_rows > 0)
				$num_stars = NULL;
				$rank_title = '';
				$i = 1;
				foreach ($rank_query->result as $rank)
					if ($num_stars == NULL)
						$num_stars	= $rank['rank_stars'];
						$rank_title	= $rank['rank_title']; 
					if ($rank['rank_min_posts'] >= $total_posts)
						$stars = str_repeat($rank_stars, $num_stars);
						$num_stars	= $rank['rank_stars'];
						$rank_title = $rank['rank_title']; 
					if ($i++ == $rank_query->num_rows)
						$stars = str_repeat($rank_stars,  $num_stars);
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  Assign the member rank
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			// Is the user an admin?
			$admin_query = $DB->query('SELECT admin_group_id, admin_member_id FROM exp_forum_administrators');
			$is_admin = FALSE;
			if ($admin_query->num_rows > 0)
				foreach ($admin_query->result as $row)
					if ($row['admin_member_id'] != 0)
						if ($row['admin_member_id'] == $this->cur_id)
							$is_admin = TRUE;
					elseif ($row['admin_group_id'] != 0)
						if ($row['admin_group_id'] == $query->row['group_id'])
							$is_admin = TRUE;
			if ($query->row['group_id'] == 1 OR $is_admin == TRUE)
				$rankclass = 'rankAdmin';
				$rank_class = 'rankAdmin';
				$rank_title = $LANG->line('administrator');
				if ($mod_query->num_rows > 0)
					foreach ($mod_query->result as $mod)
						if ($mod['mod_member_id'] == $this->cur_id OR $mod['mod_group_id'] == $query->row['group_id'])
							$rank_class = 'rankModerator';
							$rank_title = $LANG->line('moderator');
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Parse variables
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		$qs = ($PREFS->ini('force_query_string') == 'y') ? '' : '?';        
		if ($this->in_forum == TRUE)
			$search_path = $this->forum_path.'member_search/'.$this->cur_id.'/';
			$search_path = $FNS->fetch_site_index(0, 0).$qs.'ACT='.$FNS->fetch_action_id('Search', 'do_search').'&mbr='.urlencode($query->row['member_id']);
		$ignore_form = array('hidden_fields'	=> array('toggle[]' => '', 'name' => '', 'daction' => ''), 
							  'action'			=> $this->_member_path('update_ignore_list'),
    					 	  'id'				=> 'target'
		if ( ! in_array($query->row['member_id'], $SESS->userdata['ignore_list']))
			$ignore_button = "<a href='".$this->_member_path('edit_ignore_list')."' ".
								"onclick='dynamic_action(\"add\");list_addition(\"".$query->row['screen_name']."\");return false;'>".
			$ignore_button = "<a href='".$this->_member_path('edit_ignore_list')."' ".
								"onclick='dynamic_action(\"delete\");list_addition(\"".$query->row['member_id']."\", \"toggle[]\");return false;'>".
		$content = $this->_var_swap($content,
												'aim_console'			=> "onclick=\"window.open('".$this->_member_path('aim_console/'.$this->cur_id)."', '_blank', 'width=240,height=360,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes,screenx=5,screeny=5');\"",
												'icq_console'			=> "onclick=\"window.open('".$this->_member_path('icq_console/'.$this->cur_id)."', '_blank', 'width=650,height=580,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes,screenx=5,screeny=5');\"",
												'yahoo_console'			=> "http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=".$query->row['yahoo_im']."&amp;.src=pg",
												'email_console'			=> "onclick=\"window.open('".$this->_member_path('email_console/'.$this->cur_id)."', '_blank', 'width=650,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,status=yes,screenx=5,screeny=5');\"",
												'send_private_message'	=> $this->_member_path('messages/pm/'.$this->cur_id),
												'search_path'			=> $search_path,
												'path:avatar_url'		=> $avatar_path,
												'avatar_width'			=> $avatar_width,
												'avatar_height'			=> $avatar_height,
												'path:photo_url'		=> $photo_path,
												'photo_width'			=> $photo_width,
												'photo_height'			=> $photo_height,												
												'rank_class'			=> $rank_class,
												'rank_stars'			=> $stars,
												'rank_title'			=> $rank_title,
												'ignore_link'			=> $this->list_js().

		$vars = $FNS->assign_variables($content, '/');
		$this->var_single	= $vars['var_single'];
		$this->var_pair		= $vars['var_pair'];

		$this->var_cond = $FNS->assign_conditional_variables($content, '/');

		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Parse conditional pairs
		/** ----------------------------------------*/

		foreach ($this->var_cond as $val)
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  Conditional statements
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			$cond = $FNS->prep_conditional($val['0']);

			$lcond	= substr($cond, 0, strpos($cond, ' '));
			$rcond	= substr($cond, strpos($cond, ' '));
			if ( isset($query->row[$val['3']]))
				$lcond = str_replace($val['3'], "\$query->row['".$val['3']."']", $lcond);
				$cond = $lcond.' '.$rcond;
				$cond = str_replace("\|", "|", $cond);
				eval("\$result = ".$cond.";");
				if ($result)
					$content = preg_replace("/".LD.$val['0'].RD."(.*?)".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "\\1", $content); 
					$content = preg_replace("/".LD.$val['0'].RD."(.*?)".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "", $content); 
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  {if accept_email}
			/** ----------------------------------------*/

			if (preg_match("/^if\s+accept_email.*/i", $val['0']))
				if ($query->row['accept_user_email'] == 'n')
					$content = preg_replace("/".LD.$val['0'].RD."(.+?)".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "", $content); 
					$content = preg_replace("/".LD.$val['0'].RD."(.+?)".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "\\1", $content); 
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  {if can_private_message}
			/** ----------------------------------------*/

			if (stristr($val['0'], 'can_private_message'))
				if ($query->row['can_send_private_messages'] == 'n')
					$content = preg_replace("/".LD.$val['0'].RD."(.+?)".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "", $content); 
					$content = preg_replace("/".LD.$val['0'].RD."(.+?)".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "\\1", $content); 
			/** -------------------------------------
			/**  {if ignore}
			/** -------------------------------------*/
			if (stristr($val['0'], 'ignore'))
				if ($query->row['member_id'] == $SESS->userdata['member_id'])
					$content = $this->_deny_if('ignore', $content);
					$content = $this->_allow_if('ignore', $content);
		if ( ! class_exists('Typography'))
			require PATH_CORE.'core.typography'.EXT;
		$TYPE = new Typography;
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Parse "single" variables
		/** ----------------------------------------*/

		foreach ($this->var_single as $key => $val)
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  Format URLs
			/** ----------------------------------------*/

			if ($key == 'url')
				if (substr($query->row['url'], 0, 4) != "http" AND ! ereg('://', $query->row['url'])) 
					$query->row['url'] = "http://".$query->row['url']; 
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  "last_visit" 
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			if (ereg("^last_visit", $key))
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($query->row['last_activity'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $query->row['last_activity']) : '', $content);
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  "join_date" 
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			if (ereg("^join_date", $key))
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($query->row['join_date'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $query->row['join_date']) : '', $content);
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  "last_entry_date" 
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			if (ereg("^last_entry_date", $key))
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($query->row['last_entry_date'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $query->row['last_entry_date']) : '', $content);
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  "last_forum_post_date" 
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			if (ereg("^last_forum_post_date", $key))
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($query->row['last_forum_post_date'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $query->row['last_forum_post_date']) : '', $content);
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  parse "recent_comment" 
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			if (ereg("^last_comment_date", $key))
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($query->row['last_comment_date'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $query->row['last_comment_date']) : '', $content);
			/** ----------------------
			/**  {name}
			/** ----------------------*/
			$name = ( ! $query->row['screen_name']) ? $query->row['username'] : $query->row['screen_name'];
			$name = $this->_convert_special_chars($name);
			if ($key == "name")
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $name, $content);
			/** ----------------------
			/**  {member_group}
			/** ----------------------*/
			if ($key == "member_group")
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $query->row['group_title'], $content);
			/** ----------------------
			/**  {email}
			/** ----------------------*/
			if ($key == "email")
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $TYPE->encode_email($query->row['email']), $content);
			/** ----------------------
			/**  {birthday}
			/** ----------------------*/
			if ($key == "birthday")
				$birthday = '';
				if ($query->row['bday_m'] != '' AND $query->row['bday_m'] != 0)
					$month = (strlen($query->row['bday_m']) == 1) ? '0'.$query->row['bday_m'] : $query->row['bday_m'];
					$m = $LOC->localize_month($month);
					$birthday .= $LANG->line($m['1']);
					if ($query->row['bday_d'] != '' AND $query->row['bday_d'] != 0)
						$birthday .= ' '.$query->row['bday_d'];
				if ($query->row['bday_y'] != '' AND $query->row['bday_y'] != 0)
					if ($birthday != '')
						$birthday .= ', ';
					$birthday .= $query->row['bday_y'];
				if ($birthday == '')
					$birthday = '';
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $birthday, $content);
			/** ----------------------
			/**  {timezone}
			/** ----------------------*/
			if ($key == "timezone")
				$timezone = ($query->row['timezone'] != '') ? $LANG->line($query->row['timezone']) : ''; 
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $timezone, $content);
			/** ----------------------
			/**  {local_time}
			/** ----------------------*/
			if (ereg("^local_time", $key))
				$time = $LOC->now;

			    if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') != $this->cur_id)
			    	// Default is UTC?
			    	$zone = ($query->row['timezone'] == '') ? 'UTC' : $query->row['timezone'];
			    	$time = $LOC->set_localized_time($time, $zone, $query->row['daylight_savings']);					
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, $LOC->decode_date($val, $time), $content);
			/** ----------------------
			/**  {bio}
			/** ----------------------*/
			if (ereg("^bio$", $key))
				$bio = $TYPE->parse_type($query->row[$val], 
																		'text_format'   => 'xhtml',
																		'html_format'   => 'safe',
																		'auto_links'    => 'y',
																		'allow_img_url' => 'n'
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, $bio, $content);
			// Special condideration for {total_forum_replies}, and
			// {total_forum_posts} whose meanings do not match the
			// database field names
			if (ereg("^total_forum_replies", $key))
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, $query->row['total_forum_posts'], $content);
			if (ereg("^total_forum_posts", $key))
				$total_posts = $query->row['total_forum_topics'] + $query->row['total_forum_posts'];
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($key, $total_posts, $content);
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  parse basic fields (username, screen_name, etc.)
			/** ----------------------------------------*/

			if (isset($query->row[$val]))
				$content = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $query->row[$val], $content);

        /** -------------------------------------
        /**  Do we have custom fields to show?
        /** ------------------------------------*/

		// Grab the data for the particular member
		$sql = "SELECT m_field_id, m_field_name, m_field_label, m_field_description, m_field_fmt FROM  exp_member_fields ";
		if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] != 1)
			$sql .= " WHERE m_field_public = 'y' ";
		$sql .= " ORDER BY m_field_order";
		$query = $DB->query($sql);
		if ($query->num_rows > 0)
			$fnames = array();
			foreach ($query->result as $row)
				$fnames[$row['m_field_name']] = $row['m_field_id'];
			$result = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM  exp_member_data WHERE  member_id = '{$this->cur_id}'");
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  Parse conditionals for custom fields
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			foreach ($this->var_cond as $val)
				// Prep the conditional
				$cond = $FNS->prep_conditional($val['0']);

				$lcond	= substr($cond, 0, strpos($cond, ' '));
				$rcond	= substr($cond, strpos($cond, ' '));
				if (isset($fnames[$val['3']]))
					$lcond = str_replace($val['3'], "\$result->row['m_field_id_".$fnames[$val['3']]."']", $lcond);
					$cond = $lcond.' '.$rcond;
					$cond = str_replace("\|", "|", $cond);
					eval("\$rez = ".$cond.";");
					if ($rez)
						$content = preg_replace("/".LD.$val['0'].RD."(.*?)".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "\\1", $content); 
						$content = preg_replace("/".LD.$val['0'].RD."(.*?)".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "", $content); 
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  Parse single variables
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			foreach ($this->var_single as $key => $val)
				foreach ($query->result as $row)
					if ($row['m_field_name'] == $key)
						$field_data = ( ! isset( $result->row['m_field_id_'.$row['m_field_id']] )) ? '' : $result->row['m_field_id_'.$row['m_field_id']];
						if ($field_data != '')
							$field_data = $TYPE->parse_type($field_data, 
																					'text_format'   => $row['m_field_fmt'],
																					'html_format'   => 'none',
																					'auto_links'    => 'n',
																					'allow_img_url' => 'n'
						$content = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $field_data, $content);
			/** ----------------------------------------
			/**  Parse auto-generated "custom_fields"
			/** ----------------------------------------*/
			$field_chunk = $this->_load_element('public_custom_profile_fields');
			// Is there a chunk to parse?
			if ($query->num_rows == 0)
				$content = preg_replace("/{custom_profile_fields}/s", '', $content);
				if ( ! class_exists('Typography'))
					require PATH_CORE.'core.typography'.EXT;
				$TYPE = new Typography;
				$str = '';
				foreach ($query->result as $row)
					$temp = $field_chunk;
					$field_data = ( ! isset( $result->row['m_field_id_'.$row['m_field_id']] )) ? '' : $result->row['m_field_id_'.$row['m_field_id']];
					if ($field_data != '')
						$field_data = $TYPE->parse_type($field_data, 
																				'text_format'   => $row['m_field_fmt'],
																				'html_format'   => 'safe',
																				'auto_links'    => 'y',
																				'allow_img_url' => 'n'
					$temp = str_replace('{field_name}', $row['m_field_label'], $temp);
					$temp = str_replace('{field_description}', $row['m_field_description'], $temp);
					$temp = str_replace('{field_data}', $field_data, $temp);
					$str .= $temp;
				$content = preg_replace("/{custom_profile_fields}/s", $str, $content);
		// END  if ($quey->num_rows > 0)
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Clean up left over variables
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		$content = preg_replace("/{custom_profile_fields}/s", '', $content);
		$content = preg_replace("/".LD."if\s+.*?".RD.".*?".LD.'\/if'.RD."/s", "", $content); 
		return $content;
 /** ----------------------------------------
     /**  Send Trackback
     /** ----------------------------------------*/
 function send_trackback($tb_data)
     global $REGX, $FNS, $PREFS;
     if (!is_array($tb_data)) {
         return false;
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Pre-process data
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $required = array('entry_id', 'entry_link', 'entry_title', 'entry_content', 'trackback_url', 'weblog_name', 'tb_format');
     foreach ($tb_data as $key => $val) {
         if (!in_array($key, $required)) {
             return false;
         switch ($key) {
             case 'trackback_url':
                 ${$key} = $this->extract_trackback_urls($val);
             case 'entry_content':
                 ${$key} = $FNS->char_limiter($REGX->xml_convert(strip_tags(stripslashes($val))));
             case 'entry_link':
                 ${$key} = str_replace('&#45;', '-', $REGX->xml_convert(strip_tags(stripslashes($val))));
                 ${$key} = $REGX->xml_convert(strip_tags(stripslashes($val)));
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Convert High ASCII Characters
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         if ($this->convert_ascii == 'y' or $PREFS->ini('auto_convert_high_ascii') == 'y') {
             if ($key == 'entry_content') {
                 ${$key} = $REGX->ascii_to_entities(${$key});
             } elseif ($key == 'entry_title') {
                 ${$key} = $REGX->ascii_to_entities(${$key});
             } elseif ($key == 'weblog_name') {
                 ${$key} = $REGX->ascii_to_entities(${$key});
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Instantiate Typography class
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
     $TYPE = new Typography(0);
     $TYPE->encode_email = false;
     $entry_content = $REGX->xss_clean($entry_content);
     $entry_content = $TYPE->parse_type($entry_content, array('text_format' => !isset($tb_data['tb_format']) ? 'none' : $tb_data['tb_format'], 'html_format' => 'none', 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'n'));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Assign our data string
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $data = "url=" . rawurlencode($entry_link) . "&title=" . rawurlencode($entry_title) . "&blog_name=" . rawurlencode($weblog_name) . "&excerpt=" . rawurlencode($entry_content) . "&charset=" . rawurlencode($PREFS->ini('charset'));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Send Trackbacks
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (count($trackback_url) > 0) {
         foreach ($trackback_url as $url) {
             if (!$this->previously_sent_trackbacks($entry_id, $url)) {
                 $this->process_trackback($url, $data);
     return array($this->tb_good_urls, $this->tb_bad_urls);
 function _message_data($id, $sender = '', $recipient = '')
     global $DB, $LOC;
     $data = array();
     // ------------------------------------------
     //  If $recipient is set, this is a message
     //  being viewed. So, $id is actually the copy_id
     //  in the exp_message_copies table.
     // -----------------------------------------
     if ($recipient != '' && is_numeric($recipient)) {
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT message_id, message_folder, message_read FROM exp_message_copies \n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE copy_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($id) . "'\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND recipient_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($recipient) . "'");
         if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
             return FALSE;
         $mid = $query->row['message_id'];
         $data['folder_id'] = $query->row['message_folder'];
         $data['message_read'] = $query->row['message_read'];
     } else {
         $mid = $id;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM exp_message_data WHERE message_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($mid) . "'";
     if ($sender != '' && is_numeric($sender)) {
         $sql .= " AND sender_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($sender) . "'";
     $query = $DB->query($sql);
     if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
         return FALSE;
     /** ---------------------------------
      		/**  Do a Little Data Work
      		/** ---------------------------------*/
     foreach ($query->row as $key => $value) {
         $data[str_replace('message_', '', $key)] = $value;
     $data = str_replace('message_', '', $data);
     $data['recipients'] = str_replace('|', ', ', $data['recipients']);
     $data['cc'] = str_replace('|', ', ', $data['cc']);
     $data['attachments'] = array();
     $data['date'] = $LOC->set_human_time($data['date']);
     $results = $DB->query("SELECT screen_name FROM exp_members WHERE member_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($data['sender_id']) . "'");
     $data['sender'] = $results->row['screen_name'];
     /** ---------------------------------
      		/**  Create Preview of Message
      		/** ---------------------------------*/
     if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
     $TYPE = new Typography();
     $TYPE->highlight_code = TRUE;
     $this->single_parts['include']['parsed_message'] = $TYPE->parse_type(stripslashes($data['body']), array('text_format' => 'xhtml', 'html_format' => $this->html_format, 'auto_links' => $this->auto_links, 'allow_img_url' => 'n'));
     $data['preview'] = $this->_process_template($this->retrieve_template('preview_message'));
     /** ---------------------------------
      		/**  Fetch Attachment Information
      		/** ---------------------------------*/
     if ($query->row['message_attachments'] == 'y') {
         $results = $DB->query("SELECT attachment_name, attachment_id, attachment_size, attachment_hash\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   FROM exp_message_attachments\n \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE message_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($mid) . "'");
         if ($results->num_rows > 0) {
             $data['attach'] = array();
             foreach ($results->result as $row) {
                 $data['attachments'][] = $row;
                 $data['attach'][] = $row['attachment_id'];
     return $data;
 /** ----------------------------------------
     /**  Weblog Calendar
     /** ----------------------------------------*/
 function calendar()
     global $LANG, $TMPL, $LOC, $IN, $DB, $FNS, $PREFS, $SESS;
     // Rick is using some funky conditional stuff for the calendar, so
     // we have to reassign the var_cond array using the legacy conditional
     // parser.  Bummer, but whatcha going to do?
     $TMPL->var_cond = $FNS->assign_conditional_variables($TMPL->tagdata, SLASH, LD, RD);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Determine the Month and Year
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     $year = '';
     $month = '';
     // Hard-coded month/year via tag parameters
     if ($TMPL->fetch_param('month') and $TMPL->fetch_param('year')) {
         $year = $TMPL->fetch_param('year');
         $month = $TMPL->fetch_param('month');
         if (strlen($month) == 1) {
             $month = '0' . $month;
     } else {
         // Month/year in query string
         if (preg_match("#(\\d{4}/\\d{2})#", $IN->QSTR, $match)) {
             $ex = explode('/', $match['1']);
             $time = mktime(0, 0, 0, $ex['1'], 01, $ex['0']);
             // $time = $LOC->set_localized_time(mktime(0, 0, 0, $ex['1'], 01, $ex['0']));
             $year = date("Y", $time);
             $month = date("m", $time);
         } else {
             // Defaults to current month/year
             $year = date("Y", $LOC->set_localized_time($LOC->now));
             $month = date("m", $LOC->set_localized_time($LOC->now));
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Set Unix timestamp for the given month/year
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     $local_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
     // $local_date = $LOC->set_localized_time($local_date);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Determine the total days in the month
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     $adjusted_date = $LOC->adjust_date($month, $year);
     $month = $adjusted_date['month'];
     $year = $adjusted_date['year'];
     $total_days = $LOC->fetch_days_in_month($month, $year);
     $previous_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month - 1, 1, $year);
     $next_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year);
     /** ---------------------------------------
     		/**  Determine the total days of the previous month
     		/** ---------------------------------------*/
     $adj_prev_date = $LOC->adjust_date($month - 1, $year);
     $prev_month = $adj_prev_date['month'];
     $prev_year = $adj_prev_date['year'];
     $prev_total_days = $LOC->fetch_days_in_month($prev_month, $prev_year);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Set the starting day of the week
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     // This can be set using a parameter in the tag:  start_day="saturday"
     // By default the calendar starts on sunday
     $start_days = array('sunday' => 0, 'monday' => 1, 'tuesday' => 2, 'wednesday' => 3, 'thursday' => 4, 'friday' => 5, 'saturday' => 6);
     $start_day = isset($start_days[$TMPL->fetch_param('start_day')]) ? $start_days[$TMPL->fetch_param('start_day')] : 0;
     $date = getdate($local_date);
     $day = $start_day + 1 - $date["wday"];
     while ($day > 1) {
         $day -= 7;
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  {previous_path="weblog/index"}
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     // This variables points to the previous month
     if (preg_match_all("#" . LD . "previous_path=(.+?)" . RD . "#", $TMPL->tagdata, $matches)) {
         $adjusted_date = $LOC->adjust_date($month - 1, $year, TRUE);
         foreach ($matches['1'] as $match) {
             $path = $FNS->create_url($match) . $adjusted_date['year'] . '/' . $adjusted_date['month'] . '/';
             $TMPL->tagdata = preg_replace("#" . LD . "previous_path=.+?" . RD . "#", $path, $TMPL->tagdata, 1);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  {next_path="weblog/index"}
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     // This variables points to the next month
     if (preg_match_all("#" . LD . "next_path=(.+?)" . RD . "#", $TMPL->tagdata, $matches)) {
         $adjusted_date = $LOC->adjust_date($month + 1, $year, TRUE);
         foreach ($matches['1'] as $match) {
             $path = $FNS->create_url($match) . $adjusted_date['year'] . '/' . $adjusted_date['month'] . '/';
             $TMPL->tagdata = preg_replace("#" . LD . "next_path=.+?" . RD . "#", $path, $TMPL->tagdata, 1);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  {date format="%m %Y"}
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     // This variable is used in the heading of the calendar
     // to show the month and year
     if (preg_match_all("#" . LD . "date format=[\"|'](.+?)[\"|']" . RD . "#", $TMPL->tagdata, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches['1'] as $match) {
             $TMPL->tagdata = preg_replace("#" . LD . "date format=.+?" . RD . "#", $LOC->decode_date($match, $local_date), $TMPL->tagdata, 1);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  {previous_date format="%m %Y"}
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     // This variable is used in the heading of the calendar
     // to show the month and year
     if (preg_match_all("#" . LD . "previous_date format=[\"|'](.+?)[\"|']" . RD . "#", $TMPL->tagdata, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches['1'] as $match) {
             $TMPL->tagdata = preg_replace("#" . LD . "previous_date format=.+?" . RD . "#", $LOC->decode_date($match, $previous_date), $TMPL->tagdata, 1);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  {next_date format="%m %Y"}
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     // This variable is used in the heading of the calendar
     // to show the month and year
     if (preg_match_all("#" . LD . "next_date format=[\"|'](.+?)[\"|']" . RD . "#", $TMPL->tagdata, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches['1'] as $match) {
             $TMPL->tagdata = preg_replace("#" . LD . "next_date format=.+?" . RD . "#", $LOC->decode_date($match, $next_date), $TMPL->tagdata, 1);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Day Heading
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     			This code parses out the headings for each day of the week
     			Contained in the tag will be this variable pair:
     			<td class="calendarDayHeading">{lang:weekday_abrev}</td>
     	There are three display options for the header:
     			{lang:weekday_abrev} = S M T W T F S
     			{lang:weekday_short} = Sun Mon Tues, etc.
     			{lang:weekday_long} = Sunday Monday Tuesday, etc.
     foreach (array('Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa') as $val) {
         $day_names_a[] = !$LANG->line($val) ? $val : $LANG->line($val);
     foreach (array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat') as $val) {
         $day_names_s[] = !$LANG->line($val) ? $val : $LANG->line($val);
     foreach (array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday') as $val) {
         $day_names_l[] = !$LANG->line($val) ? $val : $LANG->line($val);
     if (preg_match("/" . LD . "calendar_heading" . RD . "(.*?)" . LD . SLASH . "calendar_heading" . RD . "/s", $TMPL->tagdata, $match)) {
         $temp = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
             $temp .= str_replace(array(LD . 'lang:weekday_abrev' . RD, LD . 'lang:weekday_short' . RD, LD . 'lang:weekday_long' . RD), array($day_names_a[($start_day + $i) % 7], $day_names_s[($start_day + $i) % 7], $day_names_l[($start_day + $i) % 7]), trim($match['1']) . "\n");
         $TMPL->tagdata = preg_replace("/" . LD . "calendar_heading" . RD . ".*?" . LD . SLASH . "calendar_heading" . RD . "/s", trim($temp), $TMPL->tagdata);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Separate out cell data
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     // We need to strip out the various variable pairs
     // that allow us to render each calendar cell.
     // We'll do this up-front and assign temporary markers
     // in the template which we will replace with the final
     // data later
     $row_start = '';
     $row_end = '';
     $row_chunk = '';
     $row_chunk_m = '94838dkAJDei8azDKDKe01';
     $entries = '';
     $entries_m = 'Gm983TGxkedSPoe0912NNk';
     $if_today = '';
     $if_today_m = 'JJg8e383dkaadPo20qxEid';
     $if_entries = '';
     $if_entries_m = 'Rgh43K0L0Dff9003cmqQw1';
     $if_not_entries = '';
     $if_not_entries_m = 'yr83889910BvndkGei8ti3';
     $if_blank = '';
     $if_blank_m = '43HDueie4q7pa8dAAseit6';
     if (preg_match("/" . LD . "calendar_rows" . RD . "(.*?)" . LD . SLASH . "calendar_rows" . RD . "/s", $TMPL->tagdata, $match)) {
         $row_chunk = trim($match['1']);
         //  Fetch all the entry_date variable
         if (preg_match_all("/" . LD . "entry_date\\s+format=[\"'](.*?)[\"']" . RD . "/s", $row_chunk, $matches)) {
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($matches['0']); $j++) {
                 $matches['0'][$j] = str_replace(array(LD, RD), '', $matches['0'][$j]);
                 $entry_dates[$matches['0'][$j]] = $LOC->fetch_date_params($matches['1'][$j]);
         if (preg_match("/" . LD . "row_start" . RD . "(.*?)" . LD . SLASH . "row_start" . RD . "/s", $row_chunk, $match)) {
             $row_start = trim($match['1']);
             $row_chunk = trim(str_replace($match['0'], "", $row_chunk));
         if (preg_match("/" . LD . "row_end" . RD . "(.*?)" . LD . SLASH . "row_end" . RD . "/s", $row_chunk, $match)) {
             $row_end = trim($match['1']);
             $row_chunk = trim(str_replace($match['0'], "", $row_chunk));
         foreach ($TMPL->var_cond as $key => $val) {
             if ($val['3'] == 'today') {
                 $if_today = trim($val['2']);
                 $row_chunk = str_replace($val['1'], $if_today_m, $row_chunk);
             if ($val['3'] == 'entries') {
                 $if_entries = trim($val['2']);
                 $row_chunk = str_replace($val['1'], $if_entries_m, $row_chunk);
             if ($val['3'] == 'not_entries') {
                 $if_not_entries = trim($val['2']);
                 $row_chunk = str_replace($val['1'], $if_not_entries_m, $row_chunk);
             if ($val['3'] == 'blank') {
                 $if_blank = trim($val['2']);
                 $row_chunk = str_replace($val['1'], $if_blank_m, $row_chunk);
             if (preg_match("/" . LD . "entries" . RD . "(.*?)" . LD . SLASH . "entries" . RD . "/s", $if_entries, $match)) {
                 $entries = trim($match['1']);
                 $if_entries = trim(str_replace($match['0'], $entries_m, $if_entries));
         $TMPL->tagdata = preg_replace("/" . LD . "calendar_rows" . RD . ".*?" . LD . SLASH . "calendar_rows" . RD . "/s", $row_chunk_m, $TMPL->tagdata);
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Fetch {switch} variable
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     // This variable lets us use a different CSS class
     // for the current day
     $switch_t = '';
     $switch_c = '';
     if ($TMPL->fetch_param('switch')) {
         $x = explode("|", $TMPL->fetch_param('switch'));
         if (count($x) == 2) {
             $switch_t = $x['0'];
             $switch_c = $x['1'];
     /** ---------------------------------------
     		/**  Set the day number numeric format
     		/** ---------------------------------------*/
     $day_num_fmt = $TMPL->fetch_param('leading_zeroes') == 'yes' ? "%02d" : "%d";
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Build the SQL query
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $this->tagparams['rdf'] = 'off';
     $this->build_sql_query('/' . $year . '/' . $month . '/');
     if ($this->sql != '') {
         $query = $DB->query($this->sql);
         $data = array();
         if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
             // We'll need this later
             if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
                 require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
             $TYPE = new Typography();
             $TYPE->convert_curly = FALSE;
             /** ----------------------------------------
             				/**  Fetch query results and build data array
             				/** ----------------------------------------*/
             foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                 /** ----------------------------------------
                 				/**  Adjust dates if needed
                 				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                 // If the "dst_enabled" item is set in any given entry
                 // we need to offset to the timestamp by an hour
                 if ($row['entry_date'] != '') {
                     $row['entry_date'] = $LOC->offset_entry_dst($row['entry_date'], $row['dst_enabled'], FALSE);
                 /** ----------------------------------------
                 				/**  Define empty arrays and strings
                 				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                 $defaults = array('entry_date' => 'a', 'permalink' => 'a', 'title_permalink' => 'a', 'author' => 's', 'profile_path' => 'a', 'id_path' => 'a', 'base_fields' => 'a', 'comment_tb_total' => 's', 'day_path' => 'a', 'comment_auto_path' => 's', 'comment_entry_id_auto_path' => 's', 'comment_url_title_auto_path' => 's');
                 foreach ($defaults as $key => $val) {
                     ${$key} = $val == 'a' ? array() : '';
                 /** ---------------------------
                 				/**  Single Variables
                 				/** ---------------------------*/
                 foreach ($TMPL->var_single as $key => $val) {
                     if (isset($entry_dates[$key])) {
                         foreach ($entry_dates[$key] as $dvar) {
                             $val = str_replace($dvar, $LOC->convert_timestamp($dvar, $row['entry_date'], TRUE), $val);
                         $entry_date[$key] = $val;
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                     				/**  parse permalink
                     				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if (strncmp('permalink', $key, 9) == 0) {
                         if ($FNS->extract_path($key) != '' and $FNS->extract_path($key) != 'SITE_INDEX') {
                             $path = $FNS->extract_path($key) . '/' . $row['entry_id'];
                         } else {
                             $path = $row['entry_id'];
                         $permalink[$key] = $FNS->create_url($path, 1);
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                     				/**  parse title permalink
                     				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if (strncmp('title_permalink', $key, 15) == 0 or strncmp('url_title_path', $key, 14) == 0) {
                         if ($FNS->extract_path($key) != '' and $FNS->extract_path($key) != 'SITE_INDEX') {
                             $path = $FNS->extract_path($key) . '/' . $row['url_title'];
                         } else {
                             $path = $row['url_title'];
                         $title_permalink[$key] = $FNS->create_url($path, 1);
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                         /**  {comment_auto_path}
                         /** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if ($key == "comment_auto_path") {
                         $comment_auto_path = $row['comment_url'] == '' ? $row['blog_url'] : $row['comment_url'];
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                         /**  {comment_url_title_auto_path}
                         /** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if ($key == "comment_url_title_auto_path") {
                         $path = $row['comment_url'] == '' ? $row['blog_url'] : $row['comment_url'];
                         $comment_url_title_auto_path = $path . $row['url_title'] . '/';
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                         /**  {comment_entry_id_auto_path}
                         /** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if ($key == "comment_entry_id_auto_path") {
                         $path = $row['comment_url'] == '' ? $row['blog_url'] : $row['comment_url'];
                         $comment_entry_id_auto_path = $path . $row['entry_id'] . '/';
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                     				/**  {author}
                     				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if ($key == "author") {
                         $author = $row['screen_name'] != '' ? $row['screen_name'] : $row['username'];
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                     				/**  profile path
                     				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if (strncmp('profile_path', $key, 12) == 0) {
                         $profile_path[$key] = $FNS->create_url($FNS->extract_path($key) . '/' . $row['member_id']);
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                     				/**  parse comment_path or trackback_path
                     				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if (preg_match("#^(comment_path|trackback_path|entry_id_path)#", $key)) {
                         $id_path[$key] = $FNS->create_url($FNS->extract_path($key) . '/' . $row['entry_id']);
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                     				/**  parse {comment_tb_total}
                     				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if ($key == "comment_tb_total") {
                         $comment_tb_total = $row['comment_total'] + $row['trackback_total'];
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                     				/**  Basic fields (username, screen_name, etc.)
                     				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if (isset($row[$val])) {
                         $base_fields[$key] = $row[$val];
                     /** ----------------------------------------
                     				/**  {day_path}
                     				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                     if (strncmp('day_path', $key, 8) == 0) {
                         $d = date('d', $LOC->set_localized_time($row['entry_date']));
                         $m = date('m', $LOC->set_localized_time($row['entry_date']));
                         $y = date('Y', $LOC->set_localized_time($row['entry_date']));
                         if ($FNS->extract_path($key) != '' and $FNS->extract_path($key) != 'SITE_INDEX') {
                             $path = $FNS->extract_path($key) . '/' . $y . '/' . $m . '/' . $d;
                         } else {
                             $path = $y . '/' . $m . '/' . $d;
                         $if_entries = str_replace(LD . $key . RD, LD . 'day_path' . $val . RD, $if_entries);
                         $day_path[$key] = $FNS->create_url($path, 1);
                 /** ----------------------------------------
                 				/**  Build Data Array
                 				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                 $d = date('d', $LOC->set_localized_time($row['entry_date']));
                 if (substr($d, 0, 1) == '0') {
                     $d = substr($d, 1);
                 $data[$d][] = array($TYPE->parse_type($row['title'], array('text_format' => 'lite', 'html_format' => 'none', 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'no')), $row['url_title'], $entry_date, $permalink, $title_permalink, $author, $profile_path, $id_path, $base_fields, $comment_tb_total, $day_path, $comment_auto_path, $comment_url_title_auto_path, $comment_entry_id_auto_path);
             // END FOREACH
         // END if ($query->num_rows > 0)
     // END if ($this->query != '')
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Build Calendar Cells
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $out = '';
     $today = getdate($LOC->set_localized_time($LOC->now));
     while ($day <= $total_days) {
         $out .= $row_start;
         for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
             if ($day > 0 and $day <= $total_days) {
                 if ($if_entries != '' and isset($data[$day])) {
                     $out .= str_replace($if_entries_m, $this->var_replace($if_entries, $data[$day], $entries), $row_chunk);
                     foreach ($day_path as $k => $v) {
                         $out = str_replace(LD . 'day_path' . $k . RD, $data[$day]['0']['10'][$k], $out);
                 } else {
                     $out .= str_replace($if_not_entries_m, $if_not_entries, $row_chunk);
                 $out = str_replace(LD . 'day_number' . RD, sprintf($day_num_fmt, $day), $out);
                 if ($day == $today["mday"] and $month == $today["mon"] and $year == $today["year"]) {
                     $out = str_replace(LD . 'switch' . RD, $switch_t, $out);
                 } else {
                     $out = str_replace(LD . 'switch' . RD, $switch_c, $out);
             } else {
                 $out .= str_replace($if_blank_m, $if_blank, $row_chunk);
                 $out = str_replace(LD . 'day_number' . RD, $day <= 0 ? sprintf($day_num_fmt, $prev_total_days + $day) : sprintf($day_num_fmt, $day - $total_days), $out);
         $out .= $row_end;
     // Garbage collection
     $out = str_replace(array($entries_m, $if_blank_m, $if_today_m, $if_entries_m, $if_not_entries_m), '', $out);
     return str_replace($row_chunk_m, $out, $TMPL->tagdata);
 private function _new_follower_email($leader_id, $follower_id, $template)
     global $DB, $REGX, $PREFS, $FNS, $LANG;
     //get leader information
     $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM exp_members, exp_member_data\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE exp_members.member_id = exp_member_data.member_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND exp_members.member_id = '" . $leader_id . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND accept_messages = 'y'");
     $leaderInfo = $query->result[0];
     //get follower information
     $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM exp_members, exp_member_data\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE exp_members.member_id = exp_member_data.member_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND exp_members.member_id = '" . $follower_id . "'");
     $followerInfo = $query->result[0];
     //get template information
     list($template_group, $template_name) = split(SLASH, $template);
     $sql = "SELECT g.group_name, t.template_name, t.template_data \n\t\t\t\tFROM exp_templates t \n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN exp_template_groups g ON t.group_id = g.group_id \n\t\t\t\tWHERE t.template_name='" . $template_name . "' \n\t\t\t\tAND g.group_name='" . $template_group . "'\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1";
     $query = $DB->query($sql);
     $templateInfo = $query->result[0];
     //get template
     $TMPL = new Template();
     $TMPL->run_template_engine($query->row['group_name'], $query->row['template_name']);
     $messagebody = $TMPL->final_template;
     //get subject
     $bodyArray = split("\n", $messagebody);
     $subject = $LANG->line('followers_subject');
     if (substr($bodyArray[0], 0, 9) == "Subject: ") {
         $subject = substr($bodyArray[0], 9);
     $messagebody = join("\n", $bodyArray);
     //get swap data
     $swap['leader_name'] = $leaderInfo['m_field_id_37'] . ' ' . $leaderInfo['m_field_id_38'];
     $swap['follower_name'] = $followerInfo['m_field_id_37'] . ' ' . $followerInfo['m_field_id_38'];
     $swap['follower_id'] = $followerInfo['member_id'];
     $swap['leader_id'] = $leaderInfo['member_id'];
     //get conditionals
     $cond['following_and_followed'] = $this->_check_if_mutual($leaderInfo['member_id'], $this->_get_member_id());
     //perform swaps
     $messagebody = $FNS->var_swap($messagebody, $swap);
     $messagebody = $FNS->prep_conditionals($messagebody, $cond);
     $subject = $FNS->var_swap($subject, $swap);
     $subject = $FNS->prep_conditionals($subject, $cond);
     if (!empty($leaderInfo)) {
         if (!class_exists('EEmail')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
         $email = new EEmail();
         if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
         $TYPE = new Typography(0);
         $messagebody = $TYPE->parse_type(stripslashes($REGX->xss_clean($messagebody)), array('text_format' => 'none', 'html_format' => 'none', 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'n'));
         foreach ($query->result as $row) {
             $email->from($PREFS->ini('webmaster_email'), $PREFS->ini('webmaster_name'));
             // cc to private messaging table
             $this->_cc_private_messaging(NULL, $leaderInfo['member_id'], $subject, $messagebody);
 /** ----------------------------------------
     /**  Insert new comment
     /** ----------------------------------------*/
 function insert_new_comment()
     global $IN, $SESS, $PREFS, $DB, $FNS, $OUT, $LANG, $REGX, $LOC, $STAT, $EXT;
     $default = array('name', 'email', 'url', 'comment', 'location', 'entry_id');
     foreach ($default as $val) {
         if (!isset($_POST[$val])) {
             $_POST[$val] = '';
     // No entry ID?  What the heck are they doing?
     if (!is_numeric($_POST['entry_id'])) {
         return false;
     // If the comment is empty, bounce them back
     if ($_POST['comment'] == '') {
         if (!isset($_POST['RET']) or $_POST['RET'] == '') {
             return false;
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Fetch the comment language pack
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is the user banned?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($SESS->userdata['is_banned'] == TRUE) {
         return $OUT->show_user_error('general', array($LANG->line('not_authorized')));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is the IP address and User Agent required?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($PREFS->ini('require_ip_for_posting') == 'y') {
         if ($IN->IP == '' || $SESS->userdata['user_agent'] == "") {
             return $OUT->show_user_error('general', array($LANG->line('not_authorized')));
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Is the nation of the user banend?
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Can the user post comments?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($SESS->userdata['can_post_comments'] == 'n') {
         $error[] = $LANG->line('cmt_no_authorized_for_comments');
         return $OUT->show_user_error('general', $error);
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Blacklist/Whitelist Check
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($IN->blacklisted == 'y' && $IN->whitelisted == 'n') {
         return $OUT->show_user_error('general', array($LANG->line('not_authorized')));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is this a preview request?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (isset($_POST['preview'])) {
         return $this->preview_handler();
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'insert_comment_start' hook.
     //  - Allows complete rewrite of comment submission routine.
     //  - Or could be used to modify the POST data before processing
     $edata = $EXT->call_extension('insert_comment_start');
     if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
     // -------------------------------------------
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Fetch weblog preferences
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $sql = "SELECT exp_weblog_titles.title, \n                       exp_weblog_titles.url_title,\n                       exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id,\n                       exp_weblog_titles.author_id,\n                       exp_weblog_titles.comment_total,\n                       exp_weblog_titles.allow_comments,\n                       exp_weblog_titles.entry_date,\n                       exp_weblog_titles.comment_expiration_date,\n                       exp_weblogs.blog_title,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_system_enabled,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_max_chars,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_use_captcha,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_timelock,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_require_membership,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_moderate,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_require_email,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_notify,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_notify_authors,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_notify_emails,\n                       exp_weblogs.comment_expiration\n                FROM   exp_weblog_titles, exp_weblogs\n                WHERE  exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id = exp_weblogs.weblog_id\n                AND    exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($_POST['entry_id']) . "'\n\t\t\t\tAND    exp_weblog_titles.status != 'closed' ";
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'insert_comment_preferences_sql' hook.
     //  - Rewrite or add to the comment preference sql query
     //  - Could be handy for comment/weblog restrictions
     if ($EXT->active_hook('insert_comment_preferences_sql') === TRUE) {
         $sql = $EXT->call_extension('insert_comment_preferences_sql', $sql);
         if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
             return $edata;
     // -------------------------------------------
     $query = $DB->query($sql);
     if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
         return false;
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Are comments allowed?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($query->row['allow_comments'] == 'n' || $query->row['comment_system_enabled'] == 'n') {
         return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', $LANG->line('cmt_comments_not_allowed'));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Has commenting expired?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->comment_expiration_mode == 0) {
         if ($query->row['comment_expiration_date'] > 0) {
             if ($LOC->now > $query->row['comment_expiration_date']) {
                 return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', $LANG->line('cmt_commenting_has_expired'));
     } else {
         if ($query->row['comment_expiration'] > 0) {
             $days = $query->row['entry_date'] + $query->row['comment_expiration'] * 86400;
             if ($LOC->now > $days) {
                 return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', $LANG->line('cmt_commenting_has_expired'));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is there a comment timelock?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($query->row['comment_timelock'] != '' and $query->row['comment_timelock'] > 0) {
         if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] != 1) {
             $time = $LOC->now - $query->row['comment_timelock'];
             $result = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_comments WHERE comment_date > '{$time}' AND ip_address = '{$IN->IP}' ");
             if ($result->row['count'] > 0) {
                 return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', str_replace("%s", $query->row['comment_timelock'], $LANG->line('cmt_comments_timelock')));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Do we allow duplicate data?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($PREFS->ini('deny_duplicate_data') == 'y') {
         if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] != 1) {
             $result = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_comments WHERE comment = '" . $DB->escape_str($_POST['comment']) . "' ");
             if ($result->row['count'] > 0) {
                 return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', $LANG->line('cmt_duplicate_comment_warning'));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Assign data
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $author_id = $query->row['author_id'];
     $entry_title = $query->row['title'];
     $url_title = $query->row['url_title'];
     $blog_title = $query->row['blog_title'];
     $weblog_id = $query->row['weblog_id'];
     $comment_total = $query->row['comment_total'] + 1;
     $require_membership = $query->row['comment_require_membership'];
     $comment_moderate = ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] == 1 or $SESS->userdata['exclude_from_moderation'] == 'y') ? 'n' : $query->row['comment_moderate'];
     $author_notify = $query->row['comment_notify_authors'];
     $notify_address = ($query->row['comment_notify'] == 'y' and $query->row['comment_notify_emails'] != '') ? $query->row['comment_notify_emails'] : '';
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Start error trapping
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $error = array();
     if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') != 0) {
         // If the user is logged in we'll reassign the POST variables with the user data
         $_POST['name'] = $SESS->userdata['screen_name'] != '' ? $SESS->userdata['screen_name'] : $SESS->userdata['username'];
         $_POST['email'] = $SESS->userdata['email'];
         $_POST['url'] = $SESS->userdata['url'];
         $_POST['location'] = $SESS->userdata['location'];
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is membership is required to post...
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($require_membership == 'y') {
         // Not logged in
         if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') == 0) {
             return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', $LANG->line('cmt_must_be_member'));
         // Membership is pending
         if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] == 4) {
             return $OUT->show_user_error('general', $LANG->line('cmt_account_not_active'));
     } else {
         /** ----------------------------------------
             /**  Missing name?
             /** ----------------------------------------*/
         if ($_POST['name'] == '') {
             $error[] = $LANG->line('cmt_missing_name');
         /** -------------------------------------
         			/**  Is name banned?
         			/** -------------------------------------*/
         if ($SESS->ban_check('screen_name', $_POST['name'])) {
             $error[] = $LANG->line('cmt_name_not_allowed');
         /** ----------------------------------------
             /**  Missing or invalid email address
             /** ----------------------------------------*/
         if ($query->row['comment_require_email'] == 'y') {
             if ($_POST['email'] == '') {
                 $error[] = $LANG->line('cmt_missing_email');
             } elseif (!$REGX->valid_email($_POST['email'])) {
                 $error[] = $LANG->line('cmt_invalid_email');
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Is email banned?
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($_POST['email'] != '') {
         if ($SESS->ban_check('email', $_POST['email'])) {
             $error[] = $LANG->line('cmt_banned_email');
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is comment too big?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($query->row['comment_max_chars'] != '' and $query->row['comment_max_chars'] != 0) {
         if (strlen($_POST['comment']) > $query->row['comment_max_chars']) {
             $str = str_replace("%n", strlen($_POST['comment']), $LANG->line('cmt_too_large'));
             $str = str_replace("%x", $query->row['comment_max_chars'], $str);
             $error[] = $str;
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Do we have errors to display?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (count($error) > 0) {
         return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', $error);
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Do we require captcha?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($query->row['comment_use_captcha'] == 'y') {
         if ($PREFS->ini('captcha_require_members') == 'y' || ($PREFS->ini('captcha_require_members') == 'n' and $SESS->userdata('member_id') == 0)) {
             if (!isset($_POST['captcha']) || $_POST['captcha'] == '') {
                 return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', $LANG->line('captcha_required'));
             } else {
                 $res = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_captcha WHERE word='" . $DB->escape_str($_POST['captcha']) . "' AND ip_address = '" . $IN->IP . "' AND date > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
                 if ($res->row['count'] == 0) {
                     return $OUT->show_user_error('submission', $LANG->line('captcha_incorrect'));
                 $DB->query("DELETE FROM exp_captcha WHERE (word='" . $DB->escape_str($_POST['captcha']) . "' AND ip_address = '" . $IN->IP . "') OR date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Build the data array
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     $notify = $IN->GBL('notify_me', 'POST') ? 'y' : 'n';
     $cmtr_name = $REGX->xss_clean($_POST['name']);
     $cmtr_email = $_POST['email'];
     $cmtr_url = $REGX->xss_clean($REGX->prep_url($_POST['url']));
     $cmtr_loc = $REGX->xss_clean($_POST['location']);
     $data = array('weblog_id' => $weblog_id, 'entry_id' => $_POST['entry_id'], 'author_id' => $SESS->userdata('member_id'), 'name' => $cmtr_name, 'email' => $cmtr_email, 'url' => $cmtr_url, 'location' => $cmtr_loc, 'comment' => $REGX->xss_clean($_POST['comment']), 'comment_date' => $LOC->now, 'ip_address' => $IN->IP, 'notify' => $notify, 'status' => $comment_moderate == 'y' ? 'c' : 'o', 'site_id' => $PREFS->ini('site_id'));
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'insert_comment_insert_array' hook.
     //  - Modify any of the soon to be inserted values
     if ($EXT->active_hook('insert_comment_insert_array') === TRUE) {
         $data = $EXT->call_extension('insert_comment_insert_array', $data);
         if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
             return $edata;
     // -------------------------------------------
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Insert data
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($PREFS->ini('secure_forms') == 'y') {
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_security_hashes WHERE hash='" . $DB->escape_str($_POST['XID']) . "' AND ip_address = '" . $IN->IP . "' AND date > UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
         if ($query->row['count'] > 0) {
             $sql = $DB->insert_string('exp_comments', $data);
             $comment_id = $DB->insert_id;
             $DB->query("DELETE FROM exp_security_hashes WHERE (hash='" . $DB->escape_str($_POST['XID']) . "' AND ip_address = '" . $IN->IP . "') OR date < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-7200");
         } else {
     } else {
         $sql = $DB->insert_string('exp_comments', $data);
         $comment_id = $DB->insert_id;
     if ($comment_moderate == 'n') {
         /** ------------------------------------------------
         			/**  Update comment total and "recent comment" date
         			/** ------------------------------------------------*/
         $DB->query("UPDATE exp_weblog_titles SET comment_total = '{$comment_total}', recent_comment_date = '" . $LOC->now . "' WHERE entry_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($_POST['entry_id']) . "'");
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Update member comment total and date
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') != 0) {
             $query = $DB->query("SELECT total_comments FROM exp_members WHERE member_id = '" . $SESS->userdata('member_id') . "'");
             $DB->query("UPDATE exp_members SET total_comments = '" . ($query->row['total_comments'] + 1) . "', last_comment_date = '" . $LOC->now . "' WHERE member_id = '" . $SESS->userdata('member_id') . "'");
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Update comment stats
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         $STAT->update_comment_stats($weblog_id, $LOC->now);
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Fetch email notification addresses
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT(email), name, comment_id, author_id FROM exp_comments WHERE status = 'o' AND entry_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($_POST['entry_id']) . "' AND notify = 'y'");
         $recipients = array();
         if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
             foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                 if ($row['email'] == "" and $row['author_id'] != 0) {
                     $result = $DB->query("SELECT email, screen_name FROM exp_members WHERE member_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($row['author_id']) . "'");
                     if ($result->num_rows == 1) {
                         $recipients[] = array($result->row['email'], $row['comment_id'], $result->row['screen_name']);
                 } elseif ($row['email'] != "") {
                     $recipients[] = array($row['email'], $row['comment_id'], $row['name']);
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Fetch Author Notification
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($author_notify == 'y') {
         $result = $DB->query("SELECT email FROM exp_members WHERE member_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($author_id) . "'");
         $notify_address .= ',' . $result->row['email'];
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Instantiate Typography class
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
     $TYPE = new Typography(FALSE, FALSE);
     $TYPE->smileys = FALSE;
     $comment = $REGX->xss_clean($_POST['comment']);
     $comment = $TYPE->parse_type($comment, array('text_format' => 'none', 'html_format' => 'none', 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'n'));
     /** ----------------------------
         /**  Send admin notification
         /** ----------------------------*/
     if ($notify_address != '') {
         $swap = array('name' => $cmtr_name, 'name_of_commenter' => $cmtr_name, 'email' => $cmtr_email, 'url' => $cmtr_url, 'location' => $cmtr_loc, 'weblog_name' => $blog_title, 'entry_title' => $entry_title, 'comment_id' => $comment_id, 'comment' => $comment, 'comment_url' => $FNS->remove_session_id($_POST['RET']), 'delete_link' => $PREFS->ini('cp_url') . '?S=0&C=edit' . '&M=del_comment_conf' . '&weblog_id=' . $weblog_id . '&entry_id=' . $_POST['entry_id'] . '&comment_id=' . $comment_id);
         $template = $FNS->fetch_email_template('admin_notify_comment');
         $email_tit = $FNS->var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
         $email_msg = $FNS->var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
         // We don't want to send an admin notification if the person
         // leaving the comment is an admin in the notification list
         if ($_POST['email'] != '') {
             if (strpos($notify_address, $_POST['email']) !== FALSE) {
                 $notify_address = str_replace($_POST['email'], "", $notify_address);
         $notify_address = $REGX->remove_extra_commas($notify_address);
         if ($notify_address != '') {
             /** ----------------------------
             				/**  Send email
             				/** ----------------------------*/
             if (!class_exists('EEmail')) {
                 require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
             $replyto = $data['email'] == '' ? $PREFS->ini('webmaster_email') : $data['email'];
             $email = new EEmail();
             $sent = array();
             foreach (explode(',', $notify_address) as $addy) {
                 if (in_array($addy, $sent)) {
                 $email->wordwrap = false;
                 $email->from($PREFS->ini('webmaster_email'), $PREFS->ini('webmaster_name'));
                 $sent[] = $addy;
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Send user notifications
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($comment_moderate == 'n') {
         $email_msg = '';
         if (count($recipients) > 0) {
             $qs = $PREFS->ini('force_query_string') == 'y' ? '' : '?';
             $action_id = $FNS->fetch_action_id('Comment_CP', 'delete_comment_notification');
             $swap = array('name_of_commenter' => $cmtr_name, 'weblog_name' => $blog_title, 'entry_title' => $entry_title, 'site_name' => stripslashes($PREFS->ini('site_name')), 'site_url' => $PREFS->ini('site_url'), 'comment_url' => $FNS->remove_session_id($_POST['RET']), 'comment_id' => $comment_id, 'comment' => $comment);
             $template = $FNS->fetch_email_template('comment_notification');
             $email_tit = $FNS->var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
             $email_msg = $FNS->var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
             /** ----------------------------
             				/**  Send email
             				/** ----------------------------*/
             if (!class_exists('EEmail')) {
                 require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
             $email = new EEmail();
             $email->wordwrap = true;
             $cur_email = $_POST['email'] == '' ? FALSE : $_POST['email'];
             if (!isset($sent)) {
                 $sent = array();
             foreach ($recipients as $val) {
                 // We don't notify the person currently commenting.  That would be silly.
                 if ($val['0'] != $cur_email and !in_array($val['0'], $sent)) {
                     $title = $email_tit;
                     $message = $email_msg;
                     $title = str_replace('{name_of_recipient}', $val['2'], $title);
                     $message = str_replace('{name_of_recipient}', $val['2'], $message);
                     $title = str_replace('{notification_removal_url}', $FNS->fetch_site_index(0, 0) . $qs . 'ACT=' . $action_id . '&id=' . $val['1'], $title);
                     $message = str_replace('{notification_removal_url}', $FNS->fetch_site_index(0, 0) . $qs . 'ACT=' . $action_id . '&id=' . $val['1'], $message);
                     $email->from($PREFS->ini('webmaster_email'), $PREFS->ini('webmaster_name'));
                     $sent[] = $val['0'];
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Clear cache files
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         $FNS->clear_caching('all', $FNS->fetch_site_index() . $_POST['URI']);
         // clear out the entry_id version if the url_title is in the URI, and vice versa
         if (preg_match("#\\/" . preg_quote($url_title) . "\\/#", $_POST['URI'], $matches)) {
             $FNS->clear_caching('all', $FNS->fetch_site_index() . preg_replace("#" . preg_quote($matches['0']) . "#", "/{$data['entry_id']}/", $_POST['URI']));
         } else {
             $FNS->clear_caching('all', $FNS->fetch_site_index() . preg_replace("#{$data['entry_id']}#", $url_title, $_POST['URI']));
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Set cookies
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($notify == 'y') {
         $FNS->set_cookie('notify_me', 'yes', 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
     } else {
         $FNS->set_cookie('notify_me', 'no', 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
     if ($IN->GBL('save_info', 'POST')) {
         $FNS->set_cookie('save_info', 'yes', 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
         $FNS->set_cookie('my_name', $_POST['name'], 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
         $FNS->set_cookie('my_email', $_POST['email'], 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
         $FNS->set_cookie('my_url', $_POST['url'], 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
         $FNS->set_cookie('my_location', $_POST['location'], 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
     } else {
         $FNS->set_cookie('save_info', 'no', 60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
         $FNS->set_cookie('my_name', '');
         $FNS->set_cookie('my_email', '');
         $FNS->set_cookie('my_url', '');
         $FNS->set_cookie('my_location', '');
     // -------------------------------------------
     // 'insert_comment_end' hook.
     //  - More emails, more processing, different redirect
     //  - $comment_id added 1.6.1
     $edata = $EXT->call_extension('insert_comment_end', $data, $comment_moderate, $comment_id);
     if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
     // -------------------------------------------
     /** -------------------------------------------
         /**  Bounce user back to the comment page
         /** -------------------------------------------*/
     if ($comment_moderate == 'y') {
         $data = array('title' => $LANG->line('cmt_comment_accepted'), 'heading' => $LANG->line('thank_you'), 'content' => $LANG->line('cmt_will_be_reviewed'), 'redirect' => $_POST['RET'], 'link' => array($_POST['RET'], $LANG->line('cmt_return_to_comments')), 'rate' => 3);
     } else {
    /** -------------------------------------
    	/**  pMachine News Feed
    	/** -------------------------------------*/
    function pmachine_news_feed()
        global $DB, $DSP, $PREFS, $FNS, $SESS, $LANG, $LOC;
        if ($this->conn_failure === TRUE or !file_exists(PATH_PI . 'pi.magpie' . EXT)) {
            return $r = '';
        $r = $DSP->table('tableBorder', '0', '0', '100%') . $DSP->tr() . $DSP->table_qcell('tableHeading', $LANG->line('pmachine_news_feed')) . $DSP->tr_c();
        define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 60 * 60 * 24 * 3);
        // set cache to 3 days
        define('MAGPIE_CACHE_DIR', PATH_CACHE . 'magpie_cache/');
        define('MAGPIE_DEBUG', 0);
        if (!class_exists('Magpie')) {
            require PATH_PI . 'pi.magpie' . EXT;
        $feed = fetch_rss('http://expressionengine.com/feeds/rss/cpnews/');
        $i = 0;
        if (!is_object($feed) or count($feed->items) == 0) {
            $r .= $DSP->table_qrow($i++ % 2 ? 'tableCellOne' : 'tableCellTwo', array($LANG->line('no_news')));
        } else {
            $total = count($feed->items);
            $j = 0;
<script type="text/javascript"> 

function showHide(el)
	if (document.getElementById(el).style.display == 'block')
		document.getElementById(el).style.display = 'none';
		document.getElementById(el).style.display = 'block';

            $buffer = ob_get_contents();
            $r .= $buffer;
            $qm = $PREFS->ini('force_query_string') == 'y' ? '' : '?';
            for ($i = 0; $i < $total, $i < 3; $i++) {
                $title = $feed->items[$i]['title'];
                $date = $LOC->set_human_time($LOC->set_gmt(strtotime(preg_replace("/(20[10][0-9]\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2})T([0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2})Z/", '\\1 \\2 UTC', $feed->items[$i]['pubdate']))));
                $content = $feed->items[$i]['description'];
                $link = $feed->items[$i]['link'];
                if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
                    require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
                $TYPE = new Typography();
                $content = $TYPE->parse_type($content, array('text_format' => 'xhtml', 'html_format' => 'y', 'auto_links' => 'y', 'allow_img_url' => 'y'));
                $r .= $DSP->table_qrow($j++ % 2 ? 'tableCellOne' : 'tableCellTwo', array($DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $DSP->qspan('defaultBold', $DSP->anchor($FNS->fetch_site_index() . $qm . 'URL=' . $link, $title, "onclick='showHide(\"news_item_{$i}\"); return false;'") . NBS . '(' . $date . ')')) . $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $content, "news_item_{$i}", "style='display: none;'")));
            $r .= $DSP->table_qrow($j++ % 2 ? 'tableCellOne' : 'tableCellTwo', array($DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $DSP->qspan('defaultBold', $DSP->anchor($FNS->fetch_site_index() . $qm . 'URL=http://expressionengine.com/blog/', $LANG->line('more_news'), "onclick='window.open(this.href); return false;'")))));
        return $r . $DSP->table_c();
 /** -----------------------------------------
     /**  Change Comment Status
     /** -----------------------------------------*/
 function change_comment_status($status = '')
     global $IN, $DSP, $DB, $LANG, $PREFS, $REGX, $FNS, $SESS, $STAT;
     $weblog_id = $IN->GBL('weblog_id');
     $entry_id = $IN->GBL('entry_id');
     $current_page = $IN->GBL('current_page');
     $comments = array();
     $trackbacks = array();
     foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
         if (strstr($key, 'toggle') and !is_array($val)) {
             if (substr($val, 0, 1) == 'c') {
                 $comments[] = $DB->escape_str(substr($val, 1));
     if ($IN->GBL('comment_id') !== FALSE && is_numeric($IN->GBL('comment_id'))) {
         $comments[] = $DB->escape_str($IN->GBL('comment_id'));
     if (sizeof($comments) == 0) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message();
     if (!$DSP->allowed_group('can_moderate_comments') && !$DSP->allowed_group('can_edit_all_comments')) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message();
     if ($DSP->allowed_group('can_edit_all_comments')) {
         // Can Edit All Comments
         $sql = "SELECT exp_comments.entry_id, exp_comments.weblog_id, exp_comments.author_id\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM   exp_comments\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE  exp_comments.comment_id IN ('" . implode("','", $comments) . "')";
     } else {
         // Can Moderate Comments, but only from non-USER blogs.
         $sql = "SELECT exp_comments.entry_id, exp_comments.weblog_id, exp_comments.author_id\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM exp_comments, exp_weblogs\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE exp_comments.comment_id IN ('" . implode("','", $comments) . "') \n\t\t\t\t\tAND exp_comments.weblog_id = exp_weblogs.weblog_id ";
         $sql .= USER_BLOG !== FALSE ? "AND exp_weblogs.weblog_id = '" . UB_BLOG_ID . "' " : "AND exp_weblogs.is_user_blog = 'n' ";
     /** -------------------------------
         /**  Retrieve Our Results
         /** -------------------------------*/
     $query = $DB->query($sql);
     if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message();
     $entry_ids = array();
     $author_ids = array();
     $weblog_ids = array();
     foreach ($query->result as $row) {
         $entry_ids[] = $row['entry_id'];
         $author_ids[] = $row['author_id'];
         $weblog_ids[] = $row['weblog_id'];
     $entry_ids = array_unique($entry_ids);
     $author_ids = array_unique($author_ids);
     $weblog_ids = array_unique($weblog_ids);
     /** -------------------------------
         /**  Change Status
         /** -------------------------------*/
     $status = ($status == 'close' or isset($_GET['status']) and $_GET['status'] == 'close') ? 'c' : 'o';
     $DB->query("UPDATE exp_comments SET status = '{$status}' WHERE comment_id IN ('" . implode("','", $comments) . "') ");
     foreach (array_unique($entry_ids) as $entry_id) {
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT MAX(comment_date) AS max_date FROM exp_comments WHERE status = 'o' AND entry_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($entry_id) . "'");
         $comment_date = ($query->num_rows == 0 or !is_numeric($query->row['max_date'])) ? 0 : $query->row['max_date'];
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_comments WHERE entry_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($entry_id) . "' AND status = 'o'");
         $DB->query("UPDATE exp_weblog_titles SET comment_total = '" . $query->row['count'] . "', recent_comment_date = '{$comment_date}' WHERE entry_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($entry_id) . "'");
     // Quicker and updates just the weblogs
     foreach (array_unique($weblog_ids) as $weblog_id) {
         $STAT->update_comment_stats($weblog_id, '', FALSE);
     // Updates the total stats
     foreach (array_unique($author_ids) as $author_id) {
         $res = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(comment_id) AS comment_total, MAX(comment_date) AS comment_date FROM exp_comments WHERE author_id = '{$author_id}'");
         $comment_total = $res->row['comment_total'];
         $comment_date = !empty($res->row['comment_date']) ? $res->row['comment_date'] : 0;
         $DB->query($DB->update_string('exp_members', array('total_comments' => $comment_total, 'last_comment_date' => $comment_date), "member_id = '{$author_id}'"));
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Send email notification
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($status == 'o') {
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Instantiate Typography class
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
         $TYPE = new Typography(0);
         /** ----------------------------------------
         			/**  Go Through Array of Entries
         			/** ----------------------------------------*/
         foreach ($comments as $comment_id) {
             $query = $DB->query("SELECT comment, name, email, comment_date, entry_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM exp_comments \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE comment_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($comment_id) . "'");
             Find all of the unique commenters for this entry that have
             notification turned on, posted at/before this comment
             and do not have the same email address as this comment. 
             $results = $DB->query("SELECT DISTINCT(email), name, comment_id \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   FROM exp_comments \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE status = 'o' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   AND entry_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($query->row['entry_id']) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   AND notify = 'y'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   AND email != '" . $DB->escape_str($query->row['email']) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   AND comment_date <= '" . $DB->escape_str($query->row['comment_date']) . "'");
             $recipients = array();
             if ($results->num_rows > 0) {
                 foreach ($results->result as $row) {
                     $recipients[] = array($row['email'], $row['comment_id'], $row['name']);
             $email_msg = '';
             if (count($recipients) > 0) {
                 $comment = $TYPE->parse_type($query->row['comment'], array('text_format' => 'none', 'html_format' => 'none', 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'n'));
                 $qs = $PREFS->ini('force_query_string') == 'y' ? '' : '?';
                 $action_id = $FNS->fetch_action_id('Comment_CP', 'delete_comment_notification');
                 $results = $DB->query("SELECT wt.title, wt.url_title, w.blog_title, w.comment_url, w.blog_url\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   FROM exp_weblog_titles wt, exp_weblogs w \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   WHERE wt.entry_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($query->row['entry_id']) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t   AND wt.weblog_id = w.weblog_id");
                 $com_url = $results->row['comment_url'] == '' ? $results->row['blog_url'] : $results->row['comment_url'];
                 $swap = array('name_of_commenter' => $query->row['name'], 'name' => $query->row['name'], 'weblog_name' => $results->row['blog_title'], 'entry_title' => $results->row['title'], 'site_name' => stripslashes($PREFS->ini('site_name')), 'site_url' => $PREFS->ini('site_url'), 'comment' => $comment, 'comment_id' => $comment_id, 'comment_url' => $FNS->remove_double_slashes($com_url . '/' . $results->row['url_title'] . '/'));
                 $template = $FNS->fetch_email_template('comment_notification');
                 $email_tit = $FNS->var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
                 $email_msg = $FNS->var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
                 /** ----------------------------
                 				/**  Send email
                 				/** ----------------------------*/
                 if (!class_exists('EEmail')) {
                     require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
                 $email = new EEmail();
                 $email->wordwrap = true;
                 $sent = array();
                 foreach ($recipients as $val) {
                     if (!in_array($val['0'], $sent)) {
                         $title = $email_tit;
                         $message = $email_msg;
                         // Deprecate the {name} variable at some point
                         $title = str_replace('{name}', $val['2'], $title);
                         $message = str_replace('{name}', $val['2'], $message);
                         $title = str_replace('{name_of_recipient}', $val['2'], $title);
                         $message = str_replace('{name_of_recipient}', $val['2'], $message);
                         $title = str_replace('{notification_removal_url}', $FNS->fetch_site_index(0, 0) . $qs . 'ACT=' . $action_id . '&id=' . $val['1'], $title);
                         $message = str_replace('{notification_removal_url}', $FNS->fetch_site_index(0, 0) . $qs . 'ACT=' . $action_id . '&id=' . $val['1'], $message);
                         $email->from($PREFS->ini('webmaster_email'), $PREFS->ini('webmaster_name'));
                         $sent[] = $val['0'];
     $val = $IN->GBL('validate') == 1 ? AMP . 'validate=1' : '';
     if ($IN->GBL('search_in') !== FALSE) {
         $url = BASE . AMP . 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=view_entries' . AMP . 'search_in=comments' . AMP . 'rownum=' . $IN->GBL('current_page') . AMP . 'order=desc' . AMP . 'keywords=' . $IN->GBL('keywords');
     } else {
         $url = BASE . AMP . 'C=edit' . AMP . 'M=view_comments' . AMP . 'weblog_id=' . $weblog_id . AMP . 'entry_id=' . $entry_id . AMP . 'current_page=' . $current_page . AMP . 'U=1' . $val;
 /** -----------------------------------------
     /**  USAGE: Get Recent Posts for User
     /** -----------------------------------------*/
 function getRecentPosts($plist, $entry_id = '')
     global $DB, $LANG, $FNS, $PREFS;
     $parameters = $plist->output_parameters();
     if (!$this->fetch_member_data($parameters['1'], $parameters['2'])) {
         return new XML_RPC_Response('0', '802', $LANG->line('invalid_access'));
     if (!$this->userdata['can_access_edit'] && $this->userdata['group_id'] != '1') {
         return new XML_RPC_Response('0', '803', $LANG->line('invalid_access'));
     /** ---------------------------------------
        	/**  Parse Out Weblog Information
        	/** ---------------------------------------*/
     if ($entry_id == '') {
         $limit = !empty($parameters['3']) && is_numeric($parameters['3']) ? $parameters['3'] : '10';
     /** ---------------------------------------
        	/**  Perform Query
        	/** ---------------------------------------*/
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(wt.entry_id), wt.title, wt.url_title, wt.weblog_id, \n    \t\t\twt.author_id, wt.entry_date, wt.allow_comments, wt.allow_trackbacks, wt.sent_trackbacks,\n    \t\t\texp_weblog_data.*\n                FROM   exp_weblog_titles wt, exp_weblog_data \n                WHERE wt.entry_id = exp_weblog_data.entry_id ";
     if ($this->userdata['group_id'] != '1' && !$this->userdata['can_edit_other_entries']) {
         $sql .= "AND wt.author_id = '" . $this->userdata['member_id'] . "' ";
     if ($entry_id != '') {
         $sql .= "AND wt.entry_id = '{$entry_id}' ";
     } else {
         $sql .= str_replace('exp_weblogs.weblog_id', 'wt.weblog_id', $this->weblog_sql) . " ";
     if ($entry_id == '') {
         $sql .= "ORDER BY entry_date desc LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
     $query = $DB->query($sql);
     if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
         return new XML_RPC_Response('0', '805', $LANG->line('no_entries_found'));
     if ($entry_id != '') {
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Instantiate Typography class
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->parse_type === TRUE) {
         if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
         $TYPE = new Typography();
         $TYPE->encode_email = false;
         $PREFS->core_ini['enable_emoticons'] = 'n';
     /** ---------------------------------------
        	/**  Process Output
        	/** ---------------------------------------*/
     $settings = array();
     $settings['html_format'] = $this->html_format;
     $settings['auto_links'] = 'n';
     $settings['allow_img_url'] = 'y';
     $response = array();
     foreach ($query->result as $row) {
         $convert_breaks = 'none';
         $link = $FNS->remove_double_slashes($this->comment_url . '/' . $row['url_title'] . '/');
         // Fields:  Textarea and Text Input Only
         $this->field_data = array('excerpt' => '', 'content' => '', 'more' => '', 'keywords' => '');
         if (isset($this->fields[$this->excerpt_field])) {
             if ($this->parse_type === true) {
                 $settings['text_format'] = $row['field_ft_' . $this->excerpt_field];
                 $this->field_data['excerpt'] = $TYPE->parse_type($row['field_id_' . $this->excerpt_field], $settings);
             } else {
                 $this->field_data['excerpt'] .= $row['field_id_' . $this->excerpt_field];
         if (isset($this->fields[$this->content_field])) {
             $convert_breaks = $row['field_ft_' . $this->content_field];
             if ($this->parse_type === true) {
                 $settings['text_format'] = $row['field_ft_' . $this->content_field];
                 $this->field_data['content'] = $TYPE->parse_type($row['field_id_' . $this->content_field], $settings);
             } else {
                 $this->field_data['content'] .= $row['field_id_' . $this->content_field];
         if (isset($this->fields[$this->more_field])) {
             if ($this->parse_type === true) {
                 $settings['text_format'] = $row['field_ft_' . $this->more_field];
                 $this->field_data['more'] = $TYPE->parse_type($row['field_id_' . $this->more_field], $settings);
             } else {
                 $this->field_data['more'] .= $row['field_id_' . $this->more_field];
         if (isset($this->fields[$this->keywords_field])) {
             if ($this->parse_type === true) {
                 $settings['text_format'] = $row['field_ft_' . $this->keywords_field];
                 $this->field_data['keywords'] = $TYPE->parse_type($row['field_id_' . $this->keywords_field], $settings);
             } else {
                 $this->field_data['keywords'] .= $row['field_id_' . $this->keywords_field];
         // Categories
         $cat_array = array();
         $sql = "SELECT\texp_categories.cat_id, exp_categories.cat_name\n    \t\t\t\tFROM\texp_category_posts, exp_categories\n    \t\t\t\tWHERE\texp_category_posts.cat_id = exp_categories.cat_id\n    \t\t\t\tAND\t\texp_category_posts.entry_id = '" . $row['entry_id'] . "' \n    \t\t\t\tORDER BY cat_id";
         $results = $DB->query($sql);
         if ($results->num_rows > 0) {
             foreach ($results->result as $rrow) {
                 $cat_array[] = new XML_RPC_Values($rrow['cat_name'], 'string');
                 //$cat_array[] = new XML_RPC_Values($rrow['cat_id'], 'string');
         // Sent Trackbacks
         $current_pings = strlen($query->row['sent_trackbacks']) > 0 ? explode("\n", trim($query->row['sent_trackbacks'])) : array();
         $pings = array();
         if (sizeof($current_pings) > 0) {
             foreach ($current_pings as $value) {
                 $pings[] = new XML_RPC_Values($value, 'string');
         // Entry Data to XML-RPC form
         $entry_data = new XML_RPC_Values(array('userid' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['author_id'], 'string'), 'dateCreated' => new XML_RPC_Values(date('Ymd\\TH:i:s', $row['entry_date']) . 'Z', 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'blogid' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['weblog_id'], 'string'), 'title' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['title'], 'string'), 'mt_excerpt' => new XML_RPC_Values($this->field_data['excerpt'], 'string'), 'description' => new XML_RPC_Values($this->field_data['content'], 'string'), 'mt_text_more' => new XML_RPC_Values($this->field_data['more'], 'string'), 'mt_keywords' => new XML_RPC_Values($this->field_data['keywords'], 'string'), 'mt_convert_breaks' => new XML_RPC_Values($convert_breaks, 'string'), 'postid' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['entry_id'], 'string'), 'link' => new XML_RPC_Values($link, 'string'), 'permaLink' => new XML_RPC_Values($link, 'string'), 'categories' => new XML_RPC_Values($cat_array, 'array'), 'mt_allow_comments' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['allow_comments'] == 'y' ? 1 : 0, 'int'), 'mt_allow_pings' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['allow_trackbacks'] == 'y' ? 1 : 0, 'int'), 'mt_tb_ping_urls' => new XML_RPC_Values($pings, 'array')), 'struct');
         array_push($response, $entry_data);
     if ($entry_id != '') {
         return new XML_RPC_Response($entry_data);
     } else {
         return new XML_RPC_Response(new XML_RPC_Values($response, 'array'));
  * Parses XML and returns as ExpressionEngine variables for the Basic User xml schema
  * @param string $xml the xml to be parsed
  * @return string Returns parsed xml
 protected function _parse_basic_user($xml)
     global $TMPL, $REGX, $FNS, $LOC;
     if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
     $TYPE = new Typography(FALSE, FALSE);
     $prefs = array('text_format' => 'none', 'html_format' => 'all', 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'n', 'convert_curly' => 'y');
     $count = 0;
     /** ---------------------------------------
         /**  Parse date variables outside
         /** ---------------------------------------*/
     $date_vars = array('created_at');
     foreach ($date_vars as $val) {
         if (preg_match_all("/" . LD . $val . "\\s+format=[\"'](.*?)[\"']" . RD . "/s", $this->tagdata, $matches)) {
             for ($j = 0; $j < count($matches['0']); $j++) {
                 $matches['0'][$j] = str_replace(array(LD, RD), '', $matches['0'][$j]);
                 switch ($val) {
                     case 'created_at':
                         $created_at[$matches['0'][$j]] = $LOC->fetch_date_params($matches['1'][$j]);
     foreach ($xml->user as $user) {
         if ($count == $this->limit) {
         /** ---------------------------------------
             /**  Prepare conditionals
             /** ---------------------------------------*/
         $cond = array();
         foreach ($user as $key => $val) {
             $cond[$key] = $val;
         $cond['count'] = $count + 1;
         $cond['total_results'] = $this->limit;
         $tagdata = $FNS->prep_conditionals($this->tagdata, $cond);
         /** ---------------------------------------
             /**  Single variables
             /** ---------------------------------------*/
         foreach ($TMPL->var_single as $key => $val) {
             if (isset($user->{$val})) {
                 $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($val, $REGX->xss_clean($TYPE->parse_type($user->{$val}, $prefs)), $tagdata);
             } elseif ($val == "relative_time") {
                 $relative_time = $this->_relativeTime(strtotime($user->created_at));
                 if ($TMPL->fetch_param("ucfirst_relative_time") == "y") {
                     $relative_time = ucfirst($relative_time);
                 $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single("relative_time", $TYPE->parse_type($relative_time, $prefs), $tagdata);
             if (isset($created_at[$key])) {
                 foreach ($created_at[$key] as $dvar) {
                     $val = str_replace($dvar, $LOC->convert_timestamp($dvar), $val);
                 $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $val, $tagdata);
         foreach ($user->status as $status) {
             $status->text = $this->twitterStatusUrlConverter($status->text);
             $status->text = $TYPE->parse_type($status->text, $prefs);
             $status->text = $REGX->xss_clean($status->text);
             foreach ($TMPL->var_single as $key => $val) {
                 if (isset($status->{$val})) {
                     $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($val, $REGX->xss_clean($TYPE->parse_type($status->{$val}, $prefs)), $tagdata);
         $this->return_data .= $tagdata;
     return $this->return_data;
 function display_tag($params, $tagdata, $field_data, $field_settings)
     global $TMPL, $FF;
     $this_row = $FF->weblog->query->row;
     $this_field_id = $FF->field_id;
     $parse_images = $FF->weblog->TYPE->parse_images;
     $parse_options = array('text_format' => $this_row['field_ft_' . $this_field_id], 'html_format' => $this_row['weblog_html_formatting'], 'auto_links' => $this_row['weblog_auto_link_urls'], 'allow_img_url' => $this_row['weblog_allow_img_urls'], 'parse_images' => $parse_images);
     if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
     $TYPE = new Typography();
     $parsed_contents = $TYPE->parse_type($field_data, $parse_options);
     return $parsed_contents;
 /** -----------------------------
 	/**  View Email
 	/** -----------------------------*/
 function view_email()
     global $IN, $DB, $LANG, $DSP, $LOC;
     if (!$DSP->allowed_group('can_admin_members')) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message();
     $id = $IN->GBL('id');
     /** -----------------------------
        	/**  Run Query
        	/** -----------------------------*/
     $query = $DB->query("SELECT subject, message, recipient, recipient_name, member_name, ip_address FROM exp_email_console_cache WHERE cache_id = '{$id}' ");
     if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
         $DSP->body .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $DSP->qdiv('highlight', $LANG->line('no_cached_email')));
     /** -----------------------------
        	/**  Render output
        	/** -----------------------------*/
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->heading(BR . $query->row['subject']);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Instantiate Typography class
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
     $TYPE = new Typography();
     $DSP->body .= $TYPE->parse_type($query->row['message'], array('text_format' => 'xhtml', 'html_format' => 'all', 'auto_links' => 'y', 'allow_img_url' => 'y'));
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->qdiv('', BR);
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->table('tableBorderNoBot', '0', '10', '100%');
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->tr();
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->table_qcell('tableCellTwo', $DSP->qspan('defaultBold', $LANG->line('from')));
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->table_qcell('tableCellOne', $DSP->qspan('defaultBold', $query->row['member_name']));
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->table_qcell('tableCellOne', $DSP->qspan('defaultBold', $query->row['ip_address']));
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->tr_c();
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->tr();
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->table_qcell('tableCellTwo', $DSP->qspan('defaultBold', $LANG->line('to')));
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->table_qcell('tableCellOne', $DSP->qspan('defaultBold', $query->row['recipient_name']));
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->table_qcell('tableCellOne', $DSP->qspan('defaultBold', $DSP->mailto($query->row['recipient'])));
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->tr_c();
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->table_c();
 function show_message($data, $xhtml = TRUE)
     global $LANG, $DB, $PREFS, $REGX;
     foreach (array('title', 'heading', 'content', 'redirect', 'rate', 'link') as $val) {
         if (!isset($data[$val])) {
             $data[$val] = '';
     if (!is_numeric($data['rate']) or $data['rate'] == '') {
         $data['rate'] = $this->resresh_time;
         // There is a silly typo here that for legacy reasons we're leaving in.
     $data['meta_refresh'] = $data['redirect'] != '' ? "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='" . $data['rate'] . "; url=" . $REGX->xss_clean($data['redirect']) . "'>" : '';
     $data['charset'] = $PREFS->ini('charset');
     if (is_array($data['link']) and count($data['link']) > 0) {
         $refresh_msg = ($data['redirect'] != '' and $this->refresh_msg == TRUE) ? $LANG->line('click_if_no_redirect') : '';
         $ltitle = $refresh_msg == '' ? $data['link']['1'] : $refresh_msg;
         $url = strtolower($data['link']['0']) == 'javascript:history.go(-1)' ? $data['link']['0'] : $REGX->xss_clean($data['link']['0']);
         $data['link'] = "<a href='" . $url . "'>" . $ltitle . "</a>";
     if ($xhtml == TRUE) {
         if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
         $TYPE = new Typography();
         $data['content'] = $TYPE->parse_type(stripslashes($data['content']), array('text_format' => 'xhtml'));
     $query = $DB->query("SELECT template_data FROM exp_specialty_templates WHERE site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "' AND template_name = 'message_template'");
     foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
         $query->row['template_data'] = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $val, $query->row['template_data']);
     echo stripslashes($query->row['template_data']);
    /** ----------------------------------------
        /**  Stand-alone version of the entry form
        /** ----------------------------------------*/
    function entry_form($return_form = FALSE, $captcha = '')
        global $TMPL, $LANG, $LOC, $OUT, $DB, $IN, $REGX, $FNS, $SESS, $PREFS, $EXT;
        $field_data = '';
        $catlist = '';
        $status = '';
        $title = '';
        $url_title = '';
        $dst_enabled = $SESS->userdata('daylight_savings');
        // No loggy? No looky...
        if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') == 0) {
            return '';
        if (!($weblog = $TMPL->fetch_param('weblog'))) {
            return $OUT->show_user_error('general', $LANG->line('weblog_not_specified'));
        // Fetch the action ID number.  Even though we don't need it until later
        // we'll grab it here.  If not found it means the action table doesn't
        // contain the ID, which means the user has not updated properly.  Ya know?
        if (!($insert_action = $FNS->fetch_action_id('Weblog', 'insert_new_entry'))) {
            return $OUT->show_user_error('general', $LANG->line('weblog_no_action_found'));
        // We need to first determine which weblog to post the entry into.
        $assigned_weblogs = $FNS->fetch_assigned_weblogs();
        $weblog_id = !$IN->GBL('weblog_id', 'POST') ? '' : $IN->GBL('weblog_id');
        if ($weblog_id == '') {
            $query = $DB->query("SELECT weblog_id from exp_weblogs WHERE site_id IN ('" . implode("','", $TMPL->site_ids) . "') AND blog_name = '" . $DB->escape_str($weblog) . "' AND is_user_blog = 'n'");
            if ($query->num_rows == 1) {
                $weblog_id = $query->row['weblog_id'];
        /** ----------------------------------------------
            /**  Security check
            /** ---------------------------------------------*/
        if (!in_array($weblog_id, $assigned_weblogs)) {
            return $TMPL->no_results();
        /** ----------------------------------------------
            /**  Fetch weblog preferences
            /** ---------------------------------------------*/
        $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM  exp_weblogs WHERE weblog_id = '{$weblog_id}'");
        if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
            return "The weblog you have specified does not exist.";
        foreach ($query->row as $key => $val) {
            ${$key} = $val;
        if (!isset($_POST['weblog_id'])) {
            $title = $default_entry_title;
            $url_title = $url_title_prefix;
        // -------------------------------------------
        // 'weblog_standalone_form_start' hook.
        //  - Rewrite the Stand Alone Entry Form completely
        $edata = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_start', $return_form, $captcha, $weblog_id);
        if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
        // -------------------------------------------
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Return the "no cache" version of the form
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        if ($return_form == FALSE) {
            $nc = '{{NOCACHE_WEBLOG_FORM ';
            if (count($TMPL->tagparams) > 0) {
                foreach ($TMPL->tagparams as $key => $val) {
                    $nc .= ' ' . $key . '="' . $val . '" ';
            $nc .= '}}' . $TMPL->tagdata . '{{/NOCACHE_FORM}}';
            return $nc;
        /** ----------------------------------------------
            /**  JavaScript For URL Title
            /** ---------------------------------------------*/
        $convert_ascii = $PREFS->ini('auto_convert_high_ascii') == 'y' ? TRUE : FALSE;
        $word_separator = $PREFS->ini('word_separator') != "dash" ? '_' : '-';
        /** -------------------------------------
           	/**  Create Foreign Character Conversion JS
           	/** -------------------------------------*/
        /* -------------------------------------
        		/*  'foreign_character_conversion_array' hook.
        		/*  - Allows you to use your own foreign character conversion array
        		/*  - Added 1.6.0
        if (isset($EXT->extensions['foreign_character_conversion_array'])) {
            $foreign_characters = $EXT->call_extension('foreign_character_conversion_array');
        } else {
            $foreign_characters = array('223' => "ss", '224' => "a", '225' => "a", '226' => "a", '229' => "a", '227' => "ae", '230' => "ae", '228' => "ae", '231' => "c", '232' => "e", '233' => "e", '234' => "e", '235' => "e", '236' => "i", '237' => "i", '238' => "i", '239' => "i", '241' => "n", '242' => "o", '243' => "o", '244' => "o", '245' => "o", '246' => "oe", '249' => "u", '250' => "u", '251' => "u", '252' => "ue", '255' => "y", '257' => "aa", '269' => "ch", '275' => "ee", '291' => "gj", '299' => "ii", '311' => "kj", '316' => "lj", '326' => "nj", '353' => "sh", '363' => "uu", '382' => "zh", '256' => "aa", '268' => "ch", '274' => "ee", '290' => "gj", '298' => "ii", '310' => "kj", '315' => "lj", '325' => "nj", '352' => "sh", '362' => "uu", '381' => "zh");
        		/* -------------------------------------*/
        $foreign_replace = '';
        foreach ($foreign_characters as $old => $new) {
            $foreign_replace .= "if (c == '{$old}') {NewTextTemp += '{$new}'; continue;}\n\t\t\t\t";
        $default_entry_title = $REGX->form_prep($default_entry_title);
        $url_title_js = <<<EOT
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
        function liveUrlTitle()
\t\t\tvar defaultTitle = '{$default_entry_title}';
\t\t\tvar NewText = document.getElementById("title").value;
\t\t\tif (defaultTitle != '')
\t\t\t\tif (NewText.substr(0, defaultTitle.length) == defaultTitle)
\t\t\t\t\tNewText = NewText.substr(defaultTitle.length);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.toLowerCase();
\t\t\tvar separator = "{$word_separator}";
\t\t\t// Foreign Character Attempt
\t\t\tvar NewTextTemp = '';
\t\t\tfor(var pos=0; pos<NewText.length; pos++)
\t\t\t\tvar c = NewText.charCodeAt(pos);
\t\t\t\tif (c >= 32 && c < 128)
\t\t\t\t\tNewTextTemp += NewText.charAt(pos);
\t\t\tvar multiReg = new RegExp(separator + '{2,}', 'g');
\t\t\tNewText = NewTextTemp;
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace('/<(.*?)>/g', '');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/\\s+/g, separator);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/\\//g, separator);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/[^a-z0-9\\-\\._]/g,'');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/\\+/g, separator);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(multiReg, separator);
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/-\$/g,'');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/_\$/g,'');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/^_/g,'');
\t\t\tNewText = NewText.replace(/^-/g,'');
\t\t\tif (document.getElementById("url_title"))
\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById("url_title").value = "{$url_title_prefix}" + NewText;\t\t\t
\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['entryform'].elements['url_title'].value = "{$url_title_prefix}" + NewText; 

        function showhide_item(id)
\t\t\tif (document.getElementById(id).style.display == "block")
\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById(id).style.display = "none";
\t\t\t\tdocument.getElementById(id).style.display = "block";
        // -------------------------------------------
        // 'weblog_standalone_form_urltitle_js' hook.
        //  - Rewrite the Stand Alone Entry Form's URL Title JavaScript
        if ($EXT->active_hook('weblog_standalone_form_urltitle_js') === TRUE) {
            $url_title_js = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_urltitle_js', $url_title_js);
            if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
        // -------------------------------------------
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Compile form declaration and hidden fields
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $RET = isset($_POST['RET']) ? $_POST['RET'] : $FNS->fetch_current_uri();
        $XID = !isset($_POST['XID']) ? '' : $_POST['XID'];
        $PRV = isset($_POST['PRV']) ? $_POST['PRV'] : '{PREVIEW_TEMPLATE}';
        $hidden_fields = array('ACT' => $insert_action, 'RET' => $RET, 'PRV' => $PRV, 'URI' => $IN->URI == '' ? 'index' : $IN->URI, 'XID' => $XID, 'return_url' => isset($_POST['return_url']) ? $_POST['return_url'] : $TMPL->fetch_param('return'), 'author_id' => $SESS->userdata('member_id'), 'weblog_id' => $weblog_id);
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Add status to hidden fields
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $status_id = !isset($_POST['status_id']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('status') : $_POST['status_id'];
        if ($status_id == 'Open' || $status_id == 'Closed') {
            $status_id = strtolower($status_id);
        $status_query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM exp_statuses WHERE group_id = '{$status_group}' order by status_order");
        if ($status_id != '') {
            $closed_flag = TRUE;
            if ($status_query->num_rows > 0) {
                foreach ($status_query->result as $row) {
                    if ($row['status'] == $status_id) {
                        $closed_flag = FALSE;
            $hidden_fields['status'] = $closed_flag == TRUE ? 'closed' : $status_id;
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Add "allow" options
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $allow_cmts = !isset($_POST['allow_cmts']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('allow_comments') : $_POST['allow_cmts'];
        if ($allow_cmts != '' and $comment_system_enabled == 'y') {
            $hidden_fields['allow_comments'] = $allow_cmts == 'yes' ? 'y' : 'n';
        $allow_tbks = !isset($_POST['allow_tbks']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('allow_trackbacks') : $_POST['allow_tbks'];
        if ($allow_tbks != '') {
            $hidden_fields['allow_trackbacks'] = $allow_tbks == 'yes' ? 'y' : 'n';
        $sticky_entry = !isset($_POST['sticky_entry']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('sticky_entry') : $_POST['sticky_entry'];
        if ($sticky_entry != '') {
            $hidden_fields['sticky'] = $sticky_entry == 'yes' ? 'y' : 'n';
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Add categories to hidden fields
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        if ($category_id = $TMPL->fetch_param('category')) {
            if (isset($_POST['category'])) {
                foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                    if (strstr($key, 'category') and is_array($val)) {
                        $i = 0;
                        foreach ($val as $v) {
                            $hidden_fields['category[' . $i++ . ']'] = $v;
            } else {
                if (strpos($category_id, '|') === FALSE) {
                    $hidden_fields['category[]'] = $category_id;
                } else {
                    $category_id = trim($category_id, '|');
                    $i = 0;
                    foreach (explode("|", $category_id) as $val) {
                        $hidden_fields['category[' . $i++ . ']'] = $val;
        /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Add pings to hidden fields
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $hidden_pings = !isset($_POST['hidden_pings']) ? $TMPL->fetch_param('hidden_pings') : $_POST['hidden_pings'];
        if ($hidden_pings == 'yes') {
            $hidden_fields['hidden_pings'] = 'yes';
            $ping_servers = $this->fetch_ping_servers('new');
            if (is_array($ping_servers) and count($ping_servers) > 0) {
                $i = 0;
                foreach ($ping_servers as $val) {
                    if ($val['1'] != '') {
                        $hidden_fields['ping[' . $i++ . ']'] = $val['0'];
        /** -------------------------------------
        		/**  Parse out the tag
        		/** -------------------------------------*/
        $tagdata = $TMPL->tagdata;
        /** ----------------------------------------------
            /**  Upload and Smileys Link
            /** ---------------------------------------------*/
        $s = $PREFS->ini('admin_session_type') != 'c' ? $SESS->userdata['session_id'] : 0;
        $cp_url = $PREFS->ini('cp_url') . '?S=' . $s;
        // -------------------------------------------
        // 'weblog_standalone_form_upload_url' hook.
        //  - Rewrite URL for Upload Link
        if ($EXT->active_hook('weblog_standalone_form_upload_url') === TRUE) {
            $upload_url = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_upload_url', $weblog_id);
        } else {
            $upload_url = $cp_url . '&amp;C=publish&amp;M=file_upload_form&amp;field_group=' . $field_group . '&amp;Z=1';
        // -------------------------------------------
        $tagdata = str_replace('{upload_url}', $upload_url, $tagdata);
        $tagdata = str_replace('{smileys_url}', $cp_url . '&amp;C=publish&amp;M=emoticons&amp;field_group=' . $field_group . '&amp;Z=1', $tagdata);
        // Onward...
        $which = $IN->GBL('preview', 'POST') ? 'preview' : 'new';
        /** --------------------------------
        		/**  Fetch Custom Fields
        		/** --------------------------------*/
        if ($TMPL->fetch_param('show_fields') !== FALSE) {
            if (strncmp('not ', $TMPL->fetch_param('show_fields'), 4) == 0) {
                $these = "AND field_name NOT IN ('" . str_replace('|', "','", trim(substr($TMPL->fetch_param('show_fields'), 3))) . "') ";
            } else {
                $these = "AND field_name IN ('" . str_replace('|', "','", trim($TMPL->fetch_param('show_fields'))) . "') ";
        } else {
            $these = '';
        $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM  exp_weblog_fields WHERE group_id = '{$field_group}' {$these} ORDER BY field_order");
        $fields = array();
        $date_fields = array();
        $cond = array();
        if ($which == 'preview') {
            foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                $fields['field_id_' . $row['field_id']] = $row['field_name'];
                $cond[$row['field_name']] = '';
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'date') {
                    $date_fields[$row['field_name']] = $row['field_id'];
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Preview
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "preview" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "preview" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            if ($which != 'preview') {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            } else {
                /** ----------------------------------------
                				/**  Instantiate Typography class
                				/** ----------------------------------------*/
                if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
                    require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
                $TYPE = new Typography();
                $TYPE->convert_curly = FALSE;
                $title = $TYPE->format_characters(stripslashes($IN->GBL('title', 'POST')));
                $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'title' . RD, $title, $match['1']);
                // We need to grab each global array index and do a little formatting
                $str = '';
                foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
                    if (!is_array($val)) {
                        if (strstr($key, 'field_id')) {
                            $expl = explode('field_id_', $key);
                            if (in_array($expl['1'], $date_fields)) {
                                $temp_date = $LOC->convert_human_date_to_gmt($_POST['field_id_' . $expl['1']]);
                                $temp = $_POST['field_id_' . $expl['1']];
                                $cond[$fields['field_id_' . $expl['1']]] = $temp_date;
                            } else {
                                $cond[$fields['field_id_' . $expl['1']]] = $_POST['field_id_' . $expl['1']];
                                $txt_fmt = !isset($_POST['field_ft_' . $expl['1']]) ? 'xhtml' : $_POST['field_ft_' . $expl['1']];
                                $temp = $TYPE->parse_type(stripslashes($val), array('text_format' => $txt_fmt, 'html_format' => $weblog_html_formatting, 'auto_links' => $weblog_allow_img_urls, 'allow_img_url' => $weblog_auto_link_urls));
                            if (isset($fields[$key])) {
                                $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . $fields[$key] . RD, $temp, $match['1']);
                            $str .= $temp;
                $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'display_custom_fields' . RD, $str, $match['1']);
                $match['1'] = $FNS->prep_conditionals($match['1'], $cond);
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
        /** -------------------------------------
        		/**  Formatting buttons
        		/** -------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "formatting_buttons" . RD . "#s", $tagdata)) {
            if (!defined('BASE')) {
                $s = $PREFS->ini('admin_session_type') != 'c' ? $SESS->userdata['session_id'] : 0;
                define('BASE', $PREFS->ini('cp_url', FALSE) . '?S=' . $s);
            if (!class_exists('Display')) {
                require PATH_CP . 'cp.display' . EXT;
            global $DSP;
            $DSP = new Display();
            if (!class_exists('Publish')) {
                require PATH_CP . 'cp.publish' . EXT;
            $PUB = new Publish();
            $tagdata = str_replace(LD . 'formatting_buttons' . RD, str_replace('.entryform.', ".getElementById('entryform').", $PUB->html_formatting_buttons($SESS->userdata('member_id'), $field_group)), $tagdata);
        /** -------------------------------------
        		/**  Fetch the {custom_fields} chunk
        		/** -------------------------------------*/
        $custom_fields = '';
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "custom_fields" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "custom_fields" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            $custom_fields = trim($match['1']);
            $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], LD . 'temp_custom_fields' . RD, $tagdata);
        // If we have custom fields to show, generate them
        if ($custom_fields != '') {
            $field_array = array('textarea', 'textinput', 'pulldown', 'date', 'relationship');
            $textarea = '';
            $textinput = '';
            $pulldown = '';
            $date = '';
            $relationship = '';
            $rel_options = '';
            $pd_options = '';
            $required = '';
            foreach ($field_array as $val) {
                if (preg_match("#" . LD . "\\s*if\\s+" . $val . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "if" . RD . "#s", $custom_fields, $match)) {
                    ${$val} = $match['1'];
                    if ($val == 'pulldown') {
                        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "options" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "options" . RD . "#s", $pulldown, $pmatch)) {
                            $pd_options = $pmatch['1'];
                            $pulldown = str_replace($pmatch['0'], LD . 'temp_pd_options' . RD, $pulldown);
                    if ($val == 'relationship') {
                        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "options" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "options" . RD . "#s", $relationship, $pmatch)) {
                            $rel_options = $pmatch['1'];
                            $relationship = str_replace($pmatch['0'], LD . 'temp_rel_options' . RD, $relationship);
                    $custom_fields = str_replace($match['0'], LD . 'temp_' . $val . RD, $custom_fields);
            if (preg_match("#" . LD . "if\\s+required" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "if" . RD . "#s", $custom_fields, $match)) {
                $required = $match['1'];
                $custom_fields = str_replace($match['0'], LD . 'temp_required' . RD, $custom_fields);
            /** --------------------------------
            			/**  Parse Custom Fields
            			/** --------------------------------*/
            $build = '';
            foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                $temp_chunk = $custom_fields;
                $temp_field = '';
                switch ($which) {
                    case 'preview':
                        $field_data = !isset($_POST['field_id_' . $row['field_id']]) ? '' : $_POST['field_id_' . $row['field_id']];
                        $field_fmt = !isset($_POST['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']]) ? $row['field_fmt'] : $_POST['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']];
                    case 'edit':
                        $field_data = !isset($result->row['field_id_' . $row['field_id']]) ? '' : $result->row['field_id_' . $row['field_id']];
                        $field_fmt = !isset($result->row['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']]) ? $row['field_fmt'] : $result->row['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']];
                        $field_data = '';
                        $field_fmt = $row['field_fmt'];
                /** --------------------------------
                				/**  Textarea field types
                				/** --------------------------------*/
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'textarea' and $textarea != '') {
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_textarea' . RD, $textarea, $temp_chunk);
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'text' and $textinput != '') {
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_textinput' . RD, $textinput, $temp_chunk);
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'rel') {
                    if ($row['field_related_to'] == 'blog') {
                        $relto = 'exp_weblog_titles';
                        $relid = 'weblog_id';
                    } else {
                        $relto = 'exp_gallery_entries';
                        $relid = 'gallery_id';
                    if ($row['field_related_orderby'] == 'date') {
                        $row['field_related_orderby'] = 'entry_date';
                    $sql = "SELECT entry_id, title FROM " . $relto . " WHERE " . $relid . " = '" . $DB->escape_str($row['field_related_id']) . "' ";
                    $sql .= "ORDER BY " . $row['field_related_orderby'] . " " . $row['field_related_sort'];
                    if ($row['field_related_max'] > 0) {
                        $sql .= " LIMIT " . $row['field_related_max'];
                    $relquery = $DB->query($sql);
                    if ($relquery->num_rows > 0) {
                        $relentry_id = '';
                        if (!isset($_POST['field_id_' . $row['field_id']])) {
                            $relentry = $DB->query("SELECT rel_child_id FROM exp_relationships WHERE rel_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($field_data) . "'");
                            if ($relentry->num_rows == 1) {
                                $relentry_id = $relentry->row['rel_child_id'];
                        } else {
                            $relentry_id = $_POST['field_id_' . $row['field_id']];
                        $temp_options = $rel_options;
                        $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, '--', $temp_options);
                        $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                        $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                        $pdo = $temp_options;
                        foreach ($relquery->result as $relrow) {
                            $temp_options = $rel_options;
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, $relrow['title'], $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, $relrow['entry_id'], $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, $relentry_id == $relrow['entry_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '', $temp_options);
                            $pdo .= $temp_options;
                        $temp_relationship = str_replace(LD . 'temp_rel_options' . RD, $pdo, $relationship);
                        $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_relationship' . RD, $temp_relationship, $temp_chunk);
                if ($row['field_type'] == 'date' and $date != '') {
                    $temp_chunk = $custom_fields;
                    $date_field = 'field_id_' . $row['field_id'];
                    $date_local = 'field_dt_' . $row['field_id'];
                    $dtwhich = $which;
                    if (isset($_POST[$date_field])) {
                        $field_data = $_POST[$date_field];
                        $dtwhich = 'preview';
                    $custom_date = '';
                    $localize = FALSE;
                    if ($dtwhich != 'preview') {
                        $localize = TRUE;
                        if ($field_data != '' and isset($result->row['field_dt_' . $row['field_id']]) and $result->row['field_dt_' . $row['field_id']] != '') {
                            $field_data = $LOC->offset_entry_dst($field_data, $dst_enabled);
                            $field_data = $LOC->simpl_offset($field_data, $result->row['field_dt_' . $row['field_id']]);
                            $localize = FALSE;
                        if ($field_data != '') {
                            $custom_date = $LOC->set_human_time($field_data, $localize);
                        $cal_date = $LOC->set_localized_time($custom_date) * 1000;
                    } else {
                        $custom_date = $_POST[$date_field];
                        $cal_date = $custom_date != '' ? $LOC->set_localized_time($LOC->convert_human_date_to_gmt($custom_date)) * 1000 : $LOC->set_localized_time() * 1000;
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_date' . RD, $date, $temp_chunk);
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'date' . RD, $custom_date, $temp_chunk);
                } elseif ($row['field_type'] == 'select' and $pulldown != '') {
                    if ($row['field_pre_populate'] == 'n') {
                        $pdo = '';
                        if ($row['field_required'] == 'n') {
                            $temp_options = $pd_options;
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, '--', $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                            $pdo = $temp_options;
                        foreach (explode("\n", trim($row['field_list_items'])) as $v) {
                            $temp_options = $pd_options;
                            $v = trim($v);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, $v, $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, $v, $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, $v == $field_data ? ' selected="selected"' : '', $temp_options);
                            $pdo .= $temp_options;
                        $temp_pulldown = str_replace(LD . 'temp_pd_options' . RD, $pdo, $pulldown);
                        $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_pulldown' . RD, $temp_pulldown, $temp_chunk);
                    } else {
                        // We need to pre-populate this menu from an another weblog custom field
                        $pop_query = $DB->query("SELECT field_id_" . $row['field_pre_field_id'] . " FROM exp_weblog_data WHERE weblog_id = " . $row['field_pre_blog_id'] . "");
                        if ($pop_query->num_rows > 0) {
                            $temp_options = $rel_options;
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, '--', $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                            $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, '', $temp_options);
                            $pdo = $temp_options;
                            foreach ($pop_query->result as $prow) {
                                $pretitle = substr($prow['field_id_' . $row['field_pre_field_id']], 0, 110);
                                $pretitle = preg_replace("/\r\n|\r|\n|\t/", ' ', $pretitle);
                                $pretitle = $REGX->form_prep($pretitle);
                                $temp_options = $rel_options;
                                $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_name' . RD, $pretitle, $temp_options);
                                $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'option_value' . RD, $REGX->form_prep($prow['field_id_' . $row['field_pre_field_id']]), $temp_options);
                                $temp_options = str_replace(LD . 'selected' . RD, $prow['field_id_' . $row['field_pre_field_id']] == $field_data ? ' selected="selected"' : '', $temp_options);
                                $pdo .= $temp_options;
                            $temp_relationship = str_replace(LD . 'temp_rel_options' . RD, $pdo, $relationship);
                            $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_relationship' . RD, $temp_relationship, $temp_chunk);
                if ($row['field_required'] == 'y') {
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_required' . RD, $required, $temp_chunk);
                } else {
                    $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_required' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'field_data' . RD, $REGX->form_prep($field_data), $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_date' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_textarea' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_relationship' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_textinput' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_pulldown' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'temp_pd_options' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'calendar_link' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'calendar_id' . RD, '', $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'rows' . RD, !isset($row['field_ta_rows']) ? '10' : $row['field_ta_rows'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'field_label' . RD, $row['field_label'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'field_instructions' . RD, $row['field_instructions'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'text_direction' . RD, $row['field_text_direction'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'maxlength' . RD, $row['field_maxl'], $temp_chunk);
                $temp_chunk = str_replace(LD . 'field_name' . RD, 'field_id_' . $row['field_id'], $temp_chunk);
                $hidden_fields['field_ft_' . $row['field_id']] = $field_fmt;
                // $temp_chunk .= "\n<input type='hidden' name='field_ft_".$row['field_id']."' value='".$field_fmt."' />\n";
                $build .= $temp_chunk;
            $tagdata = str_replace(LD . 'temp_custom_fields' . RD, stripslashes($build), $tagdata);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Categories
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "category_menu" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "category_menu" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            // -------------------------------------------
            // 'weblog_standalone_form_category_menu' hook.
            //  - Rewrite the displaying of categories, if you dare!
            if ($EXT->active_hook('weblog_standalone_form_category_menu') === TRUE) {
                $edata = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_category_menu', $cat_group, $which, $deft_category, $catlist);
                $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'select_options' . RD, $edata, $match['1']);
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
                if ($EXT->end_script === TRUE) {
            } else {
                $this->category_tree_form($cat_group, $which, $deft_category, $catlist);
                if (count($this->categories) == 0) {
                    $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
                } else {
                    $c = '';
                    foreach ($this->categories as $val) {
                        $c .= $val;
                    $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'select_options' . RD, $c, $match['1']);
                    $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
            // -------------------------------------------
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Ping Servers
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "ping_servers" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "ping_servers" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            $field = preg_match("#" . LD . "ping_row" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "ping_row" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match1) ? $match1['1'] : '';
            if (!isset($match1['0'])) {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            $ping_servers = $this->fetch_ping_servers($which);
            if (!is_array($ping_servers) or count($ping_servers) == 0) {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            } else {
                $ping_build = '';
                foreach ($ping_servers as $val) {
                    $temp = $field;
                    $temp = str_replace(LD . 'ping_value' . RD, $val['0'], $temp);
                    $temp = str_replace(LD . 'ping_checked' . RD, $val['1'], $temp);
                    $temp = str_replace(LD . 'ping_server_name' . RD, $val['2'], $temp);
                    $ping_build .= $temp;
                $match['1'] = str_replace($match1['0'], $ping_build, $match['1']);
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Status
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "status_menu" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "status_menu" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            if (isset($_POST['status'])) {
                $deft_status = $_POST['status'];
            if ($deft_status == '') {
                $deft_status = 'open';
            if ($status == '') {
                $status = $deft_status;
            /** --------------------------------
            				/**  Fetch disallowed statuses
            				/** --------------------------------*/
            $no_status_access = array();
            if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] != 1) {
                $query = $DB->query("SELECT status_id FROM exp_status_no_access WHERE member_group = '" . $SESS->userdata['group_id'] . "'");
                if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
                    foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                        $no_status_access[] = $row['status_id'];
            /** --------------------------------
            				/**  Create status menu
            				/** --------------------------------*/
            $r = '';
            if ($status_query->num_rows == 0) {
                // if there is no status group assigned, only Super Admins can create 'open' entries
                if ($SESS->userdata['group_id'] == 1) {
                    $selected = $status == 'open' ? " selected='selected'" : '';
                    $r .= "<option value='open'" . $selected . ">" . $LANG->line('open') . "</option>";
                $selected = $status == 'closed' ? " selected='selected'" : '';
                $r .= "<option value='closed'" . $selected . ">" . $LANG->line('closed') . "</option>";
            } else {
                $no_status_flag = TRUE;
                foreach ($status_query->result as $row) {
                    $selected = $status == $row['status'] ? " selected='selected'" : '';
                    if ($selected != 1) {
                        if (in_array($row['status_id'], $no_status_access)) {
                    $no_status_flag = FALSE;
                    $status_name = ($row['status'] == 'open' or $row['status'] == 'closed') ? $LANG->line($row['status']) : $row['status'];
                    $r .= "<option value='" . $REGX->form_prep($row['status']) . "'" . $selected . ">" . $REGX->form_prep($status_name) . "</option>\n";
                if ($no_status_flag == TRUE) {
                    $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            $match['1'] = str_replace(LD . 'select_options' . RD, $r, $match['1']);
            $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Trackback field
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        if (preg_match("#" . LD . "if\\s+trackback" . RD . "(.+?)" . LD . '/' . "if" . RD . "#s", $tagdata, $match)) {
            if ($show_trackback_field == 'n') {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], '', $tagdata);
            } else {
                $tagdata = str_replace($match['0'], $match['1'], $tagdata);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        		/**  Parse single variables
        		/** ----------------------------------------*/
        foreach ($TMPL->var_single as $key => $val) {
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {title}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'title') {
                $title = !isset($_POST['title']) ? $title : stripslashes($_POST['title']);
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $REGX->form_prep($title), $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {allow_comments}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'allow_comments') {
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $checked = !isset($_POST['allow_comments']) || $comment_system_enabled != 'y' ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                } else {
                    $checked = $deft_comments == 'n' || $comment_system_enabled != 'y' ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $checked, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {allow_trackbacks}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'allow_trackbacks') {
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $checked = !isset($_POST['allow_trackbacks']) || $trackback_system_enabled != 'y' ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                } else {
                    $checked = $deft_trackbacks == 'n' || $trackback_system_enabled != 'y' ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $checked, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {dst_enabled}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'dst_enabled') {
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $checked = isset($_POST['dst_enabled']) && $PREFS->ini('honor_entry_dst') == 'y' ? "checked='checked'" : '';
                } else {
                    $checked = $dst_enabled == 'y' ? "checked='checked'" : '';
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $checked, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {sticky}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'sticky') {
                $checked = '';
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $checked = !isset($_POST['sticky']) ? '' : "checked='checked'";
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $checked, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {url_title}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'url_title') {
                $url_title = !isset($_POST['url_title']) ? $url_title : $_POST['url_title'];
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $url_title, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {entry_date}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'entry_date') {
                $entry_date = !isset($_POST['entry_date']) ? $LOC->set_human_time($LOC->now) : $_POST['entry_date'];
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $entry_date, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {expiration_date}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'expiration_date') {
                $expiration_date = !isset($_POST['expiration_date']) ? '' : $_POST['expiration_date'];
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $expiration_date, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {comment_expiration_date}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'comment_expiration_date') {
                $comment_expiration_date = '';
                if ($which == 'preview') {
                    $comment_expiration_date = !isset($_POST['comment_expiration_date']) ? '' : $_POST['comment_expiration_date'];
                } else {
                    if ($comment_expiration > 0) {
                        $comment_expiration_date = $comment_expiration * 86400;
                        $comment_expiration_date = $comment_expiration_date + $LOC->now;
                        $comment_expiration_date = $LOC->set_human_time($comment_expiration_date);
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $comment_expiration_date, $tagdata);
            /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  {trackback_urls}
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
            if ($key == 'trackback_urls') {
                $trackback_urls = !isset($_POST['trackback_urls']) ? '' : stripslashes($_POST['trackback_urls']);
                $tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, $trackback_urls, $tagdata);
        // -------------------------------------------
        // 'weblog_standalone_form_end' hook.
        //  - Allows adding to end of submission form
        if ($EXT->active_hook('weblog_standalone_form_end') === TRUE) {
            $tagdata = $EXT->call_extension('weblog_standalone_form_end', $tagdata);
        // -------------------------------------------
        // Build the form
        $data = array('hidden_fields' => $hidden_fields, 'action' => $RET, 'id' => 'entryform');
        $res = $FNS->form_declaration($data);
        if ($TMPL->fetch_param('use_live_url') != 'no') {
            $res .= $url_title_js;
        $res .= $tagdata;
        $res .= "</form>";
        return $res;
 public function find_flags($quarantinable_id, $quarantinable_type)
     global $DB, $LANG, $PREFS;
     $flag_query = $DB->query("SELECT\n\t\t\t\t# submissions\n\t\t\t\ts.id as id,\n\t\t\t\ts.ip as ip,\n\t\t\t\ts.created_at as created_at,\n\t\t\t\ts.flag_type as type,\n\t\t\t\ts.comment as comment,\n\t\t\t\ts.email as email,\n\t\t\t\tIF(STRCMP(s.name,''),s.name,'Guest') as name,\n\t\t\t\tm.member_id as member_id,\n\t\t\t\tm.email as member_email,\n\t\t\t\tm.url as member_url,\n\t\t\t\tIF(STRCMP(m.screen_name,''),m.screen_name,m.username) as member_name\n\t\t\tFROM exp_nsm_quarantine_submissions as s\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN exp_members as m ON m.member_id = s.member_id\n\t\t\tWHERE s.quarantinable_id={$quarantinable_id} AND s.quarantinable_type='{$quarantinable_type}'\n\t\t\tAND s.site_id = " . $PREFS->ini('site_id') . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY s.created_at DESC");
     if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
     $TYPE = new Typography();
     $type_prefs = array('text_format' => 'xhtml', 'html_format' => 'safe', 'auto_links' => 'y', 'allow_img_url' => 'y');
     foreach ($flag_query->result as &$flag) {
         if (empty($flag['member_id']) === FALSE) {
             $flag['author_cp_url'] = BASE . AMP . "C=myaccount" . AMP . "id=" . $flag['member_id'];
             $flag['name'] = $flag['member_name'];
             $flag['email'] = $flag['member_email'];
         $flag['comment'] = $TYPE->parse_type(stripslashes(htmlentities($flag['comment'])), $type_prefs);
     return $flag_query->num_rows > 0 ? $flag_query->result : FALSE;
文件: mod.member.php 项目: jmelton/eb
	/** ----------------------------------------
	/**  Custom Member Profile Data
	/** ----------------------------------------*/

	function custom_profile_data()
		global $DB, $SESS, $TMPL, $FNS, $PREFS, $LOC, $LANG;
		$member_id = ( ! $TMPL->fetch_param('member_id')) ? $SESS->userdata['member_id'] : $TMPL->fetch_param('member_id');
        /** ----------------------------------------
        /**  Default Member Data
        /** ----------------------------------------*/
		$query = $DB->query("SELECT m.member_id, m.group_id, m.username, m.screen_name, m.email, m.signature, 
									m.avatar_filename, m.avatar_width, m.avatar_height, 
									m.photo_filename, m.photo_width, m.photo_height, 
									m.url, m.location, m.occupation, m.interests, 
									m.join_date, m.last_visit, m.last_activity, m.last_entry_date, m.last_comment_date, 
									m.last_forum_post_date, m.total_entries, m.total_comments, m.total_forum_topics, m.total_forum_posts, 
									m.language, m.timezone, m.daylight_savings, m.bday_d, m.bday_m, m.bday_y,
							 FROM exp_members m, exp_member_groups g 
							 WHERE m.member_id = '".$DB->escape_str($member_id)."'
							 AND g.site_id = '".$DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id'))."'
							 AND m.group_id = g.group_id");
		if ($query->num_rows == 0)
			return $TMPL->tagdata = '';
		$default_fields = $query->row;
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Is there an avatar?
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		if ($PREFS->ini('enable_avatars') == 'y' AND $query->row['avatar_filename'] != '')
			$avatar_path	= $PREFS->ini('avatar_url', 1).$query->row['avatar_filename'];
			$avatar_width	= $query->row['avatar_width'];
			$avatar_height	= $query->row['avatar_height'];
			$avatar			= 'TRUE';
			$avatar_path	= '';
			$avatar_width	= '';
			$avatar_height	= '';
			$avatar			= 'FALSE';
		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Is there a member photo?
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		if ($PREFS->ini('enable_photos') == 'y' AND $query->row['photo_filename'] != '')
			$photo_path		= $PREFS->ini('photo_url', 1).$query->row['photo_filename'];
			$photo_width	= $query->row['photo_width'];
			$photo_height	= $query->row['photo_height'];
			$photo			= 'TRUE';
			$photo_path		= '';
			$photo_width	= '';
			$photo_height	= '';
			$photo			= 'FALSE';

		/** ----------------------------------------
		/**  Parse variables
		/** ----------------------------------------*/
		$qs = ($PREFS->ini('force_query_string') == 'y') ? '' : '?';        
		if ($this->in_forum == TRUE)
			$search_path = $this->forum_path.'member_search/'.$this->cur_id.'/';
			$search_path = $FNS->fetch_site_index(0, 0).$qs.'ACT='.$FNS->fetch_action_id('Search', 'do_search').'&amp;mbr='.urlencode($query->row['member_id']);
		$more_fields = array(
							'send_private_message'	=> $this->_member_path('messages/pm/'.$member_id),
							'search_path'			=> $search_path,
							'avatar_url'			=> $avatar_path,
							'avatar_filename'		=> $query->row['avatar_filename'],
							'avatar_width'			=> $avatar_width,
							'avatar_height'			=> $avatar_height,
							'photo_url'				=> $photo_path,
							'photo_filename'		=> $query->row['photo_filename'],
							'photo_width'			=> $photo_width,
							'photo_height'			=> $photo_height,);
		$default_fields = array_merge($default_fields, $more_fields);
        /** ----------------------------------------
        /**  Fetch the custom member field definitions
        /** ----------------------------------------*/
        $fields = array();
        $query = $DB->query("SELECT m_field_id, m_field_name, m_field_fmt FROM exp_member_fields");
        if ($query->num_rows > 0)
        	foreach ($query->result as $row)
            	$fields[$row['m_field_name']] = array($row['m_field_id'], $row['m_field_fmt']);

        $query = $DB->query("SELECT * FROM exp_member_data WHERE member_id = '".$member_id."'");      
        if ($query->num_rows == 0)
            foreach ($fields as $key => $val)
                $TMPL->tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single($key, '', $TMPL->tagdata);
        	return $TMPL->tagdata;
		if ( ! class_exists('Typography'))
			require PATH_CORE.'core.typography'.EXT;
		$TYPE = new Typography;
        foreach ($query->result as $row)
        	$cond = array('avatar'	=> $avatar,
						  'photo'	=> $photo);
        	foreach($fields as $key =>  $value)
        		if (substr($key, 0, 7) == 'mfield_');
        		$cond[$key] = $TYPE->parse_type($row['m_field_id_'.$value['0']], 
													  'text_format'   => $value['1'],
													  'html_format'   => 'safe',
													  'auto_links'    => 'y',
													  'allow_img_url' => 'n'
        	$TMPL->tagdata = $FNS->prep_conditionals($TMPL->tagdata, $cond);
            /** ----------------------------------------
            /**  Swap Variables
            /** ----------------------------------------*/
            foreach ($TMPL->var_single as $key => $val)
            	/** ----------------------------------------
                /**  parse default member data
                /** ----------------------------------------*/
				/** ----------------------------------------
				/**  Format URLs
				/** ----------------------------------------*/
				if ($key == 'url')
					if (substr($default_fields['url'], 0, 4) != "http" AND ! ereg('://', $default_fields['url'])) 
						$default_fields['url'] = "http://".$default_fields['url']; 
				/** ----------------------------------------
				/**  "last_visit" 
				/** ----------------------------------------*/
				if (ereg("^last_visit", $key))
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($default_fields['last_activity'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $default_fields['last_activity']) : '', $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------------------------
				/**  "join_date" 
				/** ----------------------------------------*/
				if (ereg("^join_date", $key))
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($default_fields['join_date'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $default_fields['join_date']) : '', $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------------------------
				/**  "last_entry_date" 
				/** ----------------------------------------*/
				if (ereg("^last_entry_date", $key))
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($default_fields['last_entry_date'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $default_fields['last_entry_date']) : '', $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------------------------
				/**  "last_forum_post_date" 
				/** ----------------------------------------*/
				if (ereg("^last_forum_post_date", $key))
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($default_fields['last_forum_post_date'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $default_fields['last_forum_post_date']) : '', $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------------------------
				/**  parse "recent_comment" 
				/** ----------------------------------------*/
				if (ereg("^last_comment_date", $key))
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, ($default_fields['last_comment_date'] > 0) ? $LOC->decode_date($val, $default_fields['last_comment_date']) : '', $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------
				/**  {name}
				/** ----------------------*/
				$name = ( ! $default_fields['screen_name']) ? $default_fields['username'] : $default_fields['screen_name'];
				$name = $this->_convert_special_chars($name);
				if ($key == "name")
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $name, $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------
				/**  {member_group}
				/** ----------------------*/
				if ($key == "member_group")
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $default_fields['group_title'], $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------
				/**  {email}
				/** ----------------------*/
				if ($key == "email")
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $TYPE->encode_email($default_fields['email']), $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------
				/**  {birthday}
				/** ----------------------*/
				if ($key == "birthday")
					$birthday = '';
					if ($default_fields['bday_m'] != '' AND $default_fields['bday_m'] != 0)
						$month = (strlen($default_fields['bday_m']) == 1) ? '0'.$default_fields['bday_m'] : $default_fields['bday_m'];
						$m = $LOC->localize_month($month);
						$birthday .= $LANG->line($m['1']);
						if ($default_fields['bday_d'] != '' AND $default_fields['bday_d'] != 0)
							$birthday .= ' '.$default_fields['bday_d'];
					if ($default_fields['bday_y'] != '' AND $default_fields['bday_y'] != 0)
						if ($birthday != '')
							$birthday .= ', ';
						$birthday .= $default_fields['bday_y'];
					if ($birthday == '')
						$birthday = '';
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $birthday, $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------
				/**  {timezone}
				/** ----------------------*/
				if ($key == "timezone")
					$timezone = ($default_fields['timezone'] != '') ? $LANG->line($default_fields['timezone']) : ''; 
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $timezone, $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------
				/**  {local_time}
				/** ----------------------*/
				if (ereg("^local_time", $key))
					$time = $LOC->now;
					if ($SESS->userdata('member_id') != $this->cur_id)
						// Default is UTC?
						$zone = ($default_fields['timezone'] == '') ? 'UTC' : $default_fields['timezone'];
						$time = $LOC->set_localized_time($time, $zone, $default_fields['daylight_savings']);					
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, $LOC->decode_date($val, $time), $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------
				/**  {bio}
				/** ----------------------*/
				if (ereg("^bio$", $key))
					$bio = $TYPE->parse_type($default_fields[$val], 
																			'text_format'   => 'xhtml',
																			'html_format'   => 'safe',
																			'auto_links'    => 'y',
																			'allow_img_url' => 'n'
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, $bio, $TMPL->tagdata);
				// Special condideration for {total_forum_replies}, and
				// {total_forum_posts} whose meanings do not match the
				// database field names
				if (ereg("^total_forum_replies", $key))
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, $default_fields['total_forum_posts'], $TMPL->tagdata);
				if (ereg("^total_forum_posts", $key))
					$total_posts = $default_fields['total_forum_topics'] + $default_fields['total_forum_posts'];
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($key, $total_posts, $TMPL->tagdata);
				/** ----------------------------------------
				/**  parse basic fields (username, screen_name, etc.)
				/** ----------------------------------------*/
				if (isset($default_fields[$val]))
					$TMPL->tagdata = $this->_var_swap_single($val, $default_fields[$val], $TMPL->tagdata);
                /** ----------------------------------------
                /**  parse custom member fields
                /** ----------------------------------------*/

                if ( isset($fields[$val]) AND isset($row['m_field_id_'.$fields[$val]['0']]))
                    $TMPL->tagdata = $TMPL->swap_var_single(
																						'text_format'   => $fields[$val]['1'],
																						'html_format'   => 'safe',
																						'auto_links'    => 'y',
																						'allow_img_url' => 'n'
		return $TMPL->tagdata;	
 /** -----------------------------------------
     /**  USAGE: Get Recent Posts for User
     /** -----------------------------------------*/
 function getRecentPosts($plist, $entry_id = '')
     global $DB, $LANG, $FNS;
     $parameters = $plist->output_parameters();
     if (!$this->fetch_member_data($parameters['2'], $parameters['3'])) {
         return new XML_RPC_Response('0', '802', $LANG->line('invalid_access'));
     if (!$this->userdata['can_access_edit']) {
         return new XML_RPC_Response('0', '802', $LANG->line('invalid_access'));
     /** ---------------------------------------
        	/**  Parse Out Weblog Information
        	/** ---------------------------------------*/
     if ($entry_id == '') {
         $limit = (!isset($parameters['4']) or $parameters['4'] == '0') ? '10' : $parameters['4'];
     /** ---------------------------------------
        	/**  Perform Query
        	/** ---------------------------------------*/
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(exp_weblog_titles.entry_id), exp_weblog_titles.title, exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id,\n    \t\t\texp_weblog_titles.author_id, exp_weblog_titles.entry_date, exp_weblog_data.*\n                FROM   exp_weblog_titles, exp_weblog_data ";
     if ($this->categories != '' && $this->categories != 'none') {
         $sql .= "INNER JOIN exp_category_posts ON exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = exp_category_posts.entry_id ";
     $sql .= "WHERE\texp_weblog_titles.entry_id = exp_weblog_data.entry_id ";
     if ($this->userdata['group_id'] != '1' && !$this->userdata['can_edit_other_entries']) {
         $sql .= "AND exp_weblog_titles.author_id = '" . $this->userdata['member_id'] . "' ";
     if ($entry_id != '') {
         $sql .= "AND exp_weblog_titles.entry_id = '{$entry_id}' ";
     } else {
         $sql .= str_replace('exp_weblogs.weblog_id', 'exp_weblog_titles.weblog_id', $this->weblog_sql) . " ";
     if ($this->categories != '' && $this->categories != 'none') {
         $sql .= $FNS->sql_andor_string($this->categories, 'exp_category_posts.cat_id') . " ";
     if ($this->status != '') {
         $sql .= $FNS->sql_andor_string($this->status, 'exp_weblog_titles.status') . " ";
     if ($entry_id == '') {
         $sql .= "ORDER BY entry_date desc LIMIT 0, {$limit}";
     $query = $DB->query($sql);
     if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
         return new XML_RPC_Response('0', '802', $LANG->line('no_entries_found'));
     if ($entry_id != '') {
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Instantiate Typography class
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->parse_type === true) {
         if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
             require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
         $TYPE = new Typography(0);
         $TYPE->encode_email = false;
     /** ---------------------------------------
        	/**  Process Output
        	/** ---------------------------------------*/
     $response = array();
     foreach ($query->result as $row) {
         $entry_content = '<title>' . $row['title'] . '</title>';
         // Fields:  Textarea and Text Input Only
         foreach ($this->fields as $field_id => $field_data) {
             if (isset($row['field_id_' . $field_id])) {
                 $field_content = $row['field_id_' . $field_id];
                 if ($this->parse_type === true) {
                     $field_content = $TYPE->parse_type($field_content, array('text_format' => $this->text_format === false ? 'none' : $field_data['1'], 'html_format' => $this->html_format, 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'n'));
                 if ($this->block_entry === true) {
                     $entry_content .= trim($field_content) != '' ? $this->LB . $field_content : '';
                 } else {
                     $entry_content .= $this->LB . "<{$field_data['0']}>" . $field_content . "</{$field_data['0']}>";
         // Categories
         $cat_array = array();
         $sql = "SELECT\texp_categories.cat_name, exp_categories.cat_id\n    \t\t\t\tFROM\texp_category_posts, exp_categories\n    \t\t\t\tWHERE\texp_category_posts.cat_id = exp_categories.cat_id\n    \t\t\t\tAND\t\texp_category_posts.entry_id = '" . $row['entry_id'] . "' ";
         $sql .= $this->cat_output == 'name' ? "ORDER BY cat_name" : "ORDER BY cat_id";
         $results = $DB->query($sql);
         if ($results->num_rows > 0) {
             foreach ($results->result as $rrow) {
                 $cat_array[] = $this->cat_output == 'name' ? $rrow['cat_name'] : $rrow['cat_id'];
         $cats = sizeof($cat_array) > 0 ? implode('|', $cat_array) : '';
         $entry_content .= $this->block_entry === true ? '' : $this->LB . "<category>" . $cats . "</category>";
         // Entry Data to XML-RPC form
         $entry_data = new XML_RPC_Values(array('userid' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['author_id'], 'string'), 'dateCreated' => new XML_RPC_Values(date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $row['entry_date']) . '+00:00', 'dateTime.iso8601'), 'blogid' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['weblog_id'], 'string'), 'content' => new XML_RPC_Values($entry_content, 'string'), 'postid' => new XML_RPC_Values($row['entry_id'], 'string'), 'category' => new XML_RPC_Values($cats, 'string')), 'struct');
         array_push($response, $entry_data);
     if ($entry_id != '') {
         return new XML_RPC_Response($entry_data);
     } else {
         return new XML_RPC_Response(new XML_RPC_Values($response, 'array'));
 /** ------------------------
 	/**  View a specific email
 	/** ------------------------*/
 function view_email()
     global $IN, $DB, $LANG, $DSP, $LOC;
     if (!$DSP->allowed_group('can_send_cached_email')) {
         return $DSP->no_access_message($LANG->line('not_allowed_to_email_mailinglist'));
     $id = $IN->GBL('id');
     /** -----------------------------
        	/**  Run Query
        	/** -----------------------------*/
     $query = $DB->query("SELECT mailtype, subject, message FROM exp_email_cache WHERE cache_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($id) . "' ");
     if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
         $DSP->body .= $DSP->qdiv('itemWrapper', $DSP->qdiv('highlight', $LANG->line('no_cached_email')));
     /** -----------------------------
        	/**  Clean up message
        	/** -----------------------------*/
     // If the message was submitted in HTML format
     // we'll remove everything except the body
     $message = $query->row['message'];
     if ($query->row['mailtype'] == 'html') {
         $message = preg_match("/<body.*?" . ">(.*)<\\/body>/is", $message, $match) ? $match['1'] : $message;
     /** -----------------------------
        	/**  Render output
        	/** -----------------------------*/
     $DSP->body .= $DSP->heading(BR . $query->row['subject']);
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Instantiate Typography class
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
         require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
     $TYPE = new Typography();
     $DSP->body .= $TYPE->parse_type($message, array('text_format' => 'xhtml', 'html_format' => 'all', 'auto_links' => 'y', 'allow_img_url' => 'y'));
 /** -----------------------------------
     /**  Send Message
     /** -----------------------------------*/
 function send_message()
     global $LANG, $DB, $IN, $LOC, $FNS, $SESS, $REGX, $PREFS;
     $submission_error = array();
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is the user banned?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($SESS->userdata['is_banned'] === TRUE) {
         return $this->_error_page();
     /** ----------------------------------------
         /**  Is the IP or User Agent unavalable?
         /** ----------------------------------------*/
     if ($IN->IP == '' || $SESS->userdata['user_agent'] == '') {
         return $this->_error_page();
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Status Setting
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($IN->GBL('preview') or $IN->GBL('remove')) {
         $status = 'preview';
     } elseif ($IN->GBL('draft')) {
         $status = 'draft';
     } else {
         $status = 'sent';
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Already Sent?
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($IN->GBL('message_id') !== FALSE && is_numeric($IN->GBL('message_id'))) {
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT message_status FROM exp_message_data WHERE message_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($IN->GBL('message_id')) . "'");
         if ($query->num_rows > 0 && $query->row['message_status'] == 'sent') {
             return $this->_error_page($LANG->line('messsage_already_sent'));
     /* -------------------------------------------
     		/*	Hidden Configuration Variables
     		/*	- prv_msg_waiting_period => How many hours after becoming a member until they can PM?
             /* -------------------------------------------*/
     $waiting_period = $PREFS->ini('prv_msg_waiting_period') !== FALSE ? (int) $PREFS->ini('prv_msg_waiting_period') : 1;
     if ($SESS->userdata['join_date'] > $LOC->now - $waiting_period * 60 * 60) {
         return $this->_error_page(str_replace(array('%time%', '%email%', '%site%'), array($waiting_period, $FNS->encode_email($PREFS->ini('webmaster_email')), $PREFS->ini('site_name')), $LANG->line('waiting_period_not_reached')));
     /* -------------------------------------------
     		/*	Hidden Configuration Variables
     		/*	- prv_msg_throttling_period => How many seconds between PMs?
             /* -------------------------------------------*/
     if ($status == 'sent' && $SESS->userdata['group_id'] != 1) {
         $period = $PREFS->ini('prv_msg_throttling_period') !== FALSE ? (int) $PREFS->ini('prv_msg_throttling_period') : 30;
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_message_data d\n        \t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE d.sender_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($this->member_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND d.message_status = 'sent'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND d.message_date > " . $DB->escape_str($LOC->now - $period));
         if ($query->row['count'] > 0) {
             return $this->_error_page(str_replace('%x', $period, $LANG->line('send_throttle')));
     /** ------------------------------------------
     		/**  Is there a recipient, subject, and body?
     		/** ------------------------------------------*/
     if ($IN->GBL('recipients') == '' && $status == 'sent') {
         $submission_error[] = $LANG->line('empty_recipients_field');
     } elseif ($IN->GBL('subject') == '') {
         $submission_error[] = $LANG->line('empty_subject_field');
     } elseif ($IN->GBL('body') == '') {
         $submission_error[] = $LANG->line('empty_body_field');
     /** -------------------------------------------
     		/**  Deny Duplicate Data
     		/** -------------------------------------------*/
     if ($PREFS->ini('deny_duplicate_data') == 'y') {
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM exp_message_data d\n        \t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE d.sender_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($this->member_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND d.message_status = 'sent'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND d.message_body = '" . $DB->escape_str($REGX->xss_clean($IN->GBL('body'))) . "'");
         if ($query->row['count'] > 0) {
             return $this->_error_page($LANG->line('duplicate_message_sent'));
     /** ------------------------------------------
     		/**  Valid Recipients? - Only Checked on Sent
     		/** ------------------------------------------*/
     $recipients = $this->convert_recipients($IN->GBL('recipients'), 'array', 'member_id');
     $cc = trim($IN->GBL('cc')) == '' ? array() : $this->convert_recipients($IN->GBL('cc'), 'array', 'member_id');
     $recip_orig = sizeof($recipients);
     $cc_orig = sizeof($cc);
     // Make sure CC does not contain members in Recipients
     $cc = array_diff($cc, $recipients);
     if (sizeof($recipients) == 0 && $status == 'sent') {
         $submission_error[] = $LANG->line('empty_recipients_field');
     if ($this->invalid_name === TRUE) {
         $submission_error[] = $LANG->line('invalid_username');
     /** ------------------------------------------
     		/**  Too Big for Its Britches?
     		/** ------------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->max_chars != 0 && strlen($IN->GBL('body')) > $this->max_chars) {
         $submission_error[] = str_replace('%max%', $this->max_chars, $LANG->line('message_too_large'));
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Super Admins get a free pass
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($SESS->userdata('group_id') != 1) {
         /** ------------------------------------------
         			/**  Sender Allowed to Send More Messages?
         			/** ------------------------------------------*/
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT COUNT(c.copy_id) AS count \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM exp_message_copies c, exp_message_data d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE c.message_id = d.message_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND c.sender_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($this->member_id) . "'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND d.message_status = 'sent'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND d.message_date > " . ($LOC->now - 24 * 60 * 60));
         if ($query->row['count'] + sizeof($recipients) + sizeof($cc) > $this->send_limit) {
             $submission_error[] = $LANG->line('sending_limit_warning');
         /** ------------------------------------------
         			/**  Sender Allowed to Store More Messages?
         			/** ------------------------------------------*/
         if ($this->storage_limit != '0' && ($IN->GBL('sent_copy') !== FALSE && $IN->GBL('sent_copy') == 'y')) {
             if ($this->total_messages == '') {
             if ($this->total_messages + 1 > $this->storage_limit) {
                 $submission_error[] = $LANG->line('storage_limit_warning');
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Upload Path Set?
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->upload_path == '' && (isset($_POST['remove']) || isset($_FILES['userfile']['name']) && $_FILES['userfile']['name'] != '')) {
         $submission_error[] = $LANG->line('unable_to_recieve_attach');
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Attachments?
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($IN->GBL('attach') !== FALSE && $IN->GBL('attach') != '') {
         $this->attachments = explode('|', $_POST['attach']);
     /* -------------------------------------
     		/*  Create Forward Attachments
     		/*  We have to copy the attachments for
     		/*  forwarded messages.  We only do this
     		/*  when the compose messaage page is first
     		/*  submitted.  We have a special variable
     		/*  called 'create_attach' to tell us when
     		/*  that is.
     		/* -------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->attach_allowed == 'y' && $this->upload_path != '' && sizeof($this->attachments) > 0 && $IN->GBL('create_attach')) {
         if (($message = $this->_duplicate_files()) !== TRUE) {
             $submission_error[] = $message . BR;
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Is this a remove attachment request?
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if (isset($_POST['remove']) && $this->upload_path != '') {
         $id = key($_POST['remove']);
         if (is_numeric($id)) {
             // Treat an attachment removal like a draft, where we do not
             // see the preview only the message.
             $this->hide_preview = TRUE;
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Do we have an attachment to deal with?
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($this->attach_allowed == 'y') {
         if ($this->upload_path != '' and isset($_FILES['userfile']['name']) and $_FILES['userfile']['name'] != '') {
             $preview = $IN->GBL('preview', 'POST') !== FALSE ? TRUE : FALSE;
             if (($message = $this->_attach_file()) !== TRUE) {
                 $submission_error[] = $message . BR;
     /** -----------------------------------
     		/**  Check Overflow
     		/** -----------------------------------*/
     $details = array();
     $details['overflow_recipients'] = array();
     $details['overflow_cc'] = array();
     for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($recipients); $i < $size; $i++) {
         if ($this->_check_overflow($recipients[$i]) === FALSE) {
             $details['overflow_recipients'][] = $recipients[$i];
     for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($cc); $i < $size; $i++) {
         if ($this->_check_overflow($cc[$i]) === FALSE) {
             $details['overflow_cc'][] = $cc[$i];
     /* -------------------------------------------------
     		/*  If we have people unable to receive a message
     		/*  because of an overflow we make the message a 
     		/*  preview and will send a message to the sender.
     		/* -------------------------------------*/
     if (sizeof($details['overflow_recipients']) > 0 or sizeof($details['overflow_cc']) > 0) {
         $overflow_names = array();
         /* -------------------------------------
         			/*  Send email alert regarding a full
         			/*  inbox to these users, load names
         			/*  for error message
         			/* -------------------------------------*/
         global $PREFS;
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT exp_members.screen_name, exp_members.email, exp_members.accept_messages, exp_member_groups.prv_msg_storage_limit\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t FROM exp_members\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t LEFT JOIN exp_member_groups ON exp_member_groups.group_id = exp_members.group_id\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE exp_members.member_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_merge($details['overflow_recipients'], $details['overflow_cc'])) . "')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND exp_member_groups.site_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($PREFS->ini('site_id')) . "'");
         if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
             if (!class_exists('EEmail')) {
                 require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
             $email = new EEmail();
             $email->wordwrap = true;
             $swap = array('sender_name' => $SESS->userdata('screen_name'), 'site_name' => stripslashes($PREFS->ini('site_name')), 'site_url' => $PREFS->ini('site_url'));
             $template = $FNS->fetch_email_template('pm_inbox_full');
             $email_tit = $FNS->var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
             $email_msg = $FNS->var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
             foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                 $overflow_names[] = $row['screen_name'];
                 if ($row['accept_messages'] != 'y') {
                 $email->from($PREFS->ini('webmaster_email'), $PREFS->ini('webmaster_name'));
                 $email->message($FNS->var_swap($email_msg, array('recipient_name' => $row['screen_name'], 'pm_storage_limit' => $row['prv_msg_storage_limit'])));
         $submission_error[] = str_replace('%overflow_names%', implode(', ', $overflow_names), $LANG->line('overflow_recipients'));
     /** ----------------------------------------
     		/**  Submission Errors Force a Preview
     		/** ----------------------------------------*/
     if (sizeof($submission_error) > 0) {
         $status = 'preview';
         $this->hide_preview = TRUE;
         $this->invalid_name = FALSE;
     /* -------------------------------------
     		/*  Check Blocked on Sent
     		/*  If a message is blocked, we will not notify
     		/*  the sender of this and simply proceed.
     		/* -------------------------------------*/
     if ($status == 'sent') {
         $sql = "SELECT member_id FROM exp_message_listed\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE listed_type = 'blocked'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND listed_member = '{$this->member_id}'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND \n\t\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\tmember_id IN ('" . implode("','", $recipients) . "')";
         if (sizeof($cc) > 0) {
             $sql .= "OR\n\t\t\t\t\t\t member_id IN ('" . implode("','", $cc) . "')";
         $sql .= ")";
         $blocked = $DB->query($sql);
         if ($blocked->num_rows > 0) {
             foreach ($blocked->result as $row) {
                 $details['blocked'][] = $row['member_id'];
             $recipients = array_diff($recipients, $details['blocked']);
             $cc = sizeof($cc) > 0 ? array_diff($cc, $details['blocked']) : array();
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Store Data
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     $data = array('message_id' => '', 'sender_id' => $this->member_id, 'message_date' => $LOC->now, 'message_subject' => $REGX->xss_clean($IN->GBL('subject')), 'message_body' => $REGX->xss_clean($IN->GBL('body')), 'message_tracking' => !$IN->GBL('tracking') ? 'n' : 'y', 'message_attachments' => sizeof($this->attachments) > 0 ? 'y' : 'n', 'message_recipients' => implode('|', $recipients), 'message_cc' => implode('|', $cc), 'message_hide_cc' => !$IN->GBL('hide_cc') ? 'n' : 'y', 'message_sent_copy' => !$IN->GBL('sent_copy') ? 'n' : 'y', 'total_recipients' => sizeof($recipients) + sizeof($cc), 'message_status' => $status);
     if ($IN->GBL('message_id') && is_numeric($IN->GBL('message_id'))) {
         /* -------------------------------------
         			/*  Preview or Draft previously submitted.
         			/*  So, we're updating an already existing message
         			/* -------------------------------------*/
         $message_id = $IN->GBL('message_id');
         $DB->query($DB->update_string('exp_message_data', $data, "message_id = '" . $DB->escape_str($message_id) . "'"));
     } else {
         $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_message_data', $data));
         $message_id = $DB->insert_id;
     /** -----------------------------------------
     		/**  Send out Messages to Recipients and CC
     		/** -----------------------------------------*/
     if ($status == 'sent') {
         $copy_data = array('copy_id' => '', 'message_id' => $message_id, 'sender_id' => $this->member_id);
         /** -----------------------------------------
         			/**  Send out Messages to Recipients and CC
         			/** -----------------------------------------*/
         for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($recipients); $i < $size; $i++) {
             $copy_data['recipient_id'] = $recipients[$i];
             $copy_data['message_authcode'] = $FNS->random('alpha', 10);
             $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_message_copies', $copy_data));
         for ($i = 0, $size = sizeof($cc); $i < $size; $i++) {
             $copy_data['recipient_id'] = $cc[$i];
             $copy_data['message_authcode'] = $FNS->random('alpha', 10);
             $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_message_copies', $copy_data));
         /** ----------------------------------
         			/**  Increment exp_members.private_messages
         			/** ----------------------------------*/
         $DB->query("UPDATE exp_members SET private_messages = private_messages + 1\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE member_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_merge($recipients, $cc)) . "')");
         /** ----------------------------------
         			/**  Send Any and All Email Notifications
         			/** ----------------------------------*/
         $query = $DB->query("SELECT screen_name, email FROM exp_members\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t WHERE member_id IN ('" . implode("','", array_merge($recipients, $cc)) . "')\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND notify_of_pm = 'y'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t AND member_id != {$this->member_id}");
         if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
             global $PREFS;
             if (!class_exists('Typography')) {
                 require PATH_CORE . 'core.typography' . EXT;
             $TYPE = new Typography(0);
             $TYPE->smileys = FALSE;
             $TYPE->highlight_code = TRUE;
             if ($PREFS->ini('enable_censoring') == 'y' && $PREFS->ini('censored_words') != '') {
                 $subject = $TYPE->filter_censored_words($REGX->xss_clean($IN->GBL('subject')));
             } else {
                 $subject = $REGX->xss_clean($IN->GBL('subject'));
             $body = $TYPE->parse_type(stripslashes($REGX->xss_clean($IN->GBL('body'))), array('text_format' => 'none', 'html_format' => 'none', 'auto_links' => 'n', 'allow_img_url' => 'n'));
             if (!class_exists('EEmail')) {
                 require PATH_CORE . 'core.email' . EXT;
             $email = new EEmail();
             $email->wordwrap = true;
             $swap = array('sender_name' => $SESS->userdata('screen_name'), 'message_subject' => $subject, 'message_content' => $body, 'site_name' => stripslashes($PREFS->ini('site_name')), 'site_url' => $PREFS->ini('site_url'));
             $template = $FNS->fetch_email_template('private_message_notification');
             $email_tit = $FNS->var_swap($template['title'], $swap);
             $email_msg = $FNS->var_swap($template['data'], $swap);
             foreach ($query->result as $row) {
                 $email->from($PREFS->ini('webmaster_email'), $PREFS->ini('webmaster_name'));
                 $email->message($REGX->entities_to_ascii($FNS->var_swap($email_msg, array('recipient_name' => $row['screen_name']))));
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Sent Copy?
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($status == 'sent' && $data['message_sent_copy'] == 'y') {
         $copy_data['recipient_id'] = $this->member_id;
         $copy_data['message_authcode'] = $FNS->random('alpha', 10);
         $copy_data['message_folder'] = '2';
         // Sent Message Folder
         $copy_data['message_read'] = 'y';
         // Already read automatically
         $DB->query($DB->insert_string('exp_message_copies', $copy_data));
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Replying or Forwarding?
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($status == 'sent' && ($IN->GBL('replying') !== FALSE or $IN->GBL('forwarding') !== FALSE)) {
         $copy_id = $IN->GBL('replying') !== FALSE ? $IN->GBL('replying') : $IN->GBL('forwarding');
         $status = $IN->GBL('replying') !== FALSE ? 'replied' : 'forwarded';
         $DB->query("UPDATE exp_message_copies SET message_status = '{$status}' WHERE copy_id = '{$copy_id}'");
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Correct Member ID for Attachments
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if (sizeof($this->attachments) > 0) {
         $DB->query("UPDATE exp_message_attachments SET message_id = '{$message_id}' \n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE attachment_id IN ('" . implode("','", $this->attachments) . "')");
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Remove Temp Status for Attachments
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($status == 'sent') {
         $DB->query("UPDATE exp_message_attachments SET is_temp = 'n' WHERE message_id = '{$message_id}'");
     /** -------------------------------------
     		/**  Redirect Them
     		/** -------------------------------------*/
     if ($status == 'preview') {
         return $this->compose($message_id, $submission_error);
     } elseif ($status == 'draft') {
     } else {